Human Rights and Democracy (XII)
XII –Human Rights and Democracy
Aginaga and Felipe Campo
The fundamental human rights (HR) are inherent, original, immediate,
unconditional, continuous, permanent, non-transferable, inalienable, un-renounceable
and indefeasible; they do condition, preside over and subordinate the whole
issues of violence, peace and policy in general. Being constituents of all
freedom and democracy, they are not to be submitted to voting or put to anyone’s decision; they
do not depend on petition or concession, grant or condition; they are not a
matter of choice nor are they referred to “the majorities or the minorities”. They are not
accessories that can be taken or left or distorted – according to times or
occasions – by interest, venality, incompetence, casualness or simple
The offences against HR are timeless and imprescriptible international crimes committed against the laws of war, against the peace and security of Peoples and of their States legitimately constituted on the respect for HR, and against Humanity. The contemporary International Law formally recognized – not constituted – within the framework of the United Nations (UN) has reiterated some of them: the aggression (which “is the most serious and dangerous form of the illegal use of force”) and the war of aggression: a crime against the international peace; the threat of aggression; the annexation in all its forms; the genocide in all its forms (which includes the rape of indigenous women); the murder, the extermination, the enslavement, the execution of hostages and the torture; the destruction and devastation of towns and villages; the looting of public and private property; the colonialism in all its forms and manifestations; the violation of the Peoples’ right of self-determination, an international crime; the repressive and terrorist acts of the colonial, racist and foreign régimes that deny to Peoples their legitimate rights of self-determination and independence and other human rights and fundamental freedoms; the use of force to deprive the Peoples of their national identity; the use of mercenaries by the colonial and racist régimes against the national liberation movements struggling for their freedom and independence from the yoke of colonialism and foreign domination; the politics of violation of the colonial Peoples through the systematic influx of foreign immigrants, and the displacement, deportation and transfer of the indigenous inhabitants; the attacks or acts of violence against the civilian population or individuals, including the reprisal attacks; the acts or threats of violence whose primary purpose is to spread terror among the civilian population; the acts of hostility directly aimed against historical monuments, works of art or places of worship that constitute the cultural or spiritual heritage of Peoples; the inhumane treatment to combatants fighting against colonial and alien domination and racist régimes, who – captured as prisoners – are denied the legal status provided under the Geneva Conventions and other international instruments to be applied to persons involved in armed struggles against colonial and alien domination and racist régimes, even if they are represented by a Government or an authority not recognized by the adversary. Etc. etc.
The fundamental human rights do in general involve the right of free disposición or self-determination of all Peoples
(RSD). There are no HR in general where, in particular, is missing the indefeasible
and inherent RSD or independence of all Peoples: first of fundamental human
rights and prior condition for the full enjoyment of them all. (This is not an abstract or metaphysical
hierarchy of “values”, according to the usage of monopolist propaganda, but
a precedence of an objective, practical, strategic and political order.)
Especially, there cannot be respect for HR where the RSD of Peoples is being
repressed. Even though the observance of the Self-Determination or Independence
of Peoples does not ensure the observance of all fundamental HR, its violation
ensures the violation of the others.
As established in Chapter I, Article 1, of the United Nations’ Charter:
“The Purposes of the United Nations are: 1 To maintain peace and security, and to that end: to take effective collective measures for the prevention and removal of threats to the peace, and for the suppression of acts of aggression or other breaches of the peace, and to bring about by peaceful means, and in conformity with the principles of justice and international law, adjustment or settlement of international disputes or situations which might lead to a breach of the peace; 2 To develop friendly relations among nations based on respect for the principle of equal rights and self-determination of peoples, and to take other appropriate measures to strengthen universal peace;” etc. (Charter of the United Nations; 26 June 1945.)
The RSD is a fundamental human right of custom, which sometimes has been
applied and which anyway has been formally recognized – not constituted – by
the Charter and the Resolutions of the UN and by successive Declarations and
Conventions of Human Rights.
After examining the reports submitted by the States Parties to the International
Covenant on Civil and Political Rights [UNGAR 2200 (1966)], in accordance with
article 40 of that Covenant, the Human Rights Committee (attached to the Office
of the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Human Rights) adopted in its
Twenty-first session (March-1984) a General Comment No. 12 on Article 1 – The right to self-determination of peoples – of that instrument. This General Comment,
in its most outstanding paragraphs, runs as follows:
“1. In accordance with the purposes and principles of the Charter of the United Nations, article 1 of the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights recognizes that all peoples have the right of self-determination. The right of self-determination is of particular importance because its realization is an essential condition for the effective guarantee and observance of individual human rights and for the promotion and strengthening of those rights. It is for that reason that States set forth the right of self-determination in a provision of positive law on both Covenants [the already mentioned and the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights] and placed this provision as article 1 apart from and before all of the other rights in the two Covenants.
“2. Article 1 enshrines an inalienable right of all peoples as described in its paragraphs 1 and 2. By virtue of that right they ‘freely determine their political status and freely pursue their economic, social and cultural development’. The article imposes on all States Parties corresponding obligations. This right and the corresponding obligations concerning its implementation are interrelated with other provisions of the Covenant and rules of International Law.
“3. Although the reporting obligations of all States Parties include article 1, only some reports give detailed explanations regarding each of its paragraphs. The Committee has noted that many of them completely ignore article 1, provide inadequate information in regard to it or confine themselves to a reference to election laws. The Committee considers it highly desirable that States Parties’ reports should contain information on each paragraph of article 1. [...]
“7. In connection with article 1 of the Covenant the Committee refers to other international instruments concerning the right of all peoples to self-determination, in particular the Declaration on Principles of International Law concerning Friendly Relations and Co-operation among States in accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, adopted by the General Assembly on 24 October 1970 [UN General Assembly Resolution 2625 (XXV)].
“8. The Committee considers that history has proved that the realization of and respect for the right of self-determination of peoples contributes to the establishment of friendly relations and co-operation between States and to strengthening international peace and understanding.” [HRI/GEN/1/Rev. 9 (Vol. I); 13-March-1984.]
There is no doubt that for the agents of imperialism and fascism “the right to life” (of course theirs) is an absolute right. In this way, those in our Country who maintain professional, permanent and omnipresent armed forces of land, sea and air organized and trained to kill: which do effectively shoot their weapons and kill in an immediate and systematic way the first opponent or the first passer-by who skips a road control, denounce that there are here “people who are up to pistols”; and that the Peoples – attacked and oppressed for centuries by them and their predecessors through horrendous and countless imprescriptible crimes – have banalized violence. They proclaim “the life” – that of themselves – as a supreme, absolute, inviolable and sacred value; and “the right to life” – theirs – as “the most fundamental, the first of human rights, without which all the rest are impossible: thereby starts everything”.
