The French-Spanish imperialism blocks our Country under the pretext of protecting the G7 “Summit”

 El imperialismo franco-español bloquea nuestro País con el pretexto de proteger la “Cumbre” del G7


Sind Blitze, sind Donner in Wolken verschwunden?

Eröffne den feurigen Abgrund, o Hölle!

Zertrümmre, verderbe, verschlinge, zerschelle

mit plötzlicher Wut

den falschen Verräter, das mördrische Blut!

(Double choir: number 27 b, from J. S. Bach’s Matthäus Passion; BWV 244.)

(Have lightning and thunders vanished in the clouds? / Open your igneous abyss, O Hell! / Wreck, spoil, devour, shatter / with sudden fury / the deceitful traitor, the bloody murderer!)


If it wasn’t enough already with the stifling ratio of military forces: Spanish and French, which with different uniforms but one same imperialistic objective usually occupy our country, the announced celebration of the so-called “45th G7 Summit” in Biarritz (Labourd) between 24-26 August 2019 has increased that situation to paroxysm with an even greater increase in police forces, closure of the imposed borders, constant and asphyxiating controls for the residents, blocking and chaos of the road network etc.

Before this scenario, the purported “Basque government” and “government of Navarre”: pathetically exposed as the interposed sold-up puppets that they are, designed to mislead and repress by delegation their subjects, do their best in order that the situation which has come over them be not too much noticed. As it is indisputable, only from the sanctimonious and servile complicity with the French and Spanish imperialism – and given the salary that he receives for playing that role – can the “Basque lehendakari” Urkullu: who announces a humiliating visit to the Vatican (a permanent accomplice and instigator of the French-Spanish aggressions against the Basque People and its State), the Kingdom of Nabarre) pretend that it is possible to keep still the optimism of his followers, whom the Pnv bureaucracy has completely stupefied for a century now, about the imperialistic world that surrounds them. “The world is understanding that the conflicts are not solved by means of violence but through conciliation and dialogue”, declared “lehendakari” Ibarretxe as the bombs-curtain fell on Baghdad.

This tender idea will perhaps serve to deceive or comfort the poor, oppressed and helpless people, from whose taxes these impostors collect their splendid salaries; but the Mighty: fascists and imperialists, cannot do without violence since it is the only thing that allows them to keep the criminal situation that they enjoy and want to keep enjoying. In the real world, with an ideology like that one to respond to the French-Spanish imperialistic, fascist and genocidal challenge under the protection of the hegemonic Power, any Country subjugated and occupied under imperialism would be lost unless it was able to abandon it and respond to the imposed situation with an ideology and policy strategically irrecoverable by the occupation régime; which should be the task of any honest leader of a subjugated People, as we the Basques are. However, the economic, ideological and corporate INTEREST of those corrupt lunatics; THEIR NEED TO HIDE that the French-Spanish imperialistic political régime is constituted of crimes, violence, aggression and armed occupation, and that this régime does not have the least intention of reconciliation and dialogue from the respect of the fundamental human rights and above all the right of self-determination of the Basque People but from their violation and destruction; and – in short – THE POSSIBILITY that they all have: secured by the fascist monopoly of violence, propaganda and ideological intoxication of masses, OF SPEAKING WITHOUT OPPOSITION to a helpless population, are factors that can account for the fact that those “Basque leaders” maintain so miserable an attitude towards their own People and Country.

If dignity and human values were really the true concern of those politicians and ideologists of the Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy, as they hypocritically do claim, then they would begin by revealing – instead of hiding them – the aggression, war, oppression and fascism against those values and against their own People. A fascism that however they do conceal, exalt and even practice while combating the scientific or just vulgar knowledge that explains and reveals a reality that they refuse to see and try to prevent others from seeing, since their lives and future are based on the continuation of this fascist régime of military occupation which they live upon and which they call “Basque democracy”. Beyond their possible (?), functional and splendidly rewarded alienation, their betrayal of the Basque People is absolute.

On its part the real political and ideological class which governs the destiny of the world, and that is going to gather this weekend in Lapurdi, has nothing to do with the sanctimonious humanism that its propaganda offers TO THE OTHERS as a remedy to the ills of the world that precisely they themselves are causing. In reality it is vulgar, rude, ignorant, haughty, fatuous, obtuse, corrupted, aggressive, and dependent and addicted to brute force and terrorism as a solution of all problems. All of them do widely deserve the words of the chorus that begins this text. Yet, so as to better understand the announced performance of the “G-7” in its context, it is necessary to once again resort to our texts and in particular to: ‘The hegemonic crisis’.

