Conclusion (XXXV)


XXXV – Conclusion


Iñaki Aginaga and Felipe Campo


Nevertheless, like everything in the world, the imperialism also moves. The imperialism is developed according to political and ideological cycles that correspond to the permanence and the evolution of the rapport of forces.

“All Empire will perish”. Fortunately, the empires do crumble and fall apart, forced to abandon their domination over the Peoples that they subjugated by means of criminal violence and terror, and that – if they are not liquidated before – regain their national independence one after the other. Not only in various and distant Continents but alsoin the small European peninsula next to the “Heartland” in the “World Island”; what is resulting in the significant return of Nations to their historical territories geo-politically conditioned and constituted. “At a time when the world tends to unite”, the Great European Powers are losing the territories they did violently and illegally occupy and annex, thus returning to their historical borders; while the Peoples that the former subdued, do recover the freedom, territory and identity that these Powers took from them. France and Spain are the Continental and Western exceptions.

This democratically “optimistic” view implies conditions and forms that seem far from being universal. Even nso, it is true that imperialism cannot maintain a political domination indefinitely, since a People that is subjugated but alive, conscious and determined in its commitment to national freedom, reaches independence sooner or later; unless it is liquidated before, in which case it can no longer attain nothing.

In a reality such as that suffered by the Basque People, there is no other possibility of carrying out a national and democratic policy against French-Spanish imperialism than to carry out civil,strategic and institutional Resistance against the oppression and State Terrorism of Spain and France; the boycott against all its ideological and political operations of repression, intoxication and recuperation; and the restoration of our own Institutions and State, the Kingdom of Nabarre. Everything else reinforces, in short, the French-Spanish imperialistic enterprise of occupation and colonization.

Therefore, all the social sectors of our Country committed to the struggle of the Basque People against Spanish-French imperialism have their place and their recognition in the common enterprise of national-social liberation; the only condition of possibility for it being the rejection of any compromise with that imperialism, and the total rupture with its economic-ideological-political system of Nationalist-Colonialist domination.

So, first of all it is necessary to denounce as criminals in their maximum degree all the aggressions perpetrated by the imperialistic and terrorist States of France and of Spain against the rights and independence of theBasque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre. And, by virtue of the right of self-determination of all Peoples: “first of fundamental human rights and precondition of them all”, it is also necessary to demand the immediate evacuation of their occupying forces, since they are the decisive element of the strategic device of imperialistic domination in order to prevent the Self-Determination, Free Disposition or Independence of the subjugaged Peoples. Individuals or collectives with political pretentions who refuse to express this demand, as a fundamental position prior to any other, are objectively agents at the service of French-Spanish imperialism.

Likewise, we declare null and void and fully abolished in our Country all the criminal and iniquitous laws and institutions imposed by both occupying Powers: France and Spain; and in particular their juridical monopolies: totalitarian and fascist, based on their monopoly of criminal Violence, namely: the “Constitutions” and the Parliaments of Francespain. The boycott of all Basque democratic sectors to recognize or participate in these imperialistic institutions must be total.

As it is undeniable, no free Country or State recognizes or accepts in its own territory the institutionalization and action of foreign political Organizations; otherwise, there would not be free Peoples or States, nor freedom and right of self-determination of all Peoples. Therefore, it is necessary to declare illegal in our State, because of its being contrary and criminal against all democratic law, any political or labour Organization that denies or does not recognize – in theory or in practice – the right of self-determination, freedom or free disposition of the Basque People, as well as the unconditional and immediate independence and integrity of its State the Kingdom of Nabarre, since this implies the effective recognition and support to the criminal régime of imperialistic, colonialist and terrorist French-Spanish military occupation over our People and State.

Basically framed by and composed of colonial Nationalists and autochthonous Renegades, who are the ultra-Nationalist layer: the most motivated, demanding and aggressive sectors of the imperialistic régime of military occupation, such foreign political Organizations are mere colonial extension of those of the metropolis, on which they rely for everything.

We assert the constant and unwavering permanence of the Basque People: maintained without interruption from the dawn of times in its Historical Territories, such as they have always been cited by our classical writers. That is to say: along with the rest of Counties of the trans/cis-Pyrenean Kingdom of Nabarre, “Zuberoan, Laphurdin, Bizkaian, Gipuzkoan, Alaba-herrian eta bertze anhitz lekhutan”; that is in Zuberoa, Lapurdi, Bizkaia, Gipuzkoa, Araba and many other places.

We also assert the continuity, validity and actuality of our State, the Kingdom of Nabarre. The rest of its disjecta membra: that historically and voluntarily formed part of it and that more or less early were torn apart from its bosom by means of criminal violence, do retain their entire right to return to the common homeland which is our present State and to its Institutions, from which they were illegally separated. A return to which we fraternally do invite them with the guarantee of preserving the fullness and integrity of their inalienable rights, in whose common defence we commit our undying love and devotion to national freedom and fundamental human rights: constitutive and constituent of any genuine democracy and hence of the social-political system that we advocate, con-federative and participatory according to the immemorial assembly practice of our Batzarrak, base of our free municipal Assemblies and Institutions.

The Euskara, lingua navarrorum, is the sole national and own language of the Basque People. Its persecution and banning at the hands of the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism, and the crimes committed in order to tear out from us the language that constitutes our breath, soul and condition of People, are a crime of genocide which shall never be forgotten nor forgiven.

