Enhancement of the alleged “patriotic Basque left”, colonized by Spanish social-imperialism, from the mass-media of the fascist monopoly

Enhancement of the alleged “patriotic Basque left”, colonized by the Spanish social-imperialism, from the mass-media of the fascist monopoly

At present, there is a sharpening of the systematic campaigns of imperialistic propaganda aimed at stunning and disorienting our People. Driven both from the Spanish judiciary, as well as from either the State-owned and “private” radio-television networks: which make up the media monopolies of indoctrination and ideological poisoning of masses, annexed to the monopoly of criminal Violence, those campaigns are empowering the “leaders of the abertzale [patriotic Basque] left”: either through the repetition of judicial procedures to re-imprison them, or through interviews that allow them absolute publicity and in which they, whether involuntary or voluntary protagonists repressed and at the same time enhanced by the régime, are in any case artificially accredited and inflated before their helpless social basis by the effect of the said action of the Spanish fascist régime.

This elementary scheme has already been analyzed in the text that, under the title ‘El papel de los media del fascismo como potenciadores de la actual sub-clase política “vasca”’ [“The role of the media of fascism as enhancers of the current ‘Basque’ political sub-class”], was published on this page on 27-June-2019, to which we refer the reader interested in this question.

Be that as it may, the task that on such occasions these “moderate and radical Basque leaders” do again and again make clear: as soon as they have a microphone or camera put in front of them and after being coarsely – and even slightly – prompted by the Spanish Nationalist mercenary journalists-policemen (who interview them from their monopoly media of confusion and ideological intoxication of masses), is their absolute commitment – whether “rain or shine” – to the maintenance and stability of the Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation imposed on the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre. A régime that, from the intra-totalitarian transition between the First and the Second Francoism up to the present day, that is: for more than forty years now and in the face of any elementary verification of the reality, they continue to call it “democracy” and are holding it with their votes and “parliamentary support”.

(The political criticism of these purported leaders “to the Spanish judiciary”, that is: to “the bad judges who impose themselves upon the good legislators and good governments” etc., as a part of their reactionary “denunciation” of an alleged “absence of internal separation of powers” within the French-Spanish imperialistic régime, there was already set out in the text Totalitarismo fascista y sentencias judiciales’ [“Fascist Totalitarianism and Judicial Sentences”] that was published on this page on 14-October-2019.)

This is how it has been possible to see in the official chains of the fascist media monopoly, reinforcing that same task, both elements of the Spanish social-imperialism (some successfully infiltrated – from the most “leftist” ranks of the Spanish demagogic groups – in the direction of the current Mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy of the Eta group, already completely recuperated by the régime and of which the former are its “parliamentary representatives in the Spanish Congress of Deputies”, as is the case of Oscar Matute), as well as “grand old names” of the Spanish Aristocracy and “communism” (such as N. Sartorius): all of them happily turned into legitimists of the Francoist monarchy, and all singing praises to the “régime of the exemplary [intra-totalitarian] transition” between the First and the Second Francoism. Therefore, in view of all this, it seems appropriate to refer the reader to our texts of reference, as is this work on The National imperialistic ideological disguise.

The betrayal of the Basque People, and the moral misery of the indigenous Traitors and Collaborationists of the Pnv-Eta mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy: who give “democratic and Basque” coverage to the ideological disguise of the French-Spanish imperialist Nationalism, cannot be more evident. In recent statements to Spanish television that they call “euskal telebista”, Andoni Ortuzar, president of the Pnv: recalling that this year that is ending is the 125th anniversary of the creation of that political Party (seniority of which they pride themselves rather than being embarrassed as they should to, given the situation in which his Party called “Basque nationalist” has put our Country after all that time), he “argued” in all brazenness – indeed, as if he were using incontrovertible reasoning – stating that the proof that the Pnv policy is the right one is the fact that “everyone else has followed its example, only with a decade or two of delay.”

But that “argument” is a coarse paralogism that consists – once again – in a simple begging the question (petitio principii); in the presentation, as if it were a “logical conclusion”, of what is a false postulate that is actually established as an indisputable starting point, namely: that “the Pnv policy [of recognition of the Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of the Second Francoism as democracy] is the right one”. Indeed, the purported conclusion of that “reasoning” is already crookedly established as a truth from the beginning, and it is intended that this is “demonstrated” by the fact that “the others” have also followed that policy. Yet this, as anyone can understand, the only thing it proves is, of course, that the initiator of that path was certainly the Pnv bureaucracy, and that “the others” have followed later. But IT DOES NOT PROVE AT ALL that them all: the initiator and those who have followed that path, are not all in the same error, as indeed they are so and he knows they are.

