Crímes and criminals (XXI)


XXI – Crímes and criminals

Iñaki Aginaga and Felipe Campo

“Whatever is under the earth, Time will bring to light.” (Quintus Horatius; Epistles.)

“Till then sit still, my soul: foul deed will rise, / Though all the earth overwhelm them, to men’s eyes.” (W. Shakespeare; Hamlet’.)

Contrary to what it is affirmed by the monopolistic propaganda of the imperialism and its agents, collaborators, accomplices, cover-ups, apologists and collaborationists: whether they be moderate or radical, alien or aboriginal, the imperialism and fascism, the aggression, war, military occupation and the colonialism against Peoples and legitimate States, the State Terrorism and the genocide, are not a slight “democratic deficit”; they are not ideological and political variants; they are not “options, opinions or democratic sensibilities: all legitimate and respectable because nobody has the reason to hundred per cent” etc.

Quite on the contrary, these offences against fundamental human rights (HR) are the supreme forms of totalitarian oppression and discrimination, which deprive Races, Languages, Cultures and entire Peoples of their fundamental rights and exclude them from the international society. They are theoretical and practical denial of freedom and democracy; they are constitutive of timeless and imprescriptible international crimes of war, against peace and against humanity: whatever may be the State or International Organization that do commit or support them, as established by the customary International Law formally recognized in the Charter and numerous resolutions and conventions of the United Nations.

No law can delete or grant amnesty to them, because they are criminal attitudes against the morals and the laws of war, of peace and of humanity. Their authors, co-authors, accomplices and auxiliaries – whether individuals or States – are international criminals, killers and delinquents; however many dignities and honours though they mutually may attribute or recognize themselves, and no matter what the façade, the rhetoric and the ceremonial which they do conceal with though they may be. The national or international Organizations that are built on crimes of war, against peace and against humanity are associations of criminals on a large scale; the so much larger the greater is the capacity of criminal Violence and Terrorism they have.

Imperialism and Fascism are not “a work as dignified and honourable as any other”: they are imprescriptible national and international crimes. Imperialists and fascists do found their power in the total disregard of HR in general. The fascists and the imperialists, their agents, propagandists and beneficiaries are not “non-violent pacifists, defenders of freedom and democracy, decent and good people, honest and respectable political agents”; they are professional liars, tricksters, forgers, phonies and hypocrites. They are bands on a great scale made up of serial murderers of masses, fanatics and thieves, enemies of freedom and of HR, common delinquents, and criminal perpetrators or accomplices of the greatest offences that are registered by morality and law.

Insofar as perpetrators or beneficiaries of the offence of aggression and of crimes of war, against peace and against humanity, and as part of the imperialistic régime of occupation and colonization, the agents or beneficiaries of imperialism do not have rights: electoral nor any other political rights. Even if they are killed or injured as a result of their participation in the criminal enterprise of imperialistic aggression and colonization, they are not victims but continue to be criminals under ordinary law. (The unwilling aggressors, fallen while they were being forced to fight in the aggressor’s side: something that has also happened in our Country, are likewise the imperialistic aggressors’ victims, and not their opponents’ – freedom fighters – who may eventually have killed them.)

Thus, in the face of imperialistic aggression there are only two categories: the criminal aggressors, and their victims. The aggressors are criminals and they are not victims of anybody: much less of their own victims. It is fundamental, unavoidable and legitimate task of the oppressed Peoples and the democratic forces in general to defend themselves against them “by all means possible and necessary”: from the passive resistance to the revolutionary war, as established by repeated and persistent United Nations’ General Assembly Resolutions (UNGAR), which do proclaim the right of self-determination and legitimate self-defence of all Peoples against the international organized crime:

The General Assembly, [...] 2. Also reaffirms the legitimacy of the peoples’ struggle for liberation from colonial and foreign domination and alien subjugation by all available means, including armed struggle; 3. Calls upon all States, in conformity with the Charter of the United Nations and with relevant resolutions of the United Nations, to recognize the right of all peoples to self-determination and independence and to offer moral, material and any other assistance to all peoples struggling for the full exercise of their inalienable right to self-determination and independence; [...]; 6. Condemns all Governments which do not recognize the right to self-determination and independence of peoples,” etc. [UNGAR 3070 (1973)]

The General Assembly, [...], Reaffirming the importance of the universal realization of the right of peoples to self-determination, national sovereignty and territorial integrity and of the speedy granting of independence to colonial countries and peoples as imperatives for the full enjoyment of all human rights, 1. Calls upon all States to implement fully and faithfully the resolutions of the United Nations regarding the exercise of the right to self-determination by peoples under colonial and alien domination; 2. Reaffirms the legitimacy of the struggle of peoples for independence, territorial integrity, national unity and liberation from colonial and foreign domination and foreign occupation by all available means, particularly armed struggle;” etc. etc. [UNGAR 33/24 (1978)]

