Imperialism.- The imperialistic Nationalism (II)


II – Imperialism.- The imperialistic Nationalism

Iñaki Aginaga and Felipe Campo

“May it please you [addressed to Pope John XII] to admonish and exhort the King of the English – who ought to be satisfied with what belongs to him, since England used once to be enough for seven kings or more – to leave us Scots in peace, who live in this poor little Scotland beyond which there is no dwelling-place at all, and covet nothing but our own. [...] But if your Holiness puts too much faith in the tales the English tell, and will not give sincere belief to all this nor refrain from favouring them to our prejudice, then the slaughter of bodies, the perdition of souls, and all the other misfortunes that will follow: inflicted by them on us and by us on them, will – we believe so – be surely laid by the Most High to your charge.” (From the Declaration of Arbroath, Abbey of Scotland; 1320. Original in Latin.)

The human species is the most incurably aggressive and destructive that zoological evolution, mutation and selection have originated on the planet Earth; the species the most destructive of the ecology, plant kingdom and animal kingdom, of other zoological species and of itself that has ever existed. Besides systematically attacking the geological balance of the planet, its action breaks the extra-specific balances and destroys the intra-specific inhibitions of its functional aggressiveness. The human is a weak and unarmed animal whose instinct of aggression has been enhanced – not limited – by the cultural development.

The interacting of fear and aggression has turned the human into the most troublesome and dangerous animal of prey. Sometimes, the intraspecific affinity seems to even stimulate their most aggressive and cruel impulses, as when “two Nations enter on competition although no economic need compels them to do so”, or when “two political parties or two religions with strikingly similar programs do bitterly fight between them”.

The human is the worst enemy of human: his universalism and broadmindedness allow the human animal to look at things in grand style, without so narrow and annoying limitations.. His nature determines intra-specific relations of exorbitant conflict and exceptional aggressiveness: it’s the only way of coexistence that all humans are capable of understanding. Despite all the terrible disastersand sufferings that they have obtained as a result of their disgusting behaviour, they are not only too harmful but also too stupid to discover, invent and adopt another one.

Imperialism (from imperium = supreme power, in Latin), or domination of one People over another, is the extreme, most aggressive and oppressive species of violence, war and domination, despotism and totalitarianism. The various factors of domination do reinforce or counteract, join, follow and complement each other, are present in different forms in each case; but they always, like the Horsemen of the Apocalypse, do ride together. Genocide of the subjugated Peoples and rape of their women; Nationalism, racism, colonialism, terrorism and fanaticism; political, religious, linguistic and cultural oppression; exploitation of class and sexist domination of men upon women, inherent to the imperialistic and colonial order; plunder, corruption and despoliation; and discrimination and denial of freedom, of fundamental and inherent human rights and of all democracy, are identical and constituent of imperialism.

Imperialism, in its different versions, is made up of war of aggression and terrorist violence of masses, conquest, occupation, dismemberment and annexation of lands and States, bombardment and destruction of towns and civilian settlements, crimes of war, against peace and against humanity; of extermination, genocide, rape and racial, linguistic and cultural expansion-destruction of Peoples, and expulsion, deportation and colonization (substitution, plantation and assimilation) of populations; of torture, murder and systematic State terrorism, repression of masses, monopoly of criminal Violence, suppression of all fundamental freedoms, threat, kidnapping, prison and taking of hostages; of hunger (hunger and disease), subjugation and exclusion, seizure of persons and Peoples within impassable and impermeable borders, separation of families, sexual repression, and direct or indirect sterilization; of arson, plunder, extortion and despoliation, looting, exploitation and pillage of natural and productive resources; of corruption, collaboration and betrayal, social, economic and political domination, and ideological conditioning and intoxication of masses through propaganda and psychological warfare; of destruction of the cultural heritage and of the signs or symbols of identity; and of violation of fundamental human rights and first and foremost of the right of self-determination of all Peoples: first of human rights and prior condition of them all, and inseparable from the inherent right of legitimate self-defence.

It’s this way as have been founded and maintained the Empires: organizations of robbers and murderers on a large scale. However much the names of facts are changed to make the world believe that they are a different thing, the institutions created by the imperialism drip the blood of its countless victims, permanent testimony of the monstrous crimes of masses that have built them: crimes of war, against peace and against humanity.

Nothing allows us to believe that there are sociable and unsociable, peaceful and aggressive Peoples “in themselves”. There is no historic or prehistoric example of People who, being able to prevent it, has willingly accepted the proximity and free development of others; yet, there are specialist and extremely gifted Peoples for whom submission, oppression, liquidation and replacement of the others is a permanent, priority and indispensable enterprise. For its part, the real political and ideological class that governs the destinies of the world has nothing to do with the sanctimonious humanism that its propaganda proposes to others as a remedy to the evil in the world. Actually it is vulgar, rude, ignorant, conceited, fatuous, obtuse, corrupted, aggressive, and dependent and addicted to brute force and terrorism as remedy for all the problems. Such Peoples and their leaders: selfish and aggressive, blind or stupid, do stubbornly continue their march into the abyss. Humanity has in itself the key of its destruction; it does not run towards an inevitable happy ending of the history but towards the catastrophe.

“Imperialism is a perennial problem of human existence, for powerful Nations and individuals inevitably tend to use the weak as instruments of their purposes.” (Reinhold NiebuhrThe Irony of American History’, 1952.) The international conflict and the imperialism include the political conflict and the imperialism, species and part of policy in general. The political conflict and imperialism include and preside over the armed conflict.

When, forced by the crisis created by the subjugated Peoples, the imperialistic leaders claim that “we don’t have a problem of independence; we have a problem of coexistence” (P. Sánchez, leader of Falange-PsoE), they are completely distorting the reality: the “coexistence” hypocritically preached by the imperialism consists in the submissionto its criminal domination.

Those who in theory or in practice deny Freedom and Self-determination or Independence of Peoples, do destroy the only possible foundation of democratic coexistence, peace and order; do build instead the bases of violence and war; and do establish and maintain the mainstays of the order and disorder of criminal imperialistic and fascist Violence among Nations. Without a real solution for the national question there are not firm and long-lasting coexistence, peace or tranquillity but interim periods between one conflict and another. “If Self-determination or Independence of Peoples is emptied of its content, there gets removed the foundation from which the friendship among Peoples can be developed.”

