Health crisis and Nationalist Imperialism

Health crisis and Nationalist Imperialism

As it is being shown these days, the collective psychosis created by the media monopoly of alienation, befuddling and manipulation of masses – annex to the violence monopoly of the military occupation régime: which uses them both as its fundamental support – under the pretext of combating the recently-arriving Chinese epidemic, aims to ensure that the Basque People accepts as something “normal and natural” that the occupying army: which remains permanently quartered in our Country, can go out through its streets, villages and hamlets, and impose its intimidating presence against our People; a presence that the aforementioned media, as if it were something obvious, do nevertheless present as a “protective” one despite the fact that those armed forces are not facing an invading army but a virus. Thus, on the pretext that “the citizenry” must be protected from a pandemic (whether it has been caused in a “natural” way, or it has on the contrary been created/manipulated in obscure laboratories for unavowable purposes), there has been proclaimed a “state of alarm” that is being used by the régime to strengthen its presence in the Basque Country.

The mental alienation spread by those media has become a widespread social alienation; up to the point that the appearances of the “crisis team”: offered on television as a ritual to “inform and reassure” a defenceless population that is instead systematically misinformed, abducted, manipulated and stultified by these media monopolies, do show that this team is NOT made up of members of the medical profession or at least of someone who can justify an occupation of a “white coat”, as it should be the normal situation, but by government officials and by military and “civil guards” who don’t even bother to hide that reality, which should be glaringly obvious and cause the strangeness – actually the scandal – of everybody, since they appear in their military uniforms.

Thus, after the consolidation through the centuries of the totalitarian States in their theocratic, Asiatic-despotic and absolutist forms, and without ever abandoning or calling into question the illicit conquests and annexations that were made under those regimes against other Peoples and States, the current circumstances are leading the imperialistic States to the practical development, to its ultimate consequences, of the characteristics that the Hungarian-American psychiatrist Thomas S. Szasz described in 1963 as constituents of the “therapeutic State”: the ultimate transformation of the “Nanny State.” According to Szasz, “the therapeutic State swallows up everything human on the seemingly rational ground that nothing falls outside the province of health and medicine, just as the theological State had swallowed up everything human on the perfectly rational ground that nothing falls outside the province of God and religion”.

Undoubtedly, for the French-Spanish imperialism against the Basque People and its occupied State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, this provides a perfect opportunity to reinforce what constitutes the key to its fundamental strategic system, namely: the military occupation of our Country and State, insanely presented now as a “defence against viruses and pandemics”. Because even these ones, as it seems (and so it is disseminated from the local Spanish television that PsoE-Pnv parties are running and that they call “Euskal Telebista”, which does blatantly ignore in its maps, diagrams and statistical data the situation about the current health emergency in the Territories of the Basque Country under French occupation while on the contrary reinforcing again and again: in each and every one of its productions, our forced insertion into “Spain”); even viruses – they come to say – do “recognize and respect” the frontiers established by the imperialism, and therefore make it necessary that the fight against them be forcibly done by the Spanish Government and within the frontiers controlled by the Spanish Government. Thus, this one is finally shown in our People’s eyes as the only one within the frontiers imposed by Spanish imperialism, as it is the case with French imperialism.

To that reality, crudely affirmed with such coarse “argumentation”, the puppet at the service of the régime of military occupation: who calls himself “lehendakari” [“president”] of the purported “Basque government”, made a “decisive” criticism to which – in his own words and literally – “I have dedicated ten seconds; next, I‘ll move on to talk about collaboration”, which he did without so strict a restriction. (The contempt of this unscrupulous subject towards his own People, which he visibly does already consider as sub-normal, is absolute.) In these circumstances and for the perfect understanding of the situation in which we find ourselves, which recent events are once again revealing, we will turn once more to our texts:

“[...] For the fascist appreciation and interpretation, the same data, the same means, the same facts and the same ideas are either ‘intrinsically and fundamentally’ evil, or straight and holy, according to the circumstances, the moment, the involved subject and the own convenience. The application of concepts, values, criteria, principles, norms and theoretical references that are variable, and even formally contradictory (an application performed jointly or separately depending on the ideological need and opportunity, and on whether they are applied to one or the other of the opponents), is a constant of the imperialistic and fascist propaganda.