Against what the filthy propaganda from the colonial monopolies makes or tries to make-believe, the political régime imposed by the French-Spanish fascism and imperialism on the Basque People is not founded on free accession expressed and developed by elections, transitions, constituent processes and other “democratic” procedures. Quite on the contrary, it is the result of many centuries of Violence, Repression and Terrorismof War and of State; of mass murders and crimes of war, against peace and against humanity; of aggression, wars, conquest, plunder, occupation, subjugation, dismemberment and annexation against legitimate and independent States; of ignominious negation and destruction of the integrity and independence of the Kingdom of Nabarre and its statutory and customary institutions: acts contrary to national and international law; of summary and massive-scale murders and executions of the armed or disarmed opposition as a means of resolving political conflicts; of theoretical and practical violation of fundamental, indefeasible, inherent and inalienable rights of self-determination and self-defence of all Peoples, and theoretical and practical denial of the own personal freedom, dignity and identity; of demographic and territorial separatism, deportation and colonization of masses, exercised against our People; of ideological indoctrination and deprivation of any freedom of expression and information; of individual and collective persecution against its own national personality and identity, with imposition of those of the imperialistic Nationalism of the occupiers; of disregard and criminalization of the native Language and Culture; and of warfare and tax pillage and robbery at all levels.

This is the political order of the criminal French-Spanish State historically imposed on the Basque People and its State the Kingdom of Nabarre, which for more than forty years the indigenous institutionalist-collaborationist spokespersons of the liquidationist Pnv-Eta bureaucracy are describing as legitimate, democratic, peaceful, non-Nationalist and non-violent, and comforting it as such by participating in its “democratic general elections and institutions”. However, the strategic objective of that political order and State is not only the domination and exploitation of the occupied and colonized People but its total and final liquidation; only Collaborationists and Accomplices of the Imperialism can cherish illusions in this regard.

Incredible though it may appear, we see that those who have established and preserved their power by means of violence, war of aggression, permanent military occupation, repression and Terror, that is: through violation of HR, organized crime, Terrorism against defenceless populations, mass killings, and exclusion-deportation-colonization and genocide of Peoples, have no qualms about declaring themselves “contrary to all violence coming from wherever it may come”; and that they have the shamelessness of presenting themselves also as pacifist and democrats, helpless and non-violent victims and martyrs of the violence, fascism, terrorism, aggression and imperialism of the truly helpless Basque People; to which for centuries their predecessors: as they themselves are doing today, have been attacking, subjugating and robbing by every possible means.

Yet, the delinquents and criminals who attack the HR are not victims or martyrs of anything, nor – as such – are entitled to nothing. Despite all this, the current material, ideological and political heirs of those who established the municipal quotas of inhabitants to be murdered, because “It is necessary to create an atmosphere of terror” (General Mola), do now adopt the mask and the attitudes of peaceful and innocent victims unfairly treated by their “bloodthirsty adversaries” whom those terrorists did murder and rob. And these heirs of those who preached – and do still preach – that “killing is lawful and compulsory in order to defend God and Homeland” (those of themselves), yell that they don’t kill, exhibit their clean and white virginal hands, and claim the absolute validity of “the Fifth, thou shalt not kill” (not kill them).

The Fascists of now and of always: the protagonists precisely here of the first Continental offensive of international Nazism; those same ones who have occupied this Country in blood and fire; those who did crush children and elders, women and men under the Fascist and National Socialist bombs; the same ones who exercise, justify or bless a power that has been founded and preserved by means of war of aggression, repression and terror; and those who enjoy this power that has been established upon the mountains of corpses of one million dead and rivers of blood, and preserved through the monopoly of criminal Violence of their armed forces as its true political foundation; all those, do now give lessons of non-violence, freedom, democracy, peace and work, love, harmony and tolerance to Peoples that have been reduced to silence and defencelessness by the Armies of General Franco and his Godparents (the natural ones of the Axis, and the adoptive ones of the “democratic” Powers), and that are being maintained since then by means of criminal Violence, Terror and brute force in the resulting State and political régime.

Those who have destroyed the reason and pursued the intelligence, and those who have degraded and perverted morality, do proclaim the absence of morals in their victims. Those who have at their disposal the monopolies of violence, communication and propaganda, clamour their indignation for the persecution that they pretend to be suffering “because of the only fact of thinking differently and defending their ideas with pen and word, opposing culture to violence”. Those who make use of mass Terrorism as a political foundation; and those who did beneath incendiary bombs burn defenceless rural and urban civilians: burned alive by phosphorus, napalm and thermo-nuclear weapons of mass destruction, describe as “small murderous Peoples” the same Peoples which they are seeking to annihilate; and condemn as “violent terrorists, nationalists, fascists and Nazis, wrongdoers, delinquents and criminals” every person and every People which are free and conscious enough so as not to accept or recognize the totalitarian imperialistic and National-Socialist system of violence, terror, oppression, genocide, repression and denial of all the freedoms that is being imposed upon them. Arrogance, provocation, impertinence and lack of shame are inherent in their nature.

