Task of the Pnv-Eta collaborationism and its result: strengthening of the Nationalist-imperialistic Front (XXVII)


XXVII – Task of the Pnv-Eta collaborationism and its result: strengthening of the Nationalist-imperialistic Front

Iñaki Aginaga and Felipe Campo

“SILENCE IN THE FACE OF TORTURE: The arrival of democracy [to ‘Spain’] did not prevent the violation of human rights from being a common practice as it had been also during the Francoist régime.” (J. Encinas; leading article and its introduction, disseminated by the supposedly ‘progressive and abertzale’ newspaper Diario de Noticias, January 14, 2023.)

“The arrival of democracy to ‘Spain’.” Journalistic, electoral, institutional, parliamentary or armed-activist cretinisms do work here together at least for almost 50 years, after the establishment of the currently reigning Second Francoism. Thus, the armed or disarmed bands of mental retarded and disturbed, of illuminated and illusionists, of exhibitionist, charlatans and humbugs, and of opportunists, corrupt-unscrupulous and agents of the French-Spanish imperialism: who during all that time have been promoting them, do maintain in the ideological indigence and political nullification the People they claim to be representing. But no one is so stupid as to believe, at this stage and in good faith, that the “plans and proposals” etc. of the armed or disarmed institutional “Basque opposition” Pnv-Eta and its satellites – currently Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroa bai etc. and the rest of auxiliary “trade-union, social and cultural associations” that give them cover – do contain the slightest political virtuality.

For all those armed and unarmed “Basque institutionalists”, and since the Spanish intra-totalian transition to the Second Francoism, the qualification of the criminal French-Spanish imperialistic régime of military occupation established over our Country as “democratic and non-violent” – and of its totalitarian and criminal State as their own and legitimate State! – is the illuminist and mystical postulate upon which, through a stubborn deduction and radical exclusion of all experience, is founded and built all our political “reality”. Indeed, since by an intangible apriorism and petitio principii the French-Spanish régime that does militarily occupy our Country is – since the arrival of the Second Francoism that these “Basque institutionalists” call “the arrival of democracy” – non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic, thence it follows in a non-appealable form that it cannot commit acts of imperialism, fascism, criminal violence, terrorism etc., because otherwise it would not be democratic, non-violent etc. And if in spite of all it commits them, then it can only be due to a limited “democratic deficit” that does not affect the political system as such, which remains non-violent, legitimate and democratic.

We thus see how the willingness to ignore or hide the more evident reality through the constant creation of delusions and empty hopes is characteristic of those who prefer to see things not as they really are but as they want them to be, or believe that they should be. However, being is not the same as ought to be; and the Spanish and French imperialism against the Basque People is inevitably and truly imperialism and not democracy, which is its opposite. In such a dimension of folly, only are deceived those who prefer to delude themselves or to be deluded, rather than seeing things as they really are. Now then, those who prefer the artificial heavens – in fact hells – to the real world, do with it play the game and the policy of imperialism and fascism. In the face of it, the only possibility of politically changing the harsh reality requires, to begin with, to see it as it is; everything else is reaction, charlatanism, imperialism and fascism. (So much material and moral disaster to get to that!)

For almost fifty years, with monotonous regularity, “consultations and decisive democratic general elections in order that the People can say what it wants” have been repeatedly happening in our occupied Country; all of them waiting for the next ones that will be held to find out the same thing, and that again will “decide” on the same thing  Then, with “the electoral triumphs and the absolute majorities begin the inevitable process of negotiation and the march to independence”. However, over and over again “we will have to wait for the next elections so that the People may say what it wants”, after a number of countless very positive conferences, signs of political will to resolve the conflict, qualitative leaps, historical opportunities, inevitable negotiation processes, and marches towards the imminent independence. The mockery can thus continue indefinitely, through the work of the armed or unarmed “Basque” agents Pnv-Eta and their satellites: auxiliary local services of the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation that they call democracy.

If the oppressed Peoples of the five Continents had followed the way advocated for here by the purported armed or disarmed abertzale political class to resolve the Basque conflict, the expansion of imperialism would have been an irreversible process and not even one of them would have reached to national independence: the only necessary content of the right of self-determination against alien domination.

But there is no place for unpredictability or chance in what is happened as a result, and here has only happened which logically and necessarily had to happen. All this is the inevitable, predictable, predicted and warned result, firstly of the strategic liquidation of Basque national policy, carried out by the Pnv-Anv liquidationist bureaucracy in the exile through its pacts with the Spanish National-socialist “opposition” between 1957 and 1962 (pacts of Paris and of Munich); then, of the irremediable theoretical and practical “incapability” of “the moderates and the radicals” who form the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy and its satellites; and, finally, of their venality and participation in the French-Spanish imperialistic system and fascist apparatus of corruption and repression of the freedom of expression, information, communication and criticism, against those who warned of the reality. which they all do accept – in particular since 1977-79 and until today – as legitimate and democratic. A system and an apparatus in which all of them were inserted – in particular since 1977-79 – accepting it as legitimate and democratic to this day.

Of course, “the moderates and the radicals” Pnv-Eta and their satellites do enhance the electoral-institutional cretinism in the conditions of fascism; yet, it is not – or it is not only – question of parliamentary or extra-parliamentary cretinism but above all about of imperative and deliberate complicity. The implicit and explicit recognition of “the new Francoist democracy”, the electioneering in the conditions of Spanish fascism that does militarily occupy our Country, the falsification of the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples and its denial for the Basque People, and the abandonment of the fundamentals and principles of national freedom and of human rights in general: betrayals that synthesize the essential contribution of “the Pnv-Eta moderates and radicals” during the last fifty years, have been perpetrated in exchange for the privileges that always and everywhere accompany and reward the indigenous auxiliary services under an imperialistic régime of military occupation; and do naturally constitute a decisive contribution to imperialistic and fascist ideology and policy, never to national freedom and to the genuine democracy that the former does condition and found. By violating the national independence of a subjugated People there is not and there cannot be democracy; there is imperialism and fascism.

In our case it is clear that we cannot speak with property of “failure of the institutional path and of the armed struggle”, because their purported means and objectives have never existed except in the propaganda of their promoters and in the hallucinations of their addicts. Such “procedures of struggle” have given the result that actually was sought or prepared, and in this sense there is no place for talking of failure but of a full success of the enterprise. The national war of 1936 was certainly for us a terrible military defeat from which emerged the current régime whose abuses we are still suffering. However, we cannot talk about an additional political defeat with regard to the disaster of the last fifty years. A political defeat implies a previous political confrontation; but the resignation, the abandonment for failure to appear, is the denial of that confrontation. The deliberate will of the Pnv-Eta “institutionalist and activist” bureaucracy to sabotage the democratic strategy and its implications, and to find on the contrary a variable degree of accommodation in the strengthened and renewed Spanish fascism, has left this Country defenceless in the face of the successive and intensified attacks of the Nationalism in power.

(As it was already indicated before, only by extension and improperly we can talk, in this case, of collaborationism and of collaborationists. The collaborationism implies a political entity, differentiated from the official imperialism. Therefore, when the State, the Nation, the ideology and the strategy of the imperialism are adopted as the own ones, there is not collaboration with imperialism: there is incorporation into the imperialism and fascism as an auxiliary agent.)

In the political events the “spontaneous element” plays a major role, “either of impulse or of containment”, because “the revolutions do not allow to be guided, as they would by a school teacher”. Yet, in any scale and in any context, “the presence of a revolutionary Party, which renders to itself a clear account of the motive forces of the present epoch [...]; which knows the power of revolutionary method in an epoch of instability of all social relations; which is ready to employ that method and carry it through to the end – the presence of such a Party represents a factor of incalcuable historical importance”. (L. Trotsky.)

Such a Party “cannot and should not wait in a fatalistic manner, doing nothing, the coming of the ‘revolutionary situation’; wait that this spontaneous popular movement will fall from the sky. On the contrary, its duty is – as always – to anticipate the evolution of things, trying to precipitate it”, so that “at every stage and at all times the whole mass of power available can be carried out and put in activity”; and “that never be kept, in decision and precision, below the level of the relations of force existing in the reality but that, on the contrary, exceeds this level.” It is the opposite of a Party “that benefits from a certain traditional influence but that is not aware of what is going on around it; that, not understanding the revolutionary situation, cannot find the corresponding key”. A “consistent, determined, forward direction causes the masses the sense of safety, confidence, courage in the fight”. A “hesitant and weak direction exerts on the masses a paralyzing and disturbing action”.

Now then, certainly the Pnv-Eta group has not waited in a fatalistic manner, with its arms crossed, for the revolutionary and popular movement against the adaptation and consolidation of the present Spanish fascist régime to fall from the sky. Quite to the contrary, it has braked and slowed down the evolution of anything that might hinder that movement, and has kept the entire mass of available power below the level of the existing balance of power. The Pnv-Eta conglomerate: which claimed for itself the monopoly – first the function and then the merit – of directing and reconstitute the Resistance and the political and cultural structure of our People, has pulled it out of its spontaneous virtuality, but has always done it backwards. ((This will be most widely exposed in Chapter XXXIII –Strategy and tactics; political class and unity’.)

The official “vanguard” Pnv-Eta was, from the beginning, the real rear-guard of the People that it claimed to be restoring and leading: its own positions have always retarded on the material and cultural conditions and on the political spontaneity of that People. The result is the freezing of the democratic process and the paralysis without remission of the freedom forces, once more reduced to expectations as false as disabling and catastrophic. Nobody in this Country, nor in any other, has ever thought of lifting a finger to serve a sham “nation” with a sham policy as the one that the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy advocates for. The ideology and policy of “the moderates and the radicals” bring necessarily in itself the demobilization and the decomposition of the National Liberation Movement.

Actually – and unfortunately – it is not the official imperialism itself which is only to be blamed. There can be considered differential factors in the recent comparative history of Scandinavian, Baltic, Caucasian and Balkan States and other fugitives of the Russian-Soviet Empire; but there cannot be overlooked the crucial fact that the Pnv and its armed and unarmed subsidiaries had no participation or equivalence there, nor were a model for anybody. Had it thus occurred, it would not have been the independence but the consolidation of the Saint Imperial Russia – and a new phase of “persuasion and dialogue, deepening into democracy, progress step by step and without haste, institutional and autonomous development, armed struggle and revolutionary war”, always expecting for the upcoming elections, the “inevitable negotiation” and “a new political status”; it is: for Russification, repression and extermination – what the Soviet allogeneous and their neighbours would have got.

The heroic People of Chechnya, despite an exceptional determination and passion for freedom, has paid it very dearly the brevity of a situation which only occurs – when it does – once each century. This gave the political class of the “Ancien Régime” time and place to reconstitute the frail totalitarian structure typical of the “transition and conversion” (in this case, from the USSR to the “Russian Federation”), which was reinforced by the sordid fiddling between the protagonists of the solved Cold War and the new hegemonic worldwide order or disorder. Supported by an ideological rage running from the Russian nationalist “communism” to its fascist Nationalism, the resulting terrorist and genocidal appalling repression – also permitted and blessed by the great, medium-sized and small Powers – showed in itself the unprecedented solidarity of the new worldwide imperialistic block against the freedom of Peoples, and what can be expected from an insufficient armed resistance; with even more reason when it consists in any of its western caricatures.

