Destruction of our People’s Memory by the “Basque parliament”

(Text initially published on November-2020, the 11th.)

Destruction of our People’s Memory by the “Basque parliament”

As a continuation of the article published on this page on 13-March-2019 under the title El Pueblo Vasco y la Memoria de las Víctimas del Terrorismo’ [“The Basque People and the Memory of the Victims of Terrorism”], we are reproducing again again Chapter XXI ‘Crimes and Criminals’ of our general text ‘EUSKAL HERRIA AND THE KINGDOM OF NABARRE, OR THE BASQUE PEOPLE AND ITS STATE, AGAINST FRENCH-SPANISH IMPERIALISM. This is motivated by the obscene show that yesterday, 2020 November the 10th, was deployed in Gasteiz outside the headquarters of the mock that they call “Basque parliament”, in celebration of something that, those who have been trying to erase it for more than forty years, do shamelessly present as “The Day of Memory”.

This event was attended by Iñigo Urkullu: who pretends to be “president” of the “Basque government”, and by the rest of the “parliamentarians” of the Mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta headed by the “candidate for president” Maddalen Iriarte; as well as by the representatives of Spanish imperialism: personated in the Francoist party in its “transitive” and National-socialist version of Falange-PsoE and its social-imperialistic offspring. They all did thus represent the criminal Spanish imperialistic, colonialist and fascist régime of military occupation established over the Basque People and its legitimate State, the Kingdom of Nabarre; a régime that all of them: after having liquidated the historical Memory of the Basque People, have recognized and do admit for more than forty years now as non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic.

The masquerade was continued in the afternoon in Bilbao, where the shameless puppets that act as “Basque government”: administrators of the corruption in our Country, attended what they call the “Basque Institute of Memory Gogora”. There the phony Aintzane Ezenarro: who presents herself and is paid as its “director”, taught the attendees with her disgusting forgery and her contribution to the destruction of the Memory of our People; reinforced next by the statements made by the ordinary representative of the Terrorist and Fascist State of military occupation, Iñigo Urkullu Renteria.

So, in face of this, we are reproducing again the mentioned Chapter XXI Crimes and criminals.


Epilogue: The betrayal of the Basque People and the moral misery of the indigenous Collaborationists has reached again the highest level and the total abjection with this celebration of “The Day of Memory”. The souls and the memory of the countless people that were murdered throughout the geography of our Country by The French-Spanish imperialists and the “non-violent” fascists: who have never been denounced by these vile Pharisees, have once again been despised and outraged.

The Basque People is doomed, if it is unable to understand the pernicious nature of the Mafia of conscientious villains-unscrupulous and/or foolish lunatics-cretins that make up the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta, and consequently to get rid of it along with all its various “socio-cultural associations”, satellites and puppets: authentic cancer that infects and corrodes our People, and that inexorably lead it to destruction under the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist Nationalism and its régime. A régime that all these indigenous Collaborationists Agents and Accomplices of it do accept as “legitimate, democratic, non-Nationalist and non-violent”; and its totalitarian, imperialistic and colonialist State of military occupation as their own State: “the State”, as they incessantly say, while ignoring or directly denying the Basque People’s own State, historically, freely and lawfully constituted: the Kingdom of Nabarre.

In the face of all this, it is essential to establish a Basque Movement of Resistance and National Salvation, galvanized and “hung together” on two fundamental principles:

1/ Affirmation of the right of freedom, FREE disposition, national independence or self-determinationof the Basque People/Euskal Herria.

“Cornerstone of democracy”, the international right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples is a right that is original, fundamental, inherent, customary, immediate, unconditional, continuous, permanent, inalienable, indefeasible and imprescriptible for all Peoples subjugated under an imperialistic and foreign régime; that is the same thing as their unconditional and immediate independence in the face of/against any foreign domination or interference contrary to their national freedom; and that has been recognized – not constituted – by the contemporary International Law of the United Nations: from the First Article of its foundational Charter of San Francisco as well as by numerous and relevant Resolutions of its General Assembly, as THE FIRST OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE PRECONDITION FOR THE FULL ENJOYMENT OF THEM ALL.

Its corollary and practical application consists, as an inescapable requirement for its realization, in the DEMAND FOR THE UNCONDITIONAL AND IMMEDIATE EVACUATION of all the occupying forces and of the entire apparatus of imperial-colonialist subjugation of the occupying Powers: Spain and France, OUTSIDE the historical Territories of the Basque People and its State. And

2/ Affirmation of the continuity, validity and continuity of our own State: the Kingdom of Nabarre, successor of the Kingdom of Pamplona – “the Kingdom of the Basques” – constituted by a confederation of Vasconic Republics, Counties and Lordships historically and freely gathered around it. Internationally recognized for a thousand years, the Kingdom of Nabarre remains the sole State of the Basque Nation, and which it has never renounced to nor has ever admitted or recognized any other.

Its necessary consequence implies the constant and incessant NON-RECOGNITION AND DENUNCIATION of the occupying States: the “Kingdom of Spain” and the “French Republic”, and of their totalitarian régimes of military occupation, as criminal, imperialistic, colonialist and fascist, and not as their own, non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic, as the purported “official Basque political class” formed by the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites is doing to this day.

At the same time, and as long as the French-Spanish imperialism does not withdraw from our Country its occupying forces (since they CONSTITUTE the essential and fundamental element of its strategic device of domination, without which its entire system collapses), and because it is not possible to make an anti-imperialistic policy together with the fifth-columnists and agents in the service of the imperialism infiltrated among the subjugated People, it is necessary to maintain a TOTAL BOYCOTT:

– to any participation, both in the institutions of the imperialistic-colonial and fascist régime of Francespain, whichcriminally violatethem since theirreal and primary constitution (and especially in their juridical monopolies or “parliaments”: French Parliament and Spanish Cortes Generales, established over the centuries through their Monopoly of criminal Violence and the Terror of war andState, and countless and imprescriptible constitutive crimes); as well as in their totalitarian “general elections” that “legitimize” all this, and

– to any collaboration with any individual or collective person who in whole or in part, in theory or in practice, refuses to assume publicly one or both fundamental principles mentioned above.As is evident, it is not possible to make an anti-imperialistic policy with the help of the imperialists and fascists – infiltrated fifth-columnist agents of French-Spanish imperialism; who, by refusing to assume those principles that affirm our national rights, do instead affirm its “right of imperialism” and of military occupation over our People and State, anddo objectively – some of them even in an open and confessed form – form part of that imperialism.



Army of occupation not even with music!

Spain not even with a republic! France not even with a monarchy!




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