“Instead, for the subjugated persons and Peoples, the truth is the sole way: long, hazardous and full of risks, which sometimes leads to freedom, as well as it equally comes from it. (Unfortunately, throughout their history Spaniards and French have known no other “freedom” than that imposed by their permanent Despotic-Asiatic and Absolutist régimes; and their only “truth” is the affirmation of their imperialistic Nationalism over the Basque People.)

“Now then, in a world like ours, telling the truth is an inadvisable activity that exposes its reckless or unconscious actors to the worst reactions of the ‘public’ opinion and powers. As far as truth is concerned, whoever wants to ‘live well’ here or at least live quietly, has every interest in learning to close his trap. Most of the population has long ago understood this so. ‘The truth will set you free’; but the lie and the destruction of reason do also ‘free’ their own servants: agents of the established totalitarian, imperialist and fascist power, whom it offers the rich diversity of its all-powerful will.


“Insofar as democracy implies freedom of thought, criticism and research, the logical coherence, the terminological and conceptual univocity, and the methodological stability are conditions for the access to truth and knowledge. Instead, for fascism and imperialism, they are insurmountable obstacles to be destroyed, because their agents cannot dominate ideologically the Peoples without falsifying, recuperating and confusing the concepts and terms. That form of ideology needs the prior stultification of its patients by means of the modern monopolies of propaganda. Now then, if this condition is missing, the reaction can be dangerous for its pretentious agents.


“Intellectual probity, on the one hand, and imperialistic Nationalism, on the other, are realities that do mutually exclude each other. The Nationalism-Imperialism has nothing to do with any kind of intellectual ‘honesty’. That Imperialism is a criminal enterprise of Nationalist and racist domination-exploitation against Peoples’ freedom, established and maintained by means of criminal violence, which is also achieved through ideological indoctrination; which implies mental confusion of its patients, falsehood, disguise and calumny.


“The ideologists of the imperialistic and fascist Nationalism are not honest theorists or men of science, even less good-hearted persons ‘who defend their ideas – all legitimate and respectable – with pen and word, and who oppose culture to the violence’, as their indigenous and ‘autonomous’ services of ideological intoxication of masses seek to make us believe. Quite on the contrary: as politicians, they are agents, partners, accomplices, accessories after the fact and/or beneficiaries – notorious and convicted – of the robbery and the crimes of war, against peace and against Humanity that constitute the current French-Spanish imperialistic régime that subjugates our Country. And as ideologists, they are liars, libellers, forgers and impostors, cheats and swindlers, habitual or professional advantage players.


“Decent people, good people, do not talk with the criminal fascists and imperialists who do continue or try that continues the enterprise of domination of the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism that has bloodied and oppressed our People and our Country for twelve centuries. Even less can do it those who exercise functions and assume ideological and political responsibility. The thinker, the politician, or the free person that faces theoretical, practical or simple information issues under the conditions of imperialism will do well to distrust and protect himself from any communication or “informative, scientific or artistic” contribution that comes from its agents.


“For decent politicians, scientists and persons, no honourable trade, no honest frequentation are possible with the imperialistic and fascist ideological agents: whatever the moral or cultural pretensions with which they conceal themselves may be. There cannot be talks with those who – whether having or not a gun on the table – do lean on the monopoly of criminal violence established through war and conquest; there cannot be a place for talks with the agents of the propaganda and the psychological warfare that impose the ideas of the French-Spanish imperialism and fascism, in the service and under the protection of its occupying army. The “dialogue” with the imperialistic Fascism and Terrorism is a formal nonsense that involves complicity with their agents, and the covering-up of their criminal enterprise of destruction of the free persons and Peoples; consequently, it must be absolutely and positively avoided.


“In the conditions of the imperialistic régime of military occupation, they are impossible and contradictory the democratic relations with those who fight the fundamental human rights and, first of all, the right of self-determination of Peoples: ‘first of fundamental human rights and prior condition of them all’, according to international law established by the United Nations. Democratic relations, popular will and human rights are only reached by the suppression of any imperialistic occupation as a precondition. 