However, due to an “ironic inconsistency” and an unprecedented reversal of roles; lords and masters or under cover of the monopolies of criminal Violence, Terror and propaganda; encouraged and emboldened by the political incapability, the stupidity, the hypocrisy, the corruption, the ideological alienation and the betrayal of their peripheral prefabricated armed and unarmed “opposition”, behold that the protagonists of the Spanish and French imperialistic, colonialist, xenophobic and racist Nationalism: which has brought aggression, war, death and destruction to Races, Peoples, Nations, Languages and Cultures at Continental and trans-Continental levels, present themselves as non-Nationalists and accuse of xenophobia, racism, nationalism and imperialism to the Peoples that they have subdued.

Those who by means of war of aggression and terror have imposed their domination and the ruin of freedom and HR: starting with the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples, denounce the violence that the others commit through the “imposition” of freedom and HR. Those who deny their own identity to the Peoples which they have managed to dominate, imposing on them that of themselves, pretend to be supporters of a “non-identity” nationality and citizenship, that is to say: with the identity of themselves. Those who deny the national rights and the very existence of the Basque People, so as to better destroy it in practice; those who practice the genocide, the prohibition of the others’ Language and the imposition of their own one; and those who deny and devastate the national rights and the existence of the occupied Peoples, by imposing on them their own national identity with cannon fire, do say to be peaceful and non-violent non-nationalists, accuse of “exaggerated nationalism” and imperialism to the Peoples which suffer from them, and protest because of the cultural oppression of which they claim to be object.

Imperialists and fascist do present themselves as servers of non-violence and HR; pretend that they are being attacked, and cry out their indignation by the persecution that they supposedly are suffering “because of the mere fact of thinking differently and defending their ideas with the pen and the word, opposing culture to violence”. But the agents of the imperialism do not confine themselves to “think differently”, or to “defend their ideas without any more weapons than culture, pen and word”, as they want to make believe, nor does anybody persecute them for that reason. Quite on the contrary, after having established the political régime that suits them by means of war of aggression, monopoly of criminal Violence and Terror (which is their real and primary constitution), as well as the subsequent “laws and the formal and secondary Constitutions” that justify all this by begging the question, they do next imprison, banish, torture, hang, execute and silence since centuries ago anyone who does not think and act like them.

The “right” that they now claim “for their pens and their words” is actually the monopolist, unilateral and absolute right: without possible deficit nor reply, marginal though they may be, to impose their own ideology, which they present as neutral, comprehensive and democratic but which is a complement to the French-Spanish imperialistic political totalitarianism of always; which they now, with the complicity of the local traitors, scoundrels or collaborationist cretins, do call “democracy”.

Those who – through the monopolies of criminal Violence, Terror, communication and propaganda – prevent and reduce to the underground all opposition and all expressions of thought in the occupied territories of the Basque People, speak of “free expression and communication of ideas”. But it is a long time ago that in this Country “the free thought and free communication of ideas” are reserved for the ruling classes of the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism, along with their indigenous auxiliaries: the armed and unarmed “Basque” accomplices of the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satelllites. The imperialism imposes its ideas by means of war and institutional violence, and through the monopolies of violence, propaganda and ideological intoxication of masses; those of the others are defended within the limits and conditions that the war and the institutional violence do impose on them, that’s to say: through the illegal or in any case marginal “media” that the totalitarianism fails to completely destroy, since – to its misfortune – “no regime is perfect” and no totalitarianism is completely total. But they are fatally perfectible, and to the liquidation of any concept of freedom are devoted the means of violence, terrorism, corruption and intoxication of masses which are available to the monopolies of the fascist imperialism, currently with the imposition of a totalitarian digital control on a worldwide scale in the global society.

Those who proclaimed that “we will chase the Basque nationalists through the mountains as [if they were] wild beasts”, pretend now being themselves “innocent victims of the violence of persecution”. Those who in the Spanish and French States wield the monopoly of criminal Violence and Terrorism in the occupied territories of the Basque People; the murderers and executioners of the wars of aggression and Terrorism of masses on the Peoples, call now themselves “democratic, non-violent and non-nationalist victims” of the violence and the “peripheral imperialism” of two million violent, aggressive, bellicose and morally depraved rebellious natives: “small murderous Peoples that threaten the life, peace and freedom” of their eighty million peaceful and helpless neighbours which have conquered and colonized them, and which are in full possession of the monopolies of terror and propaganda.

