The French-Spanish imperialism blocks our Country under the pretext of protecting the G7 “Summit”
El imperialismo franco-español bloquea nuestro País con el pretexto de proteger la “Cumbre” del G7 Sind Blitze, sind Donner in Wolken verschwunden? Eröffne den feurigen Abgrund, o Hölle! Zertrümmre, verderbe, verschlinge, zerschelle mit plötzlicher Wut den falschen Verräter, das mördrische Blut! (Double choir: number 27 b, from J. S. Bach’s Matthäus Passion; BWV 244.) (Have lightning and thunders vanished in the clouds? / Open your igneous abyss, O Hell! / Wreck, spoil, devour, shatter / with sudden fury / the deceitful traitor, the bloody murderer!) If it wasn’t enough already with the stifling ratio of military forces: Spanish and French, which with different uniforms but one same imperialistic objective usually occupy our country, the announced celebration of the so-called “45 th G7 Summit” in Biarritz (Labourd) between 24-26 August 2019 has increased that situation to paroxysm with an even greater increase in police forces, closure of the impo...