The National-Imperialistic ideological disguise (X)


 The National-imperialistic ideological disguise


Iñaki Aginaga and Felipe Campo

The new current imperialistic ideology has the inescapable need for hiding and falsifying, concealing and disguising – in the possible and prudent measure – the political, historical and social reality of the imperialism and colonialism; the origin, nature and foundation of the occupation régime. It hides so eight centuries of original criminal Violence, wars of aggression, conquest, occupation, war and State Terrorism, contempt, repression and violation of all historical and fundamental human rights, crimes of war, against peace and against humanity, racial, linguistic and cultural genocide, and colonization, exclusion, dismemberment, exploitation, sacking and public humiliation of the occupied Nation. These are the structural factors that have constituted and do constitute the present French-Spanish system of domination of the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre; and those that have led to the present régime, namely: the Second Francoism self-reformed with the political and financial assistance of the global imperialism, whose Official and Secret Services did guide, finance and impose the Spanish intra-totalitarian transition.

It is the constant aim of the new imperialistic and fascist ideology to make believe that Imperialism and Fascism, like the devil, do not exist. To this end, the monopolistic propaganda replaces the current real order of criminal violence and domination, with a “non-violent political régime founded on freedom and law, and with the free adherence of the Peoples without violence, without weapons, through the word, reason, dialogue, pacts, referendum, consensus, laws, elections, votes, majority, the Law and the Constitution” etc. But only the destruction of reason by the imperialistic ideology allows to “understand” that such factors can establish and constitute a political régime, when the reality is that they do already implythe prior existenceof a constituted and constituent political structure, which these mechanisms simply “legitimize” a posteriori. Thisis a huge and formally absurd trickery with which the totalitarian propaganda and indoctrination try to destroy the political awareness of the Peoples.

According to the spokespersons of Second Francoism, the present reality is made up of “democratic non-violence”: the land, sea and air armed-forces do not exist, they are ghostly (and currently harmless) images of the past, and any relationship of the primitive Francoism crimes with the current régime is – they say – “pure demagogy that confuses present and past”. But the armies do exist, and not just for making parades. The armed forces are the real political class in Spain since the destruction of the Spanish Oriental Despotism by the French invasion, as well as the foundation of the Francoist power structure. And it is precisely the media monopoly, annexed to that monopoly of violence, which – thanks to the stupid and/or bought collaborationism of the ‘Basque’ liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta – determines without possible dispute that the “democratic non-violence” is the “official truth” of the criminal French-Spanish régime of military occupation imposed on the Basque Peopleand its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, for at least eight centuries.

For the dominant ideology of the Second Francoism, nothing that French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism has done against the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, has any relevance: eight centuries of wars and occupation, terrorism and repression against the Basque People have been purged and annulled since the Pnv and its satellites have been “legalized”, and because the monopolies of violence and propaganda organize “elections” so as the population can vote – under repression and terror – when, where and what the occupying power wants to. But a political régime based on voting and elections has never existed and cannot exist, since the political borders and the imperialistic States constituted within them: which organize such mechanisms, do precede and determine “voting and elections” etc. The absurdity of the “proposition” can save us the work of making any further investigation in this respect.

On the other hand, the hypocritical condemnation “of all violence coming from where it may come”, formulated by the dominant propaganda, is materially and formally inconsistent with the reality of violence of the policy and State that the same hypocrites or morons who profess or disseminate such functional insanities do hold and justify. As it is well known, the political reality is constituted as such by violence. Whether it be applied in the service of democracy or of despotism, of the defensive action or the aggressive one; or that it be about “the good” violence or “the bad” one, all of these are completely irrelevant issues in this regard: violence is violence; and therefore all of them, insofar as they are behaviours that involve violence, are seamlessly indistinguishable as such. In their case, their violence is moreover criminal and illicit, since it is at the service not of the defence but of the violation of fundamental human rights. But even so, the agents or the imperialistic propaganda do still keep repeating their absurd and hypocritical condemnation of “all violence”; and – incredible though it may appear – “such a huge contradiction does not seem to cause them considerable ideological prejudices”.

A continued exercise of legerdemain and collective delirium, the paranoid propaganda is an ideological constant of the imperialistic illusionism. But the ideologists of imperialism are not mad. They know what they want and how to achieve it. They don’t care about truth, reason and logic, as we will see.

Those who have established their power by war, repression and terror; the fascists and imperialists who in French and Spanish States exert the monopoly of violence and terrorism over the occupied territories of the Basque People, do affirm to be opposed to all violence. Those who have trampled over all the fundamental human rights, do pretend to be holders of something that they call “rule of law”. So stale, worn-out, equivocal and multi-purpose ideological resource is as prevalent in the fascist propaganda as its own self-proclaimed “democracy”, and as empty as itself. The most disgusting terrorist practice of the fascist forces of repression is accompanied by the hypocritical and no less repulsive mask of “non-violence and rejection of all violence, whether it comes from where it may come”. The ideological wordplay, fraud and trickery do serve to hide and comfort the real order of violence; to perhaps cultivate the own illusions of the dominant forces; and, in any case, to deceive and mislead the most under-developed, unwary, gullible or defenceless of those between their victims. Surprising though it may seem, these things work: otherwise, nobody would lose time and money not even trying them.

The hypocritical sermons of the official propaganda for external use of the imperialism and fascism are intended so as to make people believe that the actual imperialistic régime of occupation of Nabarre is a society without violence, and try to present it as a natural social order: free, peaceful, non-violent and democratic at the same time, only disturbed by the violence struck against the régime, only altered by the attempts that interrupt the non-violent and – nevertheless – democratic coexistence.

There simply occurs that the nature of the totalitarian régime makes it impossible the democratic theoretical development; which corresponds to the correlative inferiority and defencelessness in which that régime finds or to which it reduces its victims. As it has been already pointed out, repression, obscurantism and a single system of values make that the material weakness is accompanied by mental weakness.

To imbue a population with such material and formal stupidities would be an impossible mission without the almost unlimited effectiveness of the monopolies of violence, terrorism, propaganda and ideological intoxication of masses. If formal lying, absurdity and emptiness are the stuff with which the dominant propaganda is fed, it’s undoubtedly because it has nothing better to present and because they work, without which no one would lose time in that task. And if they work it is undoubtedly because the capacity of information and the rational and critical sense of the oppressed – and also of the oppressor – Peoples have been already reduced to dimensions close to those ones so assiduously and effectively desired and pursued. Fascism has always affirmed that properly treated, conditioned, un-informed and contra-informed, the Peoples will believe everything and anything. But the means of ideological intoxication of masses that Mussolini, Hitler and Franco had at their disposal were a small foretaste of the current weapons of mass destruction of reason and political consciousness, which the modern monopolies of violence and information put in the hands of today’s imperialistic and totalitarian régimes.

The brainwashing and the mental intoxication of masses, in charge of the mass-media monopolies, have made up of a large slice of the colonized Basque society a helpless and inert victim of the propaganda and psychological warfare, unable to perceive and process the most obvious political reality. Social alienation has become mental alienation. The destruction of the reason that has been achieved by French-Spanish Imperialism and Fascism, has reached unprecedented levels at the expense of populations previously reduced to the mentalcondition of telephagic zombies. They are, all of them, phenomena that show the degree of political, ideological and mental alienation in which the armed and unarmed Pnv-Eta institutionalists have plunged the people that they claim to defend; as well as the political incapability of a Country that spends the life waiting for something that does never arrive, because freedom does never come as a result of falsifications, wiles, vain illusions, wishful thinking and strategic incapacity.

The ideology embedded in the imperial-colonialist régime is protean and multiform but is subjected to consistent and simple principles. It consists of a constant effort of lying and forgery in order to conceal an unavoidable reality, namely: the presence, continuity and resistance of the subjugated Peoples and States; the multi-centennial violation of the fundamental human rights; the violence, war, conquest, occupation, annexation, State Terrorism, plunder, deportation and all their direct and indirect dire consequences. A criminal reality that the dominant Nations cannot face in a way other than through lying and forgery.

The imperialists and the colonialists are, as they claim, pacifists and non-violent, they want peace and not war; but only after they have won the war and exterminated or subjugated the colonized, and after they have established upon them their own monopoly of violence, which they call “peace”. They are in favour of their own national domain: Spain for the Spaniards and France for the French; but also the rest: either in Europe or in the Antipodes. They are against the “construction” of “new” borders: the same ones that their predecessors did destroy to take over the Peoples and States they subjugated in the Empire where the Sun did never set, because those borders would ensure independence and protection to the subjugated Peoples and would put an end to the maintenance of their imperialistic domination upon them; but, naturally, they are in favour of the maintenance of those ones that they imposed through war and genocide. They are against the “identity-nationalism”, but only when it is about that of the others, which slows down the expansion of their own imperialistic Nationalism. They proclaim themselves as democrats and defenders of human rights, but they do so after their having ruined human rights and democracy: a task in which they have occupied their history. They defend “the will of the majority”, which they identify with “democracy”; but it is about the “majority” they do manufacture after having destroyed that of the others by means of colonization and genocide.

In short, and as a result of that all, they are in favour of the abolition of frontiers, cosmopolitism and the mixing of blood and civilizations where they are nine against one; but of the apartheid and segregation where they are one to nine. They are universalists, but their universalism is the extension of their nationalism to the whole world. They defend the rights of self-determination and self-defence: those of themselves, but deny them to others. They preach “tolerance for all”, but actually, they impose one-way tolerance, that is: submission, respect and tolerance towards Imperialism and Fascism; and repression, contempt and intolerance for freedom and for the right of self-determination or free-disposition and legitimate self-defence of all Peoples. This is the way as the agents of the French-Spanish imperialistic Fascism and their indigenous accomplices of the collaboration do understand freedom, human rights and tolerance in the occupied territories of the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre.