They do also proclaim that the democrats and victims of the fascism and nationalism are themselves, and lament over the “violence of persecution” and the attacks that they allegedly suffer “because of their being Spaniards”, because “they are denied the right to be Spaniards”. The hyper-nationalists who have tried to impose their nationality, race, language and religion to the whole world say to be non-nationalists, and call nationalists the victims of their own imperialistic and colonialist Nationalism. Those who – where they can do it – destroy the cultures different from theirs’, protest because of non-existent cultural oppression against them. Those who humiliated and arrested people because of their speaking Euskara do complain on the grounds that they are denied the right to speak Spanish, and present themselves as victims of linguistic oppression; and all this simply because those who were humiliated, detained and executed for speaking in their own national Basque language, do deny them the right to finish with it through their imposition of the French and the Spanish (what the agents of the Spanish imperialistic Nationalism and its aboriginal puppets call, when it suits them, ‘Castilian’), which are the only languages that have been imposed in this Country.

Those who swept Durango and Gernika under the bombs of the Axis, threaten to do it again: by throwing, exhibiting and making parade through the streets the “democratic and non-violent paratroopers”, eager to spring into action. Those who resolved the political conflicts through the wars of extermination of Peoples, speak of coexistence and pluralism (those of themselves), and qualify as exclusionary to those who escaped alive – though not immune and free – to the deliberate genocide for ending up with them. Those who maintain professional, permanent and omnipresent armed forces of land, sea and air, organized and trained to kill (which effectively shoot their weapons and kill in an immediate and systematic way the first opponent or the first passer-by who skips a road control), denounce that there are here “people who are up to pistols”, and that the (oppressed) Peoples have banalized violence. They proclaim “the life” (that of themselves) as a supreme, absolute, inviolable and sacred value; and “the right to life” (that of themselves) as “the most fundamental, the first of HR, without which all the rest are impossible: thereby starts everything”.

The individual and collective murderers of individuals and Peoples, the perpetrators and beneficiaries of wars of aggression and Terrorism of masses, of crimes and looting, adopt the mask and the attitude of unjustly treated innocent victims. The executioners claim to be victims of their victims. The firing squad murderer calls coward to those he did shoot. Those who through violence have been exerting for centuries the “legal” kidnapping of masses in jails and camps of concentration, slavery, forced labour and extermination, condemn the “deprivation of liberty and the violence of persecution” suffered by the agents of the imperialistic fascism because of their having to take bodyguards in order to exercise their function. But the occupied and subjugated Peoples cannot take bodyguards against aggression and occupation, and the right of legitimate self-defence is banned for them by the monopolistic violence and terror that they really suffer, since they are kept defenceless and unarmed.

Imperialists and fascist have forced and trained – through violence and for the violence – thousands of colonized persons to serve in their armies, making of them cannon fodder dragged to kill and die in the wars (imperialistic on both sides) of their own oppressors, or as mercenaries at their service; however, and meanwhile, they condemn the “aggression” that the agents of the imperialistic fascism pretend to be suffering as a result of the legitimate self-defence against their criminal imperialistic aggression, carried out through original and eminent criminal Violence: condition and first cause of all subsequent violence.

Even that is not enough for them, and they in addition transfer on the colonized people their own crimes of violence, wars of aggression, homicides, genocides, terrorism and Racist, Nationalist, Colonialist, Imperialistic, Fascist and National-socialist xenophobia. They try to discredit and blame – before the others and themselves – the Peoples that suffer from the fascist monopolies of criminal Violence, Terrorism and psychological intoxication; and try to humiliate and destroy their dignity as they have destroyed their national liberty and independence. The “freedom, democracy, human rights and non-violence” that they speak about are despotism, oppression and monopoly of violence, terror and mental conditioning of the popular masses.

Those who through violence and extortion – constituent of all taxation – do exert the permanent institutional looting of the human and material resources of the subjected Peoples, denounce “extortion” in the tiny plots of the social product that escape their monopolistic exaction on account of the “revolutionary” individual tax.

The perpetrators of crimes of war, against peace and against humanity are still doing as they please, and they retain their ranks and social advantages because of eminent services rendered to the Nation: theirs. They and their families have preserved and increased the perks, the fruits of the institutional robbery, and the “donations” of the Francoist era: all the seized, confiscated and plundered movable and immovable property, do fully enjoy them, and benefit from the awards, functions, promotions and salaries at the expense of their victims.

The very ministers and creatures of General Franco: accomplices, co-perpetrators, signatories and beneficiaries of all his crimes, and the henchmen and ideological agents who officiated during the war and his personal dictatorship in “the Spanish State, totalitarian instrument at the service of the Homeland through the Empire towards God”, do currently all of them enjoy their crimes in a complete impunity, have occupied a distinguished place among the architects of the intra-totalitarian transition, do found Parties and attend its elections, occupy the “highest” public posts, preserve their site, and exert important functions in the “new” régime as “democrats of always”; which, without further ado, illustrates the nature of the Francoist self-reform, and distinguishes it with respect to any genuine evolution or revolution of the political power.