And first of all, it is false, and Ortuzar also knows that it is false, that “everyone” has followed the path of the Pnv bureaucracy. As in these texts has been repeatedly and more recently stated, the denunciation of the strategic liquidation of the policy of national liberation of the Basque People against Spanish imperialism: a liquidation carried out in 1962 by the Pnv-Anv bureaucracy in its pact of Munich with the Spanish Nationalist “opposition” of the PsoE; as well as the demand to restore the previous strategic bases on which the national and democratic unity of the Basque People had been founded in the face of fascism, consisting of the NON-recognition of the Spanish fascist régime of military occupation of our People and its State; those denunciation and demand, we say, were both made by Iñaki Aginaga at the very time and place in which that liquidation was undertaken: in June-1962 and in Munich, and in the face of those who were carrying out that betrayal: the Irujo, Bilbao, Nardiz, Nabaskues, Solaun, Leizaola and others.

From then and until today, that betrayal carried out by the Pnv-Anv liquidationist bureaucracy: completed with its acceptance up to this day of the Second Francoism as a democracy (which they did in the Spanish “general elections” of June-1977, to which the similar bureaucracy of the Eta did join in the following “general elections” two years later, in March-1979), NEVER ceased to be denounced by him and his followers; as the publications made in those moments, requesting the boycott of the Basque People to those “elections”, did prove it and these humble texts do not cease to remember it. See the textsOtra vez “elecciones generales” (Lan Deya, Mayo-1977)’; y ‘Otra vez “elecciones generales” (Iparla núm. 1, Febrero-1979).

But the malicious and dishonest president of the Pnv, Andoni Ortuzar, who is well aware of them, what he is doing with his false “proof” that “everyone else has followed the Pnv”, is to send a subliminal message to “the others” in which he reminds them that they all are interested in collaborating with him on his miserable (and fatal for the Country) task of covering up, of hiding our criticism of the political line of the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy; as well as in feigning as if such criticism would not exist and had never existed just as he is doing himself, since otherwise none of them could sustain the double falsehood that all of them NEED to sustain, and that in fact they are sustaining, namely:

a) that the “strategy” that they all have been following was the right one and also the only possible one, and

b) that there was no alternative, and that in fact there was no one who proposed a different one.

The effort consists of a demented falsification of reality and of an entire historical epoch of our People, and the most elementary prudence would have advised the abandonment of that project for being absolutely unrealizable and also dangerous. But it simply happens that the liar Andoni Ortuzar feels invulnerable, since he knows that he can spread his falsehoods from Spanish television that he has at his service; whereas he who denounces the treason of the Pnv bureaucracy – and of all those who have followed it on the ominous way of liquidation of the Basque People, in which they all are engaged at the service of the “legitimate and democratic” French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism that they are sustaining and that in its turn sustains them – is as if he would not exist, since his speech cannot have access to the television.

The shamelessness and cynicism of these Pnv-Eta agents (from their full awareness of what they are doing), and their contempt for the Basque People, to which all this varied clique of mafia traitor is exploiting for their benefit as they lead it to its liquidation at the hands of the “democratic” French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism (under whose protection the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy and its satellites are operating), are repugnant and criminal, and will never be forgotten. These indigenous bureaucracies and their auxiliaries have been a death trap foralmost half a century until presentsince they are the local disguise and support that make possible the continuity of the criminal French-Spanish régime of militaryoccupation that they all call “democracy” etc.; therefore the first task for its own liberation is to get rid of them. The followers of these parties must begin to seriously consider their inexorable demise, if they do not get rid of their bureaucracies.

In view of all thisthe Basque Movement of Resistance and National Salvation calls on the Basque People to denounceunmask and repudiate thesebureaucracies of traitorous and impostor “politicians”. They all are “Basque” local agents at the service of the French-Spanish imperialistic régime of militaryoccupationwhose life is dedicatedas their only professionqualification and aspirationto get being paid from the general budgets of the occupying States –therefore with the taxes of our People – in exchange for betraying our People and integrating it into those totalitarian States of Spain and of France. They are local imperialistic agents whopresenting themselves as “Basque patriotsdo with unprecedented obduracy recognize as democratic and their own the fascist régimes and States of Spain and of France that are subjugatding our People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre.