Thus, the metropolitan Agents and Colonists, as well as the indigenous Renegades: heirs, successors or beneficiaries of those who occupied their history in criminal enterprises of continental and trans-continental predation by subjugating, denying, sacking and destroying Peoples and States through war and Terror, and by imposing over them their own identity (all of which they not only have never condemned but do affirm to feel proud of it), while they are under the shelter of their armed forces of military occupation and all of them form part of the imperialistic Country, do claim to be natives of the colonized Country, demand respect for their colonial positions, and give lessons of morality, democracy and non-violence by preaching repentance, pluralism and “non-identity” universalism to the Peoples who were submitted and deprived from their identity by imprescriptible crimes and Terrorism of war and occupation, and whose denial-liquidation they themselves do still pursue up to this very day.

All this is the real content of what they obscenely call “to think different”: ideological garbage spread at all hours without any possible answer by their media monopolies of ideological intoxication and mental conditioning of masses annex to their monopoly of violence. By calling it so they try, in the first place, to mask the current reality of the criminal totalitarian and military imposition of the Spanish or French imperialistic Nationalism (which they support and that in its turn it does support them), hidden behind that purported “to think differently”; and, finally, to remove the residual resistance of the victims who escaped the bombing, murder and summary executions, the walks at dawn to being murdered in ditches, chasms, bullrings and walls of cemeteries, the prisons of extermination and hard-labour camps, the repression, the exile and “the great cemeteries under the moon”. Current victims that these imperialistic and fascist criminals expect to reduce to the condition of mental deficient patients, now by means of psychological warfare and terrorism.

Maddened, and confusing – whether it formerly was in Cuba, Morocco, Indochina or Algeria, as it is now in Nabarre, Canary Islands, Galiza or Catalonia – their right to be Spaniards or French with the “right” of forcing those who are not so, they do denounce as aggression the rejection that on this respect they receive by Peoples who never were, nor are, nor want to be Spaniards or French; consider their resistance to be liquidated in their “melting pot” as incomprehensible, pathological and intolerable perfidy; insult, denigrate and slander (calling “Nazis”, “small homicidal peoples”, “intolerant”, “murders”, “terrorists” etc.) the Peoples which they massacred and continue massacring, and whose existence cannot tolerate; and declare themselves pacifists and demand to the others the rejection of “all violence, whether it come from where it may come”, except that coming from themselves, which as they pretend it is not even violence.

But those who condemn “all violence whether it comes from where it may come” without denouncing – in the first term and as a basis of all ideological and political consideration – the State imperialistic and fascist monopoly of violence, they in reality do hide or ignore the constituent violence of fascist policy and State; and they thereby do dress up, approve, support, recognize or bless the crimes of the monopolist Violence that keeps their French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation on our Country. Those who such do may well be either cynical phoneys quite aware of their role, or unwary irresponsible people manipulated by the imperialistic propaganda, but in any case, they are objectively agents of Totalitarianism and Fascism. Anyway, when someone has adopted the positions and the intransigence of the French-Spanish National-imperialistic bigotry never denounced by them (despite the awful trail of crimes it has left in this Country along the centuries to get its imposition), and claims the authority to condemn the Resistance and the legitimate defence of the (own) People thus massacred and humiliated, in such a case it is not possible to invoke the faintest clear conscience and good faith. In these conditions any invocation of “peace”, any condemnation of violence of the others, is mere alienation or the sarcastic hypocrisy of a characterized bad-faith and hatred coming from the indigenous Renegades and the henchmen of the French-Spanish Imperialism.

The same as they have done all the powers founded by aggression and war, who have brought the violence up to its ultimate consequences and reached all their targets killing and shooting without limitation, the State that started an all-out war when it was convenient for it and established thus its monopoly of violence and terror in the occupied territories of the Basque People, once the war has been won it declares also “peace” and recommends “coexistence” when is convenient for it.

After centuries of oppression and domination, violence and appropriation of the productive forces, monopoly of the means of propaganda and psychological warfare, genocide and racial, linguistic and cultural persecution, the propaganda of the Second Francoism reinforced by the social-imperialism proclaims – as it did the propaganda of the French Republic – that from the “transition” the conditions are given for a new era of coexistence, liberty, equality and fraternity without oppression or violence; without violence from the others, of course, since the monopoly of their own violence remains unaffected and must be called and accepted as “democracy”. They hope that in this way the unarmed remains of the opposition will accept the new order; that they will unilaterally renounce any attempt to Resistance and legitimate self-defence; and that they will forget the crimes that have created it, whose memory will be erased without a trace in the individual and collective consciousness. “Captive and disarmed the Red Army, the national troops have reached their last military objectives. The war has ended.” “Our interest is peace”: his, of course.

Once that “peace” has been obtained and assured through aggression, war, conquest, occupation, Terrorism, execution, deportation and colonization, the Imperialism and Fascism wield an absolute political and ideological power; they hold the monopoly of criminal violence and propaganda of the totalitarian régime; they banalize the systematic kidnapping, torture and murder: legal and illegal, official or informal; they oppress and repress, execute, imprison, silence and turn into malefactors, criminals and fugitives all those who refuse to submit to their tyranny and domination and just want to live in peace and freedom; and, in short, they pursue as if were offences and crimes the theoretical or practical defence of national freedom, the fundamental human rights and, above all, the inherent and indefeasible right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples.

The French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism, and the apologists of their States: which have occupied their history trying to impose their own national identity to the whole world and which are unable to understand the others as persons, do pretend – when it suits them – to be cosmopolitan and universalistic, adversaries of the “identity nationalisms”, and supporters of a “non-identity citizenship”. In fact, imperialistic Nationalism is always a supporter of its own identity and adversary of the others’ identity: whose identity signs or fundaments it seeks to destroy and replace with its own one by using all means, Violence and Terrorism in preference.

Every People has the right to live in its own language and culture. A Nation without identity does not exist nor can exist: neither here nor anywhere, no more than a body without dimensions. Only the agents, collaborators and accomplices of Imperialism may seek to define the People by the “territory”, instead of defining the territory by the People.

“The General Conference of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization, [...] Proclaims this Declaration of the Principles of International Cultural Co-operation, [...]. Article I: 1. Each culture has a dignity and value which must be respected and preserved. 2. Every people has the right and the duty to develop its culture. 3. In their rich variety and diversity, and in the reciprocal influences they exert on one another, all cultures form part of the common heritage belonging to all mankind.” Etc. (Declaration of the UNESCO; 1966.)

The General Assembly, [...] Affirming the sovereign right of each State to formulate and implement, in accordance with its own conditions and national requirements, the policies and measures conducive to the enhancement of its cultural values and national heritage, Recognizing that the uniqueness of each culture derives from a multiplicity of influences operating in an extended time-scale, Considering that the value and dignity of each culture, as well as the ability to preserve and develop its distinctive character. is a basic right of all countries and peoples, [...] Convinced that, [...] all necessary steps have to be taken towards the preservation, enrichment and further development of national cultures and ways of life, [...], 1. Urges Governments to make cultural values, both material and spiritual, an integral part of development efforts” etc. [UNGAR 3148 (1973)]

The General ConferenceCommitted to the full implementation of the human rights and fundamental freedoms proclaimed in the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and other universally recognized legal instruments, such as the two International Covenants of 1966 relating respectively to civiland political rights and to economic, social and cultural rights, Recalling that the Preamble to the Constitution of UNESCO affirms ‘that the wide diffusion of culture, and the education of humanity for justice and liberty and peace are indispensable to the dignity of man and constitute a sacred duty which all the nations must fulfil in a spirit of mutual assistance and concern’, [...], Reaffirming that culture should be regarded as the set of distinctive spiritual, material, intellectual and emotional features of society or a social group, and that it encompasses, in addition to art and literature, lifestyles, ways of living together, value systems, traditions and beliefs, Noting that culture is at the heart of contemporary debates about identity, social cohesion, and the development of a knowledge-based economy, [...], Proclaims the following principles and adopts the present Declaration: Article 1– Cultural diversity: the common heritage of humanity” etc. (UNESCO; Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity; 2 November 2001.)

Those are just some examples of the respect and appreciation recognized to the national identity and cultures by the highest international organizations, in contrast with the contempt and persecution which they have been subjected to by the agents of the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism; contempt and persecution that the Basque People has been suffering for centuries.

But lo and behold that groups claiming to be (Basque) “nationalists”, and that claim that “the Basque Country is a Nation with right of self-determination”, do at the same time affirm the “democratic right” of French and Spanish Government and Parties to exercise political powers in the occupied territories of the Basque People. According to the “Basque patriotic opposition with democratically elected representatives”, those occupying Powers: their agents, parties and beneficiaries “have a perfect right” to occupy and govern this Country as their own. It is a “right” without equivalence in the comparative international law: nor in Spain or France, nor in the Baltic Countries, nor in any “banana republic”, but which they claim as inseparable from their immaculate “democratic” principles. It is a “right” whose equivalent, of course, nobody seeks, nor accepts, nor recognizes in the true Nations, but that the official “democratic patriotic opposition” understands as perfectly legitimate in the joke nations like this one, in whose reality its “leaders” have never believed. The ruin of human dignity of a People, and the denial of its right to equality and freedom in the order or disorder of Nations, are unmistakable signs of the moral misery which colonialism leads the occupied Peoples to.