Those ministers, accomplices and followers of the Dictator’s crimes continue to wield the political and ideological power, in the service of Spanish imperialistic Nationalism; and have at their disposal the monopolies of mass broadcasting to continue to defame with impunity the victims of the Francoism, and to affirm that “the Basque and Catalan nationalists are to be hung by the feet”. They do at all hours call themselves “non-violent democrats”, but they are the same fascists of always: even more hypocritical and dangerous than before, because since the “general elections” of 1977-79 and up to the present day they have the homologation and recognition of the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy as “lifelong democrats”. Their presence in the “institutions” does not pollute them, because the former are as fascist as the latter.

However, the shameless traitors and/or inept lunatics-cretins who form the bureaucratic band Pnv-Eta and its satellites Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroa bai etc.: which for more than forty years have been accepting and calling “that” democracy, and the Spanish imperialism and fascism, “Right-wing” (as if the Spanish “Left-wing” was not equally so), when they see now that the Spanish Francoism of always shows its disgusting and intact face and reality that it has always had but that they have been hiding and collaborating so that the Basque People would not see them, all they do about it is to continue to fake the reality and call it a “democratic involution”. An alleged democratic involution that only could exist if there had previously been a democratic evolution or revolution; which, except in their hallucinations, in their dementia or in their bad faith, has never existed.

“Denouncing” a non-existent democratic involution is their wretched “justification” of those “Basques” auxiliary agents of Spanish imperialism that they have accepted as democracy, in order to evade their responsibility in the current situation that only those aboriginal Collaborationists have made it possible. Meanwhile, they continue to perversely and obscenely accept and collaborate with the Spanish imperialistic, colonialist, plunderer and fascist régime imposed on our People and State: a National-imperialistic and kleptocratic régime of military occupation that they continue to recognize as legitimate, non-violent, non-Nationalist and democratic, and to participate in its totalitarian institutions and “general elections”.

No more or better credit that the holders of the reigning régime do deserve the Spanish “republicans, anarchists, and communists”, as well as the peripheral “nationalists”: the moderate and radical, armed and unarmed institutionalists who make up the multi-format Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy; who, in advance and with ridiculous reserves, do recognize the Francoist criminal State “reformed” by the intra-totalitarian transition as if it were their own State (while absolutely ignoring our current historical State: the Kingdom of Nabarre), and the Francoist “institutions” and armed forces of military occupation over our People and State as if they were democratic and non-violent. All of them struggle to attain their confidence, recognition, grace and benevolence, without which they run out of the party. In return, these native treacherous Collaborationists and Accomplices do only ask to be allowed to collaborate (which is all they know to do), participate, vote, do business (which is not the same as negotiating politically), and receive remunerations and subsidies for them: it’s the very essence of the régime of the Second Francoism that all of them do sustain and which sustains them.

The countless victims who suffered and suffer from their crimes are permanent testimony of this. Ending with the witnesses is a supplementary reason and the only way that the criminals have so as to dismiss responsibility and culpability, while relegating to a purportedly irrelevant past the foundation of the Spanish contemporary reality, and deleting the most evident traces of the abominable, unforgettable, unforgivable and indelible original sin upon which that reality was constituted. The People and the persons direct and indirect, mediate and immediate victims of the aggression in 1936 have never been offered apologies or recognized; the daughters and sons, the families of the defeated and humiliated persons continue seeing daily the murderers “walking like real cocky” – the expression is of Aznar and his accomplices – at the scene of their crimes, and in the view of their countless victims. The now adults, who have for eighty years seen their elders murdered, persecuted, mocked and humiliated, did never obtained recognition, rehabilitation or solace but contempt, hatred, discrimination and persecution of the Western “Democracies” and of the Catholic Church.

Murderers, criminals, psychopaths, rogues and scoundrels (which are ordinary appellations in current fascist propaganda against the Peoples that they are subjugating): from Franco’s Ministers downwards, have not purged anything nor asked forgiveness for anything, and continue enjoying the fruit of their crimes in complete impunity, now with the “democratic” blessing of the Pnv and Co. They receive individual and family pensions for the rendered services, continue enjoying their posts, honours and sinecures, and murdering or torturing defenceless and unarmed civilians: now on their own account as they previously did under the orders of the Dictator. The sanctification of Imperialism and Fascism, the exaltation of the murderers and the criminalization of their victims, occupy a preferential place in the structure of the Second Francoism, which has consolidated the work of the First one.

The Spanish fascists: the registered ones and the camouflaged as “socialist/communists”, who do hypocritically and without interruption use the formula “we the Democrats” with the hope that – by dint of repeating it – their victims may believe it (and that even they themselves end up believing it), have turned such a denomination into the driving of psycho-physiological reflexes of disgust and rejection, revulsion, nausea and vomiting, which the confusion induced by the monopolistic propaganda makes even more harmful.