It was precisely that one the chosen route here, even though the consequences were predictable and had been predicted:

“In such a case, when oppression, degradation and humiliation are also extended in logical correspondence, when repression does madly spread over a country reduced to a spontaneous resistance, when worldwide circuits of fascist propaganda throw slander and disrepute on a gagged People, may the ‘Basque’ voter remember that he does legitimize, finance and provision with his votes the strategy, the agents and the weapons of the ‘new Spanish democracy’.” Etc. [See: ‘Otra vez “elecciones generales” (IPARLA núm 1)’; February 1979.]

This was what could be expected from the expansion of the collaborationism, as a result of the participation of the so-called “radical Basques” in the Spanish totalitarian “elections” of 1979, after having done it so two years earlier the “moderate” “Basque nationalist Party-Pnv” and its satellites; all of which involved the participation of all of them in the Spanish “transition”, that is: in the self-reform of the Francoist régime that had already been designed starting from the Pact of Munich.

If in this Country an intra-totalitarian crisis of the Spanish fascist régime has been allowed to pass by mere failure to appear, and two huge waves of global decolonization have left nothing here but the subsequent undertow, it is, certainly, because the Basque People was weakened by the wars and the military occupation that came from the nineteenth century, which was reinforced since 1923 by continuous dictatorships; but first and foremost because it suffered an internal sabotage while being directed, stunned and infantized by a purported political class: corrupt, incapable, ignorant, conceited and exhibitionist: imposed, directed and financed by the régime of occupation and the Western Powers, which had no idea of taking advantage of them nor the slightest interest in finding out how to do it. And if also the Basque People and State do today enjoy a well-established reputation as losers without remedy; if they lack all international recognition; if there is no “civilized” society, oppressed Nation, primitive or nomadic tribe of the desert that dare to recognize or count on them, it’s because their political contribution of the last fifty years has not given for any more.How would someone decide to know or recognize us if we ourselves do not do it? The weak, fool and defenceless do not have clients, friends, allies or supporters in the world which we live in; and with the end of the thermo-nuclear duopoly of Terror in the world have disappeared the last illusions in this regard.

Already since the clandestine and illegal pact of Munich, agreed in 1962 with the PsoE by the Pnv-Anv liquidationist bureaucracy (and all those ‘Basque’ agents without exception since their integration into Spanish Fascism, officially admitted by them all as “democracy” since the “general elections” of 1977-1979), the moderate and radical armed and unarmed “Basque” institutionalists Pnv-Eta and their satellites have been making their followers and victims believe up to this day that the agents of the Spanish National-imperialism and Fascism: the National-socialists/communists of Falange-PsoE/PcE and the National-fascists of Ap/Pp, were in fact noble and honourable democratic allies with whose real and reliable alliance a viable political strategy could and should be founded. The purported “official Basque political class” has thus evacuated even the sense of distinction between the decision-making system “friend-or-foe”, and of the very nature of the imperialistic régime; has disconnected or reversed its immune system; and has destroyed its natural or artificial, bio-sociological and political-ideological defences. The collaborationism: from the traditional or official Pnv until its corollary the Eta, is the AIDS of the Basque People, inoculated by French-Spanish imperialism.

In the Country of the Basques, all the warnings – about what was happening and what was going to happen – were in vain. The dissident and liquidationist “Basque” sectors and bureaucracies, namely the armed and unarmed aboriginal institutionalists Pnv-Eta and their satellites, all of them collaborationists, accomplices or local agents of the Spanish imperialism that proclaimed their irrevocable commitment to all human rights, ruined the strategic base for the defence of Basque People’s fundamental human rights, replacing them with the “right to trust” in the promises of the Francoists – traditional ones of Ap/Pp and National-socialist of Falange-Ugt-PsoE – who were preparing the Spanish intra-totalitarian transition.

Based on their “confidence” towards “the change that – as they presumed – was coming from within the Spanish régime”, they had already decided by the Pact of Munich to grant its fascist imperialism a generous moratorium – some “good” sixty years by now – so that, after having massacred  our People in the war and the repression during the First Francoism, after the Dictator’s death the successor Spanish régime could continue to colonize, exploit, ruin and repress it during the Second one. A concession that – so they thought – would not be too heavy a handicap, as long as the interests they represented could continue to exploit their own businesses: their reserved domains, which they believed untouchable and that would be granted to them by the Spanish transitive régime. In this way, they accepted the fascist régime of military occupation, that they now called “the new Spanish democracy”, and the participation in its totalitarian “general elections and institutions”.

It all was a gross corruption of all cardinal terms and concepts on national freedom and democracy; and it was above all the counterfeiting and abandonment of the international, fundamental and inherent right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples, so as to adapt it with a “right to decide” of their own invention. Along with the right of self-determination, there also disappeared the fundamental and inherent right of legitimate self-defence, which all serious Peoples and all Governments in the world worthy of the name do unilaterally claim as a base and prior condition of all international law. In its place, there was asserted the French-Spanish imperialistic monopoly of criminal Violence and the Terror of masses, which no one had the right to oppose. A “Basque nationalism” that acts like this and does in such a way ignore these issues is straightforward Spanish or French Nationalism pure and simple; no matter how much – so as to hide it – they play with the word “Euskadi”, which they and the régime have emptied of its true meaning and with which they supplant the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre.

The “Basque” collaborationists and accomplices of the French-Spanish fascist imperialism: the liquidationist Pnv-Eta bureaucracy and its satellites and branches, play a first order role in the task of repression, provocation, recuperation, sabotage and destruction of the Resistance to foreign domination. They beg for the recognition and the “alliance” with the Parties of colonial importation. They participate in the consolidation of the imperialistic régime of military occupation, and in the prevention, repression and division of the Resistance. They pretend being dedicated to serve and represent the Peoples, which makes them still more dangerous and effective inasmuch as in reality they contribute to their defencelessness.

As it has already been said, facing up to reality, seeing things just as they are is the first condition to fight the international oppression on the Peoples; but the mission of the collaborationists and accomplices is precisely to keep them in the dark, confusing and making lose contact with reality to the opponents of imperialism and fascism, and making them an easy prey on their way to the slaughterhouse.

Subjectively and objectively, the armed and unarmed institutionalists Pnv-Eta and their satellites are a necessary part of the enterprise that has founded the present political régime: the second Francoism, which has already lasted as much as the first one and has brought the “democracy”, that is to say: the self-reform and consolidation of the Francoism under the protectorate of the hegemonic Powers and their satellites and protégés, which replaced the Axis Powers that had established it. All of them are the advanced, fortified, auxiliary and peripheral first line of the imperialistic and fascist device of repression and propaganda, which is the direct and indirect determining factor of the purported strategy of “moderates and radicals”. As long as the real power detect in the subjugated People any political virtuality, it will not be able to “pass” from their mediation.

To get to that result, there was no need that so many victims – whose blood was much more worth than that of their leaders, murderers and executioners – remained abandoned dead in the mountains and chasms, in the walls of prisons and graveyards, and in the bullrings, before the firing squads of murderers or under the terrorist air bombardments against civilian populations; populated the exile, the prisons and the fields of labour, slavery and extermination; and suffered in every way the repression, rage, sadism, hatred and revenge of the forces and services of occupation and of the social classes that produce and use them: agents that have decimated the scarce human, material and cultural resources of a Country too small as to replace them against its historical predators, incomparably greater and better armed. As the current “leaders” of the Cav do, they could have served and sung to their own advantage the glories of the peaceful, non-violent, open to dialogue, liberal and democratic French-Spanish imperialism that rules us. Should they have done so, they could now undertake “the rehabilitation and reintegration” of the oppressed People, and the respectful and prostrate affirmation of its peaceful and hardworking nature, carried out before the representatives of the Nations whose own peaceful and hardworking nature – which has bloodied, plundered and exploited five Continents – does not need rehabilitation or confirmation. Abjection is the supreme stage of collaboration and subservience.

With the so-called “institutions”, i.e. the institutions that the imperialism and fascism impose, do always win those who build and control those institutions, because the matches are won by those who impose the playing ground and the participants, dictate the rules of the game, and change them when it suits them; just for that they have been made.

The “traditional institutions” of imperialism and fascism had as their aim the suppression or destruction of the opposition. If things were not going as well as it was wanted to, then there was a revolt by the army: foundation of the real and primary constitution, before becoming foundation of the formal and secondary “Constitution”, and of all its subsequent institutions; which allowed to change the rules and the voters, the demonstrators, the persuaders, the persuaded and the Peoples. In fact, in our Country the armies did already revolt long ago; and the resulting institutions: which are theirs, do not need of new uprisings. Perforce one needs to live on another planet to believe that a political totalitarian power: whose monopolies incorporate, represent and impose the interests and supremacy of the French-Spanish nationalist imperialism, is going to expose them to “negotiation, dialogue, the verdict of the ballot box, the rule of law”, and other similar pieces of nonsense (which “the Basque moderates and radicals” propose to our People so as to deceive and idiotize it), instead of building the political and ideological conditions that will enable it to win always and in all areas.

The “Basque” armed and unarmed agentes, addicts to “the institutional path”, are an increasingly evident part of the political and ideological system of violence, domination and corruption established by French-Spanish imperialism.. “The institutional path” does quickly lead – from the incapability, opportunism and submission – to the collaboration, complicity and betrayal. The “autonomous” institutions and ancillary services are an active part of the colonial administration of the occupying State. They are the local administrative régime, the de-concentration and strengthening of the local resources and organs of the colonial power that, according to the time and circumstances, acts directly or through its indigenous partners and accomplices.

Completely deprived of any political power, either national or international, these local administrative organs of the occupying State (local branches of the only real Government, sometimes pretentiously called “governments” by metropolitan institutions that have created them, which are in turn bodies of management and coverage of the true Government: the Francoist power structure and its real political class) take as their own, against the people they pretend to be protecting, the propaganda, criminal Violence and State Terrorism to which they belong: they are the institutional instrument of collaboration, complicity and betrayal. Their special organization of violence, repression and denunciation: what the experts in Spanish bilingualism call “the ertzaintza”, are auxiliary bodies of proximity of the true police the same as were its predecessors: the Black and Tan, the Harki or the militia of Vichy. The repression of persons and ideas, and the administration of corruption, are the real functions which have been assigned to them.

The liquidation of all democratic strategy involved both in the recognition of the imperialistic and fascist régime as democracy, and in the participation in its “institutions”, did furthermore lead to an unprecedented change of roles: thanks to the concessions of the Spanish “transition”, the fascists were recognized as respectable “democrats”; whilst the national Resistance of the subjugated People (after having supported the horrors and war Terrorism, the incendiary air bombardment of towns, the killings and repression of the nazi-fascist Spanish Nationalism) was now qualified and persecuted as “nationalism”, “terrorism” and “nazism” by the formers and their successors and by the colonists and renegades, increasingly motivated and exasperated all of them by a xenophobic and racist hatred of an ancient Spanish stock. All of it before the helpless eyes of the sorcerer’s apprentices who, after having presented the fascist as “democrats” and introduced them to the “International of Christian-Democratic Parties”, were next expelled from it by them.