According to a basic principle (whose equivalent claim and apply as something natural all the serious Peoples in the world) “The Basques [the same as the English or the Germans] are not Spaniards or French; the Spaniards and the French [no more than the Danes or Norwegians] are not Basques”. However, this principle is actually ignored and betrayed by the current leaders of the Party founded by him who had formulated it; whom the Spanish Government did – by the way – imprison precisely for supporting the right to independence of the colonized Peoples in general, and the Cuban in particular. Such “Basque leaders” do now deny to the Basque People this same principle and even its very existence as one more People in the World, when they recognize the Colonists and the Renegades: self-proclaimed Spaniards or French, their “right” to be so and to organize in our Country imperialistic political parties that, under the protection of their armies of military occupation, do in their turn define themselves as Spanish or French, and that nevertheless those “Basque leaders” accept as “Basque, democratic and non-violent” parties.

Unquestionably, if such “Basque leaders” recognize as democratic and non-violent: as “different Basque sensibilities and political traditions”, the ideologies that in theory and in practice deny the occupied People and State as holders of an inalienable right of self-determination (whose precondition is the unconditional and immediate withdrawal of all occupying forces of the occupying Powers outside the Historical Territories of the Basque People and its State), thereby accepting the legitimacy of the result achieved through the countless and horrendous imprescriptible crimes committed in the aggression, genocide, colonization and permanent military occupation of our People and Country; if they admit that the “citizens” in our Country claiming themselves as Spaniards and French are “Basques” who can organize in our State – but not any longer in the Netherlands or in Cuba – political formations that affirm the legitimacy of the imperialistic right of conquest over the Basque People and Country (formations that those “Basque patriotic leaders” admit not only as “democratic and Basque” but as “traditional” too, what no doubt they are leastways as much as the invasions, bombings and executions); and if they do also admit that our Country consists simply in several regions of Spain and of France, then it is clear that such “Basque nationalist leaders” recognize also with it that at the most this is a dud “country”: a mine to be exploited by them and whoever, and that serves to assure them of a – problematic – political career in the shadow of the French-Spanish Imperialism that they have admitted as democratic.

The acceptance – and the redounding upon the People – of the imperialistic discourse keys, carried out by those “leaders” of groups that call themselves “patriotic”, do highlight the penetration and establishment of the imperialistic dominant ideology among those who claim to defend democracy and national freedom: both absolutely inseparable issues; as well as the incapability in which they are, in order to get rid of the theoretical and psychological ballast that they drag. Only a perverse mentality: which is what the colonial subservience entails, can hide and invert to such an extent the reality of the social relations that occur under the imperialistic régime of military occupation. Deeply permeated with the dominant ideology; caught in their own corporatist, idealistic, formalistic, sectarian and closely opportunistic approaches; and prisoners of the system which so much they have contributed to establish and consolidate, their destiny appears thus inseparable from the colonial power which they are indebted to.

Unfortunately, and as we can constantly see, neither simple verifications of the always “honest” and sincere willingness of the French-Spanish imperialism to deny in all possible waysthe reality of the subjugated Basque People and of its occupied Nation and State; nor logical deductive inferences: should perchance that denial were not clearly manifested (which we have already seen that it’s not the case), have any effect on the aforementione “Basque patriotic leaders” of the Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy and its satellites. And so, in nothing their mentality gets affected by the samples offered by the hard reality, which they do invariably understand as “limited, accidental or occasional deficiencies of detail – always regrettable yet correctable – that any democracy and all human work inevitably do present”, as they affirm. Yet, to tell the truth, the “small deficiencies of detail” consist in the absolute denial:

    – of the fundamental human rights and above all of the first of them all, Self-Determinatsion or Independence of Peoples, and of the integrity of their States legitimately constituted upon the principle of Self-Determination or Independence of Peoples;

    – of the Basque People’s national freedom and the historical and sociological fundamentals of its occupied State, the Kingdom of Nabarre; and

– of democracy, which can only exist on the respect and the validity of all this and of the inescapable rules of the political theory and practice.

Such “Basque leaders” do refer to a “Basque people” which is an active subject – as they admit – of political rights. However, for the French-Spanish Nationalism and its “law”: which those “Basque leaders” do nonetheless accept as “legitimate and democratic” (and also acceptingits entire legal-institutional-state system as legitimate and their own), there are here no any other People, other Nation, other State, nor other active subjects of political rights than those of France and Spain. The Basque People and its rights are non-existent for the French-Spanish imperialistic régime: which holds and monopolizes all rights, without thereby these “Basque leaders” refusing to recognize it any longer as their own, legitimate and democratic régime and State; and from there – of course – what does not exist, neither is nor can be an active subject of rights.

Once again: for the ‘Constitution’, ‘State’, laws, institutions, parties and propaganda of French-Spanish imperialism: which the ‘patriotic leaders’ recognize as legitimate and democratic and their own ones, theBasque People has no “legal” existence. According to the Spanish regulations in force: accepted by the “moderate and radical abertzale leaders” as legitimate and democratic, they are “Basques” (or “Navarrese”) the Spaniards with an administrative neighbourhood in four “provinces” of Spain. In the French “law”, its existence is expressly denied: its “legal” presence is infinitely inferior to the Txantako golf club.

Now then: if the Basque People, Nation and State are water under the bridge; if the wars of conquest have never existed or have been democratically validated, healed or consolidated by the “will of the people” in the “democratic general elections” under the military occupation of France and Spain; if the “national identity” of the “Country of the Basques” boils down to simple administrative-territorial constituencies of Spain and of France, in accordance with “the Constitution and the Statutes”; if “Euskadi” – or whatever you call that thing – is therefore a dud or joke “nation”, not founded – like all real Nations – on the right of self-determination of its own People: the Basque People, but “Euskadi is a nation that by virtue of a political pact and a legal order ranging from the Spanish Constitution to the Statute of Gernika through the law of Economic Concert, has a special régime of self-government, [and therefore] we are not another [Spanish] autonomous community more” (as declared by Andoni Ortuzar, President of the Pnv, in his speech on the occasion of the 125th anniversary of the founding of that party; Bilbao, 31-July-2020); if they are “Basques” – or “Navarrese” – the Spaniards administratively recognized as residents in four Spanish Provinces (in the hexagonal Republic and its DOM-TOM-COM there are solely French); if these “Basques” are divided into “nationalist and non-nationalist”, but all of them “Basques” (or “Navarrese”) although with “different sensibilities”; if between them and the Spaniards there is not, therefore, any diversity but tautological national identity; if their own national language is the Spanish (or French) language; if the French cannot be at the same time Spaniards or Germans, but the Basques can be at the same time either Spaniards or French; if the Nation is not here the foundation and agent of an inherent right of national freedom but it is the aspiration of a regional minority in an administrative-territorial constituency of Spain, that is: the object of a “secessionist claim” or a foetus about to be born, as the “Basque patriotic” electoral propaganda openly proclaims; if in fact – according to the aforementioned formulation of Ortuzar, the Spanish Constitution and the Statute of Gernika – Joanes Leizarraga, Martin de Azpilkoeta, Atxular, Xalbador, Etxahun and Iñaki Perurena were not or are not Basques, whereas they are so the declared and self-proclaimed Spaniards members of the Ap/Pp Francoist traditional Party and its neo-falangist puppets of Ugt-PsoE (whom the “Basque leaders” call “the Basque Populars and the Basque socialists”); if these ones “are perfectly entitled” to import and impose here and to everybody – but not in Germany or any other serious Country – their monopoly of criminal Violence, their nationality, their law and their political parties; if the French-Spanish régime of military occupation and colonization established on the “Basque country” is actually a legitimate, peaceful, non-nationalist, non-violent and – at the same time – democratic system, and its agents are legitimate and respectable representatives of free Peoples; if the Spanish and French Nationalism-Fascism-Imperialism-Colonialism does not exist or is a legitimate and respectable activity which its agents have a perfect right to; if the principle of Free Disposition or Self-Determination of all Peoples can only be applied here to the Spanish People and the French People, which are the only ones that exist, and in the juridical framework of the Spanish and French States, which are the only ones that exist; if – in short – such is the reality: according to what ambiguously but inevitably has been established by the positions of the Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy, then there is no other People, other Nation or other State here but those of France and Spain, and there is nothing left but to close the business that never should have been opened.

One can only wonder what is so much noise and so much fuss about, how can be solved a problem that – according to the positions of these “Basque patriotic leaders” – does not even exist, and what is doing this administratively constituted “country”, apart from providing employment, salary and sinecures to the auxiliary services of the “Basque” political class collaborating with French-Spanish imperialism. A “Basque nationalism” that maintains such principles is downright Spanish and French Nationalism, much though they play with the words. Everything else is empty and meaningless verbiage: the speech of a useful fool or lunatic clinically ready to be confined in the madhouse; if perchance it is not that of a cynical and unscrupulous opportunist, as one way or another are the “Basque patriotic leaders”. After all, with such premises, the “Country of the Basques” will continue being so: in any case and with all its “features”, while the administrative demarcations in which it is founded persist and there are Spaniards to populate them; unless the drift of the Continents ends with its geological base.