Now then, the right to life is not an absolute right, and anyone with a right conscience can understand it. To begin with, the right to life of an aggressor recedes before one’s or others’ right of legitimate self-defence against the aggression. An armed aggression against an individual or a Country, or the threat of his/its domination/enslavement, does immediately activate the right of legitimate self-defence to free himself/itself from that situation “by all available means that the attacked has at his disposal”, according to constant resolutions that the UN General Assembly has recognized, since the right of legitimate self-defence is an absolute right and not conditioned by any other superior right. On the other hand, there are Countries in whose legislation it is admitted – whether this is desirable or not, that is another question – the death penalty as a penalty handed down by judicial sentence for certain crimes. Put in the negative form, homicide is not always: absolutely and necessarily, an offence or crime; whereas torture – for example – is always and necessarily an absolute crime.
Hypocritical and ideologically functional stupidities such as those mentioned are spread and imposed every day, to the disgrace of this Country, by the propaganda monopolies of the French-Spanish imperialism and fascism destined to the useful or useless fools that they create and feed on them. Such statements are contradictory of the political reality, of the own positive law of the powers that impose them, as well as of the universal declarations of rights. They show by themselves the degree of destruction of the reason resulting from their totalitarian and imperialistic domination.
In the face of such falsifications, and as there has been recognized, the RSD of all Peoples is the first of the fundamental human rights and the precondition for the full enjoyment of them all: There is no in this issue valid place for distortion, manipulation or postponement:
“The right of peoples and nations to self-determination. - “A – Whereas the right of peoples and nations to self-determination is a prerequisite to the full enjoyment of all fundamental human rights, [...], Whereas every Member of the United Nations, in conformity with the Charter, should respect the maintenance of the right of self-determination in other States, The General Assembly recommends that: 1. The States Members of the United Nations shall uphold the principle of self-determination of all peoples and nations;” etc. [UNGAR 637 A (1952)]
The dominant usage and the official texts have generalized the improper
and misleading term “self-determination” among other equivalent ones, nor better
or worse. “We don’t want to argue about words.” Actually, the so-called – by a metaphysical
extrapolation – “right of self-determination” is a right of
hetero-determination (hetero = other, different), the same as every right, since there is no policy or
law without otherness. (It has been even formulated the opposition between
self-determination and exo-determination. But the correlative contrary of
self-determination is not exo-determination but hetero-determination. The
correlative contrary to exo-determination is endo-determination, not
As for the complications
arising from its name, to the interchangeably used forms to call it:
either as “right of” or “right to” self-determination (which do nevertheless
correspond to very different ideas), there are to be added the difficulties created
by the alleged correspondence between multiple legislations and languages, and the disparity of meanings for the same terms between the common and the
special semantics; as well as by the differences
between the languages: with six work
languages nominated by the UN as original, of the same rank and authentic.
This terminological diversity has provided imperialism with a first
opportunity to distort it, by proposing it not as an actual and real right of Peoples’ self-determination or independende but as an alleged “right to [reach] their self-determination”. However, Peoples’ Self-Determination/Independence is a right, not the object of a right. (The emergence of this misunderstanding is certainly not exclusive of the international right of all Peoples’ self-determination; nevertheless, it has been rarely called in question – for example – the identity between property and “right of property”, when speaking about a meta-juridical ‘property’.)
The distinction between the civil right of property and the civil right to property
allows us to make evident that the right “to” property is the right of access
to the property; as opposed to the right of property/ownership over something that actually is
already possessed. The right of property is not, therefore, the dispositional
or optional right “to” property, neither is it reduced to the corresponding
faculties of limiting, transferring or extinguishing the civil right of
property through alienation, sale, lease, resignation or the other legal
figures – of a secondary, derivative and belated content – that integrate the
waivable, alienable and transmissible right of civil property, different in any
case from the civil right to property.
The right of property is the right whose integral faculties both formal
and partial: those of selling or not selling, leasing or not leasing etc., are
so pursuant to a civil right that excludes any decision on itself, although not
on its secondary, derivative and belated content. Thus, the civil right of
property is the exclusive right of reservation of its object in the face of all
other individuals (who are excluded from the right and from its object), and it
is also the right to decide on the sale of the object or on other rights
involved in the right of property. Even so, the civil right of property:
alienable and waivable, is not an inherent right as is so the Peoples’ right of
self-determination, which is furthermore inalienable and un-waivable.
Anyway, whereas there is a right “to property”, that is: to the access
to the property of something (for someone who is not and who not
necessarily will become its owner), yet there is not a right of access to the right
of self-determination. The RSD or all Peoples is inherent in a People, and
cannot be acquired, suspended, abandoned or waived. The ideological purpose or
effect of introducing such a “theoretical” substitution into the RSD is to
destroy the juridical content of Peoples’ self-determination; to establish a hiatus which separates the right from those Peoples’ self-determination; to limit the extent of their right, and to open a continuity space (in favour) of the imperialistic régime. It is, in short, the theoretical and practical destruction of the Peoples’ RSD.
(The “theory” of the “rights on rights” is a well-known “contribution” also of the theorists of civil law. The resort to it, by its expansion to the international law, would further allow complicating matters even more for the benefit of the imperialistic ideology, by making of Peoples’ self-determination an object of a right, and at the same time a right; with so much meaning and utility as the originating idea.)
The so-called ‘right of all Peoples’ free disposition or self-determination’ has an amplitude of meaning that does not correspond either to narrow homonym concepts in the civil law. Limiting it to this scope would open the door to the consideration of the right of free disposition or self-determination: which is inherent to a subjugated People, as a part of the right of the dominant Nation, when in no way is it so; and this reactionary effect is
even more accentuated with the “right to free disposition” and the “right to
decide”, as it will be discussed later.
The RSD: inherent to all Peoples, is not “dispositional or optional”. It
does not need nor accept/depend on any decision to exist. Any eventual and
hypothetical decision to the contrary, or even the Peoples’ resignation to it,
are null and void. The “will” of the Peoples in nothing can affect to their RSD
or to the other fundamental human rights, which are inherent and inalienable; the
Peoples having therefore nothing to decide or nothing to vote, nor having any
“right” in this regard. The RSD is a primitive or primary right. The afferent
regulations of International Organizations regarding the RSD are declarative,
not constitutive. In practice, its defence by the multinational organizations
is defective, quasi-non-existent or purely declarative. The Peoples’ “legitimate self-defence”: which they all do claim for themselves, is in
practice its constitutive factor.