When the European Fascism converted to democracy moved to the ruins of the Demo-Christian “International”, of which the Pnv had been a founder Party and the only “Spanish” Member, those “Basque nationalist” leaders (under the accepted principle: one Country, one Party) step aside and relinquished their place to facilitate the access of the reformed traditional Francoism to the European official right-wing Organizations. Thus, the Pnv ceded its founder post to its “ally”, preparing itself at the same time to be ignominiously expelled by its protégé: infamous expulsion that inevitably awaits any useful instrument after becoming useless. It is so better understood, in view of these facts, the ruin of Christian Democracy, given its new role as a refuge and laundering of the European Fascism.

The expulsion-substitution of the Pnv by the traditional Spanish Nationalist-Francoist Party: carried out within the “Demo-Christian Internationaol”, was totally predictable and had been prepared for a long time by both sides. The “Western Democracies” thus accepted “the unfailing adherence to freedom, justice and the cause of good against evil” from friends and allies so accredited and safe, reliable, selfless and sincere as the Spanish fascists and their fellows, who now even had the “Basque” recognition thanks to the betrayal of a gang of Pnv bureaucrats; all that at the expense of the freedom and sufferings of the People who, after having fought against Nazi-Fascism and suffered its blows, had to continue supporting now the “democratic” repression of its heirs backed by the Pnv bureaucracy, joined to a general discredit.

The so-called “autonomous Government” of the Cav [“Basque” autonomous Community]: purported political achievement of the Pnv, is the adaptation scheduled by the Spanish State in order to contain, control, divert and abort from within the overflowing of the unitary political régime by the democratic pressure of the Basque People. The experience has shown, even to the most hopeful dreamers, that the real power imposes, uses, changes and replaces the local marionettes and their puppet-governments at its will and convenience, and dispenses with the services of its undesirable fellow travellers when already does not consider them necessary. The Francoist “transition” did first impose, and immediately breached and then recuperated, its own “autonomy Statute”; which the central Administration violate openly in the face of the passivity and cooperation of its local accomplices.

Indeed, the circumstances of the Spanish intra-totalitarian transition led the Francoist régime to formal and marginal concessions that it recovers quickly, once the immediate danger is over. The term “Basque People or Euskal-Herria” was formally included in the Article 1 of “the present Statute [of Autonomy for the Basque Country], which is its basic institutional norm”, without prejudice to the constitutional unity of the Monarchy. Three decades later, the Second Francoism did review and recuperate so exorbitant a concession; and the “autonomous government” of the Cav, once in the hands of the Spanish Nationalist Party-PsoE, did since its very taking of office violate the Constitution and the Statute that formally constitute it: by “illegally” excluding from the local Administration the term and concept of Basque People, and by expressly denying that such People exists. All of it before the bovine, stupefied and servile eyes, before the passivity and approval of its puppets and indigenous auxiliary services Pnv-Eta of collaboration, complicity and betrayal; groups that do present as political achievements the subservience and ruin of an entire Country, and that do – without uttering a voice and without lifting a finger – witness how their intimate allies of always and local putschists liquidate without hesitation the “fundamental Charter” of granted autonomy of whose “obtaining” they so much showed off.

But behold, the Pnv-Eta “moderate and radical patriots” and their satellites “discover” that “the Spanish law and justice are not equal for everyone”, and that its decisions “do not conform to the legal right (sic) but obey to political pressure”. They show now their shocked discontent by the increasing “violations to democracy and to the rule of (deficient) law”, and by the advance of the “Spanish fascistoid right-wing” political Parties and of the “Spanish neo-fascism, which is already barely camouflaged in South Euskadi”. (If the Spanish “right” is fascistoid and the neo-fascism is barely camouflaged, what is and how does it manifest the Spanish “left”? As for “North Euskadi”, “democracy” does reign there since the French mythology invented it starting from the Terror, guillotine and mass deportation of villages, and the imperialism does not exist or is a “democratic imperialism”.)

Their “specialists” in the matter: who protest because of the “not juridical but political” measures taken against them, make the apologia of the imperialistic right by presenting it as being manipulated and abused by the fascist policy, rather than seeing it as a constituent and functionally adaptable part of it. They disaggregate thereby the inseparable and totalizing reality of the political and the juridical (actual and virtual) violence, which constitute a State as its very quintessence. A dis-aggregation and distortion that are all the more baneful when, as it is the case, they prevent from understanding the nature of the imperialistic and fascist State: founded and maintained on its constituent juridical-politicalcriminal violence.

They also disaggregate the imperialistic forces and Parties of the Metropolis: which do obviously make up the totalitarian power as a whole; and, as if it were not the case, do seek the alliance with its political agents whether they are “rightist or leftist” according to the cases and the moments, whom those “politicians and specialists” Pnv-Eta of the indigenous collaborationism do eventually present as inclined towards objectives of freedom and democracy, when the more glaring reality makes it evident quite the opposite. To this reactionary association they do subordinate or sacrifice the reality and possibilities of the true democratic forces, necessarily anti-imperialistic.

They then do complain and whine: pathetically and periodically, when they “discover” the inevitable, irreparable, predictable and predicted consequences of the “betrayal, deceit and unnatural behaviour” of their endearing historical allies, who “do not meet their word and the agreement between gentlemen, and are not to be trusted”; which, as it seems, centuries of aggressions, wars, crimes, occupation and colonization: never condemned but extolled by such allies, had not yet allowed them to discover and consider. Yet, those endearing French-Spanish historical allies: those of “the Demo-Christian Alliance above the classes” or “the Labour Front above the Nations” etc., they are what they have always been by natureand have not betrayed anything or anyone, and even less the indigenous traitors. Instead these ones have supported, covered and concealed them in all ways whenever it has been needed, while on the contrary they did persecute by all means those who denounced the true nature of such political agents asmembers of the régime of military occupation, and expressed the most evident ideological and political reality.

The work of the nationalist, imperialistic and fascist gangs of “Right and Left” is to defeat, weaken and mislead their enemies: the subjugated Peoples. Well understood: if, after the experience of forty years of Fascism under the first Francoism, those “Right and Left” have got to deceive here someone, it has been possible thanks to the collaboration and complicity of their Pnv-Eta indigenous armed and unarmed allies: mobilized in order to cover up and serve the aggression and repression against the Peoples, and in order to jointly mislead their unwary followers by muting whoever might disclose the reality. It’s these indigenous collaborationits who have deceived: not precisely the enemies of the Peoples that they claim to represent and defend, but the oppressed Peoples themselves.

A model in which there can [co]exist internal pluralism and democracy within their own party, on the one hand, along with an external Basque bi-partisanship at our Country’s level, on the other, has never worked inside the Pnv nor is possible with it. The Pnv-ist bureaucracyat the head of its party that only nominally is “Basque” at present, cannot accept that a genuinely Basque movement but independent from the Pnv can fill the ideological and political space that its own party does not reach to; which leads it to support – against that independent Basque movement – any other party provided that it is openly Spanish. We have seen the Pnv bureaucracy lean without the slightest sense of shame even on the Pp. But above all, and since always, the Pnv sought an imaginary strategic ally in the Spanish National-socialism of the PsoE, into which hands it played and paid the court against any other Basque presence or tendency that might threaten their respective monopolies and “hunting grounds”, namely: the “national” one, for the Pnv; and the “social” one, which the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv prefers to give away to the Spaniards of the PsoE rather than accept that it can be covered by an authentically Basque autonomous movement.

In other words, their repugnant blackmail could not be clearer: if someone from our Country wishes to join the policy of liberation of the Basque People, he will have to do so under the terms and organization established by the Pnv under the control of that bureaucracy, which has confiscated the party for its own and spurious purposes; and if he doesn’t accept that point, the alternative provided for the case by the Pnv bureaucracy is to force him to become a Spaniard and have to go to the PsoE or one of its variants. Because the objective of the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv is not to liberate the Basque People from French-Spanish imperialism, which that corrupt bureaucracy has accepted for more than half a century and to this day as a legitimate and democratic régime and as “the State” of its own. (Pact of the Pnv-Anv bureaucracy with the PsoE in Munich 1962 for its acceptance and insertion into the Spanish “democracy” under the conditions of the Second Francoism, once the “natural” disappearance of General Franco had occurred.) Its real objective is to consolidate the interests of the Pnv corporation and the economic sectors it serves: “The PNV is not concerned about those who have not voted for it; it is worried about those who did vote for it.” (Statements by Andoni Ortuzar, president of the Pnv, April 23, 2024.)

Likewise from the first moment, the Eta group sought an imaginary model and ally in the “leftist” Spanish social-imperialism represented by the “communist” Party of Spain-PcE, which it supported in opposition to any autochthonous alternative. And at present, its successors of the so-called “Abertzale left” – also nominally “Basque” – do compete and “level” (A. Ortuzar, president of the Pnv) with the Pnv bureaucracy, if they do not surpass it, in their abject homage to all the transitive imperialists of the Second Francoism: both to the Spanish National-socialists of Falange-PsoE, as well as to the social-imperialistic residues of the PcE and its various fascist offshoots that they call “the confederal left”. This consists of the Spanish hodgepodge formed by “izquierdos/izquierdas-unidos/unidas-contigo/zurekin-encomún-podemos-sumar-máspaís”; small imperialistic groups of which that false “abertzale left” Ehbildu-Sortu etc.: ideologically and politically colonized and recuperated by the Spanish social-imperialism “of the left”, has become a mere local “Basque” sub-delegation.

In reality, all of them are nominally “Basque” parties but ideologically and politically recuperated by Spanish imperialism thanks to the action of the Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracies and their satellites, whose purpose is to integrate the Basque People into Francespain. That’s what they are paid for and that’s what they are cashing for. With their total approval, these bureaucracies are promoting the Spanish National-socialism of Falange-PsoE and its mentioned social-imperialism, which impose on us as a “legitimate and democratic” national model the Spanish imperialistic and fascist Nationalism guaranteed by their military occupation. The result of this suicidal promotion even within what the ones and the others call the “Basque Government” and “Navarrese government” is totally disastrous for our Country, and is in plain sight for everybody in all its dramatic destruction of our national consciousness in broad sectors of the Country, first of all youngsters; sectors that have been given over defenceless to the propaganda of Spanish imperialism, which the Pnv-Eta etc. bureaucracies of these Spanish parties for Basques’ have admitted as democracy and “the State” legitimate and their own one for half a century now. (In this regard, see our article: La auténtica oposición democrática vasca, frente al discurso de la “oposición” Pnv-Eta y sus satélites recuperados por el imperialismo.)

This is so because this purported “abertzale left”, after having recognized in the Spanish “general elections” of 1979 – as the Pnv liquidationist bureaucracy had done in those of 1977 the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation of our Country as legitimate, democratic and “the State” of their own, it does also reject with perverse obstinacy/treachery (and/or incurable stupidity/corruption), as does the Pnv bureaucracy, to publicly proclaim the fundamental and unique principle of double national-state affirmation of the Basque People, namely:

1/ Affirmation of the international right of self-determination or national independence of the Basque People, along with its corollary of demand for unconditional and immediate evacuation of the imperialistic forces of military occupation of our Country; and

2/ Affirmation of the continuity, validity and actuality of our own State: the Kingdom of Nabarre, constituted by a confederation of Vasconic Republics, Counties and Lordships historically and freely gathered around it, and internationally recognized for a thousand years; which remains the sole State of the Basque Nation and which it has never renounced to nor has ever admitted or recognized any other, as we have explained in more detail at other moments.