Those who preach oblivion, forgiveness and the reparation of the offenses: always at a one-way direction, do hide – behind the display and falsification of such supernal and Evangelical virtues – the destruction of the historical memory, the disguise of the current reality, and the denial of the crimes of imperialism. The crimes against the HR: crimes of war, against peace or against humanity, are imprescriptible, do not allow oblivion nor forgiveness. They are not “political” crimes but common crimes, the same as their perpetrators are common delinquents and criminals: no matter what may be the “high” or less high posts that they occupy and the official functions that have allowed them to commit them, or the orders that they have received. They are responsible not only the imperialists and colonialists – individual perpetrators and co-perpetrators, as well as the collaborators, accomplices and material auxiliaries of such horrendous crimes – but also those who inspire, instigate, provoke, encourage, conceal, justify, extol, bless and sanctify them, and those who provide their complicity, collaboration, help, assistance, cooperation or concurrence, in any manner that it may be.

The forgiveness and forgetfulness of the crimes of imperialism are criminal fallacies: to ignore or forget about them would be as much as to accept and legitimize despotism, fascism and imperialism. The “practical” result of the policy of “forgetfulness and forgiveness for everything and for everybody” is the impunity for the criminals, the strengthening of the fascist terror, and the defencelessness of the victims at the hands of the executioners: encouraged and emboldened by the political incapacity, the stupidity or corruption of the official “opposition”. Whoever their executors may be, there are no possible freedom and democracy that are based in the applicability, ignorance, prescription, remission and forgiveness of the crimes of war, against peace and against humanity that do found the present French-Spanish political régime upon the Basque People and its State; crimes whose determination, declaration, prevention, sanction and reparation are the very base and inescapable requirement of the International Law, which the imperialism infringes by its very existence.

They also do, endlessly, speak of “coexistence in peace and freedom”. But those who in theory or in practice deny the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples, do thereby destroy the only possible foundation for the coexistence, peace and freedom, and establish the bases of violence and war between Nations. “The democratic and social rule of law, the dialogue, the coexistence, the peace and the freedom”: which their agents do now speak about at all hours (and in particular the social-imperialists that present themselves in words as “progressive, socialist or communist”), are reserved for the Spaniards and the French on the basis of the imposition/acceptance of their imperialistic Nationalism. They do not exist for the others.

All of them: who – along with peace – “invoke” social, economic or cultural justice and progress while maintaining the imperialistic positions, try to hide that all this has as an inescapable condition the democratic freedoms in general, national freedom in particular, and that this is impossible under imperialism. Imperialism and colonialism carry in themselves material and moral degradation and ruin to the Peoples; also to the aggressor peoples. The colonial tribute, the political and ideological repression, the national deculturación and the programmed genocide are incompatible with the dignity, freedom and progress that the Peoples need and claim as an inseparable whole. The national independence, and the restoration or – where appropriate – the constitution of its own State, do provide ad are the only solution to ensure survival and regeneration for a People subjugated under a total and absolute colonialist and National-imperialistic régime of military occupation, such as it is the French-Spanish imperialism upon the Basque People.

There cannot be place for amnesty, restoration, payment or indemnification that can erase or compensate the crimes of war, against peace and against humanity committed by the French-Spanish National-Catholicism, Imperialism, Absolutism and Fascism against our People, without starting from the prior abolition of the French and Spanish imperialistic régime and State imposed on the Basque People and their State, the Kingdom of Nabarre. The extinctive statute of limitation and other constitutional or procedural resources are mechanisms that major criminals have established so as to ensure impunity, thus “legally” escaping the consequences of their crimes. Their perpetrators: military, civil and ecclesiastical, in full possession of the monopolies of propaganda and psychological warfare, no doubt think that they have destroyed, burned, terrorized, murdered and exiled pretty enough so that the historical memory and the collective consciousness have disappeared, and that here no one realizes, remembers nor dares to remember about anything. Not even about the bombing and expulsion of defenceless populations; nor about the gangs of regular or irregular robbers and murderers deployed through our mountains, streets and villages in the name of God and the Empire; nor about their victims: who did not find respect, help, grace, mercy or compassion but persecution, condemnation and death for the defence of freedom, of HR, and of their own human and national identity and dignity.

The main problem of such a drastic means of annulment of witnesses and resolution of ideological problems has always been the difficulty in liquidating or silencing to everybody. “Always” escapes someone strong enough, upright enough or crazy enough so as to tell the tale. Of those who do not escape, we know nothing. The persons and documents can be destroyed, and erased the stones and monuments (now replaced by other ones better adapted to present times); but they leave their indelible mark on the collective consciousness, while free persons remain on Earth. Death, terror and its consequences: submission, oblivion and ignorance are the weapons of the oppressors. The vital resistance and, with it, the memory of the crimes, of the victims and their executioners are refuge and strength of the oppressed.