The RSD of all Peoples is a fundamental, inherent (immanent or
“natural”), customary, common, original, primary, constituent, continuous,
permanent, unilateral, inalienable, inconvertible, un-renounceable and indefeasible
human right. “Cornerstone of democracy”, the RSD of all Peoples is of an
unconditional and immediate validity: it is the right to prevent any foreign aggression
or occupation, and – where appropriate – to ensure the complete evacuation of all
the military occupation forces and of the entire political apparatus of imperialistic
The RSD is a fundamental human right inherent to all Peoples: all
Peoples have the inherent and inalienable right of self-determination or independence. The RSD of all Peoples is their right to independence from imperialism. Imperialism, on the one hand, and Peoples’ freedom, on the other, are antagonistic realities. National independence is the opposite of foreign domination. An institutional instrument of Peoples’ freedom, the international right of freedom, free disposition or self-determination of all Peoples is their right to complete, unilateral, unconditional and immediate national independence from imperialism, against foreign aggression, occupation and colonization, and against all alien political interference: this is a tautological proposition.
The RSD is not properly “compatible or incompatible” with democracy but, strictly, that right does found and establish it. Such a right cannot be expected or claimed from a democracy, since it does only exist insofar as it is previouslyconstituted by that right. The RSD does not result from democracy – which would be the same as to deny that sight – but it does precede and constitute democracy. It does not come from any Constitution but is the constituent foundation of all democratic political régime: it precedes all formal or secondary Constitutions, just the same as it occurs with all fundamental human rights.
Quite on the contrary, it is the real or primary constitution of a State that must be based on the principle of Peoples’ freedom, independence and self-determination, that’s to say: on the denial of the right of imperialism, in order that a primary constitution can be a democratic and legitimate one: “The act whereby a People is a People is the true foundation of society”. It doesn’t make any sense to expect or claim such a right from a democracy or from a democratic State, which do exist but constituted by it.
It is not democracy that does found, allow or guarantee the respect for fundamental
human rights; quite on the contrary, it is the respect and observance of the fundamental
human rights that do found, allow, guarantee and constitute democracy. The
fundamental human rights are not a product of democracy, they are its
foundation. All democratic order implies the observance of fundamental human
rights in general: every fundamental and inherent right is constitutive and
constituent of the democratic order. The denial of human rights in general is
not constitutive of democracy, it is constitutive of imperialism and fascism. Imperialism and fascism are the denial of freedom, of fundamental and inherent
human rights, and of all democracy.
Imperialism is the denial of Peoples’ freedom, of the integrity of their
legitimately constituted States, and of all democracy. Democracy is the political
power of the People, and neither there is nor there can be a power of the People and
democracy where there are no fundamental human rights; therefore, the Peoples’ Self-Determination or Independence: first of fundamental human rights and prerequisite for the full enjoyment of them all, is constitutive of all democracy. Without Self-Determination or national Independence
of all Peoples, there is no democracy.
At the international level, and in the confrontations that do currently exist within international law used as a weapon between the Powers, one of the fronts of the offensive campaign developed by the ideological agents of imperialism against fundamental human rights in general – and against the RSD of all Peoples in particular – consists in reducing the significance of those fundamental rights to the revealingly differentiated and carefully detached scope of “the humanitarian rights”; which are used in order to fraudulently supplant and replace the former, and so as to hypocritically “demand” that “humanitasrian rights” be respected while turning a blind eye to the violation of fundamental human rights. That is to say: since it is necessary to destroy the subjugated Peoples, let this be done at least in a “humanitarian” way.
Currently, horrendous crimes and violations against HR are perpetrated by imperialism to obtain its objectives, which are respected by the “international community”, while its “scrupulous keepers” divert the worls’s attention from this fact to talk only about “humanitarian rights”. And this on condition, in any case, that guarantee, security and satisfaction are afforded to the sensitive and almighty Governments that violate fundamental human rights and above all Peoples’ Self-Determination or Independence: a unique and equivocal way – for the NGOs and the like – to obtain the generous, benevolent and interested indulgence or these Governments. Thus, the limit between possibilist efficacy, on the one hand, and recognition-collaboration with imperialistic totalitarianism, on the other, does immediately appear, and shows the dangers and the drifts towards collaborationism so many times verified and suffered.
Contrary to what the imperialistic and fascist ideology aims to, the
democracy – the democratic State, where it exists – does not provide, adopt,
allow, supply or recognize the Peoples’ Self-Determination or National Independence
but it does imply and mean it. The realization of the RSD of a People subjugated under imperialistic domination, that is to say: the aqchievement of its national Independence, does found and constitute democracy. In short, Peoples’ Self-Determination or National Independence in the face of all imperialism does found and constitute democracy. Peoples’ Self-Determination or National Independence is constitutive of the democratic State and of International Law.
Democracy does not lead to Self-Determination; quite to the contrary, it
is Peoples’ Freedom and Self-Determination or national Independence that do found and constitute the authentic Democracy and the democratic State, which do not exist without them. As such, Peoples’ freedom and Self-Determination are always democratic. Thus, either both Democracy and the Self-Determination that constitutes it do exist, or neither the one nor the other do exist: everything else is confusion and mystification at the service of imperialism and fascism. The “elections and majorities” established under an imperialistic and colonialist régime of military occupation – which consists of the denial of fundamental human rights and therefore of any democracy – are a sham, a falsification of democracy. As already indicated, colonialism: imperialism of population, is incompatible with Peoples’ Self-Determination;
it is its complete denial.
The RSD of all Peoples against imperialism, and of independence and
integrity of their States legitimately constituted upon the principle of
Peoples’ Self-Determination or Independence, has always been a fundamental,
customary and inherent right of all Peoples; at least of the Peoples capable of
exercising the individual and collective right of legitimate self-defence: a
right also fundamental and inherent, and inseparable from the right of
self-determination, which the Member States of the United Nations’ Organization
(UNO) did always oppose as the limit to the competences of other States and
of the International Organizations themselves. Indeed, if it is not lawful to
repel aggression but it is so to perpetrate it, then there is not RSD but an imperialistic
monopoly of criminal Violence.
“Article 51. Nothing in the present Charter shall impair the inherent right of individual or collective self-defence if an armed attack occurs against a Member of the United Nations, until the Security Council has taken the measures necessary to maintain international peace and security.” (Charter of the United Nations; 1945.)
Being defective and precarious as a matter of fact, the RSD is
inseparable from the inherent right of legitimate self-defence, and includes
the right of integrity and independence of the States constituted upon the RSD. (The rights of self-determination and of legitimate
self-defence are inseparable: a right without a defence is not a right.)