Imperialism is the denial  of Peoples' Self-Determination, Free Disposition or Independence, and therefore it is: by its nature, by its essence and its very existence, incompatible with peaceful coexistence between Peoples and States, and with all democracy. With the imperialism “are particularly reinforced the national oppression and the tendency to the annexations, that’s to say: the violation of national independence”. “The imperialism leads to the annexations, to the strengthening of international yoke and – starting from it – to the exasperation of the resistance.” “However you may twist and turn, annexation is violation of the self-determination of a nation; it is the establishment of State frontiers contrary to the will of the population.” (V. Lenin.)

The subjugation of a People, and the occupation and annexation of a State legitimately and freely established in accordance with the principle of Peoples’ Self-Determination or Independence, or of a part of it, by another State: all of which constitutes the very nature of imperialism, is a permanent aggression and a continuous, unending and immanent chain of crimes, conflict, oppression, persecution and terrorism that cannot ever prescribe. Imperialism cannot be reformed; its only possible reform is its total abolition through the unconditional and immediate Self-Determination or Independence of the subjugated Peoples, and through the independence and integrity of their States freely and legitimately constituted on the principle of Self-Determination of Peoples.

When imperialism has as its object not only the domination/exploitation of the subjugated People but its very liquidation and that of its signs of identity, and the imposition on it of the national characteristics of the aggressor nation, we are dealing with nationalist imperialism or Nationalism in the strict sense, as we have already explained above, which is imperialistic Nationalism. The nationalist imperialism produces war and is imposed or developed through criminal Violence. It is the enemy of peace, of friendly international relations, and of the cooperation between Peoples. It is responsible for the most terrible, bloody and irreducible international conflicts,because the Peoples do not let being dominated and destroyed as easily and meekly as their aggressors expect. The consequences of it are paid by everybody, included the predatory Peoples themselves; who face and sublimate them in their own way, eventually irrational, masochistic and self-destructive: “I’m a brave and loyal legionnaire, I’m a bridegroom of the death”; “Death to the intelligence!”...

According to the Spanish writer A. Machado, the “lack of spiritual virility” made that the “national problem” of Spain seemed to him to be insoluble. After the “national frustration” caused in 1898 by “the loss of Cuba and The Philippines”: “Spanish land” according to Spanish imperislism-colonialism, this author – with his mystification of a purportedly “ascetic and noble Castilian spirit” – had been from the beginning of the century one of the impellers and spiritual parents of the modern Spanish imperialistic Nationalism; which, fatally (not despite but precisely based upon his literary delusions), was destined to be imposed on the dominated Peoples only through the virility... of military occupation and Fascism. “I’m a brave and loyal legionnaire.” At the very moments when General Franco, together with his Army and the Nationalists of Falage, decided to solve that problem in practice through crimes and genocide and with the help of the international Fascism and National-socialism, the aforementioned author continued to consciously exacerbate the common hate of all Spaniards against the Peoples they are subjugating, thus making himself instigator of those crimes:

“Of those who claim to be Galician, Catalans, Basques... rather than Spaniards, you should always be mistrustful. They usually are incomplete, inadequate Spaniards, from whom nothing great can be expected”. [Antonio Machado; Notes and memories of Juan de Mairena, 1936.]

(Certainly, this author is unworthy of the generosity of the Catalan land that received his remains after his death. However, there is a Catalan Renegade singer-songwriter who, totally recuperated by the Spanish imperialistic Nationalism and at its service, mythologizes his meaning and proposes him as a false symbol of the struggle against Spanish Fascism; a Spanish Nationalist-imperialistic ideology that this author along with the others of the “Generation of the 98”: idealizers with him of the falsified “ascetic Castilian spirit”, did actually enhance.)

Let’s look at the impact that the domination of Ireland has brought about to England and to the English working class, as relevant samples of the socialist literature have shown it:

“In a letter dated November 20, 1868, Engels spoke of ‘the hatred towards the Irish found among the English workers’, and almost a year later (October 24, 1869), returning to this subject, he wrote: ‘Il n’y a qu’un pas [it is only one step] from Ireland to Russia... Irish history shows what a misfortune it is for one nation to have subjugated another. All the abominations of the English have their origin in the Irish Pale. I have still to plough my way through the Cromwellian period, but this much seems certain to me: that things would have taken another turn in England, too, but for the necessity of military rule in Ireland and the creation of a new aristocracy there’. [...] On December 10, 1869, Marx wrote that his paper on the Irish question to be read at the Council of the International would be couched as follows: ‘Quite apart from all phrases about ‘international’ and ‘humane’ justice for Ireland – which are taken for granted in the International Council –, it is in the direct and absolute interest of the English working classto get rid of their present connexion with Ireland. And this is my fullest conviction; [...]. For a long time I believed that the rise of the English working-class would make it possible to overthrow the [English domination] régime in Ireland. I always expressed this point of view in the New York Daily Tribune [an American paper to which Marx contributed for a long time]. Deeper study has now convinced me of the opposite. The English working class will never accomplish anything until it has got rid of Ireland... The English reaction in England had its roots in the subjugation of Ireland.’ (Marx’s italics.) [...] Marx reconsidered his view and corrected it. ‘What a misfortune it is for a nation to have subjugated another.’ The English working class will never be free until Ireland is freed from the English yoke. Reaction in England is strengthened and fostered by the enslavement of Ireland (just as reaction in Russia is fostered by her enslavement of a number of nations!).” (V. Lenin; The Right of Nations to Self-Determination. Marx's italics.)

And in his letter to Sigfrid Meyer and August Vogt in New York, Karl Marx (London, 1870 April the 9th) writes:

“It is consequently the most important object of the International Working Men’s Association to hasten the social revolution in England. The sole means of hastening it is to make Ireland independent. Hence it is the task of the International everywhere to put the conflict between England and Ireland in the foreground, and everywhere to side openly with Ireland. It is the special task of the Central Council [of that Association] in London to make the English workers realise that for them the national emancipation of Irelandis not a question of abstract justice or humanitarian sentiment but the first condition of their own social emancipation”. (Marx’s italics.)