“Imperialism and fascism do not only destroy the material reality of Peoples; they also destroy in them the common sense and reason. The ideological schizophrenia does found the dominant propaganda. Their spokespersons: considered mentally healthy by the traditional clinical systems and criteria, are a permanent danger for the mental health of the populations subjected to the monopolies of mass propaganda, psychological warfare and ideological intoxication of masses. Far from harming them, irrationality offers those officials considerable – and often decisive – ideological advantages; without the former having to fear from the latter any rational or scientific competition that can be ideologically effective among the masses, given their overwhelming superiority of means.

“Surprising though it may appear to the deluded or romantic idealists: who still believe in the universal value and validity of the panlogism and in the effectiveness of the reason as an ideological weapon, the stupidity and the formal irrationality are not defect or weakness but ideological fullness and virtue of the imperialism and fascism.

“In the face of them, the only antidote that democratic ideology has is intellectual honesty and logical-formal coherence, on the one hand; and, on the other, the structuring of a democratic ideology and a policy based upon the theoretical and practical affirmation of the universal validity and respect of fundamental human rights and, above all, upon the first and the precondition of them all: the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples. Without fundamental rights, there is no democracy.

“‘What we would today call stupidity is a reliquary that dates back to prehistoric times, and that the historical period has found before it and picked up.’ ‘On the base of these diverse false representations of nature and of the constitution of the human himself’, ‘the weak economic development of the prehistoric period has as a complement – but also here and there as a condition and even cause – the false representations of nature.’ ‘The history of science is the history of the progressive elimination of this stupidity, or of its replacement by a new stupidity, but increasingly less absurd.’ However, this optimistic view of the process of civilization and of the scientific progress cannot make us ignore that the stupidity has not only by base ‘the weak economic development of the prehistoric period, the false representations of nature and of the constitution of human being, or the deficient state of the scientific method’. Indeed, the modern totalitarianism has found in it a fundamental instrument.

“Stupidity is not – well understood – a ‘privilege’ of the totalitarian system: it’s a heritage of humanity, of all human society; yet, modern totalitarianism makes of stupidity its instrument, and offers it new vehicles, roads and prospects. ‘It is a widely held opinion, shared by some contemporary philosophers, that all human behaviour patterns which serve the welfare of the community, as opposed to that of the individual, are dictated by specifically human rational thought. Not only is this opinion erroneous, but the very opposite is true.’

“The apparent recklessness in the absurdity, lie and irrationality: in which its agents do generally incur, is explained by the conditions and by the main or accessories objectives which the imperialistic enterprise that they are serving must first and foremost hold to. They have in addition discovered that the contradiction, the lie and the stupidity, the forgery of words and the manipulation of concepts, are always profitable for fascism if only the monopoly of propaganda does assure them repetition and penetration without the possibility of a reply. The confusion, the chaos, the debasement of the ideas and the destruction of reason do always benefit fascism and imperialism.

“The formal pieces of nonsense that the dominant ideology does endlessly produce: which are daily and constantly served by the local collaborationists and in prime time programs, do arouse, sometimes, the same curiosity – not exempt from perplexity – about the qualification, definition and classification of their supposedly passive and even active protagonists. Are they naïvely forgers, or are they so in bad faith? Are they really stupid, or are acting the fools? Are they actually imbeciles, or do they only believe that the others are so? Ideologists, confessors, psychologists and psychiatrists are supposed to be the best qualified to respond, case-by-case and according to their respective specialty.

“If the imperialistic propaganda does falsify history and sociology; and if, in addition, it is formally irrational, contradictory and absurd (all of which, as already explained, does not occasion it any considerable ideological prejudice), it is so because it has been deliberately designed that way so as to block and exhaust the opposition. Indeed, enunciating and propagating formal pieces of nonsense is much easier than to correct them, and therefore the task of ideological resistance presents difficulties that the imperialistic aggression does not know; just the same as the anti-colonial and anti-fascist strategy is obliged to mobilize theoretical faculties that must necessarily be higher than those needed by the imperialistic and fascist aggression.

“However, undertaking up to its ultimate consequences the ‘theoretical criticism’ of the functional nonsense that the monopolistic propaganda does continuously spread against the freedom of Peoples, this would be so an illusory and absurd a thing as to engage in demonstrate that two and two make four every time that the ideological provocateurs of the imperial-totalitarian régime do affirm that they make five. It would be fatal to ignore all this; because, while the naïve defenders of the subjugated Peoples do exhaust their poor resources in vain and imaginary debates with the ‘passive members’ of the imperialism and fascism: designed as a bait to lure and entertain them, the ‘active members’ of the dominant power do tirelessly continue their work of demolition against those Peoples.