All this implies maintaining the constant and incessant rejection of the States of Spain and France for their being criminal, imperialistic, colonialist and fascists of military occupation, and not their constant acceptance as legitimate, democratic and our own, as the mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites do.

It is they: the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy and its satellites, who did join imperialism and fascism in power so as to reduce any attempt of institutional restoration and of civil Resistance of the Basque People, or of simple information or free expression, slandering and pursuing in addition all those who dared tell the truth about their fiddling with fascism and imperialism, and about their manoeuvres of liquidation and submission of any Basque national policy; always in union with their beloved “allies”:

“Those whom you call PSOE, and who are in fact the Basque socialists”, and with “the rest of democrats from whom we receive assurances on which we are entitled to trust”. (Manuel Irujo.) “Now that the socialists have come to power in Spain and in France, a new political landscape is opened for Euskadi.” “The workers Parties and all the left of Spain are with us.” “We have to apologize to the socialists [i.e. to the PsoE] for saying that they were not Basques.” Etc.

The new Falange-PsoE: a “merger” of winners and losers of the war, took good note from the Pacts of liquidation of Paris and Munich: “We do know well that the Pnv could impose much greater and harder demands; but, as long as those of the Pnv continue to be foolish, what else is going to do the PsoE but to take advantage of it?” (M. Herzog.) However, and notwithstanding, here is the statement of Arzalluz himself, in those times (1996) at the head of the Pnv: “I have achieved more in fourteen days with Aznar [Pp] than I did in thirteen years with Felipe Gonzalez [PsoE], and this we are not going to forget it either.” Now then, “With the Pp there is nothing to do; we will have to wait for the Spanish elections”, says again Urkullu; and so on ad nauseam.

Day after day they “discover”, note and denounce, with stunned and hypocritically scandalized astonishment, the “scarcely democratic, rare democratic or non-democratic behaviour, the lack of political will, the lack of democratic spirit” of the curious “democracy” that they have been proclaiming for more than forty years, where “all the means of coercion and information are in the hands of the army”, and where the right of self-determination of Peoples and the fundamental human rights that it determines are institutionally denied and destroyed. They show their democratic indignation and plaintive desolation because the State “imposes its will without negotiation or concertation” with the peripheral Administration organs – devoid of any political power – that it itself has established; being so that undeniably it’s a unitary State which holds the monopoly of criminal Violence and all the powers, and that has been supported and recognized by themselves as legitimate and democratic. They point out the “breach of the pacts” by those who have never kept even the unequal or one-sided treaties that they did impose.

They also speak of “unwritten rules” and denounce “the union and pacts against nature” between the Spanish political “Parties”. But the union of the Spanish political class into a sole realpolitical Party, ceased long ago to be considered as a shameful collusion, to become the most natural and edifying of intercourses, blessed by the political dignitaries and religious authorities of the whole world. (The only union apparently against nature that occurs here is the one given between the so-called abertzale organizations and the occupation régime, which they do tirelessly qualify as non-violent, lawful and democratic, without prejudice of “regrettable excesses and irregular deficits” that do not affect the basis of the system. But, considering their incorporation into the régime for half a century now, we can see that there is no longer anything unnatural about it.) It’s precisely Nature that leads them to unite against the freedom of the subjugated Peoples, and they have always demonstrated it: either it was in Algeria or Nabarre. All of them have been and are what they have always been and are, and behave accordingly.

So as to hide the abject submission that makes them the puppets and auxiliary agents of fascism and imperialism, they intend now that the Spanish Government has broken the “spirit of the pacts” contracted with them; that “the Pp and the PsoE have deceived and betrayed them.” (Which, if true, it would not be mitigation or excuse but aggravating circumstance for those who say that “our mission is to show the way to the people”.) Neither would they have deceived anyone here without the decisive help, without the backing and the disguises, without the material and moral credit and assistance borrowed and conferred to them by the official Pnv and the Eta, together with their armed and unarmed satellites and branches. They are not the Governments of Spain and of France which “have broken the pacts”. The Francoist régime was what it was and is what it is, and did not deceive or betray anyone. Neither the traditional Francoist Party (the Pp) nor its National-socialist satellites (Falange-PsoE) and others have deceived or betrayed anyone. The endearing “democratic allies” who have deceived and betrayed them, as they say, are the ravens that they themselves have raised and fed since always; while sacrificing and persecuting, so as to satisfy them, the vital, ideological and political forces of this Country that denounced them as imperialists.

On the other hand the “authentic interpretation of the pact”, which the jelkide (Pnv) bureaucrats invoke, does not allow them to hide that the “authentic interpretation” is made by the legislator, and that in the imperialistic occupation régime there is no other legislator, real and formal, than the imperialism. The invoked “spirit of the pact” is a desperate attempt made by the spiritualistic members of the integrated “opposition” to hide the reality and consequences of their policy of strategic liquidation, replacing them with the ghosts and the media tables that are already their only refuge and consolation. The total loss of credibility and reliability, for the alleged official political class and for its line of political liquidation, and the desperate frustration thus generated, elicited in addition the development of the individual and collective attempts; because the invoked “pacts” of the Spanish intra-totalitarian transition were nothing else but the submission to the conditions of incorporation imposed by the dictatorship. Apart from that, obviously, there should not be taken as real pacts the spiritual agreements that the balmy bureaucrats of the Pnv and its armed and unarmed satellites believe to have achieved with the fascism.

Once and again “betrayed and deceived”, their “representatives” try to justify their own inability. But in policy the treachery and deception of the others do not justify, nor exclude, nor exonerate or attenuate nothing; they only do but aggravate the responsibility of the so-called political class which has led to such results. The delusion and betrayal – which the collaborationists and accomplices of imperialism and fascism do claim to be the victims of – are a hackneyed and miserable excuse involving something much worse than what it is intended to excuse. In policy what is said is only worth depending on what is done. In policy do not exist nor are respected per sethe human rights, the norms, pacts, conventions, declarations, the given words and the nature but in so far as they are political and juridical, that is: unless the structural violence – inserted in the rapport of forces in presence – constitutes and obliges to respect them.

They discover now that their endearing traditional “allies” are not “trustworthy”. But Ugt-PsoE has never been trustworthy for freedom and democracy, let alone since it was colonized by the Phalanx and approved as an auxiliary component, puppet and figurehead of the traditional Francoist Party and régime. The current Falange-PsoE is instead fully reliable for the Spanish Army and imperialism, as a flawless assistant that it is for the policy of repression and genocide that they are carrying out in the occupied Territories of the Basque People:the alliance between them all is not “against nature” but healthilly natural. And now, thanks to the assistance afforded to them by the indigenous Pnv-Eta collaborationists and their accomplices, their local and metropolitan representatives have turned the desecrated Tree of Liberty into an urinal where rise the leg or squatter the dogs and bitches of the imperialism and fascism.

Concealment, falsification, lying, duplicity, perfidy and hypocrisy are appropriate and normal instruments of the policy and diplomacy; and to deceive and betray the enemy is the very essence of policy, even more so of the imperialistic one. Therefore, not let be deceived or betrayed is the first duty and the first condition to act on policy. If the professional – or at least paid as such – “Basque politicians” ignore this, it means that they are genuinely unable, abnormal or mentally retarded. And if they do know it and yet allow it, then it’s that they have already gone to the enemy. The oppressed Peoples that permit being fooled by “professionals” such as these ones, should not lament their bad luck: getting rid of their sterilizing tyranny is a task of public health, without which the restoration of the democratic forces is impossible.

It is the Pnv and its armed and unarmed satellites which are not to be trusted. It is the collaborationists and accomplices: the purported official “Basque” indigenous political class and its unpresentable representatives, who have deceived and betrayed this Country; thus abandoned in the death-trap without an exit in which they have locked it up. They are the only thing ‘contra natura’, which is highlighted once again.

They did support, strengthen, accredit, help, conceal and disguise their endearing allies of the Falange-PsoE – or even the Pp – so much and so well, that these ones can already do – or believe that they can do – without them to continue duping the People, and they will end up throwing them away at the right time. There is nothing new that we can expect from the episodic and hypocritical tantrums of the Pnv and its armed and unarmed satellites, which do not scare anyone and even less to their traditional masters. The armed and unarmed institutionalists do not have an alternative of change or replacement to the imperialistic strategy, of which they are the product. They can only follow as always while they are allowed to.

They hope and seek the slightest goodwill gesture of the Spanish Francoist Party – either in its traditional version of the Movement Party, or in its National-socialist version of Falange-PsoE – in eventual difficulty; which would suffice for to make that the historical useful fools or useless opportunists of always did answer the call: without conditions and with tears in their eyes, in order to recuperate the yearned, warm, endearing and abject condition that is their own, and ready to start over again (betraying and chasing for it everything and everybody that is required), in the hope of prolonging their miserable privileges for some time. Those who have sold the Country in exchange for miserable interests and petty privileges: both individual and corporate, “discover” now that also are in danger all of them; although institutional barriers, nepotism and golden parachutes for eminent services rendered soften still the landing. Rome always pays the traitors while they are necessary or useful; but it will no longer do it when they are no longer needed.

They are the Pnv and the bureaucrats of the “agreed opposition and the inevitable negotiation” who lured their unwary followers, and have deceived and betrayed the Basque People, which they have led to the helplessness and the political nonexistence, and they continue deceiving it. And if it was not so, and they themselves were deceived (this: to be convinced that one is transmitting the truth, is the best way to deceive others), then “even worse”, since they demonstrated with it a degree of irresponsibility and mental under-development absolutely incompatible with the exercise of the most limited political role different than collaboration, complicity and betrayal. The first quality and the obligation of a politician is not letting to be fooled, or otherwise, he should stop calling himself a politician. The usual and insufferable snivelling of the innocent, pure and spotless, realistic and possibilistic politicians constantly mocked by their evil and devious allies: the evilest “centralists” who betrayed their trust, are a show too sad and stale as to elicit any consideration or respect.

They are the Pnv and the Eta, along with all their satellites, which have disguised, accredited, comforted and supported the Francoist Party (either in its traditional version of Ap/Pp, or in the transitive and National-socialist one of Falange-PsoE), as well as the Spanish intra-totalitarian transition, whose consequences are apparent more deeply every time. It’s them which did make of the unpresentable Francoist AP of Fraga an “honourably established” Party in this Country, and those which served and supported Ugt-PsoE up to give it the monopoly of the “socialist” opposition: reinvented, designed and financed by the Francoism, the CIA and its allies, accomplices and instruments of the western “democratic” States. Meanwhile, they did persecute, denounce, defame and slander – and they continue to do so – to all those who, from the liquidation pacts and in particular the pact of Munich in 1962, tried to disclose and publish what was being decided and was happening in the long Spanish intra-totalitarian transition to the régime of the Second Francoism, currently reigning. The free expression, in all its forms, is incompatible with the fascist monopoly in which they participate. “The institutional path and the armed struggle” are the cover of the collaborationism and complicity with French-Spanish imperialism; of the betrayal and corruption of its servers.