As it is evident, in the Spanish imperialistic ideology the definition of the term and concept of “Basque” and others is affirmed: by an administrative provision, as excluding all sociological reality of the Basque People. It is a means to confuse, mix up and recuperate the concepts while making at the same time believe in a recognition that is actually non-existent. Without the need and will to deceive the Basque People: which actually exists in itself and for itself apart from those ideological-administrative manoeuvres, “Vascongados and Navarreses” would not have been subject of such attentions.

“Population-citizenship” (not People), colonial administrative demarcation (not Territory), and imperial domination (not right of self-determination) do integrate the imperialistic State. The “Vascongadas Provinces/Euskadi and Navarre”: now called “autonomous regions or autonomies”, are mere administrative districts of the Spanish State; and the purported “Basque people” of the “patriotic leaders” is the Spanish people settled on them. In the imperialistic French régime: of a purely constructivist essence, it is not even that; what makes it more manifest and, as such, preferable. (The French Nationalism has systematically replaced or distorted even the Basque proper names of places and persons up to make them unrecognizable; what the Spanish Nationalists have imitated with some limitations.)

The imperialists claim – when it suits them – to be defending “the diversity, coexistence and pluralism” (the same as they claimed it in Algeria etc.); words which in their hands become a clumsy colonialist ideological trick. Naturally, all society is plural, since it is not possible any social relationship without otherness. The question is to know what “plurality” is being talked about and what its treatment of human rights is. As they say, the pluralism and differences between Basques are so crucial that they prevent our cohesion as one People if we are not at the same time Spaniards or French; “peoples” these ones whose deep cohesion, instead, is not affected in the slightest by things like that, even though among them are included Basques, Cubans or Filipinos, Algerians or Kanakas. That is: they are Spaniards or French all those to whom it has reached “the cohesion and determination” imposed by the bayonets and cannons of Spaniards and French, who are much more “pluralistic” than all the others. However, there is no place for any possible pluralism if we are all Spaniards or French: as they affirm us to be, and try to achieve, since the Spanish and French “pluralism” consists in excluding us everyone else by purely and simply denying – in theory and in practice – the existence as such of the Peoples they have subjugated.

For the established French-Spanish fascist-imperialistic system, “the diversity, coexistence and plurality” are those of the Spaniards and French among themselves, exclusive of all the others. In our case there are no other national identities than the Spanish or French ones, which are occasionally hidden under cover of “no identity” cosmopolitanism, internationalism and universalism; and it is so despite being States that have passed their history in imposing their identity to the others. The “citizens” of the Peoples oppressed by Spain and France are more plural than anyone else, but while remaining them all French and Spaniards: either in Europe or in colonial Algeria, “an inseparable part of the French People”.

Now then, in pure logic, there can only be plurality among diverse individuals of the same genre. But if what happens is that the Basque People does not exist: which is the postulated ideological starting point of imperialism for ending with it as fast as possible, then it cannot compose any plurality. That is to say that the Basque People cannot form any plurality, since – as the French-Spanish imperialism does postulate, and the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta does admit while recognizing the régime and State of Spain and France as the régime and “the State” of its own, non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic – the Basque People and its State simply do not exist. (In France: formally, expressly and officially, there are only French; so this ideological trick of “plurality” is not of a “hexagonal” application.) Therefore – and always according to this false postulate – among Basques and Spaniards there is no diversity but the national identity of the regional minorities of the “plural” Spain; which is the assertion that the imperialism has established from the beginning by begging the question (‘petitio principii’) while pretending that it is deduced as a result of an “argumentation”, which consists of absurd and unnecessary ideological tricks. Indeed, there is no place for “plurality” among Basques and Spaniards, if they all are Spaniards; there is only place for the plurality of Spain and among Spaniards.

The recuperation and the falsification of names and concepts hide and characterize a simple and double reduction: that of the Basque Country, which is reduced to a mere administrative circumscription of the occupying States France and Spain; and that of the Basques, reduced to a variant of Spaniards or French. The falsely postulated “lack of identity” of the Basque People “is resolved in” the identity of Spain, which “by definition” has no plural difficulties; just in the same way as in French colonial Algeria the “plurality and lack of common identity” between Berbers, Arabs or Jews was no impediment to their “plural” national identity as French. Obviously, they play with the double or triple sense of the words in order to confuse the concepts and to deceive their followers and victims.

The only pluralism that did allow and continue to allow those who force to be Spaniards or French to Peoples who are not so, is the colonial “pluralism”. The colonial and predatory “pluralism” that such people advocate, and the rejection of violence that they require (to the others), are the acceptance of their monopoly of violence, and the resignation and abandonment of the right of self-determination and self-defence of the occupied Peoples. They consist in the affirmation of their own “right” of conquest and predation upon them, and in the denial of the internationalist pluralism. The Spanish-French “pluralism” has nothing to do with the international plurality, i.e.: that of free Peoples, agent subjects of the right of self-determination; or even with the plurality current in the Swiss Confederation. Theirs is the plural singularity and singular plurality inherent in the Colonialism and Nationalism of the single Nation, of the Single People, of the Single Fatherland: theirs, with a unique right to their own freedom and self-determination, and to the hetero-determination of the others.

The “pluralism” that they speak about – a trick with which they try to hide this reality – is that inherent to imperialism and colonialism. Obviously, all imperialism and all fascism claim to be plural, and they are so in their own way: all of them imply and include dominant and dominated people. Similarly, all State or régime of colonial oppression is plural: they all consist of oppressors and oppressed, colonizers and colonized: otherwise they could not be imperialism, fascism and colonialism. Just in the same way as all hunting is also a plural tusk of hunters and game, and as all fishing involves the plurality of fishermen and fish, not counting the worms.

The colonialist “pluralism” denies the Peoples as such, and thereby as active subjects of an international and inalienable right of self-determination (as supported by the democratic and internationalist pluralism), and affirms them on the contrary as objects of imperialistic “law” and property. The internationalist pluralism certainly denies the “rights” of the colonialists and expels them from the occupied and annexed States; whereas the colonialist “pluralism” expels the subjugated Peoples from the face of the Earth and the solar system. However, there are foolish or unscrupulous charlatans – favoured with paid positions and clad in undeserved dignities presenting them as “Lehendakari” or “Institutional Representatives of Peace and Coexistence” – who insist in saying that, with delinquents of that ilk, we have to agree to a common way where to walk along, and that “we’ve got to walk together with them”.

The established Spanish-French imperialistic régime has nothing to do with a plural, free and democratic order, which has as a necessary foundation the respect for the plurality of Peoples and their States legitimately constituted upon the principle of Self-Determination or Independence of Peoples, in the concert of international society. Imperialism is intrinsically, really, logically and decidedly contrary to all real pluralism of the society and State. The “pluralism” they defend and advocate for is the one-way pluralism of the Nationalist-monopolist power: privileged, discriminatory and exclusionary of Peoples deprived of their liberty. It is the imperialistic pluralism, in which the Spanish and French Nationalists are “more plural than the others”. It is about a “pluralism in which there is room for all”: not as different Peoples but as Spaniards or French, and in which all the others – who do not even have existence – are left aside.

We are dealing, therefore, with the purported “free and egalitarian pluralism” of the dominant Nations, on the one hand, and the dominated ones, on the other, which consists in the “recognition” of the latter as prey of the former; in the endless dialectic relationship of the master and the slave within the context of international class struggle. As already said, all colonialism is “plural”, because without indigenous Peoples and colonialists there would not be colonialism. Precisely the essence of all anti-colonialism consists in denying the colonial “plurality”. What the Spanish and French parties and ideological-political agents do now spread in the occupied Territories of the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, is the monotonous repetition of what their propaganda has always spread: in Cuba, in Algeria, and in every Country where the French and Spanish imperialistic Nationalism has left its nasty mark.

“Algeria is France, [...]. From Flanders to the Congo, [...] everywhere the law is imposed, and this law is French law; it is the one you have voted for, because there is only one parliament and one nation, in the overseas territories as well as in the departments of Algeria as in the metropolis. This is our rule; not only because the Constitution requires it on us but because it is in accordance with our wishes." (Speech by François Mitterrand, Minister of the Interior of the Mendes-France government, at the National Assembly, 12 November 1954.)

“The Spanish nation is the gathering of all Spaniards from both hemispheres.” (Article 1 of the Spanish “Constitucion” of 1812.)

Obviously, such a “pluralistic” universal domination over Peoples and the annexation of their States cannot be healed by crazed touches of sarcasm that claim the purported “democratic equality of all before the law”, as the ideological agents of imperialism do relentlessly repeat. And it is so because this “law” of imperialism: decreed by its juridical monopolies (“parliaments”), has been imposed by the monopoly of its criminal violence which these “parliaments” are based upon after having abolished the legitimate legality of the Peoples previously subjugated; is incompatible with the democracy (as it will be more widely exposed in the next point); and is iniquitous and null and void. Its so much boasted about “rule of law” is the law of its Empire, and is therefore as illegal and wicked as its Empire. The possible participation of Collaborationists and Renegades in such “parliaments” (as the Mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta is doing in the Spanish “institutions”) does not heal the fundamental illegality and nullity the laws imposed on the subjugated Peoples and their legitimate States illegally annexed, nor does it invalidate the indefeasible rights of self-determination, self-defence, integrity and independence of the latter; it simply does confirm the odious consequences of betrayal and collaborationism involved in any imperialistic enterprise.