The Basque People is doomed, if it is unable to understand the pernicious nature of the mafia of conscientious villains-unscrupulous and/or foolish lunatics-cretins that make up the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites: Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroa bai etc.; and consequently the absolute and un-deferrable need to drop it, to no longer follow its appeals, and to get rid of it along with all its various “socio-cultural associations”, satellites and puppets: authentic cancer that infects and corrodes our People, and that inexorably lead it to destruction under this foreign régime of military occupation. A régime which all these indigenous Collaborationists Agents, Traitors and Accomplices of it do accept as “legitimate, democratic, non-Nationalist and non-violent”; and its totalitarian, imperialistic and colonialist State of military occupation as their own State: “the State”, as they incessantly say, while ignoring or directly denying the Basque People’s own State, historically, freely and lawfully constituted: the Kingdom of Nabarre.

In order to face this task, we invite our People to join the Resistance around one fundamental strategic principle of double National and State affirmations ot the Basque People; affirmations that are THE ONLY ones that allow and make possible our national unity so as to free ourselves from the domination of French-Spanish imperialism and fascism. In brief, these affirmations are:

1/ Affirmation of the right of freedom, FREE disposition, national independence or self-determinationof the Basque People/Euskal Herria.

“Cornerstone of democracy”, the international right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples is a right that is original, fundamental, inherent, customary, immediate, unconditional, continuous, permanent, inalienable, indefeasible and imprescriptible for all Peoples subjugated under an imperialistic and foreign régime; that is the same thing as their unconditional and immediate independence in the face of / against any foreign domination or interference contrary to their national freedom; and that has been recognized – not constituted – by the contemporary International Law of the United Nations: from the First Article of its foundational Charter of San Francisco as well as by numerous and relevant Resolutions of its General Assembly, as THE FIRST OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE PRECONDITION FOR THE FULL ENJOYMENT OF THEM ALL.

In our Country, its corollary and practical application consists, as an inescapable requirement for its realization, in the DEMAND FOR THE UNCONDITIONAL AND IMMEDIATE EVACUATION of all the occupying forces and of the entire apparatus of imperial-colonialist subjugation of the occupying Powers: Spain and France, OUTSIDE the historical Territories of the Basque People/Euskal Herria and its State. And

2/ Affirmation of the continuity, validity and actuality of our own State: the Kingdom of Nabarre, successor of the Kingdom of Pamplona – “the Kingdom of the Basques” – constituted by a confederation of Vasconic Republics, Counties and Lordships historically and freely gathered around it. Internationally recognized for a thousand years, the Kingdom of Nabarre remains the sole State of the Basque Nation, which it has never renounced to nor has ever admitted or recognized any other.

Its necessary consequence implies the constant and incessant NON-RECOGNITION AND DENUNCIATION of the occupying States: the “Kingdom of Spain” and the “French Republic”, and of their totalitarian régimes of military occupation, as criminal, imperialistic, colonialist and fascist,and not as their own, non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic, as the purported “official Basque political class” – formed by the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroabai etc. – is doing to this day.

At the same time, as long as French-Spanish imperialism does not withdraw from our Country its forces of military occupation (given that they CONSTITUTE the essential and fundamental element of its strategic apparatus of domination, without which its entire system collapses), and since evidently it is not possible to carry out an anti-imperialistic policy with the help of the imperialists and fascists, that is: the fifth-columnist agents at the service of that imperialism infiltrated among the subjugated Basque People (who, while refusing to openly assume the principle of double national and State affirmation of the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, do on the contrary affirm as legitimate and democratic the “right of imperialism and military occupation” of Spain and France over our People and State); as long as all this continues like this, we say, the corollary and practical application of that principle implies maintaining a TOTAL BOYCOTT:

– to any collaboration with any individual or collective person which, by rejecting – or refusing to publicly assume – either in whole or in part, in theory or in practice one or both fundamental affirmations mentioned above, does objectively – some of them even in an open and confessed way – form part of French-Spanish imperialism; and

– to any participation both in the institutions of the French-Spanish imperialistic, colonialist and fascist régime of military occupation of our Country, and especially in their imperialistic juridical monopolies or “parliaments”: Spanish Cortes Generales and French Parliament (established over the centuries by means of their real and primary constitution, that is: military occupation, Monopoly of criminal Violence and Terrorism of war and State, and countless and imprescriptible constitutive crimes against the Basque People and its State); as well as in their totalitarian “general elections” that “legitimize” all this.



Army of occupation not even with music!

Spain not even with a republic! France not even with a monarchy!




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