The recognition of the French-Spanish régime of military occupation of our Country as “non-violent and democratic”, the persecution and liquidation of the freedom of expression, communication and criticism (a result of bad faith), the obscurantism, dogmatism, fear and contempt for the truth and the common or scientific knowledge, are the work of the “moderate and radical” institutionalists Pnv-Eta and their satellites: armed and unarmed.

These armed and unarmed “Basque institutionalists” have actively and effectively participated in the task – vital for the French-Spanish fascist régime of military occupation of our Country, which they have accepted as legitimate, democratic and their own – of hiding, preventing, suppressing and aborting any theoretical or practical approach aimed towards the creation or development of an ideological and political opposition of strategic level against the French-Spanish imperialism. They have sacrificed all political-strategic virtuality to institutional opportunism, collaborationism, complicity and betrayal. They have ruined the political and ideological resources of this People, which has thus been abandoned to the ideological and political defencelessness and non-existence. They have allied themselves with the imperialistic forces and their Government to do so, and have benefited from the monopolies of criminal Violence and propaganda, in order to extend censorship, inability, misinformation, confusion and division to their popular base: either terrified, venal or resigned. They have thus achieved, on the one hand, the compensations that the corporate-bureaucratic corruption does require; and on the other, the frustration and despair of their populist clientele.

On the other hand, their empty provocations have exasperated the repressive violence of the occupying forces; have mobilized, reorganized, radicalized and enhanced the metropolitan Colonists; and have multiplied the number and the action of the autochthonous Renegades. Finally, the defeatism inherent in an ideology and a policy of losers such as theirs, and the experience of the clear and constant failure, have ruined the national and international credibility of the Basque Movement for the national Freedom and the Democracy; hampered its possible effective development in the social environments which were best prepared for it; and limited its expansion to the areas culturally and politically most harshly punished.

It has not been the mere material and ideological superiority of the international imperialism and fascism, the decisive factor of the current political catastrophe. Well understood: their “ideological superiority”, as it has already been explained, has nothing to do with any kind of epistemological and cientific superiority/honesty, but with the conscious and deliberate falsehoods that their monopolies of fascist indoctrination and propaganda – annex to their monopoly of criminal Violence – allow them to spread at all times and in continuous session upon a defenceless population.

In reality, French and Spanish imperialism and fascism would not have been able to achieve here their objectives up to this extent, should they had not had the decisive participation and the collaboration, the cooperation and complicity: continuous and obstinate, of the “Basque” institutionalist bands Pnv-Eta and their satellites that have been protagonists of “the institutional path and the armed struggle”. That is: without having had the support of the moderate and activist bureaucratic-corporate organization of the official “Basque opposition”: from the traditional Pnv to the Eta. Without them, the confirmation and the development of the Francoist imperialism would have not been possible. Had it not been for the betrayal of the Pnv and its satellites, it would not have been possible for the Second Francoism to establish, maintain, consolidate and develop as it has done during the last fifty years; and the most terrible and fateful mistakes would have been avoided. They have been the bureaucratism, corporatism, corruption and betrayal, the deliberate collaborationism, complicity and support from the bureaucracy of the Pnv and its armed and unarmed accomplices and satellites, which have resulted in the total helplessness: both ideological and political, of the Basque People. Without their decisive support in the task of liquidating the freedom of expression, these sub-products of propaganda of such despicable a content would have not been able to achieve even a fraction of their goals.

Short of total extermination or deportation, the imperialism and fascism cannot reduce the Peoples without counting on the indigenous opportunism and the institutional and strategic inability of a part of them. The ideological and political ineptitude, the imperialistic corruption and recuperation, the continued and stubborn indigenous collaborationism, complicity and betrayal do weaken, humiliate and put them on their knees. Peoples are attacked and ruined from without, but do collapse and sink from within. The same as any totalitarianism, a régime of foreign military occupation and colonization is in need of the inhibition, submission, collaboration, complicity or betrayal obtained from a part of the subjugated Peoples and States.

The members of the purported “political vanguard” Pnv-Eta, who have led to such results, are now trying to hide their role and to preserve their wretched privileges by saying late and badly something of what they did not let say – or did at least prevent people from hearing it – soon and well. Now they speak, all the time, “of strategy and tactics, of possibilism, minimalism, realism and pragmatism”. Yet, no strategy or tactics are possible without free communication and association; nor any free association and communication without a strategic principle, which they have completely eliminated.

These “Basque” bureaucracies supposedly ‘abertzale’ (patriotic) try to make us forget that there is no democratic policy that is worthwhile without an organized and independent Resistance, with strategic content: something that their agents are incapable of conceiving and whose simple evocation they cannot even bear. They talk about “democratic unity”; but their corporatism, sectarianism, elitism, bureaucratism and strategic liquidation have made it possible that the democratic forces be today more isolated, un-communicated, divided and helpless than they had never been under the primitive Francoism.

As good tricksters and liars, they now say that “if someone had told them what would happen, they had not believed him”, and that “after having seen it, everybody’s wise”; but those same people are who have actively participated: for fifty years already, in the fascist apparatus to prevent that anything could be said and learned in this Country on the capital strategic issues for the liberation of the Basque People. Those who now are saying that “democracy is over”, have been concealing for fifty years that it never began. Those who now say about their allies – either Pp or PsoE – that “with these people there is nothing to be done”, are the same ones who were going “to convince them”; the same ones who are still waiting for the opening of a process of “dialogue without violence and without exclusions”; and the same ones who are generously and heroically ready “to resign or withdraw from policy and leave the field open to the tanks”. They are the same ones who have closed the way to all strategic virtuality; and the same ones whose institutional palinode has hidden the roar of tanks and canons: which are here for so long time as the totalitarian régime that they established and guaranteed. (See our text: ‘50 años de funcionales sandeces’.)

All warnings had been to no avail: the authoritarianism of the bureaucracy in office could not bear but submission and flattery, and could not help to respond but with excommunications, lies, calumnies and defamations, denunciations, expulsions and persecutions to all those who – in Mexico, in Venezuela, in Argentina or in Europe itself – were trying to denounce what was happening and what was going to happen next. Neither then or now, half a century later, have the negationists dared to give an account of the nature, scope and implications of the operation that they of their cronies were carrying out; and to publicly confess the truth of the policy of surrender and demolition that they were following. The exclusion of all forms of free expression and information (with the help of the new Spanish “opposition”, prefabricated and financed by the Francoist régime and the Western Secret Services), allowed them to hide to the People their tinkering in progress and to prevent any attempt of Resistance or simple information of public opinion.

This priority objective did determine the most broad and unheard-of international front: from the official Francoism and the Agency and its satellites, up to the armed and unarmed institutionalists. It was the involuntary confession of the decisive virtuality of the question. It was also one more proof – for those who might need it – that the Spanish Nationalism of all tendencies, in full possession of the monopoly of criminal Violence and supported by the hegemonic Powers, would never accept a real and federal autonomy that could affect the total monopoly of Violence and involved redistribution, limited though it might be, of the absolute political power of the Spanish State on the Basque People.

The Pnv-Eta armed and unarmed institutionalists have in such a way demonstrated their skill for the electoral manoeuvres under the fascism, that they have managed to prepare, carry out and recognize the “democratic victory” of the Spanish nationalist single political Party in territories where the actual and virtual “sociological” majority would make it impossible. They try to hide that, even without the possibility of a real and officialopposition, the spontaneous majority of the Basque People and even of the administrative “citizenry” repudiates the policy of liquidation that they are maintaining from the post-war period. They prefer to “legitimize” the Spanish single-Party (with the reserve of 100,000 null votes attributed to the Eta), rather than to face a reality of 35% of “abstentions” of the administrative population – 37% in Gipuzkoa – under the conditions of the monopolies of propaganda, Viiolence and State Terrorism; what does evidence that the majority of the Basque People increasingly rejects the policy of collaboration, corruption, complicity and betrayal with the occupation régime.

The declared aim of the armed and unarmed “moderates and radicals” is now “to resolve the Basque conflict within the most absolute respect for the established order, with the renunciation of all violence as a means to achieve political ends, by strictly peaceful, political and democratic means, through votes and elections, persuasion, dialogue and the inevitable negotiation – if there is democracy and political will – among all the democrats, nationalists and non-nationalists, each one with his own ideas and projects, all legitimate and respectable, opening a process of self-determination in the absence of all violence, whether legalized or of response” etc. Which is not only absurd in the terms and false in the facts: it’s also a recurrent piece in the propaganda and psychological warfare of the imperialistic and fascist ideology.

But, in addition, that is not to solve the “Basque problem” but to consider it resolved: it is to deny the reality of the French-Spanish imperialism, which they never mention, and to practice the covering-up and the apologia of its régime of military occupation. If imperialism and fascism were not constituted by war and monopolistic criminal Violence, if they dialogued with the adversary or respected the fundamental human rights, if they negotiated with whom has no political entity to obtain it, or if peace and fundamental human rights were their sincere concern, then they wouldn’t be imperialism and fascism and there wouldn’t be any imperialistic problem to solve. Unfortunately the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism exists, and its objective is not dialogue etc. but the liquidation by all means of the subjugated Peoples’ freedom and their rights.

With criminal and terrorist States of this genre, with this rabble without honour or shame, do the moderate and radical, armed and unarmed Pnv-Eta collaborationists and accomplices say and want to make believe that they are going to “democratically resolve the political conflict through dialogue and negotiation, opening a peace process by means of word and dialogue, in the absence of any violence” etc.

Those who seek to first appease the imperialistic régime, and then lure it through submission, collaboration, complicity and betrayal, do only reveal the weakness of the subjugated Peoples, and excite the aggressiveness of the imperialism and fascism. Imperialism is the class-struggle at an international level: it is the domination and exploitation of one Country by another; and the Nationalist imperialism does in addition consist in the destruction of the dominated Nation and the imposition on it of the national characteristics of the oppressive Nation. In these conditions, in a Country subjugated under a National-imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation there is only place for two real Parties: that of the integration into the dominant power, and that of the Resistance.

The Pnv-Eta realists-possibilists-institutionalists try to present the régime of occupation as susceptible of agreeing to their delirious proposals of “dialogue, negotiation, consultations, processes of peace and right to decide inside the most absolute respect towards the institutions”, in the vain hope of getting it to believe that. They reject the “deficiencies and excesses” of the régime of occupation, repression and Terror, which they present and recognize as fundamentally valid and legitimate, “non-violent and democratic” at the same time, even though with defects and understandable deficiencies that do not alter its status because “no system is perfect and no one is 100% right: each one has the right that give it the voters” etc. This shameful accumulation of nonsense, this hypocritical display of axiological relativism, of false conciliatory spirit and equanimity, try to hide the reality of the imperialism and the complete failure of the institutional path – with or without attempts – for resolving anything in other way different than by the liquidation of all strategic Resistance.