The imperialism corrodes and destroys the internal democratic potentialities of the dominant Nation, because “A People that oppresses another People cannot be free.” Not only sociology and literature are witnesses of it: the hatred and contempt towards the dominated People that the nationalistic imperialism inculcates in the dominant People is shown even in idiomatic expressions that pervert reality. In English, the expression “beyond/outside the pale”: historically arisen in allusion to the Dublin area controlled by the English, and protected by a fence made of stakes, means something “socially unacceptable or unreasonable”. That’s to say: just the opposite of what it was the historical reality of that fact, since outside the Pale there was the Irish People and its freedom; and within it, the criminals and thieves who did with such protection attack the fundamental rights of the former. Which leads us to consider the colonialism.

Colonialism is the imperialism of population: a People ousting, excluding and substituting another one from its own territory. Any human or animal population defends its territory against imperialism and colonialism. All imperialism that aims to survive must necessarily get imposed on the primitive or preceding population, and replace it with the own colonization. (Americas, Tibet.)

The international norms and conditions of displacement, access and establishment of populations: official according to the UN, imply the respect for the sovereignty, the national Freedom and Self-Determination or Free-Disposition of the host Country; that is: the absence of any external or foreign coercion on it. All Peoples and States: large and small, thickly or sparsely populated, claim for themselves and impose these conditions: either it be France or Spain, China or the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. Anyway, the allogeneous do not respect the People that does not respect itself and does not oppose resistance to imperialism, nor even less do they incorporate into it.

The colonialism inverts the international norms of migration: instead of accepting the laws of access and integration of the receiving Country, the newcomer imposes his own law, attributes the Country as his own, and makes of the indigenous a foreigner to be liquidated, assimilated or expelled. The Colonists: part of the imperialistic Country that has imposed itself on the dominated Country, do pretend to be natives of the colonized Country. In the face of the national Resistance of the dominated People, they claim that they are the victims, and that the resistant native fighters are their executioners. It’s the upside-down colonialist world.

The colonization of the population is, along with the extermination and deportation, the absolute weapon of the Nationalist-imperialistic policy of fait accompli. “Immigration is the terrorism of the 21st century”, according to the Spanish Government; however, the Spanish imperialistic Nationalism does not only build the concept and applies the term “terrorism” as it suits best but it has always practiced the demographic policy that allowed it to develop its own despotic Nationalism. All the National-imperialists and their Governments impose “the dislocation, fusion, assimilation and miscegenation” if they are in an advantageous proportion to do so in their favour, and reject this when the numbers are against them.

All imperialistic or colonialist régime is founded and rests on criminal Violence and Terror, and on permanent armed forces of war and occupation. Wars are not won, nor are the Empires built, nor Peoples are subjugated, oppressed, stifled and destroyed through gratification and persuasion, dialogue and respect for human rights, humanitarian norms and attitudes, altruistic and philanthropic good feelings, piety and compassion but through the monopoly of armed forces, repression and Terror, and the theoretical and practical denial of Peoples’ freedom and of international right.An invariable historical experience shows that there, where imperialism passes, the right to life, freedom of thought and human rights in general are grass which stop growing and existing. The denial of fundamental human rights is constitutive of imperialism and its colonialist species.

Overly or covertly, all imperialistic and colonialist States: either capitalist or communist, white or black, Christian, Muslim, Jewish or pagan, try to eliminate their colonized according to the moment and the means at their disposal. Where sheer crimes and executions do not directly and immediately achieve the extermination of the subjugated People, the monopoly of criminal Violence: resulting from the war of aggression and military occupation, makes it possible both to change the demographic base of the occupied Country and achieve its delayed liquidation. The substitution and liquidation of Peoples through starvation, disease, colonization, expulsion, exclusion and assimilation; the displacements, settlements and deportations; the repopulation, plantation, implantation and transplantation of population, are jointly or successively applied means, of variously direct, efficient, rapid, complete and certain effects. They are resources of imperialism that consolidate and make actually or virtually irreversible the military occupation and annexation of the Territories or States of those Peoples. Only colonization, assimilation and exclusion of subjugated Peoples consolidate  the military occupation and annexation of their States.

All States that have subjugated Peoples – and their legitimate States – under their imperialistic political domination, do use this in order to change the demographic base of the occupied Country, as a concurrent means to radically put an end with the National Resistance and the Country itself. In view of this, let us look at what has been insistently established by relevant United Nations’ General Assembly Resolutions (UNGAR):

The General Assembly, [...] Concerned about the policy of colonial Powers to circumvent the rights of colonial peoples through the promotion of the systematic influx of foreign immigrants and the dislocation, deportation and transfer of the indigenous inhabitants, [...]; 5. Calls upon the colonial Powers to discontinue their politics of violating the rights of colonial peoples through the systematic influx of foreign immigrants and the dislocation, deportation and transfer of the indigenous inhabitants; [...]; 8. Requests the Special Committee to pay particular attention to the small Territories and to recommend to the General Assembly the most appropriate ways, as well as the steps to be taken, to enable the populations of those Territories to exercise fully their right to self-determination and independence;” etc. [UNGAR 2105 (1965)]

The General Assembly, [...] Concerned at the policy followed by colonial Powers of circumventing the rights of colonial peoples through the promotion of the systematic influx of foreign immigrants and the displacement, deportation or transfer of the indigenous inhabitants, [...]; 13. Condemns the policies, pursued by certain administering Powers in the Territories under their domination, of imposing non-representative régimes and constitutions, [...], misleading world public opinion and encouraging the systematic influx of foreign immigrants while displacing, deporting and transferring the indigenous inhabitants to other areas, and calls upon those Powers to desist from such manoeuvres;” etc. [UNGAR 2189 (1966)]

The General Assembly, [...], Reaffirming that all peoples have the right to self-determination and independence and that the subjection of the peoples to alien domination constitutes a serious impediment to the maintenance of international peace and security and to the development of peaceful relations among nations, 1. Declares the further continuation of colonialism in all its forms and manifestations a crime which constitutes a violation of the Charter of the United Nations, the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, and the principles of international law; 2. Reaffirms the inherent right of colonial peoples to struggle by all necessary means at their disposal against colonial Powers which suppress their aspiration for freedom and independence; 3. Adopts the following programme of action to assist in the full implementation of the Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples: [...] (4) [...] Member States shall consider the adoption of necessary steps to have their nationals and companies under their jurisdiction discontinue such activities and practices; these steps should also aim at preventing the systematic influx of foreign immigrants into colonial Territories, which disrupts the integrity and social, political and cultural unity of the peoples under colonial domination.” Etc. [UNGAR 2621 (1970)]

Faced with all this, the ideologists of imperialism: official “specialists” and other theorists of international law (which are paid and favoured by the governmental services – mediatic or university – of propaganda), do “interpret”, conceal, falsify and maim these norms that, for their part, the States that have officially adopted them, are fighting against. Combined with the massacres and other methods of annihilation, continues so the policy followed by the colonial Powers by means of colonialism.