Apart from that, so trite an aphorism: “the equality of all before the law”, even though it was not daily debunked by reality (as it is the case), does not correctly express the true democratic demand. The subjects not only must be equal before the law; they must above all be equal before makingthe law: equal to make it, equal to suffer it. The democratic rights are not only to be founded “before” the law but before making it; they do not consist in suffering the law but rather in constituting it in accordance with the fundamental human rights, and first and foremost the right of self-determination or independence of Peoples, which is the antithesis of imperialism. The “equality before the law” that the imperialism and fascism proclaims is non-existent through all the records.

It’s not that the French and Spanish Nationalism excludes but – more radically – it does expressly and constitutionally deny the very existence of the Peoples which it has subjugated. According to its ideologists, there only exist the “Spanish people” and the “French people”; the others, – as they say with as self-satisfied as crooked and cynical a conviction – “having voluntarily renounced their own identity and adopted that of their conquerors”, have disappeared as Peoples, and their former components are partof the “French people” and the “Spanish people”, which are the only ones that exist. That is, “what does not exist, cannot be excluded”: an “elegant” and radical solution to hide the reality when this is problematic.

The French and Spanish Nationalism is not, “therefore”, an exclusionary Nationalism since it “includes all” those who, in this way (and with different extent and success over the centuries), they have declared to be French and the Spaniards; and it “only” excludes all those who they have failed to impose that pattern on them. Yet, the ideological denial of reality, of the real existence of other Peoples; that is: the liquidation of the Peoples by the imperialistic Nationalism, is the supreme form of exclusion of Peoples by imperialism. “All peoples have the right to a Homeland.” It is the only way to survive. The homeland and the existence of the Spaniards and the French are not at risk of liquidation. Those of their victims, they are so.

The anticipated denial: which these nations have established, of the subjugated Peoples’ identity and very existence, does ideologically serve to the task of their liquidation undertaken by the imperialism, which begins by denying them in theory so as to better be able to destroy them in practice. It is the supreme expression of the essence of imperialistic Nationalism and racism: the scorn and denial of other Peoples. The imperialism needsto deny the Basque People as a People, as a Nation and as a State, so that their subjects can be Spaniards or French. They claim that “Basques and Nabarreses are those who live and work here”, who are divided into “nationalists and non-nationalists, with different sensibilities”; but needless to say: on condition of being Spaniards administratively recognized as residents of the territory of four Spanish provinces.

They also say that it is possible being a Basque in manyways, but the truth is that it’s not possible to be so in all or in any way. Anyway, as it is evident, a People is not constituted by the ascription to a territory; it is the territory which is determined by the ascription to the People who inhabit it: by the way, in a peaceful form and since time immemorial, as it is the case of the Basques. “We have proved that one can be a Basque and Spaniard” (or Pakistani). But the only thing they prove is the ideological fakery, traps and misunderstandings that the monopoly of propaganda disseminates without the possibility of reply, under the protection of the monopoly of violence and with the help of the Renegades and the “moderate and radical” Collaborationists. No one can have two nationalities and belong to two States, two Nations, or two Peoples at a time. Individual casuistic put aside, nobody can be a Basque, and Spaniard or French at the same time; just in the same way as no one can be a Spaniard, and at the same time French or German.

The recuperation and falsification of the subjugated Peoples’ identity signs, carried out by the imperialism, are mechanisms that do contribute to confusing their social base; especially when it is being deceived, forlorn and betrayed by a purported intellectual and political class made up of incompetents and sold-outs in the service of the imperialistic enterprise, as it is currently the case in the Basque Country. To subjugate a People by means of military aggression, imprescriptible crimes and centennial domination; to occupy its State and deprive it of the control of its frontiers; to colonize it and destroy its national characters – and above all its language – so that they become assimilated to those of the occupiers and their colonists; keep it for centuries under military occupation; to impose on it forcibly the imperialistic Nationalism of the occupiers; and then to deny that reality of oppression and call all that “pluralism and democracy”, within which the fundamental right of self-determination or independence of the Peoples consists on a purported “right to decide” under the conditions established by the imperialism: that is the revolting task that is being achieved nowadays in the Basque Country, typical of the imperial-colonialists and their collaborator “scholars”; whether these fellows be aware of their role or mentally alienated persons, foreigners or indigenous individuals.

As it’s usually its custom, the imperialistic and colonialist ideology has tried to limit the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples, by creating the greatest possible confusion and by faking and changing terms and concepts. One of these deliberate confusions is applied to the Indigenous Peoples. The issue of the “Indigenous Peoples” is species of the general issue of imperialism, of the freedom and the right of Peoples. There are Indigenous Peoples with or without State, which are a majority or a minority, dominant or dominated; but in any case, a People: whatever their characteristics may be, is not a “minority”; and to include it in the heterogeneous whole established by the imperialistic spoils, in order to make it appear as “a minority”, is a too obvious and clumsy trick. The fact that the Collaborationists and the Accomplices of the French-Spanish imperialism be participating in these operations in relation to our People, to which they also deny its own State while recognizing the occupying States, shows once again the consequences of their guidelines.

The “minorities” are not Nations or Peoples, and do not have the right of self-determination; they do not create right: they only do suffer it. As such, they are doomed. The hypocritical international conventions, exhortations and resolutions on “protection and rights of minorities, of regional or minority languages” etc. do not impress anyone and even less the dominant States, which have it very clear what they want to do and they do it according to their possibilities. If they proceed with delay or hesitation it’s because they cannot do otherwise, and are merely waiting for more favourable circumstances. And if they ever retreat, it’s only to better be able to jump at the first opportunity.

Openly or covertly, all States try to eliminate the various groups meant with the misleading name of “minorities” according to the time and means – equally variable – available. The operations of “normalization, cleansing, devolution, restoration” etc. (i.e.: extermination, deportation, expulsion or assimilation); the international transfers and exchanges: whether agreed or unilaterally imposed by the victors of the general or local wars, “as the only means to resolve in an orderly, human and pacific way the conflicts of the minorities” that the colonialism had produced, “were resolved” in Europe with successive waves of displaced, fugitive and stateless people, which created sixty million refugees – twenty million, counting only the Eastern Europe – in the second post-World War.

In our Country, the fascists of a second-generation do currently denounce “the drifts and fanaticisms of identity” of the others. They proclaim that “in the 21stcentury there are no Peoples nor collective rights but only citizens and persons”, and claim the priority of the “individual rights”: those of themselves, over some supposed or hypothetical “collective rights”: those of the others. (Yet, only by hypostasis can the so-called collective subjects and rights be opposed to the individual subjects and rights: sole reality from which those ones are form and part.) Now then, the incorruptible defenders of that totem they call “Constitution” are careful not to apply such “theory” to the French Constitutions and to their Spanish imitations (which say and intend expressly to the contrary), and to their own administrative practice. Basques or Africans verify daily, in the Basque land or the Strait, the way in which they respect those individual rights.

Apart from that, the hypostasis of the subjects of right and other socio-political categories is a common resource of the dominant ideology, always interested in all that can decompose the vulgar or scientific perception of the social totalizing reality. According to such ideology, individual rights: which are the only ones that exist, take precedence over collective rights, which do not exist. (If someone does not understand it well, he may ask the services of “ideological logic” of the Complutense University for an explanation.) The “collective rights of Peoples” – which should be distinguished and added, apparently, to the “individual human rights” – have already mobilized considerable resources in this Country, always ready to waste them on empty problems and to swallow all the offered baits.

(Anyway, the purported dualism “individual/collective rights” has fulfilled a relatively modest role compared to the infamous ideological dualism “class-nation/social-national/class struggle/national struggle”, which has ravaged for more than one century in the theoretically and ideologically defenceless ranks of the Pnv-Eta group, and has manufactured Defectors and Renegades at a continuous flow. If today its effects have been reduced, it is not because the helplessness has been overcome within those ranks but because in today’s imperialistic system, the current “national reconciliation, the sacred union, the revisionism and the abandonment of the class struggle, the consensual democracy, the alternation, the Nato or the globalization” make the tool of a difficult application and doubtful utility. Other better adapted “dualisms” have taken its place in the official propaganda. The Pnv-Eta team: whose “thinkers” have always confused the theoretical development with the political decomposition, has not been left behind in such a useful task.)

It is not worth to comment more broadly tricks of the type: “we must establish a dialogue, but starting from the respect for the Constitution and law”. Apart from that jiggery-pokery with all the terms/concepts used, starting with that of dialogue (which is not possible because imperialism has previously destroyed the necessary alterity which dialogue must be based upon), it must be said that all the laws of the French-Spanish Nationalist and Fascist Imperialism, and above all its “Constitution”, have been imposed through innumerable and horrendous crimes, and it is obvious that “starting” from such “respect” there is nothing left to talk about: there is only left the submission of the Peoples, the acceptance of their postulated non-existence as such Peoples holders of an indefeasible right of national self-determination or independence, the acceptance of the crimes and robberies constituent of Imperialism, and the liquidation of the subjugated Peoples’ own rights and institutions. It is, therefore, necessary to resist and oppose such “respect”.

Certainly, to be able to oppose against something one must needs eat and live; and without a required degree of submission to the established order (with its inevitable consequence of a forced payment of taxes-collaboration) one cannot eat neither live nor, therefore, resist. Yet, undeniably, it is not possible to establish a strategic base for a national/popular liberation starting from the decisive collaboration with the imperialism, that is: from its recognition as a non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic régime; and from the respect towards its Constitution and laws as if they were our own ones, being so that they have been constituted on mountains of corpses and rivers of blood of our Basque People. It’s evident that, in thisway, it is not possible to fight and oppose to totalitarianism, because the régime and its legality are made so that it is not possible. “The Constitution was drafted so that it was not possible.”