The unpaid bill that  with this Country have the French-Spanish Nationalist Imperialism and its servers: whether they be despots, generals or subordinates, dictators or simple executors, republican “revolutionaries” or traditional Francoists and their National-socialist puppets, bodies of armed violence or civilians “un-armed”, and popes, bishops, clergy, religious or lay people of both sexes; such an account, we say, is still open. In fact, their misdeeds will never be forgotten or forgiven. The memory of the countless victims that at their hands have suffered and suffer loss of their own personality, honour, freedom or life; and that have at their hands endured and endure humiliation, imprisonment, banishment, cold, hunger and thirst for bread, freedom, identity and justice, will always persecute them, in this world and in the hereafter. Along with the passion for freedom, the hate of the imperialism and fascism will never disappear in this Country.

Criminals and murderers: individual and collective, continue to exert the political and ideological power. The crimes “of the past”, just as the crimes of today, remain unpunished and in current force. They are not – as their authors and beneficiaries want to make-believe when it suits them – a past history, without identity or continuity and relevance in the current social relations. Quite on the contrary, with them and by means of them were established, are constituted, do continue and are kept the actual social relations, the infra-structure and the supra-structure of the current French-Spanish régime of military occupation of our Country. One cannot affirm this régime without claiming the crimes that have built and do maintain it. One could not condemn those crimes while retaining the social formation imposed by imperialism and fascism, and without giving up the political, economic and ideological domination constituted by them.

The aggressions and dismemberments against the Basque People and the Kingdom of Nabarre, as well as against their national and State institutions, occurred in the years 1054, 1176, 1198, 1512, 1620, 1789 and 1834; the Spanish oriental Despotism, the French Absolutism and subsequent Revolutionary Terror; and the three contemporary wars, are not just a thing of the past: they are the past and present foundation of the Spanish, French and ecclesiastical imperialism. However, the imperialistic propaganda speaks of transition, page break, tabula rasa, let bygones be bygones, and re-start again from scratch, as if the Spanish State had begun ex novo with the Constitution and the Government that “we have given us all”, that is: that they have given themselves for the others to suffer.

The ideologists who manufacture the imperialistic propaganda try hypocritically to conceal that their purported and sacrosanct “democratic, non-violent, rule of [imperialistic] law” etc. State: which they serve to, that they hold and that holds them, has actually as immediate and constituent foundation the infamous enterprise of annihilation of the rights and freedoms of an independent, free and peaceful Basque People; and the successive aggressions and the destruction: against the national and international, temporary and timeless law, to the independence of the Kingdom of Nabarre and its foral remainders by means of war, occupation, dismemberment, annexation, repression and Terrorism of war and occupation, as well as through violation of all HR and first and foremost those of independence and legitimate self-defence. However much the name of the facts is changed, so as to make people believe that they are another thing, the institutions of the French-Spanish imperialism drip the blood of countless victims, the testimony of the monstrous crimes that have built them: crimes of war, against peace and against humanity.

“The loss of the past, collective or individual, is the great human tragedy. It is, first of all, to avoid this loss that the Peoples do desperately resist the conquest.” It’s in order to get it, that the totalitarian ideology tries by any means to destroy the historical memory of Peoples.

The collective memory, historically nurtured, is the instrument that allows to the Oppressed the resistance and the struggle for their liberation of such horrors. The imprescriptible crimes of the imperialism and fascism do not begin, nor end, nor are they redeemed with the intra-totalitarian transition, with a purported law of “amnesty, pardon and oblivion”, or with a law of historical memory, enacted by the same powers that perpetrated them. On the other hand, the historical memory cannot be recovered or fostered by the only renewing some grave– or head-stones and exhuming corpses of the murdered (and even less with hypocritical ceremonies or selective commemorations and monuments), if it does not moreoverinclude the affirmation of a consistent political theory and practice of repudiation of crimes and criminals, and of restoration of the fundamental freedoms and HR that those ones did ruin. When the memory serves to preserve, strengthen and conceal the triumph of the former and the ruin of the latter, it does reveal that we are before a new ideological fraud.

The “justice Garzon style” (administered by “highly public judges” who conceal and protect the crimes of the Spanish Nationalism-Imperialism and pursue the Resistance against them) is the judicial version of the hypocrisy, the xenophobic hatred and the vengeance of the Fascism against all the resistant sectors of the occupied People. The cynicism and the impunity of criminals, torturers and thieves “of white hands” are total. The Francoism is not a thing of the past: it is the past and present foundation of the Spanish State. It is now when it demonstrates and exploits all its prospects and possibilities, long time underestimated. General Franco is the Father of modern Spain. The Francoism has never been defeated by nobody; the Francoist régime has never undergone collapse or demolition, breakdown, replacement or succession.

