The “European Union” faced with Spanish Euro-orders against members of National Resistance
The “European Union” faced with Spanish Euro-orders against members of National Resistance
Recently the Spanish hyper-Nationalist Jose Borrell: a prominent member of the neo-Francoism – in its National-Socialist version of the Falange-PsoE Party –, exasperated by the delay of the Belgian Courts of Justice in granting the Euro-orders that the Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime is launching all over Europe against members of the political Resistance and Dissidence of Peoples that this régime is keeping subjugated, has bitterly criticized that necessary and appropriate judicial circumspection in the face of requirements that are unsustainable according to elementary democratic standards. As the press has informed about his statements, made last Monday the 16th: “he is not surprised by the situation that former Catalan president Carles Puigdemont is enjoying in Belgium while a Euro-order for his delivery to Spain is still pending, judging by the example of another person who has not yet been delivered after several years and is staying ‘quietly’ in that Country.”
These unpresentable imperialists and fascists: the official representatives of the Second Francoism and heirs of the régime established with the help of Nazi Germany and Fascist Italy, who allow themselves to deride and trivialize publicly of the genocide of the native American Peoples, and who – thanks to the recognition of “democracy” that they received forty-two years ago from the traitors and corrupt agents of the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta – do with arrogance walk through a currently degraded Europe; these same fascist agents, in the very places where the “Tercio of Flanders” of the Hispanic-Catholic Monarchy committed their atrocities (a Despotic-Asiatic régime instigator of and sustained by those criminal, heinous and trans-Continental “heroic deeds”, all of which they have never repudiated and which they quite to the contrary are proud of), with all shamelessness and without fearing any well-deserved retort they do allow themselves to request with the insolence that characterizes them the support of Europe for their political system that they falsely call “of democratic integration”, that is: of criminal, imperialistic, totalitarian and fascist destruction of Peoples that, not having been as fortunate as those which could – under great pains and sufferings – get rid from their yoke, still remain subjugated under their Nationalist, imperialistic, colonialist and fascist Spanish oppression.
Setting aside their functional ignorance: whether hypocritical or real, the French and Spanish imperialists try to establish – as it is natural – that the constructivist and retro-activated fictions and wiles, asserted by begging the question (petitio principii) in their formal and secondary “Constitution”: which they presumptuously and pedantically refer to as “Magna Carta” (actually built for centuries through criminal military aggression, armed occupation, and annexation against free Peoples and their legitimate States historically built and independent), do enshrine its impeccable legitimacy: “Article 1. Spain is the reunion of the Spaniards of both Hemispheres”. (Spanish “Constitution” of 1812.)
Yet, neither those gross and coarse theoretical forgeries which their “Constitutions” are made and filled with, nor the “consensus” held around them by the terrorists and imperialistic political parties that have proclaimed and do sustain them: all of them fascists parties whether they be in the traditional version of those who helped Hitler with the Blue Division by murdering peasants and raping their women in the fields of Russia and Ukraine, or in the present-day National-Socialist version of Falange-PsoE and the Renegade Borrell, after the Spanish intra-totalitarian transition to the current Second Francoism; none of those false pretensions, we say, can legitimize the underlying crimes and imperialism, that is: THE REAL CONSTITUTION, which the strikingly abundant formal “Constitutions” both Spanish and French are founded upon.
The “legality” of the positive right of the totalitarian and imperialistic Spanish and French régime: established by means of aggression and armed occupation against Peoples and their States, AS IT IS THE CASE OF THE BASQUE PEOPLE AND ITS STATE THE KINGDOM OF NABARRE, is a fascist, illicit and iniquitous legality. It’s not a common crime, but a fundamental right of self-determination and legitimate self-defence, to actively or passively fight against such a “Constitution” and “legality”; whereas the offence against the right of self-determination of Peoples is a crime under International Law, involved in the countless, horrendous and imprescriptible crimes of war, against Peace and against Humanity committed in the historical enterprise of destruction of the Basque People (among others) and it State by the Spanish and French imperialism. According to International Law there is no right of imperialism: there is crime of imperialism, and it is imprescriptible.
As it has been profusely explained in the numerous texts published in this page, the right of independence, free disposition or self-determination of all Peoples is not strictly compatible – or incompatible – with Democracy: with the democratic Laws and Constitution (both real and primary as well as formal and secondary), BUT IT DOES PRECEDE AND CONSTITUTE THEM. The democratic States – where they exist – are established/constituted: built and preserved, by a free association of Peoples; which means their actual independence against any form of imperialism, that is: the prior evacuation of all its occupying forces and all of all its apparatus of subjugation and the full respect for the international right of independence, FREE disposition or self-determination of all Peoples, first of fundamental human rights and prior condition of them all. The democratic States have nothing to fear from this right but quite the opposite, since the right of self-determination does constitute, legitimize and reinforce them. When the States do declare to be opposed to it, as it is the case of the French and Spanish imperialistic States, they also declare thereto the anti-democratic reality of their power; as well as the clumsy and shameless falsification that they do sustain: while presenting the crimes, the subjugation and annexation against Peoples and States which they are constituted upon as if it was about free and democratic adherence and integration.
In spite of the wretched Traitors-Collaborationists of the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy, as well as the native Renegades: who recognize the Spanish and French Nationalist and Fascist régime of military occupation established on our People and State as “legitimate, non-violent, non-Nationalist and democratic”, the Basque People will never recognize the Spanish and French States and their régime: Nationalist, criminal, totalitarian, imperialistic, colonialist and fascist.
Army of occupation not even with music!
Spain not even with a republic! France not even with a monarchy!
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