The Spanish and French imperialistic Nationalism is, by nature, opposed to dialogue, international coexistence and concord; it does not consider any other way out: for the total and absolute conflict that it has promoted, that the final solution. The liquidation of the oppressed People is its fundamental and immutable objective, as shown in the paradigmatic Algerian case:

“It is essential to establish colonization upon domination.”(Jules Ferry, in the Chamber of Deputies, July-1885.) “The only negotiation is war.” (F. Mitterrand, ‘Socialist’ Minister of the Interior in the French Government. From his speech from the rostrum of the “National Assembly”, 1954.)

“We are in presence of an armed and vivacious nationality that is necessary to turn off by assimilation, [...] the displacement of the Berber People and the fusion.” “The nationalist – Tunisian, Moroccan, Algerian – would be the enemy: not occasionalnor evenpermanent, to resume the terms we have defined above; he would be the absoluteenemy, he with whom no reconciliation is possible, whose very existence is aggression and who, consequently, if the logic were to be followed up to the end, had to be exterminated. ‘Delenda est Carthago’: the formula is that of the absolute enmity, the enmity of Rome and of Carthage; one of the two cities is ‘de trop’. If Algeria mustremain definitelyFrench, the nationalists who want an independent Algeria must be eliminated without mercy. In order that million of Muslims become French in the middle of the 20thcentury, it is necessary that they cannot dream any longer in an Algerian nation and forget the witnesses whose throats had to be cut off.” (Raymond Aron; ‘Paix et guerre entre les nations’, 1962.)

Delenda est Carthago: this is the real content of “liberty-equality-fraternity, Constitution, plurality and dialogue” in French-Spanish National-imperialistic version. “The democratic and social rule of law, the dialogue, the coexistence, the peace and the freedom”: which their agents do now speak about at all hours, are reserved for the Spaniards and the French on the basis of the imposition/acceptance of their imperialistic Nationalism. They do not exist for the others.

The absolute imperialism against the “absolute enemy” does scarcely try to hide its nature by feigning that it only fights a small minority of opponents; yet, it does perfectly well know that – given the current conditions that its totalitarian régime establishes through the modern monopolies of violence and propaganda – the Resistance would not be possible nor would exist, should there were not a structural conflict with an occupied and colonized People: which is the real and ultimate objectiveof its policy of subjugated Peoples’ liquidation.

The central and local representatives of the French-Spanish imperialistic régime of military occupation: from Cardinal Cisneros and Cardinal Richelieu to Villar or Urquijo, have repeatedly said that the subjected People is ultimately responsible of the endemic agitation in the annexed Territories, Countries and States; and that this can only be eradicated by extermination or deportation of the subdued Peoples. Yet, it’s obvious that the occupying People is ultimately responsible; indeed: if there were no imperialism, there would not be possible opposition to imperialism. All conflict is, at least, a thing of two. If the supreme objective of the dominant States was to put an end to the opposition of such conflicts, it would be enough to liquidate themselves and the Peoples who support them.

“During the Fronde and under Mazzarino, France, despite public distress, did morally breathe. Louis XIV found it full of brilliant geniuses that he recognized and encouraged. But, at the same time, he continued: with a much higher degree of intensity, Richelieu’s policy. He thus reduced France, in a very short period of time, to a state morally deserted, not to mention an atrocious material misery. [...]. Under this regime, the uprooting of the French provinces, the destruction of local life, reached a much higher level.” In the conquered Countries, “for which the French were foreigners and barbarians like Germans are for us”, the French did apply “terror, Inquisition and extermination”. (Simone Weil; ‘The Need for Roots: prelude towards a declaration of duties towards mankind’, 1952.)

Actually, the French and the Spaniards who do now appeal to dialogue and “reconciliation”: as a lure to deactivate the Resistance and legitimate self-defence of the Peoples they are trying to annihilate, are the successors and beneficiaries of those who – not with dialogue but with the violence and Terrorism without limits and at all costs – did spread over the world their ambitious and pretentious enterprise of domination and “civilization”, it is: of exploitation and genocide, based on the contempt of the rights and laws of the others: “of many barbarian Peoples and Nations of strange languages” (Nebrija dixit), and on the belief of the own racial, linguistic and cultural superiority; questions – all these – which French and Spaniards neither admitted nor admit nothing to discuss or talk about but did impose them up to exhaust all means of violence that they were capable of: “Up to the last man, up to the last peseta”. (A. Canovas del Castillo, Prime Minister of the Spanish Government, about maintaining the Spanish domination in Cuba.) That’s how Spaniards and French understand dialogue, pluralism and reconciliation. The infamous colonial wars in Cuba and the Philippines, in Morocco and Algeria, attest to this.

Instead of plurality, and when they have no other choice, they propose “tolerance”; which means that the remainder of plurality: in principle denied – as it was exposed above – but not completely eliminated, is now to be tolerated or “borne”. The same as there occurs with prostitution, the residual plurality of the Basque People that has not been possible to eliminate is confined in “houses of tolerance”: a forced refuge for denied but resilient rights and freedoms. The subjugated Peoples thus obtain zones or “reservations of tolerance”: a complement to the institutional Violence and Terror that failed to put an end to them. That is: they have to endure the established régime of criminal Violence and to submit voluntarily to it. And they have, in addition, to complete subservience in return for a “generous” premium of “tolerance”, which remedies the marginal deficit of totalitarian efficiency of the same system whose aim remains always to deprive them entirely of their fundamental human rights and even of their existence. Thus, after the spoliation and the attempt – never abandoned – of genocide, they are apparently granted a “generous” donation. But the “tolerance for all”: that they falsely proclaim, is in fact a one-way tolerance, a tolerance for the benefit of imperialism and fascism.

Subservience, respect and tolerance towards imperialism and fascism; repression, contempt and intolerance for the freedom and for the right of free disposition or independence and legitimate self-defence of all Peoples: it’s thus as the agents of the French-Spanish imperialistic fascism in the occupied Territories of the Basque People, along with their indigenous accomplices of the Pnv-Eta collaborationism, understand freedom, fundamental human rights and tolerance. The tolerance with imperialism and fascism is the complicity and collaboration with them; is the acceptance and remission of their crimes and looting.

Those agents of the French-Spanish imperialistic fascism claim to be victims of the nationalism, the separatism, the apartheid and ethnic cleansing, thus designating – and therefore distorting it as such – the right of self-determination of Peoples, that is: their indefeasible right to be independent or free from any foreign political domination or intromission. An aspiration that cannot be more natural, since the acceptance and respect for national differentiation of Peoples is the basis of the international law. And it is precisely the denial of that differentiation and of the right of Peoples to independence, and the contrary assertion of their own policy of liquidation and genocide, what the ideological agents of the imperialism seek to hide and disguise through the recuperation-falsification of the fundamental terms and concepts of the sociology and politics, as they use them: on their lips, the terms/concepts “nationalism, separatism” etc. are a crude and total forgery. In the face of their distortions, and as it is undeniable, denying life and existence to a whole People is the supreme form of Nationalism, separatism, racism, exclusion, apartheid and ethnic cleansing. The aim of the Spanish and French imperialistic Nationalism is the liquidation of the Basque People, and its replacement by the race, language and culture of the dominant Nations, which are the good ones.

In 1858, the Official Declaration for Algeria raised the problem and its final solution in the most complete form: “We are in the presence of an armed and vivacious nationality that is necessary to extinguish through assimilation [...] the dislocation of the Berber People and the fusion”. According to D. Guérin, “Initially [...] the military have dreamed of ‘rejecting well away, of exterminating the indigenous population’. Then the enterprise has turned out to be impossible. But for want of being able to physically make disappear the indigenous people, it has been attempted to beat them spiritually and morally”. “It has been attempted to kill the soul of this Country. It has been conquered for making of it a colony of population, for annexing it to the metropolis.”

More recently, a former U.S. Government National Security Advisor put it this way: “The resulting widespread rise in worldwide populist activism is proving inimical to external domination of the kind that prevailed in the age of colonialism and imperialism.” And he concluded by stating next that “Persistent and highly motivated populist resistance of politically awakened and historically resentful peoples to external control has proven to be increasingly difficult to suppress” etc. (Z. Brzezinski; from his speech “The Role of the West in the Complex Post-Hegemonic World” before the European Forum for New Ideas, 26 September 2012.) The same speaker had previously acknowledged, to his fellow elites and imperialists in the United States and other powerful Western societies, that: “The worldwide yearning for human dignity is the central challenge inherent in the phenomenon of global political awakening” etc. (Author quoted; ‘Second Chance’, March-2007.)

The struggle of the Peoples for their national independence against despotism, oppression and exploitation inherent to imperialism is the greatest revolutionary force in history; but behold, the obscene propaganda of French-Spanish imperialism presents things upside down and denounces the “attacks to the right” of the Spaniards to be Spaniards, and of the French to be French, when its ideologists verify that the Basques refuse to be imposed on them the being Spaniards or French. The same as in the issues of Violence, Terrorism or Nationalism, the auxiliary propaganda services of the local Renegades do shamelessly reverse the terms of the problem. They “confuse” their right to be Spaniards or French with the “right” to force into being such a thing those who neither have ever been so nor want to be so now.