The realist-possibilist-minimalist “strategy” of the Pnv and its satellites is based for fifty years in the idea that the subservience, the strategic, political and ideological liquidation, the collaboration, the complicity, the assumption of the principles of the Spanish Nationalism will “convince and mesmerize Spain”, and will gain for them the respect, kindness and gratitude of the imperialism. “We have been understood by our allies, from whom we receive assurances on which we are entitled to trust” (Manuel Irujo, 1962). Only the collaborationists and accomplices of the imperialism can cherish illusions in this regard. However many renunciations, concessions, humiliations, captivating propositions they provide, they will never get anything else. In hypothesis, they could extend for three hundred or three thousand years more their empty attempts, and the imperialism and fascism would have no cause for concern as they retain the essential: the monopoly of violence and terror constituentof the occupation régime, which allows them to resolve any situation with cannon fire; which they have never deprived doing.

The Pnv-Eta armed and unarmed institutionalists do thus exclude the only possible strategy against the imperialism, and declare insoluble and absurd everything that they do not understand, nor want to understand, nor have any interest in understanding. To do this they need to hide the reality of imperialism, whose criticism – fully mitigated and accessory, limited to the “excesses” – they turn into an apologia. The result has been political paralysis of a defenceless country, without own institutions or strategy; and the People who do not have them is obliged to serve the institutions and strategy of the one that does have them: in our case the occupying States, France and Spain. Since the 19thcentury, the incapability of that purported indigenous political class (its foralist incapability to verify both the reality of the political phenomenon of the imperialistic occupation régime, as well as the imperialistic resolution in its rejection of any territorial distribution of real power), and its persistence in a “political” line of strategic liquidation and ideological illusionism, with all its disastrous consequences, are nowadays maintained in the hallucinations and behaviour of those ones’ successors, well protected against the “erring paths” of political realism, and returned to the “wisdom” of those who were their illustrious predecessors.

“Private” benefits and privileges put aside, the political “achievements” to which they have sacrificed all strategic virtuality and national solidarity show their sad precariousness. The mirage of “decentralization” vanishes, and the “autonomous” institutions already do not deceive anyone. The current heirs of the Francoism are the “Basque democrats and socialists” that the “abertzale moderates and radicals” have imposed, presented, comforted and supported before their unwary followers. The Francoist “honourable gentlemen of the moderate right-wing and the Christian democracy” prove to be and appear as the brigandish imperialists and fascists that they have always been. The “workers and left-wing front”, and “all the working class of Spain, which is with us”, do merge and intermingle in the Nationalist Union: sacred, consecrated and exasperated by the Francoist transition.

Once all expectation has been ruined, the fascist imperialism: consolidated thanks to “the moderates and the radicals”, does need less and less of their unbearable support so as to minimize the democratic opinion. During the intra-totalitarian transition, before the virtuality of a national Resistance of strategic level, to get that the (Basque) “nationalists” – “terrorists” included – would participate in the “institutions” was the central objective of the “new” régime. But now the Pnv and its satellites struggle to maintain at all costs on them. The institutional toll, which formerly the “democratic” fascism required and they did grant, is now what they beg and the sovereign power does increasingly deny to them. The inert, sterile and forced deprivation of the “right to vote” is the reversal and the reactionary caricature of the strategic abstention and boycott. (But the first abstainers, who did never vote after the “transition”, are those who were left murdered in the mountains, ditches, bullrings and walls of the cemeteries; the children, women and men blown up under the bombs, excluded forever from the electoral roll by the inclusive, democratic and non-violent Spanish imperialism and fascism.)

They thus intend to return to a yearned “democratic” past that they had fostered, supported and enjoyed but that will never return. They beg the devolution of the miserable economic, ideological or electoral privileges that they identify with democracy; privileges that the régime of occupation did grant to them on payment of their participation and support in the intra-totalitarian “transition”, and that removes from them when – consolidated thanks to themselves – has no longer need of their services in order to devour and digest all democratic opposition. They grovel now before the fascist political power, imploring and begging to be allowed to participate, when this one – which no longer needs them – throws them kicked from the institutions while the still legal collaborators and accomplices set their own house in order, and the respective clienteles draw their own conclusions with regard to the future.

Upon “discovering” the national “front” of the unique Francoist political Party the collaborators “regain the initiative” by the flight forward, aspiring to participate in it and turning the frentist bi-partite into a tri-partite one even more frentist. They struggle to uphold its merits and demonstrate their ability to integrate as full members and assume an increasingly more active role in the imperialistic and fascist domination apparatus. With unsurpassable cleverness, they do not disguise but do identify themselves with the imperialism up to exceed its requirements; in such a way that – as they imagine – lured, seduced and enthralled by the liquidation of the People’s policy and of the People itself, the unique Party shall grant (although it be not seen very well why) its favours to the representatives of what already does not exist.

“The moderate and radical”, armed and unarmed Pnv-Eta opportunists-institutionalists have dragged up to the impotence and immobility the People which they claim to be defending and representing. For fifty years the Pnv and its satellites: with attempts and without them, have deceived, misled, decimated, and ruined it; have divided, bored and demoralized it; have plunged it into the helplessness, the division, the strategic nullity and the political, ideological and mental alienation. They have put and locked it into a deadly trap, a dead end without a way out nor any hope of finding it.

The Pnv-Eta “moderates and radicals” have never had – and still do not have – the slightest idea about how to find the way out of the situation that they have so much contributed to establish and maintain, nor the least intention of looking for it. Quite on the contrary, those collaborationists and accomplices do actively coincide with the régime in the priority task of avoiding, ruining and pursuing all development of a conscience and an opposition of strategic level, which would endanger the system of which they are an integrated part. Their historical mission consists in reducing and keeping the Basque People’s Resistance at an infra-strategic level.

Economically, politically and ideologically dependent of the régime in which they are comfortably or in many cases uncomfortably lodged or dislodged, they are unable to politically and ideologically make a stand because that would mean to cut the umbilical cord that feeds them. By their conditions and interests, by their future, ideology and strategy (both individual, bureaucratic and corporate), they are symbiotically and existentially, structurally, economically, ideologically and politically linked to the current imperialistic and fascist régime.

Their real mission is to keep apparent and superficial agitation that conceals the reality of immobility and the passing of time; to manage the clientelism and corruption; to ensure ideological under-development of the population; to wear out in vain its political, economic, cultural and human resources; to ruin its national will; and to follow deceiving the People and keeping it in the defencelessness. It is the permanent deceit: the delusions, the lost mind and the lost notion of reality, the vain hopes and ideological mirages. It is the containment, deviation, exhaustion, destruction, and useless sacrifice of people, forces and resources; the organization of corruption; the operations of diversion and substitution: these are the tasks that are own and continuous work of the “moderate and radical” Pnv-Eta bureaucrats.

The theoretical and practical nullity of their contribution is so absolute that it reveals a kind of specific genius to do so, without comparison nor equivalent in the past and the present of human societies. Their function is the conditioning, fixing, reduction, manipulation, intoxication and recuperation of the democratic forces, while the roll of the French-Spanish colonial steamroller destroys, day by day, the human and material resources of the People that it tries to annihilate.

Directed, enhanced and manipulated to do so through the established monopoly of propaganda, the components of the Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy have perhaps managed to make believe their followers that imperialism and fascism do not exist. An imaginary and non-existent “democratic deficit” and “state of emergency”, are additional functional fabrications: another reactionary invention more that allows them to hide the reality of what is the normal state and behaviour of the fascist régime of military occupation, and to make its apologia while seemingly they feign to denounce it. Since, from all evidence, despotism, imperialism and fascism do exist, and murder, torture, kidnap, steal and pursue freedom of thought and expression as they have always done: in all normality, without deficits or exceptions. They don’t need them for being what they are and acting in accordance with their nature.

In reality, their “denouncement” is actually the most insidious denial and ideological evacuation of the real structure of criminal Violence characteristic of the imperialistic system of domination, which is being maintained in our Country without interruption – since already eight centuries ago – in an incurably unlawful and criminal way, however much the local collaborationists of every historical epoch may have ignored and tried to hide it. It’s only that now that system is being “maintained” in a “legitimate, non-violent and democratic” way thanks to the support of the Pnv-Eta “armed and unarmed moderates and radicals”.

To protest and to carry the masses (or what’s left of them) in demonstration against an imaginary “democracy-deficient” State or a “rule of exception” that does not exist neither formally nor really, thus preserving the fascist lie of a democratic normality, is not an act of opposition to the régime of occupation but an act of collaboration and complicity with the imperialism and fascism, an act of covering-up, apologia and enhancement of the State terrorism; it is an increasingly illusory attempt to accommodate within its normality. (It is not surprising that Amnesty International has joined this peculiar “criticism” of the imperialistic totalitarianism: censoring what does not exist cannot trouble too much any régime whatsoever, but quite the opposite.)

The Peoples have a tougher skin than what its predators believe or expect. A People can sometimes survive to conquests, wars, occupations, depredations, epidemics or natural disasters. In fact, small and materially weak Peoples have recovered the robbed national freedom; yet, a calamity like the authoritarian, sectarian, defeatist, incompetent, malleable and ultimately corrupt bureaucracies of the Pnv and its armed and unarmed derivatives, this is something impossible to overcome. Not even the Sixth Fleet would keep afloat commanded by the peneuvist bureaucrats. No People can survive that does not recognize itself, that loses its self-esteem and all consciousness of the reality of its surrounding world, that takes refuge in absurd theories and vain hopes, that entrusts itself to a “political class” composed of subnormal, abnormal and venal, opportunistic, collaborationists and accomplices that the totalitarian power imposes as a political direction. A “political class” ridiculously haughty, ignorant and rustic in the worst sense of the word, which believes that it can afford to completely ignore and pull to the trash-bin its own State historically constituted and maintained in an official way and internationally recognized for a thousand years, while it recognizes the imperialistic and fascist occupying States as “legitimate, non-violent and democratic” and participates in their totalitarian juridical monopolies, which deny the Basque People and State.

“Thanks” to that “political class”, this Country spends the life waiting for something that does never arrive; because nothing, and even less Freedom, does ever arrive by work of vain illusions that once and again produce bitter disappointments. More than half a century fooling the People that they claim to represent and defend; sixty years of sham persuasion, dialogue, realism, possibilism and minimalism, with their corollary of alleged armed struggle, revolutionary war and inevitable negotiation, have brought the inevitable, foreseeable and expected outcome. The “temporary” régime: thanks to the “institutional struggle and the armed struggle” now politically and ideologically strengthened, does not need now – or at least thinks not to need – their services and prepares, logically, to do without services and servers in the quickest and most expeditious way possible.