All Peoples: dependent and independent, do assert their inherent rights of self-determination and of legitimate self-defence against imperialistic aggression, subjugation, occupation and colonization. For its part, the United Nations’ General Assembly has recognized this in numerous Resolutions: 3070 (1973); 33/24 (1978); 35/35 (1980) etc. When the Peoples and their legitimate States are acting in their own legitimate self-defence and in resistance against the imperialistic aggression, for which they are fully legitimized and entitled, the determination of the means of struggle of the freedom fighters is a mere matter of strategy, not of morality.
In short, all the consequences caused by the national defence or Resistance of the subjugated Peoples against the aggression of imperialism
are attributable to it, as the first, eminent and efficient cause of all
subsequent violence that it is, and that it does constitute by its essence and
by its very existence.
The “inherent right of legitimate self-defence against aggression” implies
“a customary right”: it is a right that is presented as “exceptional,
subsidiary, last, provisional, limited, proportional and controlled”, but which
in fact is usually normal, substantive, first, permanent, unlimited,
disproportionate and uncontrolled. This right is subject to general and
unilateral positive exigency and reservation by all Peoples and States of the
world, and its extensive interpretation – no less unilateral – includes the
“preventive self-defence”.
All the (serious) Peoples and all States of the world do make a reserve
of the right to international legitimate self-defence, “by all necessary means
available at their disposal, including the armed struggle”; a right equally
recognized by the UN as inherent and customary. In resisting and opposing to alien domination, the subjugated Peoples and States do act in defence of
their fundamental and inherent rights of self-determination or independence.
The RSD of all Peoples, and their right to independence from imperialism, are the same thing. In the political order, the “right” of imperialism, on the one hand, and the generally called right of free disposition or self-determination of all Peoples, on the other, are constitutively correlative and antagonistic concepts: none of them can be or exist without and against the other one. That is to say, the “right” – mind you, the crime – of actual or virtual imperialism over a subjugated People does immediately lead to the establishment of – is the constitutive condition for the establishment of – its RSD; therefore, if no crime of actual or virtual imperialism is perpetrated and if there are no imperialists against a subjugated People, there is no RSD to claim (nor any need of it either). Conversely, the RSD: which does necessarily arise as an immediate consequence of the domination of a People that is being subjugated, constitutes – is the constitutive condition for – the crime of imperialism; therefore, if there is no RSD (which implies the double condition first of the existence of a People, and then of the violation of its national independence), there is no crime of imperialism.
Imperialism is the correlative contrary to Peoples’ Self-Determination or National Independence. Peoples’ Self-Determination or national Independence is the correlative contrary to Imperialism. Crimes – as well as the rights they violate – do all necessarily have their agent and patient subjects. In this way, the agent of the crime of imperialism is the
patient subject of the RSD, held by all Peoples and States that are attacked and occupied by imperialism.
In subjugated Countries, despotism and imperialism are the same things. Raising the question of national freedom and RSD is raising the general issue of freedom, human rights and democracy. The Peoples’ right of national freedom or self-determination is the correlative contrary of actual or virtual imperialism; and the establishment of the latter does necessarily and automatically produce the emergence of the former: imperialism implies, a contrario, the RSD; and vice versa.
The RSD does not depend on the degree or form of implantation of the political imperialism, that is to say: on its being more or less declared, brutal or revolting; the RSD is absolutely the correlative contrary to the existence of the latter; its absolute denial. The right of self-determination of the subjugated Peoples is the same thing as the right to their effective freedom: it is the free disposition or immediate independence of the Peoples in the face of the foreign domination or interference constituted by imperialism. In short: if Self-Determination is (is in force and effective), Imperialism is not (does not exist); and if Imperialism is (is in force and effective), Self-Determination is not (does not exist, is being violated). The affirmation of Self-Determination of Peoples as a reality already effective in an imperialistic régime is a contradiction in terms: such reality does not and cannot exist, and does not lead, therefore, to independence or to any other part.
The RSD of Peoples against imperialism or under an imperialistic régime is their right to effective, unconditional and immediate national independence. It implies, without any other form of procedure, the total and immediate evacuation of the military forces of occupation and of all the entire apparatus of subjugation of imperialism, OUTSIDE the occupied and annexed territories; not having the form of the entity that will replace it any relevance in this regard. “Get out from the occupied and annexed States and Territories!” is the simple AND UNIQUE fundamental norm of the act of Self-Determination – carried out by virtue of the RSD – under imperialism.
The RSD of all Peoples against the imperialism or under an imperialistic régime is not the “right to decide”; does not give “option to vote, choose and decide on their national independence”: it is their right of national independence itself. Peoples’ Self-Determination or original Independence is not an option; it is a fundamental, inherent, inalienable, unconditional and immediate right of them. It is not the capacity to choose independence; it is the effective capacity of independence. Correspondingly, national Independence of the subjugated Peoples against/in the face of imperialism is not an option of the RSD, it is identical with the RSD. The RSD of the subjugated Peoples does not give them a possibleaccess to national independence, it is their right to national independence itself. Peoples’ national Independence constitutes and is the basis that makes possible their free Self-Determination, which the military occupation or interference of imperialism does criminally violate by its very existence. Thus, under an imperialistic régime, the RSD of the subjugated Peoples does not perchance lead to their national Independence, it is their national Independence itself.
The affirmation of unconditional and immediate Self-Determination or Independence of Peoples and Nations subjugated by imperialism as a fundamental human right; as well as of the freedom and integrity of their legitimate States ‘conducting themselves in compliance with the principle of equal rights and Peoples’ self-determination’ [UN Charter, Chapter I, Article 1, 2; UNGAR 545 (VI-1951); 2625 (XXV-1970) etc.], is not an “option” of the RSD but its necessary content: it is identical to the RSD. Apart from this, there is no place for an authentic Democracy but a criminal subjugation of Peoples and annexation of their legitimate States by Imperialism, which by the way does currently present itself under a falsified and crude label of “democracy and elections”; it little matters whether this model be “Western” or “Eastern”.
Peoples’ Independence from Imperialism does
not “follow”: neither eventually nor necessarily, to Democracy. Strictly speaking, the simple, complete, unconditional and immediate Independence of the Peoples subjugated under/by imperialism is the starting point and the only content: tautologically possible and necessary, of the RSD and of all authentic Democracy. Imperialism is not a democratic choice, is not an “option” of the RSD: it is their absolute denial.
The RSD does not give a “right of option” to imperialism, which is
contradictory to the RSD. The “capacity to vote and decide on the independence”
in/under an imperialistic régime is the denial of the RSD, since it does previously imply the immediate independence from imperialism. The “right to decide between all the
options”, “by virtue of the right of self-determination”, does not include the
“option” to imperialism, which is contradictory to the RSD. The eventual “right of option” is in any case a SUBSEQUENT manifestation or part of the RSD, which is identical and the same thing as the right of unconditional and immediate independence of the subjugated Peoples against imperialism.