As previously indicated, the crimes committed against the Basque People by the French-Spanish Nationalism-Imperialism are the first and efficient cause of all the subsequent consequences: “Who is cause of the cause, is cause of the evil caused”. There cannot be in this question place for any kind of axiological relativism of the type “nobody has the reason in full”. The hypocrite, pacifist and non-violent idealists who, in the world of war and crimes of masses in which we live, claim to reject “all violence wherever it may come from” without denouncing – in the first place and as the basis of all political and ideological consideration – the State, imperialistic and fascist monopoly of criminal Violence, what they really are doing is hide or ignore the constituent criminal Violence of the Spanish and French imperialistic policy and States; and they do in fact approve, support, disguise, recognize and bless the monopolistic criminal Violence that keeps their imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation. All these may be feeble-minded, imbecile, psychopaths or phoneys: this is a question to be worked out by their confessors or therapists; but, in any case, they are agents of the imperialism and fascism. The “régime without violence” that the imperialism and fascism claim to be is in fact the imperialistic and fascist monopoly of criminal Violence. In the face of this, the Resistance to imperialism exercises the inherent and fundamental HR of self-determination and legitimate self-defence.

It is not possible to ideologically and politically defend the HR without touching the imperialism and the totalitarianism, and the war and the military occupation with which the latter have been established: procedures constitutive of crimes against the laws of war, against peace and against humanity. It is not possible to partly or individually fight against the Repression, the Terrorism or the Torture by concealing, accepting or supporting the system of whose relentless logic those methods are an inevitable and necessary part.

Those who seek to rationally or morally deal or talk with the imperialism and fascism, do necessary and fatally falsify and make the apologia for the régime of occupation of which those systems are a part. The ideological and political relativism of the supporters of “the institutional path and the attempts” shows to what extent these have adopted the hypocritical phraseology of the imperialistic and fascist propaganda. But, quite on the contrary to their affirmations about “the reason to 100%”, only are legitimate and respectable the ideology and policy founded and performed in defence of the HR, which have as the first and precondition of them all the right of independence, free disposition or self-determination of the subjugated Peoples, as well as that of its legitimate self-defence. In this case, their defenders are right to hundred percent, and their attackers are wrong to the same extent. Imperialism and fascism are constitutive of imprescriptible crimes of war, against peace and against humanity. Their perpetrators, co-perpetrators, accomplices and auxiliaries – individuals or States – are international criminals. However, the collaborationism has arrived, also in this question, to an unsurpassed degree of indignity by requiring “the recognition of the damage caused” to the imperialism and its agents.

Hitler, Mussolini and Franco did never proclaim themselves as defenders of freedom, democracy and non-violence, nor did they accuse their adversaries of fascists, as now do the hypocrites without honour and sense of shame that have followed them. General Franco himself, the founder of the Spanish fascist régime propelled to the power by the Axis Powers, did always declare himself as an organic democrat, a national-trade unionist revolutionary and – like all conquerors and tyrants – a lover of peace: his own one; but never as a non-violent pacifist, as his hypocritical successors and beneficiaries do say. He declared and always maintained that Gernika had been destroyed by the (Basque) “nationalists”; but his outstanding successors and the Spanish National-socialists: current participants in the Francoist monopoly of the armed forces on land sea and air, do proclaim that “we are the victims of Guernica”; that “we are the jews under the totalitarian régime that has now established its absolute power: an all-embracing power of the Basque nationalism” in the four outlying provinces; that the local Church has forgotten that “Christ never did join with the mighty”; that “the culture against violence and the civil resistance against the military obedience” are “the only resource that we have left for the helpless pacifist and non-violent, deprived of all protection against the armed dictatorship of fear”. The successors of those who in 1937 devastated Durango and Gernika, so as to crush under the bombs of the Axis’ Terrorist Raids the Basque National Resistance to Fascism and Imperialism, and the national will of the Basque People, do now falsely proclaim themselves “republican victims” of the (Basque) nationalism. The shamelessness of the fascist criminals is just as disgusting and unforgivable as their crimes.

The history and sociology of the Nations do show what great a misfortune is for the Peoples and for World Peace the loss of national freedom under imperialistic domination. The occupation and annexation of a People and a State by another one is permanent aggression: a continuous, unending and immanent chain of crimes, conflict, oppression, persecution and Terror that cannot ever prescribe. The centennial aggression against the Basque People, the occupation and annexation of its State the Kingdom of Nabarre, the permanent violation-negation of its right of self-determination or independence, and the crimes committed in their bloody enterprise by the agents and accomplices of the French-Spanish-Roman/Vaticanist Imperialism, do reveal their moral depravity and perversion.

(From ‘Euskal Herria and the Kingdom of Nabarre, or the Basque People and its State, against French-Spanish imperialism’.)


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