In reality the whole “policy of the Basque official opposition”: perfectly integrated into the system, rests on the ignorance-denial of the imperialistic reality; and on the affirmation of the spontaneous or forced willingness of the Spanish and French political class to accept or respect democratically the will of the “Basque people”: a fabulous entity that, for them, lacks any real and legal existence. Now then, to believe that an imperialistic régime of two major and implacable predators of Peoples: built along centuries of crimes of war, against peace and against humanity and in full disposition of the monopoly of violence, is going to retreat and proceed to its self-disarmament as a result of the “electoral triumphs”, the persuasion, the dialogue and exhortations of the stupid or hypocritical apostles and heralds of the “non-violence”; or as a result of the individual attempts, the silly protests, the “general” or hunger strikes – whether “unlimited” or testimonial – and other “findings” from the opportunistic, realistic, possibilistic, maximalist, minimalist or medievalist official “basque” opposition, that is something that will only believe he who wants to believe it. It is only fooled he who wants to be cheated.

The Spanish Army remains being the Francoist army that won the war; in spite of the posthumous “recognition” that can be obtained by the republican army, which lost it. If anyone truly believes that the Spanish armed forces, and the State which they base, are democratic, peaceful and non-violent institutions, it’s because he has never seen or heard a Spanish Military at close range or a Civil Guard from a distance. He thus shows the degree of mental decomposition resulting from the fascist monopolies of violence and propaganda, ensured by the local services collaboration, complicity and betrayal.

The abjection of these Pnv-Eta agents is the supreme stage of subservience, collaboration and betrayal. Their humiliating renunciations were the recognized necessary part in the enterprise that was going to “produce” the “democracy”, i.e.: the self-reform and consolidation of the Francoism under the protectorate of the hegemonic Powers. They imagined that they could tame the beast by means of subservience, humiliation, collaboration and complicity in its crimes. But the subservience and humiliation have only as effect to excite and increase the contempt, irritation, impatience and xenophobic fury that the servile and corrupt aborigines inspire to their lords and masters, who only see in it what it really is: intellectual, vital and political weakness and disability on which they can lean so as to increase and improve the means and measures of State violence and Terrorism; to extend and intensify the repression; and to accelerate the progress towards the final solution with the unconditional support of the United Nations (which have betrayed their own proclaimed international legality), of the European Imperialistic Union (which has not betrayed anyone because it has always been what it is), and of the States that are members of the international Imperialistic and Terrorist system of domination. All that “win elections”, all that “making moves”, all that “lost ball in the high weeds”, all that “Table of Alsasua”, all that “Declaration of Ayete”, of here and there, all that “inevitable negotiation” and all that humiliation to reach to that result. “To these ones, rod!” is the known conclusion of all organs of Government and repression of France and of Spain, of Europe and of America, as well as of their respective “public opinions”.

The political incompetence, impotence and failure –for more than a hundred years now –of the purported Basque ‘intelligentsia’ and “nationalist political class”, along with the propaganda, the memory and the nostalgia for an idealized foral régime, come from the vain current hope that had also in the past fed the illusion of being able to live under “enlightened, moderate and modern” imperialism and Empires in which “the Basques can feel comfortable while remaining in Spain” and also in France, why not?; since, in the end, everything consists of becoming good Spanish and French patriots, and of forgetting about the national independence of the Basque Perople and of its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre.

And we are not talking now about the spirit that animated that local aristocracy: the “Caballeritos [Knighty] of Azkoitia”; who did in 1763-65 create both the “Royal Basque Society of Friends of the Country” [i.e.: Royalty and Country of the Catholic Monarchy], as well as their equally “Royal Patriotic Seminary of Nobles of Vergara”, under an ideological mixture of alleged “liberalism and enlightenment” in the economic cultural sphere, and of imposition of their reactionary aristocratic authoritarianism and criminal Spanish imperialism on the Basque People in the political sphere. (Cf. the the ‘Matxinada’ [riot] of 1766 against those little Knights.) No. We are talking about the current continuation of that same delusion; which, verbalized with those same words quoted above – by the “Basque Lehendakari” Ardanza in the Pnv Assembly held at the Arriaga Theatre in Bilbao, in January 1988: the so-called “Spirit of the Arriaga”, reaches our days.

It is this deep-rooted inclination of the Pnv bureaucracy to deceive its party-members and our People, by presenting their own mirages or ghostly “spiritw” as if they were realities, which had led another purported “Basque lehendakari”, Carlos Garaikoetxea, to the abjection of distributing the “constitutional” piperpoto (Spanish flag) through the barracks that the Spanish Civil Guard has installed in our Country to occupy it militarily and subjugate it by means of these foreign occupation forces, presented as if they were our own. For all these reasons, and carried always by the need to hide the results of their ideological and political failure, all these “Basque politicians and intellectuals”: who for more than forty years have adopted the policy of submission and the humiliation to the Spanish imperialistic régime of the Second Francoism already admitted by them as democratic, do ignore and endeavour on ignoring the natural and historical solidarity between the various imperialisms in the face of their common or respective prey.

Because they also seek to affirm a delirious “differential” of attitudes amongst the imperialistic States, being so that they have never hidden but have made it clear in every way: jointly and separately, their flawless will and determination to end with the Peoples that they have subjugated. And they “discover” periodically – but always late – that the imperialistic occupying States: France and Spain, are what they are and not what their futile hopes were imagining.

Setting aside the declared and registered imperialists and fascists, only the hypocrite Collaborationists and the indigenous Renegades and Accomplices of the imperialism have been able to pretend that the denial of the People,  national freedom and the Peoples’ right of self-determination: a denial that they sustain while comforting the imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation admitted by them as a “democratic” one etc., could and would be reconciled with the respect for freedom and fundamental human rights in general, and that it is compatible with them.

For their part the indigenous institutionalists: included the once armed and now unarmed, as well as their “social and cultural” branches and media terminals, intoxicate our people every day by denouncing with stupid or mercenary obstinacythe “democratic deficit” and a non-existent “state of exception”of the fascist regime (since for the Basque People Spanish fascism is not the exception but the norm), which according to them “discredits the Spanish democracy”. Similarly, they do “discover” that the established powers do not comply with their own fascist laws (imposed through the monopoly of criminal Violence for our People to suffer), whereas they have instead accepted them as democratic and do comply with them; that their repression “is political and not juridical” (being so that both concepts are one and the same thing); that they refuse to talk or negotiate with them (being so that negotiation involves having a political entity that rag dolls like themselves do not have); that they do not allow them to vote in a “referendum on self-determination” (being so that fundamental human rights are not to be put to a vote); that they do exert torture (being so that to their own shame not even this leads them to revise their dogma that the Spanish fascist régime is a democratic one); that they do not bring the prisoners to what they themselves call “Basque prisons” (no comment); that their endearing traditional allies: the fascist and Spanish-National-socialists-workers of Falange-PsoE, have deceived them; that they are not to be trusted and that they do not fulfil the given word (being so that they themselves are crying out to be cheated and yet they continue in their disgusting and stubborn affirmation/acceptance of “Spanish democracy”); and that the criminal Spanish imperialists and fascists make legal traps and are untruthful, that they are very rude and do not respect their delicate sensitivity, whereas they respect that of all: of all the imperialists and fascists.

However, those who thus manifest themselves are not mentally deficient persons who live on the fringes of all reality. They simply are alienated and/or corrupt persons that hide the nature and crimes of the French-Spanish Imperialism and Fascism; and that, with their ridiculous allegations, what they actually are making is the apologia of the “more or less democratic and non-violent” régime of occupation, annexation, colonization and genocide. Ireality, what they really do with ardour is to ignore, hide and deny the Basque People, its national freedom, its authentic democracy, and its fundamental and inherent human rights of self-determination and legitimate self-defence: which that democracy must necessarily be founded upon, so as not to be mere feigning and folly, as well as its own State: the Kingdom of Nabarre; in all that the Pnv-Eta indigenous institutionalists do not believe at all.

“Error is human” they tell us cynically (in a shameless attempt to justify themselves), which is true; but totalitarianism, repression and lies: which they do uphold in favour of French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalisms while calling them “democracy”, are also so, and not for that reason they can be excusable. “Everyone can make mistakes” they still say to excuse themselves, feigning to be falsely sorry. Yet, those who say to be always “absolutely convinced” of all the stupidities that they do utter (in a continuous session), have no right to excuse themselves with the “human error” that they did not want to avoid when they were previously warned of it. An error that, on the other hand, when reality has invariably show itself non-conforming with those previous and erroneous “absolute convictions” of theirs, they have never confessed or acknowledged having ever made.

In any event, there cannot be place for invoking ignorance or error when the facts and the method for processing them were within reach of everyone, and their results were predictable and had also been foreseen. In order to prevent them it was enough to hear and see; but the indigenous institutionalists: both the “moderates” from the Pnv as well as the formerly armed and now unarmed “radicals” from the Eta, would not hear, or see, or understand, or let say nothing that does not please them. They just do what it likes to them, or what Imperialism and Fascism tell them and in any case want them to: all of which comes to be one and the same thing. As it happens in “high” finance, the catastrophes – announced though they may be – are mounted by them all alone, but the bill is to be paid for by the others.

The warlike and political disasters weaken even more the weak Peoples; but not the responsible agents that have caused them, to whom they do comfort and strengthen. It could be thought – after the many years or centuries during which conquest, repression and wars of resolution and extermination are occurring in our Country – that the sense, content and evaluation of history we have suffered, and of its methods, should leave no doubts for anyone; and, therefore, that the catastrophic results of “the institutional path and the armed struggle” – in the conditions of French-Spanish imperialism and fascism – should “normally” lead to a broad social movement for its reconsideration, revision and replacement by different means.

Yet, the occupied and colonized Peoples are not in their normal state and do not react as if they were so; on the contrary – stubborn or stupid – they continue their march to disaster. With a stubbornness that would astonish the dung beetle itself, they accept to incessantly repeat the same disastrous, futile and unsuccessful attempts, the same desperate efforts to get out of the trap without way out in which they’ve been caught. Without there having until today got our Country: which is suffering all this, be able to light up the political culture nor class capable of getting it out of the death trap in which the stupidity and corruption, dogmatism and obscurantism, charlatanism and illusionism, sectarianism, corporatism, bureaucratism and authoritarianism, petty and vain individual and collective ambitions of its purported political class, have locked it up. Under such conditions, a fantastic vision of policy and history – typical of these zombies – renders useless one’s own experience, and ignores or misrepresents the example of the others.

There are no grounds for exemptions nor mitigating circumstances, but for aggravating ones, for those agents who for many years have accepted, recognized and “legitimized” through the institutional path: with their votes, their “negotiations” and their propaganda, the criminal power imposed by means of war and military occupation. Such agents have repressed the freedom of information and criticism, and persecuted the “dissidents” by all means at their disposal in the conditions of the fascist monopolies of violence and propaganda: including lies, slander, defamation and denunciation. It is their function, for this they have been conditioned, manipulated, and are being paid. It is doubtful that the crocodile tears of the service mourners will move their victims, the day in which the power that keeps them decides to do without them.

That band of irresponsible and unscrupulous incompetents, exhibitionists with Basque acronyms, has already attained the necessary, predictable and predicted result of their policy of strategic liquidation of the democratic forces, and the general acceleration of the process leading to the submission and final liquidation of the Basque People: the fundamental and unchanging objective of the French-Spanish imperialism. Those who sacrificed the strategic potentiality and the social cohesion of the popular forces so as to satisfy their opportunism and their miserable individual and corporate ambitions, do now discover that also these ones are at risk without remedy. They abandoned the democratic struggle for a comforting dish of lentils, and soon they will have neither one thing nor another. Rome does not pay traitors, when they cease to be useful.