Nobody has ever denied anyone the right to be Spaniard or French – as a part of the right of free disposition or self-determination of all Peoples – in so far as they respect in their turn the right of free disposition of the others: something that the Spanish and French Nationalists have never done and that they have guaranteed through the permanent military occupation of the subjugated Peoples, as they are doing in our Country for at least eight centuries. It’s they who have occupied their history – also ruining that of others – in theoretically and practically denying all through the five Continents the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples, the same as they continue doing currently against the Basque People. The “right of self-determination” to only one-way: claimed by the Spanish and French Nationalists-Imperialists, is nothing else but the “right” of colonial domination of the “great” Nationalist cannibals.

Those who – by means of war, occupation and the monopolies on economics, violence and propaganda – exert their full power, protest at the situation of “inferiority” in which the “non-nationalists” (that’s to say: the Spanish and French Nationalists) are being placed. After feignedly stating that “all ideas and all projects are legitimate and respectable”, the fascist indignation – either military, civil or ecclesiastical – is manifested because, as they say, the attempts prevent their agents from “defending their ideas, freely standing for elections, choosing their domicile, walking freely through the streets, and pursuing their purposes perfectly legitimate and respectable”. But imperialism and fascism are crimes of war, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity. Imperialism is not democratic neither in its means nor in its purposes. It consists in the subjugation and liquidation of the Peoples through war, terror, pillage and the permanent destruction of their fundamental human rights. And their agents do by means of criminal Violence and Terrorism repress the fundamental human rights and, above all, the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples: first of human rights and prior condition of them all. They have, therefore, nothing of legitimate or respectable.

Democracy is just the opposite: it is the theoretical and practical denial of the “right” of imperialistic domination; it is the affirmation of Self-Determination or Independence of all Peoples, and is necessarily founded on the respect and validity of the fundamental human rights, the first of which – and precondition of all of them – is the right of self-determination or independence of all subjugated Peoples, in the face of any foreign political domination or interference that constitutes imperialism.

As such, the agents and ideologists of the fascist imperialism have no rights. To say it with total accuracy, the agents of imperialism “defend their ideas and pursue their aims”: perfectly illegitimate and criminal, by criminal means, by war, military occupation and terrorism, which are the ends and means constitutive of imperialism. In front of them, those who defend the ideas and pursue the legitimate aims of freedom, democracy and national independence, suffer not just attempts but the institutional totalitarian violence, whose actual and virtual capacity for violence is incomparably greater. Those who have refused to accept and recognize the imperialistic régime that is imposed upon them, have always had something more than difficulties in order to “defend their ideas, organize their elections, walk freely through the streets and pursue their perfectly legitimate purposes”. When they have been lucky, all their freedom has consisted of being able to “choose” between clandestinity and being put against the wall, jail or exile. Well understood: the scandalized and Pharisees civil or ecclesiastical preachers of the fascist “freedom” have not cared at all about that, as long as the Spanish fascism-imperialism has been the beneficiary.

Against what the auxiliary services of Pnv-ist ideological intoxication do spread, it is not a question here about differences “between nationalist and non-nationalist Basque democrats with different sensitivities”. It is not a matter about “different ideas and aspirations, all legitimate”. Imperialistic Nationalism is not simply “a sensitivity, an idea and an aspiration”; it has nothing of legitimate or honourable. The imperialism is a reality founded by means of violence, terrorism and permanent repression of all freedoms; and by means of crimes of war, against peace and against humanity. To affirm the legitimacy of the French or Spanish imperialistic Nationalism in the Country of the Basques is either to deny the reality, or to affirm the legitimacy of the imperialism. It is also to deny the reality and legitimacy of the Basque Nation and its occupied State, the Kingdom of Nabarre; and it is to liquidate the right of self-determination of the Peoples and of independence of their States legitimately constituted upon the principle of Self-Determination or Independence of all Peoples, for the benefit of the imperialism of the criminal Nations and States. All opinions and all positions are not legitimate; imperialism and fascism are not so: they are imprescriptible crimes of war, against peace and against Humanity. Premier David L. George put it this way:

“[...] There is no security in any land without certainty of punishment. There is no protection for life, property, or money, in a State where the criminal is more powerful than the law. The law of nations is no exception; and until it has been vindicated, the peace of the world will always be at the mercy of any nation whose professors have assiduously taught it to believe that no crime is wrong so long as it leads to the aggrandizement and enrichment of the country to which they owe allegiance.

“There have been many times in the history of the world criminal States. We are dealing with one of them now. And there will always be criminal States until the reward of international crime becomes too precarious to make it profitable, and the punishment of international crime becomes too sure to make it attractive.” (From the Address of Prime Minister of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, Mr. David Lloyd George; 14-XII-1917.

The imperialistic Nationalism understands that it can pursue its criminal ends and exercise its “rights” through war, conquest and the monopoly of violence, in violation of the fundamental human rights and – above all – the international right of self-determination or independence of the Peoples that it attacks, and that this is already untouchable; but that, instead, these Peoples that it has submitted under its domination can only pursue their lawful ends and exercise their rights – which is “officially” regarded and named as the sole “nationalism” – through the submission to the conditions and limits set on them by the imperialistic régime through its formal and secondary ‘Constitution’, which is a mere ideological instrument aimed at forging the reality by begging the question (‘petitio principii’) and at ‘legitimizing’ the horrendous and imprescriptible crimes that do constitute its real and primary constitution. It’s this way as the imperialistic Nationalism understands “the right” that everyone has: “including the nationalists” from the occupied Countries, to exercise and pursue their own rights. This is a “right” consisting of an obligation for oppressed nations to behave as the dominant nation wants them to.

Or, put another way: imperialism understands that the rights of the People it has occupied “are to be respected without prejudice to the constitutional unity” that it has imposed, that’s to say: subjected to the INTERNAL (domestic) criminal law of the occupying nation. But given that the occupied nation and State are notpart of the occupying nation and State but “have, under the Charter, a status separate and distinct from the territory of the State administering them” [UNGAR 2625 (1970)], hence it follows that the fundamental rights of the subdued Peoples and States – and first and foremost their INTERNATIONAL right of self-determination or independence – are external and incompatible with the criminal imperialistic “right” of the occupying nation and State, and therefore have NOTHING to do with nor are subordinated to its domestic positive law. (This point will be more widely developed below in the chapter “The Imperialism confronted with the International Law”.)

Faced with the problems created by the Nationalist and Colonialist Imperialism, the moralists, humanists, illusionists, utopists and optimists of any creed or confession: who cultivate and propagate idealistic fantasies in that regard (as well as other functional foolishness); and the official town-criers who preach “the dialogue and respect among Peoples as a means to solve political problems” (of course always regardless of – if not against – the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples, which is the solereal antidote for those problems and which nevertheless they alldo ignore), what they actually are doing with such proposals is prevent the awareness, the realization of the reality of Imperialism, of which therefore they are objectively its ideological agents.

The very national consciousness of the imperialists does itself unfold ideologically on the one hand in real consciousness of their true condition; and on the other, in “bad, false, unhappy, sick or painful consciousness: dissociated, guilty and incapable” to assume its authentic content and the social and historical reality that founds it.

For the appreciation and interpretation of reality according to the ideology of imperialism and fascism, and due to the mental/moral distortion it establishes, the same data, the same means, the same facts and the same ideas are either “intrinsically and fundamentally” evil, or straight and holy; all this depending on the circumstances, the moment, the involved subject and the own convenience. The application of concepts, values, criteria, principles, norms and theoretical references that are not only variable but even formally contradictory (an application performed jointly or separately, depending on the ideological need and opportunity and on whether they are applied to one or the other of the opponents), is a constant factor of the imperialistic and fascist propaganda.

(It should not be ignored that the absurd nature of the imperialistic propaganda: according to the principles of the formal logic, does not make it ideologically absurd nor is an obstacle to its practical efficiency;and that the stupidity of its statements does not preclude – it rather strengthens – its functional efficiency. Despite everything, this kind of ideological rubbish will continue being used as long as the ideologists of the imperialism consider it to be effective among alienated populations previously subjected to their monopoly of ideological intoxication annex to their monopoly of violence; and as long as it makes us lose time and scarce resources having to – at least minimally – analyse and put it in evidence.)

Next, and after having banished, imprisoned, tortured and murdered the democratic opposition, the terrorist and fascist régime: which pursues as crimes and “common” offences, as “terrorism”, the theoretical or practical defence of fundamental human rights and first and foremost the inherent right of national freedom or self-determination and self-defence of all Peoples, does manufacture, designate and integrate its own opposition. With the complicity of this “opposition”, that régime is presented by its alien and aboriginal ideologists and apologists: sheer liars and cynics without shame, or victims guilty of their own and absurd propaganda (when not a confused mixture of both things), as a “peaceful”, “neutral”, and even “apolitical” reality, and as “a régime of extraordinary placidity” aside from any institutional violence of State in which there is no longer place for “political crimes”. A régime whose occupying armies and forces of repression armed to the teeth: deployed by our mountains and valleys, cities and villages, and eager to dash again into action and repeat in the same places the “heroic deeds” they had already yesteryear done, those ideologists pretend that are non-existent or as a “democratic and non-violent” reality, integrated into the landscape of the society in such a “natural” form as the own mountains and rivers.

It is – as they constantly repeat – a “democratic State” governed under “the rule of law”. However, it is simply the imperialistic and fascist State governed under its criminal French-Spanish rule that, by means of terrorism and its juridical monopolies based on its monopoly of violence: incompatible all of it with the respect for fundamental and inherent human rights of the subjugated Peoples, they have imposed and do in any case support and disguise as “democracy” etc. with the help of the monopolies of indoctrination and ideological poisoning of masses.