“Because if it is accepted that aggression and conquest are and create the right, then it’s quite logical to make derive also from them the right to cheat, deceive and intoxicate the persons and Peoples dominated by imperialism, about the dire and odious origin and consequences of such procedures. In every totalitarian system – inherent in imperialism and fascism – social sciences and even morality are subordinated to the dominant ideology, established by the political power by means of its monopolies of criminal Violence and propaganda. The modern monopoly of ideological conditioning of masses, an annex to the monopoly of Violence, allows to conceal what the slightest freedom of criticism would put in evidence; indeed, the shameless combination of stupidity, cynicism and hypocrisy: which characterizes the imperialistic and fascist ideology, does allow all adaptations.

“Nothing can do the truth, the common sense, the rationality and the scientific spirit in totalitarian States where the Governments do overtly attribute themselves supreme and reserved competencies that are alien to them. A political régime that aims to decide and impose its decisions in matters of science [and therefore in medicine/psychiatry], morals, art, culture or religion, is already a totalitarian régime. (The political power: whatever it may be, is not competent in scientific matters as well as in questions of morality, art, culture or religion. Its only competence lies on its own and specific means of action, that is: violence. However, once this undisputed competence has been established, this allows next a totalitarian régime to attribute itself all competencies: an attribution implied in the actually or virtually unlimited extension of its area of domination, as so many examples of totalitarianism have revealed throughout history.)

“In imperialistic and totalitarian States such as the Spanish or the French one: where ministries of culture and constitutional and supreme judges ‘elucidate’, decide, rule, finance and impose ‘the truth’ in cultural and scientific issues; and where the history, sociology, economics or linguistics are established in an authoritarian way, the ‘populations’ that endure them cannot be under any illusions about the results of all this.” (Chapter XXV – Imperialistic ideology versus democratic ideology: an asymmetry of variable and constant factors (XXV).)

It is so: in this line of ideological confusion and forgery, as the official imperialism seeks to make us believe through its agents and media monopolies that it is “scientifically and medically” impossible to combat this crisis if it is not inside and from within the French-Spanish imperialistic frontiers: established through aggression, dismemberment, conquest and annexation of our own State. Similarly, the undercover agents of the social-imperialism – offshoots and auxiliaries of the Spanish National-socialist Party Falange-PsoE – seek to recuperate the Basque popular movement of National Resistance through campaigns that exploit the popular affectivity of the “cooperation of all in the face of evil”, by proposing false solidarity. “We’re going to save this crisis in common”, they say: giving as admitted and democratic the imperialistic and fascist French-Spanish “common unity/community”, and concealing that it has been imposed upon our People and State through armed aggression and permanent military occupation; through countless, horrific and imprescriptible crimes of war, against peace and against humanity, and on the denial of the fundamental and indefeasible right of self-determination or independence of the Basque People and of independence and integrity of our State, the Kingdom of Nabarre. All this is covered up and concealed from the Basque People by the traitors that form the mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta, who have for more than forty years now accepted the French-Spanish imperialistic régime of military occupation as “democracy” and participate in it as though everything is normal.

However, as it is evident, the French-Spanish colonialist and fascist imperialism is the ABSOLUTE EVIL for the subjugated Basque People, since it is about an ABSOLUTE IMPERIALISM; which, starting from the denial of the very existence of our People in theory in order to better destroy it in practice, has been criminally seeking its disappearance for at least twelve centuries. There is no possible solidarity with those who wish to perpetuate the centennial pandemic of the French-Spanish colonialist imperialism on our People, because the truth, the knowledge and the individuals’ and Peoples’ fundamental human rights: which democracy MUST NECESSARILY BE founded upon, are incompatible with the imperialistic Nationalism and monster of Francespain.

Thus, in order to avoid any misunderstanding and to expose these false “lefties” in their real nature, we indicate again the minimum positions for any political collaboration on a democratic basis, the rejection of which will expose to everybody’s view the imperialistic and colonialist, and therefore fascist, nature of those groups. These positions are:

1/ Affirmation of the right of freedom, FREE disposition, national independence or self-determinationof the Basque People/Euskal Herria.

