The traitors “Basque nationalists” support the Terrorist régime of military occupation of our Country
The traitors “Basque nationalists” support the Terrorist régime of military occupation of our Country We are forced once again to step out against the obscene show displayed these past days in Donostia (San Sebastian), in support and legitimation of the criminal Spanish fascist régime, which has counted on the presence of the top brass of the Pnv liquidationist bureaucracy and the “lehendakari” Urkullu of the “Basque government”, together with the representatives of the SpanishTerroristand Fascist Imperialism: both theFrancoists in their traditional version, as well as in the “transitive” version of the National-Socialist party Falange-PsoE and all its social-imperialistic offspring. There have also been produced statements by the Mayor of the City, Eneko Goia (Pnv). All of them have shown their support for the French-Spanish imperialistic régime of military occupation and colonization established over the Basque People and its legitimate State, the Kingdom of Nabarre;...