So, “the policy followed by the colonial Powers, to circumvent the rights of colonial Peoples through the promotion of the systematic influx of foreign immigrants and the dislocation, deportation and transfer of the indigenous inhabitants, disrupts the integrity and social, political and cultural unity of the peoples under colonial domination”. But the euphemisms, the pious statements, the illusory and hypocritical norms of the postulated international organizations cannot prevent, remedy or hide the reality. If the nationalist imperialism: which denies the liberty, the right of self-determination or independence and the very existence of the colonized People, promotes and carries out under an armed occupation the systematics influx of colonists so as to affirm its conquest (by reducing or annihilating the colonized People), it also accomplishes its goal by destroying the sociological basis of that People.

An invariable observation shows that where there occurs the settlement of a colonial population, if this one reaches relatively significant proportions by the influx of colonists under the protection of an armed occupation régime, such population rejects the national freedom and the right of self-determination of the subjugated People, claims for itself the colonized territory and People, and its majority does quickly aim to political domination by erecting itself as lord and master of the occupied territory as a part of its own Country of origin. And if it counts on the number, resources and time, and has enough local and metropolitan support for achieving the degradation, expulsion, assimilation or extermination of the primitive People of the occupied territory, then it does not limit itself to “disturb” but it finally destroys the sociological base of the originally settled native People. In such cases, after the deportations and plantation of populations, the falsification of the right of self-determination and the resource to a so-called “plebiscite or referendum” (held under military occupation, or in any case by maintaining all the consequences created by it), are the shameless tricks used to hide the colonial and nationalist imperialism behind a false “legal and democratic” procedure.

After the defeat of Germany in World War I, the “plebiscite of self-determination” of East Prussian: held in 1920 to determine whether the population of the region wished to remain in Germany or become part of Poland, produced the result that was to be expected and did its bit to the set of causes that triggered the following World War. For example, its outcome in the current Polish city of Olsztyn – named Allenstein in German, since its foundation by the Teutonic Knights as a stronghold from which to launch their Crusade against the Old native Prussians – is revealing of what we’ve just exposed: 362,209 votes – 97.80% – were for Germany, and 7,980 votes – 2.2% – for Poland; “therefore” Allenstein remained in Germany. Today it is happily part of Poland. After the Nazi defeat, all those German colonists: whose ancestors had arrived in East Prussia by the force of weapons and under the ideological protection of imperial and Papal Bulls (weapons which they themselves continued leaning on, though invoking afterwards the Nazi ideological protection), were expelled as there was the case in the Sudetenland, which Hitler had annexed to Germany by invoking this counterfeit form of the right of self-determination (currently called by the traitors of the Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy and its satellites “right to decide”).

In particular conditions and circumstances, if the rapport of forces and power factors change in their favour, the Colonists: mere part and extension of their State and Nation of origin, of which they depend for everything, drive and aim to their direct domination over the militarily occupied and colonized Peoples, which are thus doomed to subservience and extermination. This leads in some cases to the rebellion, civil war or coup d’état of the same Colonists, who seek and eventually achieve their own independence as a result of the added conflict generated because of the frustration and despair before the abandonment – whether it be real or imaginary – of which the motherland makes them object. (This is the case of the independences of the American Countries colonized by the Europeans.) The oppression on the colonized indigenous Peoples at the hands of the Colonists does thereby increase; which does eventually lead to the rapprochement of all or part of the former to the distant colonial Power: the alliance of the Indigenous Peoples with the metropolis against the Colonists is a paradoxical, precarious, misleading and occasional consequence.

Racism is the theoretical and practical affirmation of a fundamental relationship of superiority and inferiority among some races and the others, established as aninstrument intended to justify the subjugation, oppression and exploitation of the inferior by the superior ones, as it is supposed for each case. More or less closely involved or linked with the former, the same theoretical and practical affirmation of superiority-inferiority is held in the fields of linguistics, culture, economy, human rights and policy.

“The supremacist linguistic nationalism is that ideology of irrational exaltation of the [own] national language presenting it as inherently superior to the languages of other Nations.” (J.C. Moreno Cabrera, Errores y horrores del españolismo lingüístico; 2015.)

“The mission of the National Education is to put an end to the regional languages.” “Our mission is helping the minority languages to die sweetly.” (Morvan.)

“Waiting for the happy day when the whole world will speak French.” (E. Zola.)


Where imperialism and colonialism pursue limited ends of subjection, exploitation or pillage, such an original situation of limited or relative imperialistic conflict may eventually either come to an end, or become a total and absolute conflict; along with the corresponding transformation of its ends and means, which then become exorbitant from those corresponding to a relative conflict.

The relative imperialism: economic, cultural or political, is the limited form of international domination. It is necessarily doomed, in a more or less long term, to abandon its domination or to become an absolute imperialism: whether it adopts the purposes of this one by themselves, or accepts them as the only way to preserve the imperial domination in the face of the infeasibility arising from its primitive form. The strategy of liquidation, destruction and genocide of the subjugated People does arise in this case as a means of consolidating a previously established domination: either expensive, unstable and precarious, faced to the subsequent end towards an absolute imperialism.

The absolute imperialism leads to a total imperialism. The absolute imperialism is defined by the unlimitedness of its ends, that is: the destruction of the People that it attacks, and its replacement by the own one. The total imperialism is defined by the unlimitedness of its means of action, which do not admit restraining rules: it uses without limitation all available and useful means so as to reach its goal of submitting and destroying the Peoples.

In a political and ideological imperialistic enterprise, the dominant Nation might perhaps be pursuing limited and temporary aims of domination-exploitation that, anyway, even if that one were the initial project, will not be possible to prolong indefinitely. In the long run, it only has a sole means of maintaining its domination: ending up with the dominated Peoples; what leads it to an absolute imperialism. In such a case, its strategy can accept different periods, forms and rhythms that serve it, without altering its concept. The imperialism and colonialism have effectively and irreversibly erased from the map Peoples and Civilizations in all Continents, and all absolute imperialism applies the same procedure in their ill-gained domains; which constitutes the basis of the most irreducible conflict among Peoples and States, and a permanent threat to international peace.

