Faced with the new and forthcoming “electoral call” made by the Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime in order that the Basque People goes to participate in the so-called “European elections”: a call that is supported by the corrupt components of the mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroa bai etc. (and the rest of their auxiliary “social and cultural Basque associations” that never denounce them as the Basque traitors and agents of Spanish imperialism that they are), we once again summon the Basque People for a TOTAL BOYCOTT against these “elections” and against the despicable and/or foolish-stupid “Basque” candidates: Oihane Agirregoitia (Pnv), Pernando Barrena (Ehbildu), and Amaia Arrizabalaga (Geroa bai), who have not only lent their names for that role but have also appeared on Spanish television and media to deceive their own People and get to be Spanish euro-parliamentarians”.

They do so in total denial of the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, and in acceptance of all the conditions imposed by the imperialisms of France and Spain, which under their permanent and centennial military occupation of our Country and State do officially and “constitutionally” deny us as a Nation and as a State; all of which those “Basque” bureaucracies and their candidates do NEVER denounce an have on the contrary endorsed for at least fifty years to the present day as democracy.

To this end, we recall some particularly relevant paragraphs from our reference texts on this situation, given that they are still as topical as they were on the first day:


Contrary to what the armed or unarmed “moderate and radical” representatives of the Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy and its satellites – Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroa bai etc. – aim to make-believe, the weak or weakened Peoples that do not assert and defend their right to their own Homeland and territory, and that forget their dignity and hide their identity as if it was a shameful blemish, do not obtain the interest, or the respect, or even less the adherence or incorporation of anybody. On the contrary, they obtain only the contempt of all; do exasperate the repressive violence of the occupying forces; mobilize, reorganize and radicalize the population of Colonists from the occupying Powers; and enhance the number and action of the autochthonous Renegades. All of them: leaning on the imperial Metropolis of which they are the outpost and spearhead, form and affirm their capacity, their right and their willingness to impose their own law and their own national identity in the occupied Territories of the indigenous Peoples, up to achieving the final liquidation of those whom they hate and see as tribes of unfortunate infra-humans: too flimsy and too fool as for deserving anything else than being thrown into the water.

For the Basque People, entering or staying in the “European Union” as Spanish and French transvestites: with the trousers – or skirts – below the knees, is a bad way of entering or staying in the “European Union”. A People that is willing to do anything for getting it, that accepts the régime of alien domination with all its humiliation, that kisses the boot that stomps it and that – on top of all – goes to vote on its oppressors’ whim and in the conditions imposed by them, does only deserve the contempt of the European Imperialistic Union-EIU, and will not have anything else.

Peoples do not mobilize or unite through submission and strategic liquidation; and the rights of the Peoples are not defended by dragging their dignity on the soils. Only the Peoples that do not relinquish their national dignity and identity, and that resist the imperialistic domination, do eventually have access to life, freedom and progress. The others are already rubbish of Peoples, without another destination but the dustbin of History.

Actually, “the Basque moderates and radicals”: from the official Pnv to the unofficial Eta, who as Spaniards are going to vote for the “European Constitution” and in all successive “European elections”, do not believe in the political capacity of the Basque People, nor in an opposition of strategic level that corresponds to the real rapport of forces, since those political capacity and strategic opposition would endanger the Spanish imperialistic and fascist system of the Second Francoism that for almost half a century now they are accepting as democracy, of which they are a part and in which they have ensconced themselves; losses that they fear above all else. They are, all of them, an expression of the incapacity and corruption of that alleged and corrupt “Basque” political class formed by the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites: a false “vanguard” that in fact does retard and pulls backwards in relation to the real situation and capacity of the Basque People that they claim to represent, but which they have reduced to ideological and political defencelessness, division, confusion and nullity, as a result of their own insertion into the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation of our Country, which they have accepted as democracy and “the State” of their own.

Neither do those supporters of the armed and unarmed “Basque institutional path” believe in the reality of French-Spanish imperialism, nor in the Resistance to that imperialism. The very word “imperialism” did since time immemorial disappear from their propaganda; and the term “pacification”: of a sinister resonance, has replaced the national liberation in their “plans to resolve the Basque conflict”. On the contrary, they have accepted, supported and recognized the criminal French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation imposed on our Country, as if it was “non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic”; and their illicit totalitarian States of France and Spain: built on wars of aggression against our own State – the Kingdom of Nabarre – and through the annexation of it within those imperialistic States, as if they were “the State” of their own, thereby denying the reality of imperialism and the national and State entity of the subjugated Basque People.

The Pnv-Eta “moderates and radicals” and their satellites are corporations that have as vital objective their own survival, expansion and reproduction. The institutional path is not part or supplement of their policy; it’s all their policy. They are neither the legal nor the illegal opposition TO the French-Spanish imperialistic régime: they are the opposition OF THAT imperialistic régime; which they do not only deny that it be such a thing but have accepted it as legitimatedemocratic and their own, and to which they are existentially, ideologically, politically, corporately and bureaucratically attached. They neither can nor want to face their own political existence it they do not obtain the recognition and protection of that régime. “Legalistic and constitutionalists” as they are towards the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist power established over our Country, they depend on the privileges that this power grants them for their invaluable services in the task of reducing and keeping the democratic resistance of the Basque People to an infra-strategic level; in the creation of false and lethal illusions for our People; and in the administration of the corruption from which they live and thrive.

Lacking bail or illegal alibi after “the collapse of the armed struggle” of the Eta, those who have promoted or profited from it end their long march of return and incorporation to the paternal home of the Pnv (if they do not move on to the traditional Francoism or the transitive one of Falange-PsoE, which amounts to the same thing). They need, at any cost and as a priority, to get or retrieve the official respectability and honourableness, to legalize re-legalize their bodies and activities, and to maintain, recover or beg for their permanent presence in the “elections” and other institutions that they call “democratic”.


(For a more detailed exposition of these issues, see our full texts in ‘The “European Union” and the Freedom of Peoples’; and ‘Otra vez “elecciones europeas”’.)




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