The choice of independence from imperialism is not “a possible result of
the ‘right to decide’ about the future”; it is the essence of the RSD, of which
that choice is an integral part. The national Independence of a subjugated People is the unique and permanent
content of its RSD, not a formal variant, a possible end, consequence or
result. These variants are irrelevant as for what it is the common base of the RSD
and therefore of them all: national Independence from imperialism. Similarly
irrelevant are the variants of the agents of the right.
The correct distinction between the Peoples’ original Independence in the face of imperialism, on the one hand (which is the necessary, unconditional and permanent content of the right of all subjugated Peoples to Self-Determination or Independence); and, on the other, the independence as a concrete way – dispositionary or optional, eventual and conditional – of exercising this right of independence from imperialism (once this one has been abolished and the national freedom and democracy that it was violating have been restored), makes it possible to avoid the risk of unfortunate mistakes, whether voluntary or involuntary.
The right of freedom, free disposition or self-determination of all Peoples subjugated under imperialism has as its sole and necessary content their independence from imperialistic domination/exploitation, and not “the right to vote, decide, opt or choose”, either it be between national independence, or national submission under imperialism. This constitutes a functional – theoretical and practical – absurdity, since it makes imperialism at the same time the starting condition, limit, base, and option of arrival of that reactionary monstrosity; which consists of affirming that “to exercise the right to self-determination” is to carry out a so-called “referendum of self-determination” under imperialism and even with its permission, as is claimed by its indigenous ideological agents in charge of falsifying the RSD. Yet, quite to the contrary, Self-Determination or Independence of Peoples subjugated under imperialism is a starting requirement, not a matter of choice: it is something that is not to be voted, nor requested, nor chosen, nor decided, nor conditioned, nor suspended, nor limited, nor waived or alienated, nor does it expire.
Self-determination is the absolute opposite of Imperialism: where Self-Determination is effective there is no imperialistic domination; this is a tautological proposition. Conversely, where imperialism constitutes its State on the subjugation of Peoples and the annexation of their legitimate States, their Self-Determination is violated: if there is Imperialism, there is no Self-Determination; if there is Self-Determination, there is no Imperialism. The first condition for the exercise of the right of self-determination of a People subjugated under imperialistic military occupation is the unconditional and immediate evacuation of these occupying forces. Groups that do not start from this demand but accommodate themselves to the military occupation of imperialism, so as to “exercise the right to self-determination” within that occupation, are agents – whether they be foreign or aboriginal – of imperialism.
Under those circumstances, to affirm that under the conditions
and the continuity of an imperialistic régime is possible to exercise the
“right to the separation or secession (let them both be understood as
independence until we make a further precision of these concepts) of the
subjugated Peoples”, it is not to affirm but to deny the RSD; it is to make the
apologia of the imperialism, to again return to the right of conquest, and to
recognize the legitimate imperialistic right of ruling/domination over the
Peoples. The independence of Peoples and States subdued under imperialism: immediate and without any
other form of procedure, is the only necessary content of the RSD.
Imperialism is the actual or virtual, theoretical or practical
denial of Peoples’ national Freedom or Self-Determination. In contemporary UN International Law, imperialism and the theoretical and practical denial of the Peopes’ Self-Determination or Independence are one and the same thing: Imperialism is the negative of Peoples’ Self-Determination. Conversely, Peoples’ Self-Determination and the juridical denial of Imperialism are one and the same thing:
Self-Determination is the negative of Imperialism. (The crime and the punishment
are contrary and correlative: the crime is contained in the law.)
Imperialism is a part and condition of international political
relations. Imperialism does not exclude nor contradict the international law, in the same way as the crime in general does not exclude nor contradict
the law: it is an assumption, a part, a condition and a violation of law in general. The policy of national liberation, and the rights of Peoples’ self-determination and legitimate self-defence, are politically
the contraries of imperialism. However, although they are the contraries of
it, they are not between themselves mutually exclusionary or contradictory but
are their mutual and correlative constitutive condition of each other: the
former cannot exist without the latter, and the disappearance of the former implies
the disappearance of the latter.
In the same way as the absolute victory in war is the end of the combatants
and of the war itself, also similarly the absolute triumph of the imperialism
is the liquidation of the policy of national liberation, of the rights of
self-determination and legitimate self-defence, and – therefore – also of the imperialism
itself. Conversely, and correspondingly: the absolute triumph of the policy of
national liberation, and of the rights of self-determination and legitimate self-defence,
is the end of the imperialism and – therefore – also of the policy of national
liberation and of the rights of self-determination and legitimate self-defence.
Once imperialism has been abolished, there is no longer a possible claim of a
subjugated People’s RSD; there is current and operational Self-Determination
or Independence of a People free from all colonial and foreign domination.
The fundamental human rights and democratic freedoms in general are irreconcilable with imperialism and colonialism. Imperialism is not “compatible or incompatible” with democracy, is exclusionary of it: imperialism and democracy are contradictory realities. The idea of “colonialist or imperialistic democracy” is contradictory in the terms: if there is Democracy, there is no Imperialism; if there is Imperialism, there is no Democracy. Therefore, Peoples’ Self-Determination or Independence in the face or against imperialism is not an aleatory end or result of Democracy, it is a constituent of it: without the subjugated Peoples’ Self-Determination or Independence, there is no Democracy. A “democratic imperialism” is a sheer contradiction in terms: it does not and cannot exist, it has never existed nor will ever exist. Imperialism is not a democratic “option” but quite all the opposite.
Since French mythology coined a triad of trickeries: “Liberty, Equality, Fraternity” and the like, so as to hide behind them the falsification-destruction of the fundamental human rights of non-French Peoples and the authentic democracy at the hands of the then republican French imperialistic Nationalism of always (imposed on those Peoples through the reign of Terror, the deportation of populations, and horrendous and countless crimes), the real content of those rights and concepts has since been replaced on a systematic basis by French imperialistic totalitarianism with such wiles to this day. Traditionally exploited this procedure in the regions of our Country under French occupation, that adulteration and falsification of the cardinal terms and concepts: undertaken with the same purpose by the Spanish neo-fascist régime of the Second Francoism, is unparalleled. This régime: which since 1977-79 is having the constant support of the Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy and its satellites, is currently clad in adornments of “human rights, democracy and popular will” that cannot be falser.