Unlike the relative and partial imperialism, the absolute and total imperialism (supreme form and stage of the imperialism), whether original or derivative, does not aim to the mere limited – temporary or permanent – subjugation, to the cultural or economic domination, or to the despoliation and exploitation of the attacked, occupied and dominated Peoples and States because of their being contradictory with its designs, but it aims to their destruction as Peoples. Its pursued aim is the liquidation of the State and national, racial, linguistic and cultural otherness, identity and existence of those Peoples; and their substitution by the invading People by means of the final solution and the genocide. It does not confine itself to reject or persecute; it does not merely try to reform the “nationalism” or some characteristics or objectives of the occupied Nation: it does completely deny it and tries to put a definitive end to it. The destruction of the others is its inherent and consequent objective.

The absolute imperialism involves an irreducible conflict that makes it impossible and illusory any arrangement and transaction in order to put an ending to it. It leaves no other alternative but the emancipation or the destruction of the attacked People. In both cases the imperialism also disappears as such, because there is no a dominator People if there is not a dominated one. For the subjugated People it’s all about an existential conflict: a struggle for survival that has been imposed on it without no possible alternative.

It is not the simple political independence but the very existence of the subjugated People, what the absolute imperialism – whether original or adventitious –aims to liquidate. If it ends with that existence, it also does at that same time end with its own domination and with the “inevitable march to the independence” of the subjugated People; because the People that no longer exists cannot already suffer nor achieve anything, neither earlier nor later. If it aims to survive, it had better hurry up.

To resolve an absolute international conflict, the genocide, the racial, linguistic and cultural destruction of the subjected People have to be total on the Peoples that are to be eliminated; even though some poor individual remainders – miserable, ridiculous and degenerate – may subsist as folkloric or archaeological remains and hunting trophies of the imperialistic and fascist invader, “heritage” of the occupying Nation for the satisfaction of the superior races that have defeated them.

In international conflicts, the division and opposition of forces is international. In this context, the fair and impartial decision-making: guided by supranational or transnational theoretical, economic and religious motivations and criteria, is rare and limited. The “international scientific community” has not even been able to determine the attitude of its own members in this regard. Schools and Universities: purported “temples of independent knowledge and without borders”, participate in the corruption and prostitution of Science in the service of Imperialism, which governs and finances them. Once the nonchalant and in any case systematic ignorance of the subjugated Peoples and their fundamental rights – and above all of their right of self-determination or independence – has been established, starting from there, the “great theoretical systems” of liberation against Absolutism, Despotism and Tyranny, namely: Liberalism, Socialism, Catholicism and other “universal” –isms developed by the thinkers and “great” European and Western States, have always been species of their imperialistic Nationalism.

The Allies of the First and Second World War, and the “international” organizations they did promote, have had no difficulty in betraying the freedom and democracy they claimed to defend, nor in allying themselves with the international Nazism and Fascism they claimed to fight. The “internationalist” rhetoric did not prevent the proletarians from uniting with the capitalists of their own country, and then killing themselves on a planetary scale in their confrontations against similar unions of other countries; nor did it ever stop the imperialism and colonialism but served as justification and cover. On the contrary, the “socialist” bureaucrats and ideologists did affirm that the proletarian unity was not applicable to international conflicts, and that the “defence” of the “Nation” and the Empire was the supreme cause in such hectic times. “The International is not a suitable weapon to use in wartime, being in its essence an ‘instrument of peace’.” Thus (according to the sarcastic comment from Luxemburg), “Proletarians of all countries, unite in peace and cut your neck in war!” was the new slogan of the Socialist International.

As for the Christians of the different imperialistic Nations and States, they killed each other with the encouragement and the blessings of their respective clergy, did stimulate their combative energies with prayers, and celebrated with solemn thanks-giving ceremonies their great victories: the massacres of their beloved brethren in Christ, who did the same in the opposite direction. A new commandment had been given to them: “Love one another in peace and rip one another in war.” The timely and cautious adoption – if not invention – of the theory of “righteous war on both sides” saved the Church from having to put all its eggs in the same basket, when it came to supporting the Mighty and without being able to be sure which one woul win. The usual vague exhortations to love, peace and concord secured the pacifist image of the Roman ecclesiastical multinational. Respect, support and blessings for the Mighty; contempt, condemnations and Crusades against the Peoples without capacity to create problems to the Empire of faith. The history and sociology of the Nations do show what a great misfortune is for the Peoples and the world peace to lose their national freedom under the imperialistic domination.

Imperialism is developed according to political and ideological cycles that correspond either to the permanence of the rapport of forces in presence, or to its evolution and transformation. The aggression, war, military occupation and Terrorism of war and of State: with which the Empires are built and maintained; then – at a later stage – the revolution against them, and the institutional monopolistic violence of response, with its immediate effects, do brutally modify the political order and establish the totalitarian régime of domination-defencelessness, which Nationalist imperialism needs.

After the phases of rupture and offensive, of war and lawless Terrorism, and once all effective political opposition has been eliminated, there follow – through the times and in the shelter of the monopoly of its criminal Violence and State Terrorism – phases “of law, orderly and peaceful”, aimed at the exploitation, verification and relative consolidation of the acquired results, through increasingly adapted and resistant forms of stabilization and development of the new absolute power. Thus the imperialism enhances the terrorist repression; the racial, linguistic and cultural destruction of the social base of the subjugated People; the economy of exploitation and domination; and the corruption and recuperation of the opposition. Thus have been founded and maintained throughout History the Empires: organizations of thieves and murderers at a large scale.

When the Resistance of the subjugated People lingers on more than it was expected, and to some extent the mere repression fails, the imperialistic strategy is accompanied by operations of appeasement and seduction. Now then, if the People has strength for it, neither the pure repression, nor the “concessions”, nor the combination of the former and the latter, do result in the disappearance of the national movements, whose determination may even be strengthened thereby. What explains the fatal dilemma, the doubts, hesitations and dissensions of the occupant, whose nationalist ideology makes him underestimate the will and capability of the Peoples – reputed as inferior – that has subjugated.

