About the current geo-political crisis

About the current geo-political crisis

[...] The fear of a new hegemonic Imperialism – and of the loss of their national independence and identity – permeates the social base of some States and their Governments: which are themselves imperialists on other Peoples and States that they dominate or aspire to dominate (because of their considering them “historically their property” or because of having placed them directly under the “Brezhnev doctrine of limited sovereignty”, as established by those elaborate subterfuges that they have invented so as to justify their own domination), but which do nevertheless feel threatened – or pretend to be so – by other stronger Powers, and whose strategic helplessness feeds the new wave of imperialistic Nationalism that these Governments infuse to their populations and that is pervading the world; a wave easily recuperated and reinforced by the traditional Parties behind the camouflage and alibi of the new ones. This Nationalism of the Great and not so Great imperialistic Powers promotes the general and rising totalitarian tide of real Fascism, and is the foundation of the new worldwide political order that is being implanted and strengthened day by day. [...]

The European imperialistic Nationalism, the American absenteeism, and the imbalance between the old and the new imperialisms, had led to the ruin of the League of Nations. Since similar causes produce similar effects, fifty years of betrayals, impotence and capitulation in the face of imperialism – of anyone who could impose it – have also ruined the UNO along with all the advances and illusions that it had aroused or disappointed, until the new hegemonic Power decided to openly ignore such an obsolete antique.

Once the balance that had been established through the Terror of the nuclear duopoly and the Cold or Hot War has been broken, the situation has passed, from that “peace of balance”, to an attempt of “hegemonic peace” that sometimes resembles the “Pax [peace] of the Empire”, and other times the “anarchy” or the law of the jungle. To an embryonic world “order”, there follows now the inevitable mess of multi-lateral and multi-centred violence: the currently demanded “multi-lateralism” is the imperialistic multi-lateralism of the imperialistic “Great Nations”; and it does simply consist in granting them the guarantee and respect that they demand in order to continue their domination over their “traditional hunting grounds” and their “spheres of influence”, which are the Peoples and States they are subjugating and aspire to continue subjugating.

However, the absolute terrorism in the hands of the hegemonic Power: as a solution of the disputes that imperialism incessantly gives rise to, has shown its limits even at the sight of its own actors. The pretentious and sufficient sorcerer’s apprentices, the eminent re-discoverers of a kindergarten ‘real-politik’, the sponsors of the new “New-Deal”, that is: the own protectionism to a worldwide scale while trying to impose liberalism for all the others, have once more opened Pandora’s Box, which is also the trunk of thunders.

In the new world order, the “human rights”, the “humanitarian principles”, the “international right”, or the squalid “laws of war” are respected only when and insofar as they are harmless or beneficial to the side that is “obliged” by those norms. Weakened in their protective function, such principles do resist ill and yield before the demands and consequences derived from the war or the colonization: especially if they involve the loss of the war and the colonies, or if the alternative cost does exceed what has been planned or is bearable.

Declarations, Conventions, Resolutions and other International Norms of right are agreed and recognized, signed and promulgated by all the participants more easily and profusely than ever before, because nobody does seriously think nor has the slightest intention of applying and complying with them; quite on the contrary, everybody is sure of completely ignoring such Charters and other documents of that sort. These ones do thus serve the policy, the propaganda and the psychological warfare between the imperialistic Powers; which, either accuse each other of violating them, or reach an arrangement between themselves so as to hide and preserve their crimes and “hunting grounds” over other Peoples and their States in the name of what they do falsely and cynically call their “national interests”, as if these interests were not imperialistic and did not consist of crimes of war, crimes against the peace and security of the Peoples and their legitimate States (which are the crimes necessarily constituted by every war of aggression), and crimes against humanity.

The selective denunciation of repression, terrorism and torture: a denunciation made when and where it is convenient to the “Great” Powers and their accomplices; or on the contrary the silence and denial of those same current and multi-centennial practices in the places where they are to be silenced, do show the total subordination of truthful information, to the fascist propaganda and its psychological warfare.

The “international right” of the Great Nations is the imperialistic right. After the slight advances precariously established within the framework of the duopoly of thermo-nuclear Terror, the “new world order”: a result of the end of the Cold War, is founded on the monopoly of conventional or mass destruction weapons; on the trivialization of international aggression and grand-terrorist repression; on total war and planetary thuggishness and gangsterism under supervision of the hegemonic Power; on the exasperation of the imperialistic Nationalism and hatred between Peoples; and on the destruction of the right of self-determination by the multi-polar imperialism: a destruction necessarily attached to the advance of fascism and militarism, and to the sabotage of any progress of an international right and moral, defectives though they might be. [...] (See the full text in: ‘The hegemonic crisis.)


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