Thus, those ideologists demand “due respect to the régime that we’ve all given ourselves”. The unheard-of shamelessness of the ideologists of imperialism intends to so overlook the centuries of violence, wars, crimes, oppression and violations of all fundamental human rights: relentless methods that have brought us the régime they have mounted for us the others to suffer. The ambition of imperialistic Nationalism knows no bounds. The victory turns it insatiable. It’s not enough for it to have been imposed by the overwhelming victory of its weapons. It needs and aims, in addition, to be respected, loved and admired as if it were our own and most entirely free régime.

The apologists of the French-Spanish régime of military occupation do therefore affirm its democratic nature and legitimacy; which means that, after centuries of wars and occupation against our People, the Government thus built and maintained has finally organized the “incontrovertible basis” of “the French-Spanish democracy”. But democracy is the political power of the People, and it is based on the effectiveness of fundamental human rights and above all of the one that is the first and the precondition of them all according to international law: the right of free disposition, self-determination or independence of all Peoples subjugated by imperialism. Peoples that, along with their indefeasible rights, the imperialists and their agents: whether metropolitan Colonists or indigenous Renegades and Traitors, try to hide, deny and supplant through populists, innocuous and inert expressions such as “the population”, “the citizenship” or “the male citizens and the female citizens”.

Where there is no popular power, and the human rights are denied, there cannot be place for democracy but for imperialism and fascism. There is no place for free People, nor free expression of its will, where the basic conditions for their constitution, formation and manifestation have been destroyed; and where are denied the fundamental human rights and, first of all, the international right of free disposition or self-determination of Peoples. There can be no democracy without fundamental freedoms; and there is no room for them where the fundamental freedom or national independence of Peoples and all human freedoms that this determines are violated, as there happens in the situation that the French-Spanish imperialism has imposed on the Basque People.

However, it is in these circumstances that the authors, professional counterfeiters and spokespersons of the French-Spanish imperialism give lessons of “non-violence, non-nationalism, peace, tolerance, coexistence and democracy” to a People reduced to the helplessness by the monopoly of criminal violence. How to resist that imperialistic violence, has always been the first issue for the Peoples deprived of their national liberty; yet, in the occupied Territories of the Basque People, this issue implies in addition the peremptory and urgent supplementary need to escape from the perturbations of the individual or collective psychism; which the immoderate and continued exposure to the ideological nonsense of the imperialism and its local Administration (in the hands of the bureaucracy Pnv-Eta) has as a sad result.

A complement of the aerial bombing and artillery – naval and ground – shelling during the war, the constant and systematic ‘bombardment’ of our People with imperialistic ideology: camouflaged under a false “democratic and Basque” caution by the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its various branches, constitutes an activity of mental intoxication that is being carried out in our Country uninterruptedly for more than forty years now.

Imperialists and fascists do present themselves as servers of non-violence and human rights; pretend that they are being attacked, and cry out their indignation by the persecution that they allegedly are suffering “because of the mere fact of thinking differently and defending their ideas with the pen and the word, opposing culture to violence”. But the agents of imperialism do not confine themselves to “think differently”, or to “defend their ideas without any more weapons than culture, pen and word”, as they want to make us believe, nor does anybody persecute them for that reason. Quite on the contrary, after having established the political régime that suits them by means of war and the monopoly of Violence and Terror (which is their real and primary constitution), as well as through the subsequent laws and the formal and secondary “Constitution” that justify ideologically all this by begging the question, they do next imprison, banish, torture, hang, execute and silence since centuries ago anyone who does not think and act like them.

The “right” that they now claim “for their pens and their words” is actually the monopolist, unilateral and absolute right: without possible deficit nor reply – marginal though they may be – thanks to their military occupation, to impose their own ideology, which they present as neutral, comprehensive and democratic, but that is a complement to the usual French-Spanish imperialistic political totalitarianism. A régime that now: with the complicity of the local traitors, scoundrels, or collaborationist cretins of the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta, they do call “democracy”. Long since, in this Country “the free-thinking and free communication of ideas” are reserved for the ruling classes of the imperialistic Nationalism, acting together with their local accomplices.

Thus the supporters of the imperialism do understand the “right of everyone to think differently, to communicate freely and to defend their ideas in democracy, with pen and word”. Yet, without the monopoly of violence that they have established by means of war, conquest, occupation, Terrorism of masses and violation and destruction of historical and fundamental human rights, and without the media and institutional monopolies of propaganda, their ideas, their pens and their words are nothing.

It’s not possible to exercise the “freedom of expression” in a political régime where the exposition, contradiction and criticism of ideas are impossible under censorship and fear; where a real debate of ideas has not occurred since an immemorial time; and where the Resistance has to take refuge in increasingly illusory or problematic clandestinity, faced to the mediatic monopolies, a result of the monopoly of violence. The ideological opposition is illusory in a régime where the whole media are in the hands of imperialism and fascism. To claim that under these conditions we can speak of freedom, human rights and democracy, it is a functional joke.

Insatiable in their robbery and pathetic in their functional delirium, the imperialists do “virtuously” reproach to those whom they have massacred and robbed the “selfishness” and the “lack of solidarity” which would imply refusing to continue accepting the exactions of their own centennial rapine. In these ravings, they are invariably comforted by their indigenous auxiliaries, always kindly ready to “negotiate the taxation quota” (precarious limitation of the exploitation with which colonization and repression are financed) and to “shield the quota system”, inwardly resigned to the arrival of the next assault against it.

“We have been and are going to be loyal, but also very firm, so as to make that the [our] contribution [of taxes] to the State [sic] fits the reality.” (Uxue Barkos, “president of the government” of Nabarre, 2016.)

Leaving aside her superfluous protests of “loyalty” to the occupying and Monarchical-Francoist State: of which there wasn’t any doubt, one might wonder about “the reality” of our Country that this person is having in mind. The mafia of local Collaborationists: authentic carnival barkers and wagon pedlars – but with the television network at their service – who exploit their fellow citizens by selling them a purported political capacity and services that they are completely lacking, do thus conceal the exploitation of our Country at the hands of the French-Spanish imperialistic régime of military occupation (which, in return, grants them permission to benefit from that racket), and present it as a legal, natural and reasonable régime. In the heat of their “uncompromising defence of the rights of the Country”, these indigenous people who form the auxiliary services of the local Administration of French-Spanish imperialism argue that “the State is to be paid what is owed, but not a farthing more”.

However, it is not a farthing more or less, but nothing at all, which the occupied People and State owe to the occupying States of France and of Spain. It is those States that are bound by law to reparations, restitution, returns and indemnification for the damage caused. According to international law, the full appropriation of their own economic resources is an inseparable part of the right of self-determination of Peoples, is the condition and result of their national freedom: “By virtue of their right of self-determination, [...] All peoples may, for their own ends, freely dispose of their natural wealth and resources.” [UNGAR 1514 (1960); 2200 (1966)]

Those who deny or hide it, do deny the national reality and the fundamental rights of the occupied People and State, to establish in their place the criminal exploitation, egotism and the lack of solidarity characteristic of the colonial “right”; and do affirm and support the oppressing Nation, which founds the imperialistic State that these indigenous Rogues and Renegades recognize as their own, and with whose budgets they finance their – more than Collaborationism – Treason that they call “opposition”.

The homages and “memorials” to the new Spanish nationalists “non-violent, defenders of freedom, victims of the terrorist attempts and the violence of persecution” (notable updating of the “Monuments to the glorious Fallen for God and for Spain and to the Martyrs of the Crusade”), and the current “Education for citizenship” and “Education for peace” (modernized versions of the Francoist “Adherence to the Principles of the Movement” and “Formation of National Spirit”) constitute the renewed offensive – connected to “the battle on the story” they recognize to be immersed in – so as to impose the ideological intoxication of the fascism “non-violent” and the “democratic Spanish (and French) nation one and indivisible with the guarantee of the Army”, through indoctrination imposed in the official curriculum: from nursery schools up to adulthood, in order to hide the genocidal and centennial imperialistic enterprise.

This also implies espying, intimidation, defamation and threats to teachers suspected of being refractory to their plan of totalitarian indoctrination and intoxication;procedures executed by such qualified and not suspicious instances – for the maintenance of fascism and the destruction of democracy – as they are the armed bodies that occupy our Country, and with procedural guarantees keeping with the best tradition of the Spanish Inquisition in its witch-hunt. All which does not prevent the fascist ideological agents from simultaneously, hypocritically and contradictorily saying that they feel “persecuted because of their ‘ideas’”. But the heirs, and political and ideological followers of those who murdered, dismissed, fined and terrorized Basque teachers of our Country for being “disruptive of the Spanish patriotic conscience” (facts that they have never condemned), have never been persecuted for their ideas, which are disseminated at an open pipe and imposed by the monopolies of propaganda and violence; nor that imperialistic ideological trash they called “ideas” needs be pursued, being so that under democratic conditions of free-expression and without the weapons and repression it leans upon – and even with them – it gets discredited by itself.

The “Constitution, laws, freedom, democracy, coexistence, tolerance, plurality, human rights and non-violence” spoken of by the Agents and Collaborationists of the criminal fascist régime of military occupation: all of which constitutes the ideological disguise of the French-Spanish Imperialistic Nationalism, are the despotism, the oppression and the monopoly of violence, terror and mental conditioning of the Basque People, which only pursue the objective of its final liquidation.

(From:Euskal Herria and the Kingdom of Nabarre, or the Basque People and its State, against French-Spanish imperialism.)


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