As when the predator, once its prey has been secured, hopes that it will run out of strength in futile efforts before succumbing, thus also the imperialism in power hopes sometimes in the destruction of the adversary in a time running in favour of the aggressor. The imperialism and fascism, which hold the absolute power, expect that a political Resistance without results will get exhausted and become extinct by itself. However, the Peoples have the skin tougher than what believe or expect their aggressors or conquerors, and the colonial rammer is not as quickly effective as it was supposed or desired that it should be. For things take their time; and sometimes a sudden or progressive verification of failure, or an outbreak – either spontaneous or reflex – of insecurity or impatience in the aggressor, open up a new fit of xenophobic disappointment, exasperation, hatred and rage that lead into a new offensive, called to accelerate or precipitate the final solution. Then, when the facts and the National Resistance to the oppression belie the primitive, optimistic and romantic vision of the imperialism, the indignation and the anger of its promoters have no limits.

However, the imperialism “discovers” once and again: each time with greater clarity, that the political Resistance in the occupied Nation is not a matter of fashion or conjuncture, or surface current but the inseparable expression of the very existence of an attacked, occupied and colonized Nation. And with each of these “discoveries”, its strategists and ideologists lose their illusions, and are shocked and scandalized of a reality that does not correspond to their prejudices and assumptions; of the contradictions, malfunctions and lacks of foresight of its repressive apparatus; and of the signs of “disaffection” and the manifestations of rejection, resistance or despair that its oppression, repression and Terrorism of war and State – maintained for centuries – have caused. As a consequence, they adopt the mask and attitudes of peaceful and innocent victims, unfairly treated by their vicious adversaries, and the “doves” are followed by the “hawks”, determined to put an end: once and for all, to the Peoples’ Resistance against imperialism.

The initial arrogance and complete contempt of the conqueror: which were sometimes accompanied with benevolent feelings of pity, compassion and altruism towards the lower races and classes whose submission and abjection they wanted to reward, are then replaced by hatred and xenophobia in their purest form; which constitutes the passionate and paradoxical combative form of recognition of the other. The voluntarist, optimistic and triumphalist balances and prospectives, are followed by the surprised, exasperated and hysterical frustration that is elicited by the verification of the relative or eventual failure; which relaunches the rise of a new cycle in the – more and more demanding and urgent – search of the final solution. The decision to put an end to the democratic Resistance with the utmost urgency and once and for all is thus identified, logically, without delay nor priority, with the liquidation of the People itself: real actor of the active and passive Resistance, and Hydra origin of all evils and of all cut off heads and of those to be cut. It is its constitutive objective of always.

The hatred of the subjugated Peoples: exacerbated by their Resistance, is only calmed down only through the fury and revenge of the repression; is only satisfied when the last castle has been ruined, when the last factors or symbols of freedom and identity have been destroyed or reduced to folklore or archaeological remains: hunting trophies of the imperialistic and fascist invaders that they can next incorporate into their falsified and miserable “nation” and “national consciousness”. In this way, and in the exasperated and impatient wait for the full collapse of the democratic opposition, it continues and is intensified the campaign of harassment and demolition of all Resistance to imperialism and fascism.

Only the immediate and total exploitation of the monopoly of criminal Violence can destroy: in one go and irrevocably, the social base of the problem and, along with it, the freedom and independence of the Basque Nation and State, the fundamental human rights, the democracy, and the right of self-determination and of legitimate self-defence of all Peoples. In their search without alternative for the final solution, the “great” imperialistic and genocide States: in our case France and Spain, will have to make new efforts and commit new crimes, before finishing once and for all with the accursed species of free Peoples on planet Earth.

Strictly speaking, Imperialism is the violation of Self-Determination or Independence of Peoples; something whose essence and existence do not depend on the specific degree or form of implantation of that political domination, that’s to say: on its being more or less declared, brutal or revolting but on the effective domination of a People, and on the denial of its free Self-Determination or Independence. In the subjugated Peoples and Countries, despotism and imperialism are one and the same thing, whatever their concrete manifestation may be. Raising the question of National Freedom of a subdued People is raising the general issue of freedom, human rights, and democracy.

And the imperialistic Nationalism: Nationalism in the strict sense, consists, on the one hand, in the theoretical and practical affirmation of the national, racial, linguistic and cultural superiority of one’s own People or Nation; an affirmation established as a justification for the domination-exploitation on other Peoples-Nations and/or States. And, on the other, in the correlative denial of the Self-Determination or National Freedom of the Peoples and States that it is subjugating; which, for a greater security, it denies and declares non-existent, and on which it imposes its own imperialistic “nation” and “national consciousness”.

As such, nationalist imperialism is the denial of the dominated Nation and of its Self-Determination or National Freedom; it is the greatest threat to peace among the Peoples and States of the world; and the main source of conflicts and wars that afflict Humanity. The conflict between the dominant Nation and the dominated Nation is the conflict between the despotism, on one side; and the freedom, human rights and democracy, on the other. All imperialistic Nationalism is tautologically undemocratic; no matter which is the form it may be accompanied or manifested with. Conversely, an enterprise of national Resistence and Liberation against Nationalist imperialism and colonialism is always a democratic and progressive revolution.

The Nationalist-imperialistic system of domination is built on legions of victims and rivers of blood, and by means of an unlimited criminal Violence, destruction, repression, terrorism, and denial and ruin of fundamental human rights, as a political basis for the exploitation, plunder, acculturation and liquidation of Peoples and civilizations. The crimes against the laws of war, against peace and against Humanity are its very substance. These crimes have been and continue to be the origin, foundation, development and consequences: effective and necessary, of the nationalist-imperialistic system of domination. Without the guns, “which constitute the most important integral part of the constitution”, its domination is nothing.

The General Assembly, [...] Declares that: 1. The subjection of peoples to alien subjugation, domination and exploitation constitutes a denial of fundamental human rights, is contrary to the Charter of the United Nations and is an impediment to the promotion of world peace and co-operation.” [UNGAR 1514 (XV)]

Starting from the refusal to solve the national question in a truly democratic way, all movements “international, internationalist or universalist” in words do reveal themselves as essentially National-imperialistic. Under such a premise, and as it has been already stated above, Liberalism, Democratism, Catholicism, Pacifism, Socialism, Communism and other “universal” -isms were always species of Nationalism: do first and foremost serve the interests of the imperialistic Peoples and States.