“Cornerstone of democracy”, the international right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples is a right that is original, fundamental, inherent, customary, immediate, unconditional, continuous, permanent, inalienable, indefeasible and imprescriptible for all Peoples subjugated under an imperialistic and foreign régime; that is the same thing as their unconditional and immediate independence in the face of / against any foreign domination or interference contrary to their national freedom; and that has been recognized – not constituted – by the contemporary International Law of the United Nations: from the First Article of its foundational Charter of San Francisco as well as by numerous and relevant Resolutions of its General Assembly, as THE FIRST OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE PRECONDITION FOR THE FULL ENJOYMENT OF THEM ALL.

In our Country, its corollary and practical application consists, as an inescapable requirement for its realization, in the DEMAND FOR THE UNCONDITIONAL AND IMMEDIATE EVACUATION of all the occupying forces and of the entire apparatus of imperial-colonialist subjugation of the occupying Powers: Spain and France, OUTSIDE the historical Territories of the Basque People/Euskal Herria and its State. And

2/ Affirmation of the continuity, validity and actuality of our own State: the Kingdom of Nabarre, successor of the Kingdom of Pamplona – “the Kingdom of the Basques” – constituted by a confederation of Vasconic Republics, Counties and Lordships historically and freely gathered around it. Internationally recognized for a thousand years, the Kingdom of Nabarre remains the sole State of the Basque Nation, which it has never renounced to nor has ever admitted or recognized any other.

Its necessary consequence implies the constant and incessant NON-RECOGNITION AND DENUNCIATION of the occupying States: the “Kingdom of Spain” and the “French Republic”, and of their totalitarian régimes of military occupation, as criminal, imperialistic, colonialist and fascist,and not as their own, non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic, as the purported “official Basque political class” – formed by the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroabai etc. – is doing to this day.

At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a TOTAL BOYCOTT to any collaboration with those who, because of their rejecting in theory or in practice one or both fundamental affirmations mentioned above, do objectively form part of the imperialism; especially the social-imperialists of sundry feathers who, disguised as “progressives, socialists, communists” (in any of their splits or fashions), exhibit “arguments” with these false “progressive” etc. labels as pretexts to refuse to immediately denounce the French-Spanish fascist régime of military occupation of our Country; which is tantamount to supporting it.

As is unquestionable, those among us – whatever their origin, surnames, and alleged ideology can be – who refuse to totally or partially assume the principle that affirms our National-State reality (while affirming on the contrary the “right of imperialism and of military occupation” on our Country and State by the “Kingdom of Spain” and the “French Republic”), are absolutely unmasked as the imperialists and fascists they are. Now then, what collaboration can there be with these agents? Can anyone honestly and sanely believe – unavowable interests or insane hallucinations set aside – that it is possible to make an anti-imperialistic policy with the help of imperialists and fascists? Clearly not.

Therefore, as long as the French-Spanish imperialism does not withdraw from our Country its forces of military occupation (given that they CONSTITUTE the essential and fundamental element of its strategic mechanism of domination, without which its entire system collapses), and since evidently it is not possible to carry out an anti-imperialistic policy with the help of the imperialists and fascists, that is: the fifth-columnists and agents at the service of that imperialism infiltrated among the subjugated Basque People, the corollary and practical application of that principle implies maintaining a TOTAL BOYCOTT:

– to any collaboration with any individual or collective person which, by rejecting – or refusing to publicly assume – either in whole or in part, in theory or in practice one or both fundamental affirmations mentioned above, does objectively – some of them even in an open and confessed way – form part of French-Spanish imperialism; and

– to any participation both in the institutions of the French-Spanish imperialistic, colonialist and fascist régime of military occupation of our Country, and especially in their imperialistic juridical monopolies or “parliaments”: Spanish Cortes Generales and French Parliament (established over the centuries by means of their real and primary constitution, that is: military occupation, Monopoly of criminal Violence and Terrorism of war and State, and countless and imprescriptible constitutive crimes against the Basque People and its State); as well as in their totalitarian “general elections” that “legitimize” all this.



Army of occupation not even with music!

Spain not even with a republic! France not even with a monarchy!




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