Epilogue: The photo of the local press in Gipuzkoa the past 21 August, showing the “counsellor of interior of the Basque government” gathered in Oiartzun (Gipuzkoa) with her “crisis cabinet” in the so-called “monitoring committee” for the situation caused by the G-7 meeting, shows – placed on the table – two unequivocal signals of the real power that controls our Country: the varnished black tricorn hats of the two militaries in uniform that are in close-up and with their backs to the camera. This is an image that reveals the situation of military occupation of our Country by Spain and France: an armed occupation that the traitors of the liquidationist Pnv-Eta bureaucracy do hide and conceal to the people by ignoring and accepting it as a normal situation that they call “Basque democracy”.

All of them: occupiers and collaborationists at their service disguised as “Basque politicians” either of the “government” or of the “opposition”, as well as the unwelcome guests who are arriving in an empty Biarritz surrounded by an army of police and military of all kinds, are real obstacles and enemies for the progress and freedom of Peoples; but it will not be possible to get rid of them without a strategy, which in the current circumstances can only consist in the unification of the entire democratic opposition in a Basque Movement of Resistance and National Salvation founded on a fundamental principle of double National and State affirmation of the Basque People:

1/ Affirmation of the right of freedom, FREE disposition, national independence or self-determination of the Basque People/Euskal Herria.

“Cornerstone of democracy”, the international right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples is a right that is original, fundamental, inherent, customary, immediate, unconditional, continuous, permanent, inalienable, indefeasible and imprescriptible for all Peoples subjugated under an imperialistic and foreign régime; that is the same thing as their unconditional and immediate independence in the face of / against any foreign domination or interference contrary to their national freedom; and that has been recognized – not constituted – by the contemporary International Law of the United Nations: from the First Article of its foundational Charter of San Francisco as well as by numerous and relevant Resolutions of its General Assembly, as THE FIRST OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE PRECONDITION FOR THE FULL ENJOYMENT OF THEM ALL.

In our Country, its corollary and practical application consists, as an inescapable requirement for its realization, in the DEMAND FOR THE UNCONDITIONAL AND IMMEDIATE EVACUATION of all the occupying forces and of the entire apparatus of imperial-colonialist subjugation of the occupying Powers: Spain and France, OUTSIDE the historical Territories of the Basque People/Euskal Herria and its State. And

2/ Affirmation of the continuity, validity and actuality of our own State: the Kingdom of Nabarre, successor of the Kingdom of Pamplona – “the Kingdom of the Basques” – constituted by a confederation of Vasconic Republics, Counties and Lordships historically and freely gathered around it. Internationally recognized for a thousand years, the Kingdom of Nabarre remains the sole State of the Basque Nation, which it has never renounced to nor has ever admitted or recognized any other.

Its necessary consequence implies the constant and incessant NON-RECOGNITION AND DENUNCIATION of the occupying States: the “Kingdom of Spain” and the “French Republic”, and of their totalitarian régimes of military occupation, as criminal, imperialistic, colonialist and fascist,and not as their own, non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic, as the purported “official Basque political class” – formed by the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroabai etc. – is doing to this day.

At the same time, as long as French-Spanish imperialism does not withdraw from our Country its forces of military occupation (given that they CONSTITUTE the essential and fundamental element of its strategic apparatus of domination, without which its entire system collapses), and since evidently it is not possible to carry out an anti-imperialistic policy with the help of the imperialists and fascists, that is: the fifth-columnist agents at the service of that imperialism infiltrated among the subjugated Basque People (who, while refusing to openly assume the principle of double national and State affirmation of the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, do on the contrary affirm as legitimate and democratic the “right of imperialism and military occupation” of Spain and France over our People and State); as long as all this continues like this, we say, the corollary and practical application of that principle implies maintaining a TOTAL BOYCOTT:

– to any collaboration with any individual or collective person which, by rejecting – or refusing to publicly assume – either in whole or in part, in theory or in practice one or both fundamental affirmations mentioned above, does objectively – some of them even in an open and confessed way – form part of French-Spanish imperialism; and

– to any participation both in the institutions of the French-Spanish imperialistic, colonialist and fascist régime of military occupation of our Country, and especially in their imperialistic juridical monopolies or “parliaments”: Spanish Cortes Generales and French Parliament (established over the centuries by means of their real and primary constitution, that is: military occupation, Monopoly of criminal Violence and Terrorism of war and State, and countless and imprescriptible constitutive crimes against the Basque People and its State); as well as in their totalitarian “general elections” that “legitimize” all this.



Army of occupation not even with music!

Spain not even with a republic! France not even with a monarchy!




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