The invaders and oppressors have always regarded themselves as holders of rights of own independence and of domination over the other Peoples. The great Powers established and agreed their exclusive rights to war, of war and post war in order to subjugate, rob or exterminate their neighbours and ultimately the whole world. The ignorance and contempt of the other Peoples are the basis of the imperialistic Nationalism, in line with the immediate, imaginary, romantic, abstract, mystical, dogmatic, essentialist, constructivist and retro-activated ideological production of their own Nation. The nationalist imperialism is afraid of, does despise and abhor all diversity and any differentiated entity: it is uniformitarian, exclusivist and “universalist”, by way of spreading the own Nation to the whole Universe. It does not confine itself to reject or persecute, it does not merely try to reform the “nationalism” or some characteristics or objectives of the occupied Nation: it denies it and tries to put a definitive end to it. It leaves no other alternative but the emancipation or the destruction of the attacked People.

The States that, on the pretext of preserving the peace, gainsay the freedom and the rights of Peoples (assisted by “intellectuals, journalists, counsellors and national security advisors” which spread their ideology of service in universities, mass-media, laboratories of ideas, think-tanks or Governments), are responsible for the greatest wars in history, and for many others that the ignorance and contempt of the right of self-determination of all Peoples did not prevent but caused: wars produced by imperialism and the denial of the right of self-determination or independence of the subjugated Peoples.

Sixty million dead – half civilians – in only two World Wars are the beneficial result that encourages the dominant States to persevering on the same path “for the preservation of peace”. All that thanks to the rejection of the subjugated Peoples’ right of self-determination, the selective or massive destruction weapons, and the balance of nuclear terror that  hypocritically they claim to be necessary to deal with what they cynically call “the growth of a nationalism of dangerous type, and the excessive and uncontrollable violence” of the Peoples who claim their national freedom and their right of self-determination against those who violate them; thus making weigh an unprecedented threat about the future of Humanity. (See this issue more widely treated in the sectionState Terrorism: Suppression of fundamental Human Rights, of our article: Violence and terrorism.)

The Spanish and French imperialism in the occupied Historical Territories of the Basque People is an absolute imperialism. It involves the colonization, exclusion and assimilation of the Basque People; the destruction of all sign or foundation of its identity; and the theoretical and practical denial of its national freedom, of the international law, of all fundamental human rights, and above all of its right of self-determination or independence: first of human rights and prior condition of them all and inseparable from the inherent right of legitimate self-defence. It is also a total imperialism: it uses without limitation all means available in order to submit and destroy the other Nations. The Resistance, in actions or in words, has to face up to the monopolistic criminaql Violence and Terror of State, which does kill, imprison, torture, steal, exclude, persecute and gag those who dare to resist its dictates. “All conquerors, whether Mongols or Spaniards, have brought death and pillage” to the subjugated Peoples. The extermination, the political liquidation of Peoples by means of criminal Violence is the most direct way to kill them.

The imperialism does not aim to scientifically or democratically deal with the Basque problem, it aims to put an end to the People itself. The imperialisms of the relative type are forced to decide between either the permanent abandonment of their conquests, or their own conversion into absolutes through the inescapable identification of their means with the ends of the absolute imperialism. For the absolute imperialism, for the xenophobic, racist and imperialistic Nationalism: constituent – in an absolute conflict – of the domination over the Peoples, the mere existence of these ones that it is trying to delete is a fact politically and ideologically unbearable. It is a cursed existence, which the laws and propaganda of imperialism and fascism: taking for granted the result that they seek to achieve, begin by denying already beforehand in idea so as to better destroy it in practice through war, conquest, occupation, colonization, exclusion and assimilation; and through destruction and recuperation of all sign or foundation of identity, and the theoretical and practical denial of the national freedom and of all fundamental human rights and, in the first place, of the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples: first of fundamental human rights and precondition of them all.

The anticipated denial of the identity and the very existence of the oppressed People is the supreme expression of the nationalist contempt for the other Peoples. Insofar as the ideological realism-illusionism allows to, this assertion that the subjugated Peoples do not exist is maintained in a radical way; with which theose Peoples have no otherness or rights. The juridical and ideological negationism adopted by the imperialistic Nationalism manifests so: by denying on principle what is aimed to destroy, its determination to put an end to the subjugated Peoples, Nations and States. In this way the imperialism does ensure and accelerate – among other things – the process of annihilation and liquidation of the subjugated People, and does radically avoid any issue about rights, since what does not exist cannot be free nor have rights. It does not even have social relations, because what does not exist cannot enter into relationship, and what is not into a relationship cannot exist.

Along with the subjugated People, Nation and State do also disappear: the international conflict, because all conflict implies a plurality that has been previously declared non-existent; the imperialism, since what does not exist cannot be attacked, dominated and oppressed; the colonialism, since there is nothing to colonize; the popular or national resistance of the People that does not exist; and the national freedom, the fundamental human rights, the rights of self-determination and of legitimate self-defence, the war and the international class struggle, since the People that does not exist has no rights, nor there is anyone left whom to fight and nothing to destroy or subjugate.

An avatar of the oriental despotism, of the absolutism and the national-catholicism, the “modern” Nationalism in France and Spain does absolutely deny any territorial division of powers: something in itself unbearable for the multi-centennial political tradition of its imperialistic Nationalism. Any modification or reform of those States is absolutely subordinated to the preservation and consolidation of their imperialistic monopolies of criminal Violence: incompatible with the respect of fundamental human rights, first of all those of the Peoples they are subjugating. Their monopoly of criminal Violence is, in the absence of an opposition of effectively strategic level, an irreversible political achievement and assumption of their structure of imperialistic domination.

“The collective beings which constitute the States are worse than the individual beings.” Among the latter there is necessarily some materially or culturally determined space for non- criminal violence, love and friendship, solidarity, pity or compassion; among the former, there is none. Cruelty, sadism and torture: human contributions to the struggle for life in the animal kingdom, find in the imperialism their field of predilection. The total denial and the contempt of the other Peoples do blunt all sensibility and all feeling of guilt: eventually perceptible in the own national or extra-specific relations, but that are absent in the intraspecific international struggles.

Every People has the right to a homeland, and to live free in its free homeland; but there is no homeland without territory. The national ownership of a population (i.e., the fact of its being a People or Nation), and a territory of its own, are indispensable for a People subdued under imperialism in order to claim its right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples, and eventually to establish – or re-establish, if it already existed before – its own State. “To be able to fight, you must first have terrain, light, air, and elbow-room. Otherwise, you never get further than chit-chat.” (F. Engels) The material damages that the imperialism brings in its wake to the Peoples that suffer it are widely known. They culminate with the complete physical destruction of the subjugated Nation.