Dialects of Latin (as it could eventually have occurred with those of the Punic, should perchance Rome had been definitively defeated by the Carthaginians, or with the Frankish and Gothic languages of the Barbarian invaders), the current presence among us of the French and the Spanish – which the imperialistic agents do, when it suits them, call “castilian”, so as to camouflage and thereby avoid the irreparable and insurmountable opposition Spanish\Euskara – is the result of historical contingencies alien and hostile to our People, and the trace of centuries of alienation created and maintained by means of the terrorist and criminal French-Spanish aggression, occupation and colonization of our People and State of Nabarre.

In exercise of all the implications involved in the observance of the right of self-determination or Independence of all Peoples, the full recovery of our national language: inalienable right of every citizen, is a primary objective of the State. An objective whose achievement requires both material resources, flexibility and understanding (given the difficult situation from which we start, as well as the sincere commitment expected from those who must take the laudable effort to learn and use it; but that can only be universally achieved from the effective independence of our State, the Kingdom of Nabarre.

Apart from that, it is clear that given – on the one hand – the idiomatic complications created to our State by the French-Spanish imperialism, and – on the other – the demands of inter-communication posed by today’s world, the operability of our State raises to us the inescapable need to adopt a single functional lingua franca according to criteria of efficiency and usefulness, while maintaining and always cultivating with determination our essence: our own Euskeric language and culture.

The emblems and flags of the Basque People/Euskal-Herria and of its State: the Kingdom of Nabarre, are all those who have historically been used to symbolize its existence as a sovereign and independent People and State, as they have been handed down by the historiographical documentation. Together with them, since it was conceived and popularly adopted to represent the same political subject: the independent and sovereign Basque People constituted in the fullness of its historic rights and settled in the wholeness of its Historical Territories, the double-crossed flag designed by the Arana-Goiri brothers (whose actual humiliation, reduction and recuperation by the French-Spanish imperialism have been disgracefully allowed by the Collaborationists of the intra-totalitarian transition to Second Francoism) is also a part of the common heritage of symbols that do bring together and express our yearning for freedom, democracy and national independence against the aggression of the fascist imperialism, colonialism and Nationalism of Spain and of France; keeping the pre-eminence, as it’s natural, the flag of the historic State of Nabarre.

A People that recognizes itself as non-existent or inferior is not – or is not any longer completely – a People; it is an assured toy and victim of its predators, whom it does not even recognize as such: stronger, better armed and well determined, on their part, to get rid of it. A People that does not recognize itself in its own sociology and its own history has already lost its self-esteem and that of others. Unable – from that attitude – to gain access to international relations with its own strategy and State institution, that People cannot expect recognition from anyone.

A Nation that, like ours, is not only incapable of restoring its own State – historically recognized for a thousand years – but ignores and/or despises it, will never gain the respect of the other self-proclaimed, recent and discussed new States. It will never obtain it from the “great” Nations; still less from others as weak as itself. Therefore, the answer to the challenge that we are facing requires us imperatively to achieve the objectives to:

•  Restore our historic State: the Kingdom of Nabarre;

• Implement the qualified development, the enhancement and the overall integration of the resources of our social base in an effective and modern economic, ideological and political movement, capable of responding to the problems of today’s world;

• Provide ourselves with an own and self-sufficient direction; whereby the Basque People, while preserving its national identity, can integrate autonomously and contribute in the community of Nations;

• Adopt a strategy and a tactical system founded on the authentic structure of forces; and 

• Recognize our friends and our enemies – whether they be permanent or incidental – according to criteria aside from the increasingly stronger and better adapted propaganda that is addressed to us, aimed at confusing them.

These are the objectives assumed by the non-partisan Basque Movement of Resistance and National Salvation, made up of all those in our Country who maintain the double principle of Self-Determination o Independence of the Basque People and its own State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, for whose achievement its National Council will oversee. In all this there is no principle that is not an inescapable constant in the struggle of Peoples for their freedom. On the contrary, “innovation” has fallen to those who have sought to hide these requirements behind continuous clouds of smoke.

This is precisely the attitude of the so-called “Basque nationalist political class”, formed by the mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites (currently Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroa bai and other members of the rest of the associations and foundations that cover them), whose action consists already for half a century in liquidating any policy of a real national-State affirmation of the Basque People, and in integrating it into the institutions, ideology and policy of the imperialism of Spain and France, which they are accepting to this day as non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic régimes and “the States” of their own.

The question before us is not whether the “Basque Way” will follow such principles; the question is how and when it will follow them, because neither here nor anywhere have been nor there will be other different ones to obtain the liberty, nor without them there will be any worthwhile Basque Way.

Given the characteristics of today’s world, as well as those of our social reality, none of this can be achieved without an urgent, profound and genuine democratization of our ideological and political structures. Internal democracy is, at present, inescapable condition of effectiveness, and its abandonment is paid with a widespread incapability. The fascism scores a decisive point when it creates the conditions for this abandonment in the ranks of the adversary.

Consequently, based on the indefeasible right of self-determination or national independence of the Basque People, and under protection of the International Law – recognized, not constituted, by the United Nations – that the French-Spanish imperialism does infringe by its mere existence, it is urgent to reaffirm and proclaim the continuity, validity and actuality of our own State, the Kingdom of Nabarre: the most fully achieved political and institutional expression that, freely constituted by the Basque People, has never been waived by it. A People that has never abandoned either, in the territory that from time immemorial is its own, the struggle for its freedom against the criminal terrorist, imperialistic and colonialist aggression of Spain and France.






Army of occupation not even with music!

Spain not even with a republic! France not even with a monarchy!





(From ‘Euskal Herria and the Kingdom of Nabarre, or the Basque People and its State, against French-Spanish imperialism’.)


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