Consolidation of the Francoism: The Spanish intra-totalitarian transition (VII)
EUSKAL HERRIA AND THE KINGDOM OF NABARRE, OR THE BASQUE PEOPLE AND ITS STATE, AGAINST FRENCH-SPANISH IMPERIALISM VII – Consolidation of the Francoism: The Spanish intra-totalitarian transition Iñaki Aginaga and Felipe Campo The “transition to democracy”: which the French did supposedly carry out by “the Storming of the Bastille and the great revolution”, and which the Spaniards did by a decree of Arias Navarro – “the Butcher of Malaga” – and the “constitutional pact” that ensued, is the beginning of a story that has so many principles and so many petitions of principle as the dominant ideology does need. At all events, this so-called “transition to democracy” does not cancel, obviously, the despotic history that precedes, founds and constitutes it: which cannot be comfortably evacuated and emptied as its current heirs would like to do. When in 1977 the remainders of the ancient Spanish opposition did –unreservedly this time – surrender to “the Nationals”, joining next the org...