And yet, “Perhaps the most deleterious consequences of imperialism are of spiritual order rather than economic. Because arrogance is the inevitable consequence of the relationship from the power towards the weakness. In this case, the arrogance of the power reinforced the ethnic prejudices.” “A proven fact, for the honour of humanity at all times, is that even the most inhuman oppression of the material interests cannot raise so fanatical and burning a hatred and rebellion as the oppression of the spiritual life: the religious and national oppression.” It is possible to reduce, recuperate or reconcile the materially poor and helpless people, either through terror or improving their material conditions of life; but the struggle for freedom, identity and personality is a struggle for human dignity that will not cease because of that.

“What to do with people who prefer freedom to bread?”, exclaimed bitterly – still fifty years later – the French colonialist “pedagogues”, disappointed and bewildered before the “inexplicable resistance of these people” against the benefits of the French colonization in Algeria. This is the involuntary homage that the colonialism pays to the colonized. Because, everywhere throughout the world, despite the overwhelming superiority of the Nationalism-imperialism-colonialism in weapons and material, despite the ferocity of the repression, and despite the result of revolts drowned in blood, the “barbarous Peoples and inferior races” have never submitted, have never ceased to fight for their freedom. They have thus done honour to mankind; they have proved that, if a People can perchance  be dominated, subjugated or exterminated by means of criminal Violence and Terror, its adherence or consent cannot be expected from it, neither it is possible to take away the sense of its dignity and identity, its indomitable devotion to its freedom. These “lower Peoples” have often wrenched from the imperialism their right of free disposition, it is: the independence.

The phylogenetically selected and acquired limitations, under the conditions of survival of the species, are insufficient to ensure the viability of the human species. In the other animal species, together with other basic instincts, the submission to the stronger: a natural and functional resource, saves the individual life and ensures the dominant order, the stability and the continuity of the group. But “the human is the being able to prefer the revolt to the humiliation; and its truth, to life”. This new and exorbitant aspiration “against nature”, along with the alteration of the general – material and social – terms of existence, and the general destruction of the phylogenetically acquired modes of social survival, jeopardizes the structures of domination and oppression, as well as the always precarious viability of the human species.

The material element of the crime of genocide is the base of its moral element. The imperialistic Nationalism knows or discovers that a People is not defeated while its spirit survives; while its dignity and its self-esteem have not been completely humiliated and destroyed.

Supreme humiliation, the imperialism destroys the persons by denying and destroying their social reality, namely: the People that integrates their identity and personality and makes them persons, thus depriving them of the right to the name and of the other rights called of personality. The denial, substitution and imposition of one’s own identity by a foreign power is a direct insult to the persons’ dignity and honour; because without freedom and without identity there is no personality, nor dignity, nor honour, nor human rights, nor humanity. The Peoples which lose them do not even exist: alienated under the official distinctive signs that are imposed on them by imperialistic criminal Violence and Terror; and not being able to work, or give an opinion, or live, or travel, or socialize, or play football or anything else except with false and forced names, documentation and credentials, they become miserable and pathetic transvestites, pitiful porters, usurpers and puppets of alien identity. “The person without qualities of his own” remains reduced to the otherness and “numerical individuality” that are determined by alien domination; which results in a plight inferior of large collections of social insects.

The great continental and trans-continental Empires: organizations and gangs “on a large scale” of fanatics, robbers and murderers that have bloodied and destroyed as many Countries as have had the misfortune of falling into their claws, continue nowadays showing at every turn their predatory instincts; and their leaders, clad in disgusting hypocrisy and cynicism, show the obscene image of spearheading demonstrations – walking along arm-in-arm – in defence of the fundamental human rights that they violate daily, especially the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples, while accusing of violence and terrorism to their own victims; who, disconcerted, can even agree to walk along with their aggressors. The trick is known long since:

“I do the wrong, and first begin to brawl. / The secret mischiefs that I set abroach / I lay unto the grievous charge of others. [...] Now they believe it; and withal whet me / To be reveng’d [...]; / But then I sigh, and, with a piece of scripture, / Tell them that God bid us do good for evil: / And thus I clothe my naked villany / With odd old ends stol’n forth of holy writ, / And seem a saint when most I play the devil.” (W. Shakespeare; ‘King Richard III’.)

(In that same text we are taught, later on, about the manipulation of propaganda in action, so as to hide the reality and get the conditioning of the public opinion of that time: “Happy were England, would this virtuous prince / Take on his Grace the sovereignty thereof: / But sore, I fear, we shall not win him to it. [...] When holy and devout religious men / Are at their beads, ‘tis much to draw them thence; / So sweet is zealous contemplation.” Unfortunately, the dimensions and capacity of the current totalitarian monopolies of masses’ ideological conditioning are beyond all comparison and precedent, and their effects on the population are nowadays devastating.)

It is the result of the action of the monopolies of criminal Violence and mass-propaganda of French-Spanish imperialism; which, in their objective of ideologically intoxicating and conditioning a defenceless public opinion, and of demoralizing and recuperating the Basque People’s opposition, do with impudence extol the agents and representatives of the totalitarian power that the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy and its satellites Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroa bai etc. – formed by insane, cretins and/or corrupt traitors – have accepted as “democracy”.

Anyway, their Governments and the monopolies they lead do not need to make much effort so as to condition in a nationalist-imperialistic sense the Spanish and French masses: always willing to see the speck of sawdust in their victims’ eye, and certainly to first begin to brawl after doing them wrong; but it occurs, in addition, that the former never cease to strive in that task, bringing together (also hand-by-hand) the hunger and the desire to eat.

The only univocal, active and meaningful element in French and Spanish policy is the nationalist imperialism and the calls to national-imperialistic unity; is the provocation, demagogy and petit-bourgeois chauvinism in the service of the State imperialism of the nationalist great bourgeoisie. Its constant effort does primarily consist in hiding the foundations of their imperialistic régimes, imposed by centuries of criminal Violence, war and occupation, by Terrorism, repression and deportation; consist in distorting and ruining in theory and in practice the fundamental human right of self-determination, free disposition or independence of all Peoples: first of human rights and precondition of all the others, without which freedom and democracy are ideological farces at the service of the imperialism. It’s this the priority task of the ideologists and politicians of the Nationalist Parties in power.

(From “Euskal Herria and the Kingdom of Nabarre, or the Basque People and its State, against French-Spanish imperialism”.)


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