The “modern” totalitarian propaganda does constantly reveal the fascist technique of ideological double meaning, recuperation and double play of ideas and concepts, aimed at the conditioning and manipulation of the masses. In a new exercise – one more – of manipulation and falsification, when the imperialistic propaganda demands in the Basque Country the “respect of human rights”, it is merely demanding respect for the exigencies of the local Renegades and of those of its own Agents and beneficiaries, acting in the service of the French-Spanish imperialism and fascism. These official and paid “defenders and protectors of HR” could not care less of HR; and the repeated Declarations of Rights – universally disseminated – that define them are too much wide for them: it little matters whether they falsify, hide, or have not even the slightest idea of those rights. The “rights” they talk about are the imperialistic and fascist right to destroy the fundamental HR of the Basque People/Euskal Herria.
In short, this is the situation posed by those “defenders”: unconditional and immediate admission of the established situation where fundamental human rights are being violated and suppressed by the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist Nationalism, on the one hand; and on the other, empty verbiage and endless and pointless byzantine debates over “the respect for human freedom” (that of Fascists mainly), as means and condition to obtain the recognition and restoration of those rights.
With all shamelessness, the “freedom” that Fascists and Renegades do claim for
is what they call “a freedom needed” of limitations; which, as it seems, must
be determined under the French-Spanish fascism, armed occupation and
colonization. It is this the way in which the concealed or disclosed agents in
functions of the fascist “humanism” do understand the respect of fundamental human freedoms
and rights. Once more: it is not possible to restore the fundamental HR where it is being violated, denied or conditioned the RSD of all subjugated
Peoples: first of human rights and precondition of them all. And the first
requirement to restore them is the unconditional and immediate evacuation of
the occupying forces of imperialism.
Imperialists and fascists do affirm “the law and the Constitution” (the ones they have imposed through the Terrorism of their criminal military domination for centuries), as well as what they call “democracy”, that is: their totalitarian and colonialist “majority” imposed in the same way; and they oppose them to the immediate national independence implied in the RSD. Yet, the fundamental freedoms and human rights do precede and take precedence over the alleged democratic laws, the democracy, the formal (secondary) Constitution and the real (primary) constitution; and it is these fundamental freedoms and rights that do constitute the democratic institutions and decisions, which exist only by virtue of them.
It is not democracy that brings fundamental human rights; it is fundamental human rights that bring and constitute democracy. “The
Constitution, laws, rights and the democratic State that we have given ourselves”, which the French and Spanish imperialists talk about,
are those that, by means of war and organized and continued crimes against the
fundamental human rights of the Nations that they have subjugated, they have
given themselves for us the others to suffer.
In the end, in its residual and official version, the so-called “State of law” that fascists and imperialists do constantly invoke boils down to the
“rule of law”. But the law of the State does not found or legitimize anything,
starting with the State itself, which has produced it a posteriori. Every State
enacts its laws and therefore any State is a “State/rule of law”, even the
totalitarian ones.
On the other hand, and important though it may be, it is not the respect
for the “forms of the law”, i.e.: the much-vaunted “principle of legality”
established by the positive law of a “rule of law”, what shelters the
individual and guarantees his legal protection but the respect for the
fundamental human rights. For the French-Spanish imperialistic “State/rule of law”,
the human rights are in reality the rights of conquest, dismemberment,
exclusion, colonization and annexation of the subjugated Peoples and of their
States, through which it installs the sociological “universe” to which the
“universal suffrage” is “granted”, and from which there can be deducted next their
colonialist so-called “democratic majorities” aimed at crushing and destroying
the subjugated Peoples. Its “rule of law” is the imperialistic and criminal ruling law.
It is in this way that the reality of the imperialistic régime of military occupation
established and preserved by means of criminal Violence and Terrorism, its imperialistic
and fascist essence, and its radical incompatibility with freedom, democracy
and Peoples’ RSD of: first of human rights and prior condition of them all, are practically and theoretically DENIED by the indigenous accomplices of the bureaucratic mafia Pnv-Eta: collaborationists and official “opponents” of the imperialistic system that they have accepted for half a century as “democracy”; in a total coincidence with the Renegades, Agents and Ideologists of French-Spanish imperialism. (See our work: ‘La burocracia Pnv-Eta, o “las familias políticas abertzales”. – Su evolución y degradación: desde concepciones erróneas e infrastratégicas, hasta su conversión en una mafia liquidacionista’.)
In fact, these “Basque” armed or unarmed institutionalists: who assert the “more or less democratic” character – with or without deficit – of the imperialistic régime of military occupation and annexation, do at the same time deny and destroy democracy, freedom and the right of self-determination of Peoples, and do legitimate the imperialism, offering it in addition “a democratic consultation [under the conditions of an imperialistic, colonialist and fascist régime of military occupation!], and if it turns out nay to independence, we accept”. The recent express affirmation about “the independence as one of the options of self-determination”: made by one of their “specialists” and kindly aimed to illustrate the fascist Spanish minister on shift about this particular, is the acceptance of the “democratic” continuity of the Spanish imperialistic régime, and constitutes sabotage of the fundamental and inherent RSD of the subjugated Basque People/Euskal Herria, and a denial of the criminal nature of the French and Spanish régime of military occupation: imperialistic, fascist, and incompatible with fundamental human rights, but affirmed on the contrary by those “Basque” lunatics and/or traitors as a democratic one.
The dire consequences of this error are difficult to exaggerate: there is no way for the strategic implementation of a fundamental right whose nature is kept unknown, hidden or distorted. As for the Eta group and its satellites, after having provoked a catastrophe in this Country for half a century with their insane “armed activism” – a simulacrum that they presented as “revolutionary war” – and with their dogmatism of a ridiculous “Marxism-Leninism” of their own invention: procedures with which they have befuddled generations, led their followers to the cemetery or to jail and finally to collaborationism with the Spanish facist régime since 1979 to the present day; and after having put the Country on the brink of a complete disaster, of its exhaustion and collapse, this is the current contribution of the so-called “abertzale left” to the theoretical and practical development of the right of self-determination of all Peoples, with which they have definitively joined the Pnv bureaucracy, namely: the acceptance of imperialism, fascism and their consequences, of the armed occupation and subsequent colonization imposed for centuries on the Basque People by Spain and France through horrendous and countless crimes committed under the protection of their occupying armies, as a “legitimate and democratic” result.
The unmasking and denunciation of this mafia gang of unscrupulous and incompetent individuals who form the bureaucratic and liquidationist Pnv-Eta group (identified as such in particular by their mutual and stubborn recognition of the imperialistic and fascist régime of the Second Francoism as “democracy”), is the precondition for the regeneration and reconstitution of the democratic policy of liberation of the Basque People, which our Country urgently needs.
Those liquidationists do also claim that the RSD is the “last resort or
remedy against the established law of force”: a law that they have precisely supported
and recognized to this day as “democratic”, and do similarly require the
absence of any violence as a condition of the RSD or of any other; which is
again another more absurdity. Because the RSD, like any other fundamental and
licit right, is not a resort or remedy to the law of force. It is either a
democratic and anti-imperialistic form of the law of force, when it is properly
understood and implemented; or a simple verbiage at the service of the imperialism.
Without constitutive criminal Violence there is no imperialism nor fascism. Imperialism is the criminal and effective denial of Peoples’ RSD. If there was not imperialism, there would not be RSD either nor would it be needed; but when the imperialism exists, the RSD and its corollary: the right of legitimate self-defence, express the right of the oppressed Peoples to resort to legitimate violence in order to shake off the domination of the imperialism. Democracy, its law, the HR in general and the RSD in particular, are constituted by legitimate democratic violence, which is opposed to the totalitarian criminal Violence of imperialism and fascism. Those who hide the criminal Violence constituent of the French-Spanish régime established through it on our Country, do conceal its origin and nature typical of an imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation; and they do actually uphold the totalitarian monopoly of Violence along with all the crimes by which it has been established.
The RSD: considered as a foundation and not as a result, is essential for the qualification of the democratic State, which is necessarily constituted from its base by Peoples’ Self-Determination or Independence. Peoples’ Self-Determination and Democracy are contradictory concepts with the imperialistic régime. The supporters of this régime try to escape from the contradiction, but they can only disguise it through the “confusion” between the democratic system: founded on Peoples’ Self-Determination; and the imperialistic system, founded on the denial of Peoples’ Self-Determination or Independence.
This implies: the distortion and destruction of the terms and concepts of Democracy and Self-Determination; the denial of both the occupied Nation and State, as well as the imperialistic reality; the acceptance and recognition – de facto and de jure – of the régime constituted by means of war of aggression, conquest and military occupation; the confusion between the unconditional and immediate independence from imperialism, as THE SOLE AND NECESSARY CONTENT of the RSD, and the “option” of independence, which is its denial; the shameful ideological counterfeiting and abandonment of the subjugated Peoples’ RSD; and the theoretical and practical liquidation of the real process of Resistance against imperialism: central task and objective for the worldwide imperialistic reaction. Such is the actual content of the ideological “adaptations” persistently disseminated by the transmission belts of the “autonomous communities” of Spanish imperialism. It is nothing other than that, what lies ahead and behind their faked and grotesque version of the RSD.
The denial of this right is the basis of imperialism: in itself a crime against
the “fundamental right of Peoples to peace and security”, according to the contemporary International Law of the UN. The ideological attack on the RSD is carried out according
to general lines that here we can only point. The three “common” ways of
ideological denial of the right of national freedom and Self-Determination of
all Peoples are based on:
1/ full denial of the right;
2/ denial-reduction of its contents, by reduction of its concept to a freedom and a right conditioned, subordinated or limited either to autonomy, federation, association, integration etc.; reduction of the means constitutive of all policy and all law; and ultimately by its reduction to “limited” forms of domination, as opposed to full independence; and
3/ denial of the Peoples who have the ‘right of self-determination or national Independence of all Peoples’, reduced to one or some of them (generally,
the Peoples recognized as States), or to special cases; which empties the right
of others in the face of the occupying imperialistic States.
Among those ways, the Spanish and French – military, civil or
ecclesiastical – imperialism adopts preferably, of course, the most radical,
namely: the denial of the very existence of the Peoples: a solution that
excludes in itself all accessory question of freedom and rights. But, according
to its usual ideological technique, it uses them all by accumulation:
simultaneously or in succession, according to the time and occasion; without the
formal contradictions inherent in this procedure harming it too much, in the
face of populations curbed and stunned by the monopolies of criminal Violence and of ideologically
determined information/disinformation.
The indigenous traitors and liquidationists Pnv-Eta and their satellites speak of “Basque Nation,
self-determination and democracy”; but they recognize: with an unheard-of
stubbornness, the fundamental “democratic and non-violent legitimacy” of the
French-Spanish imperialitic and fascist régime of military occupation where “all the means of coercion
and communication are in the hands of the army”, and whose State is constitutionally,
formally and really founded on the denial of the Basque People and its historical
State, and on the absolute affirmation of the occupying Nations, Peoples and States as
the only reality and basis of that “democratic and non-violent legitimacy”.
Despite all their “democratic and abertzale” rhetoric, they are unable to theoretically
and ideological assume the national reality and qualification of the occupied Basque
Country, and the imperialistic and fascist character of the occupying States,
officially founded “on the indissoluble unity of the Spanish Nation, common and
indissoluble Fatherland of all Spaniards” and “on the Spanish People, from
which emanate all the powers of the State”; as well as “on the Nation and
Republic one and indivisible, Fatherland of the French People”.
Through the working of the “Basque” Pnv-Eta
liquidationist bureaucracies and their satellites: local accomplices
of French-Spanish imperialism, the ideological negation/destruction of the RSD has now
reached peaks of confusion and hypocrisy which before now were ignored or
considered inaccessible by humans. They have thus destroyed or abandoned the
very foundation of the oppressed Nation, of the right of free disposition of
all Peoples, and of all democracy. The inevitable consequence is that the
“right to self-determination” that they talk about is formally the “right of
self-determination of the Spanish and French Peoples and Nations in order to
determine the others”; which is an ideological falsification that implies the
denial of the fundamental RSD of the subjugated Peoples. Their task consists
of a constant reactionary effort both to hide that the RSD is the right of
independence from imperialism, and that the opposition against imperialism is its only strategic content, as well as to deny the
imperialistic character of the French-Spanish régime of military occupation of the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre.
On the other hand, the own “nation” of which these “Basque” agents talk about, is not for them a reality and a political foundation, or an active subject and basis of the RSD, but an empty expectation and object of rhetorical pretensions or aspirations to be achieved within the framework of an imperialistic régime of military occupation of our Country, which they have accepted, recognized and legitimized as democratic and their own one. The RSD that they talk about consists of an
ideological falsification that implies its denial; and the democracy that they
talk about is the French-Spanish imperialistic fascism in power.
Unprecedentedly, they recognize the de facto French-Spanish régime as essentially democratic, peaceful, non-Nationalist and non-violent, all at the same time. “We should not abuse of words as serious as ‘fascism’, because in spite of everything France is yet a democracy. The French State, like any other, has a right to defend itself against violence, basically, it was made for that; but it does not always have a sense of measure.” (J-L Davant.)
So, after so many years of apologetics applied
to the Eta “activism” (“the capital event in these last forty years is the
development of ETA”), the convert Davant does long ago approve the repression
of the – according to him – “democratic” French State, at the service of
maintaining its domination over our Country (as it does in the antipodes). And that, even
recognizing that it was about the repression of defendants who were acting “Euskal
Herria libratu nahiz” [“seeking to free the Basque People”]. But here’s his
explanation: “Horrekin ez dut erran nahi jujatu gabe uzten ahal zirela: bere
burua zain dezake bai Estatuak, eta funtsez hortako egina da”. [“With this, I
don’t mean to say that they may be left without being judged: since the State
has the right to look after itself, and basically it was made for this.”]
Now then, and to limit ourselves just to logic: how can one thing – the
State or whatever else – be made in order to look after itself? “I would like
it was explained to me”, as he himself says. Because, in simple formal logic,
if something does already exist, it cannot “be made” to look after what already
exists; and if it does not exist, it cannot be made to look after what does not
exist. But imperialism and formal logic keep problematic relations, as we can
so often see.
Not only logic, but also the fundamental political and juridical
affirmations have been denied and evacuated. In reality, the “moderate and
radical Basque” institutionalists Pnv-Eta have long since abandoned the essential and
decisive affirmation of the occupied Basque People, Nation and State; which,
from being the foundation of democratic policy and law, have been reduced to a
vague objective or futile pretension. On the cardinal issue of determining the
People, the Nation and the State, the aboriginal spokespersons for the broad
and multiform institutionalist armed and unarmed Pnv-Eta conglomerate: in use
of the privileges of propaganda that the “new” régime grants those who in word
or deed – partially or fully – recognize and legitimize it, say and do the same
things that establish the law and the propaganda of imperialism, with some
formal precautions. And above all they accept and recognize as legitimate,
democratic, non-Nationalist and non-violent the Spanish régime of military occupation of our Country, as well
as the Francoism reformed by the Spanish intra-totalitarian transition.
They proclaim “the right of the Basque people to form a nation”. They do
graphically announce that “We are a people with the right to form a nation. This
country is in water breaking and you women know much of that: it will be a boy
or it will be a girl, but a creature is coming. A new nation is going to be
born”. (X. Arzalluz, president of the Pnv.)
Thus, in the ideology of the “moderate and radical – whether armed or unarmed – peripheral Basque institutionalists”, the Nation: as foundation and agent of the national freedom and of its inherent right of self-determination or independence (a fundamental principle that all States and all National Liberation Movements in the world do affirm), gives way to the “nation” which only exist as an aspiration of a “nationalism without a nation”. With the vague aim or vain aspiration – for that “nationalism without a nation” – of “forming” or procreating the nation in and from the same legal-institutional system that does totally and absolutely deny it.
They do formally confirm with this that the Basque Nation does not exist
as a previous reality; that the National Resistance cannot be based on it; that
the national Independence is not a fundamental right but the more or less
futuristic object of a “secessionist” project, aspiration, claim, right or perspective
inside the imperialistic State – a democratic one according to them – from
which that “nation” is to be born; and that the RSD is only a so-called “right to
decide” of the more or less viable or abortive foetus that “will be born”. But then
it is about an inevitably abortive ‘nasciturus’, since, according to those “Basque” institutionalists, it must be formed and given birth from the pregnant – although
democratically virginal and immaculate – wombs of the bearing mother-countries:
the two “great” occupants nations, France and Spain; these ones not futuristic but
quite actual and – albeit pregnant – quite determined to get rid as soon as
possible and by all means of so annoying and undesirable spawn.
By keeping such positions, these “Basque institutionalists” are but just confirming thereby the fundamental points of the formal and real constitutions of the States and régimes of military occupation of Francespain, which deny the very existence of the Basque People and State. This does not prevent them from recognizing the occupying States as “democratic with or without deficit” and as their own ones. They thus deny the reality of the French-Spanish imperialistic régime of military occupation, accepted by them and turned into the “natural and democratic” framework for a purported “right of self-determination” of the nasciturus which the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy calls “Basque citizenship”, but never Basque People/Euskal Herria.
Together with the Basque People, there do also disappear the policy of
national freedom and the rights of self-determination and legitimate defence:
resources that proclaim in words the UN and that, as far as they are concerned,
claim all States and Movements of National Liberation in the world. Then, the
only thing that there remains to be done is to close the shop that never should
have been opened. Everything else is hollow and meaningless hot air: the speech
and ravings of useful fools or lunatics, clinically ready to be locked up, or else the hypocritical palinode of the useful or useless scroungers of always.
If they now “discover” that “the Statute is dead”, and even – what is more – that “the Statute was born dead”, there remains to know how long will it take
the experts in social obstetrics and gynaecology of the group Pnv-Eta in
perceiving the non-viability and the death of the foetus fathered or given
birth by grace of the genetics of “self-determination” that they have launched.
In it, the subjugated Nation: as the basis that it is for all defensive nationalism, gives
way to the “nation” as the objective or purpose of a “nationalism” without a Nation; and the genuine nationalism: which is the way of being of every Nation, gives way to a “nationalism” that should produce the new “nation”. This is the “process” proposed by the “Basque nationalist” agents Pnv-Eta and their satellites; a process that is thus resolved in the apologia of the French-Spanish régime of military occupation, and that flows into the political “solution” proclaimed by the “hopeful and exciting”
racket “process” of Lizarra-Garazi and its inevitable and logical consequences.
Once again: a “Basque nationalism” that holds such principles and
practices is sheer Spanish and French
imperialistic Nationalism camouflaged; however much they
play with the words so as to falsify and confuse the ideas. Starting from there,
one may then wonder what is so much fuss and so much history about, how can be
solved a problem that doesn’t even exist, and what is doing this
administratively constituted greasy-pole “country”, apart from providing
employment, salary and sinecures to the local auxiliary services of the “political
class” in power.
Immediate and unconditional legitimization and recognition for the
imperialism, the aggression, the conquest, the military occupation and domination over
the Peoples and their legitimate States, on the one hand; condemnations, conditions, obstacles and delays
for the freedom, the defence or the restoration of the subjugated Nations and
States, on the other: this is the way as the aggressors of the occupied and
colonized Territories of the Basque People, along with their “moderate and
radical” armed and unarmed Pnv-Eta collaborationists and accomplices, understand the RSD of
all Peoples.
The right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples is, like all democratic rights, a “reflection” of an obligation imposed by the political power that underpins International Law. The International Law is opposed to imperialism, and by that very Act it constitutes the same right of self-determination and independence of Peoples against imperialism. No additional Constitutive Act, on the part of the free or subjugated Peoples, makes any sense so as to constitute what is already constituted.
(From the text: “Euskal Herria and the Kingdom of Nabarre, or the Basque People and its State, against French-Spanish imperialism”.)
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