In the functional totality of the imperialistic system, the repression is sometimes tempered and mingled with the enhancement and publicity. Since the Pact of Santoña until today, the espionage Services of the Spanish imperialism have maintained and still maintain on active points of contact, informants, spokespersons under influence, and “negotiators in reserve” available and manipulated, who allow them to discover, know, provoke, intoxicate, deviate and corrupt the actual and virtual pockets of democratic resistance. Thanks to those elaborate schemes, the real power does repress and enhance at the same time. It combines provocation and recuperation, information and denouncement, corruption and manipulation, in charge of its local accomplices and collaborators; which explains the apparent ambiguity of its tactics in this regard.

Indeed, the diverse attacks of the fascist régime against the “institutionalists and activists” are at the same time a gigantic propaganda aimed to accredit and inflate them in the face of their social base. In principle, and by its very nature, the imperialistic régime of military occupation tends to the elimination of all signs, displays or residue of political identity of the subjugated Peoples, even though it “puts up with”, bears and uses them while it cannot avoid to have to do so.

The French Republic, and its “left” and right-wing Parties, have taken and do take until its last consequences and without hesitation the constitutional logic of their “Republican” empire, by outlawing everything that they consider puts into question the French unity. The same thing was made and will be made by the Kingdom of Spain, which did institutionally incorporate the Eta while was useful, and will again put an end to the legality of the Pnv when it feels strong enough or finds it weak enough. With its current approach of strategic integration into the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of our Country’s military occupation: a régime that it has admitted as “democracy” and its criminal State as legitimate and its own (“the State”, as it never tires of saying at all hours), the Pnv can – ready for the worst – muddle along for some time, as its “Carlist” generator did for one hundred and fifty years; which, in itself, we do not at all care about.

The line of strategic liquidation initiated sixty years ago by the bureaucracy of the Pnv has only obtained increasingly tougher exigencies from the imperialism, since this one moves immediately and systematically its positions forward whenever the “opposition” goes backwards. Trying to appease or tame the imperialistic beast; to persuade the fascism and “dialogue” with it; or to oppose – under military occupation – “democratic votes”, words and attempts against the imperialistic criminal Violence and Terrorism, all these are illusory and absurd purposes that only the “moderate or radical” Basque accomplices of French-Spanish imperialism and fascism can feed.

Only the accomplices of imperialistic-fascist propaganda can believe or try to make believe that “persuasion and dialogue” can affect the ideological dictatorship of imperialism; just the same as only they can believe or try to make believe that the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism and its exploitation against the subjugated People will go back before the votes, words and attempts, in the conditions of a fascist régime of military occupation. Imperialism and Fascism do not dialogue, otherwise they would not be Imperialism and Fascism. Sometimes, when the strategic rapport of forces does inevitably force them to do so, they negotiate; which, thanks to these accomplices, is very far from occurring in the occupied territories of the Basque People that the Pnv-Eta group has reduced to political and ideological defencelessness.

As it has already been pointed out, the own consciousness of its impotence/non-existence as a really operational opposition had led to the reconciliation of the Spanish demo-Christians sectors with the classes and powers which constituted the fascism; which was validated as “democratic” through the fraud of the intra-totalitarian transition, and then accepted as an honourable partner in international institutions. For its part, the “left front” declared abolished the class struggle and proclaimed its reconciliation with whatever that were needed. It was no longer the “bourgeoisie”, nor the “extreme right”, nor fascism converted to “parliamentary democracy” that were the “priority” enemies of the Spanish or French Nationalist “left” but, from then on, they became an always possible ally against the real priority enemy and the only one that the Nationalist “leftists” cannot stand, namely: the National Resistance of the Peoples oppressed by the Spanish-French Nationalist imperialism.

Their condemnation of the “terrorism” – that is to say: the legitimate defence of the subjugated Peoples against the imperialistic Terrorism – and their rabid support to the Fascism and to the past and permanent State Terrorism: necessary for the maintenance of the imperial-colonialist heritage of France and of Spain, is the false alibi with which they attempted to hide their social-imperialistic position that they call “socialist” or “communist”. It is the inclined plane upon which they are placed and which has inexorably led them to the obscene exhibition without complexes of their sacred National Union, and of their identification with the criminal Nationalist, Imperialistic and Colonialist enterprise of domination and exploitation of the Peoples. Since

“A sceptre [power] snatch’d with an unruly hand / Must be as boisterously maintain’d as gain’d; / And he that stands upon a slippery place / Makes nice of no vile hold to stay him up [...]; / For he that steeps his safety in true blood / Shall find but bloody safety and untrue.” (W. Shakespeare; ‘King John’, III, iv, 135/48.)

With the turn of the century, the Second Francoism has considered it finished the intra-totalitarian transition. National-imperialistic capitalism, financial and landowner oligarchy, bourgeoisie, clericalism and fascism blissfully triumphant and consolidated, all political opposition and all critical ideology have disappeared. Surpassed already the delicate phase of the “transition, the pact and the consensus”, the official and governmental (twofold) Francoist Party, managing agent of real military power, has the most enthusiastic support of almost – the reserve is by principle – the totality of Spaniards. The repression, containment or recuperation of the popular or working “classes” of Spain lack any reality and meaning, since there is nothing to repress, contain or recuperate. And the recourse to the “opposition” is increasingly superfluous, though it be necessary for demonstration of “democratic pluralism” of the régime. Anyway, the diversity of other political Parties has been legalized provided that all of them do and say the same thing and maintain the principles of the movement on all core issues.

The emergence of new “regenerationist” Spanish political Parties, as a result of the scandalous structural corruption of the régime at all levels, does not ever call into question the foundations of the imperialist and colonial State that make it possible and necessary, and their objective is limited to an illusory action “to improve the common house”, usually with express and demagogic appeals to increase and strengthen the totalitarian integration of the subjugated Peoples and States by the removal of the foral remainders of popular power that they still retain; sometimes even under the guise of proposing a “referendum on self-determination” held from and under the régime of colonization and military occupation, and of course as an instrument to deny their independence.

Feature of any political operation which ends up being recuperated by the imperialism (its inevitable result, when it’s about forces that do not want or cannot establish an independent strategy but act in its orbit), such political Parties do work as auxiliary nets of the large trawling system driven by the imperialism, with the function of catching again the sectors that the major nets are not already able to retain. But, obviously, it is not possible to avoid – let alone fight – the imperialistic and fascist régime after having been recuperated by it, and without denouncing it as such from an autonomous ideological-strategic position.

There is no possibility of creating a truly regenerative political Party on the basis of ignoring or circumventing that the democratic revolution in Spain and France is structurally impossible starting from the preservation of the present unitary oligarchic, national-imperialistic and fascist régimes of military occupation on the subjugated Peoples and States; and keeping the imposture of their recognition as democratic régimes, and the correlative denial-repression of the right of self-determination of those Peoples. However, all new appearance of “regenerationist” groups in the political panorama of the occupying States does invariably consist in trying to find the formula able to realize the impossible dream so often looked for: the perfect “mixed” system that manages to combine the reforming and authentically integrating efficiency of the democratic system, along with the maintenance of the imperialistic régime on the occupied Peoples and States that they so endearingly cherish. They cannot – and do not want to – understand that it is simply impossible, and that it was already lastly tried by the Second Spanish Republic, with the result that we know. But never mind: imperialists of all kinds and appearance keep still baiting us with the Third... or the Fifth; always counting for it on a so experienced as sterile recuperation of popular forces in the colonies at the service of the unitarian-imperialistic objectives, and on the assistance of the Renegades and the Collaborationist, along with the guilt-ridden and muddled individuals of always, which unfortunately never are missing among the subjected Peoples.

Not because of having been constantly expressed and explained we’ll leave repeating it over again: “A program of democratic stability driven by the popular forces offers a maximum of reforming efficiency and, therefore, a minimal risk and social cost. A program of recuperation and opportunism leads to the total failure and, therefore, to the catastrophic worsening of the social crisis, to the general totalitarian regression: a valid – if not preferential – solution for the imperialistic strategy.” [Otra vez “elecciones generales” (LAN DEYA, Mayo-1977).]

As it has already been exposed, in the Basque subjugated People and State the response of the purported official opposition in the face of the Nationalist, Fascist and Totalitarian front was fatally undermined and determined by corruption, defeatism, authoritarianism and opportunism of its Pnv-Eta political bureaucracy: liquidationist of the democratic and popular institutions, as well as by the ideological-strategic recuperation achieved by imperialism, which had infiltrated the ideas, terms and positions of that purported “Basque political class”; all of which could only lead to disaster. Indeed, just the same as they did in the past with regard to the official fascism, in the scenario that led to the Pact of Munich and the intra-totalitarian transition, the bureaucracies of “the moderates and the radicals”, unable to incorporate learning from the already experienced facts and to understand the inescapable need of preserving and enhancing our own popular forces – whose potential they always despised – as the only guarantee against the imperialistic Nationalism, keep on jeopardizing and sabotaging all national and democratic union by relying on “the change that occurs from within” of the imperialism: now of the diverse national-socialist puppets of the official fascism. And this even though they have never abandoned or modified the national-imperialistic positions, with the affirmation of the French-Spanish social-imperialism as “democratic” political organization for our Country, and the radical denial of the occupied People and of its right of self-determination as fundamental thesis.

The main road chosen by the collaborationism of “the moderates and the radicals”: “realistic-possibilistic-minimalistic through the electoral participation and the progress step by step without haste”... but without pausing towards the submission and the totalitarian integration in the political, ideological, economic, social and cultural structures of French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism, accepted as “democratic and non-violent”; and its side-road and alibi, a structural complement to the former one: “revolutionary-maximalist through the war of liberation and the armed struggle”, which ended with the recognition of the damage done to the “democratic Spanish rule of law”, the request for forgiveness to the victims of the imperialistic Nationalism, and the return to the “father’s house” and its traditional route, did reveal themselves catastrophic for the subjected People and routes to disaster, as it was announced.

As an “excellent” practical result achieved by such “effective managers” collaborators of the “democratic” imperialistic régime, the indigenous social, economic and financial fabric and its popular control do fatally recede under the totalitarian integration; culminating with the delivery and dissapearance-appropiation of popular credit institutions, carried out at the hands of corporate elites and “foundations”. After some setbacks and contingencies, the governmental tactics have got finally imposed also with regard to the attempts; which has been shamefully adorned and disguised in the eyes of the People through the caution and alibi provided by “international intermediaries and verifiers”. The negotiation-trap, the unilateral truce and the delivery of weapons (those of the Eta, of course, not of the Spanish army), along with the truceless and even more unilateral repression, have finished with them for the benefit of the pure and unblemished institutionalism.

The addicts of “the institutional path” are an increasingly evident part of the political and ideological system of criminal Violence, domination and corruption that constitutes the imperialistic régime. They are themselves, the purported Pnv-Eta “official Basque political class” and its unpresentable armed and unarmed representatives, those who because of incompetence, stupidity, exhibitionism, corporatism, bureaucratism, corruption, opportunism, collaborationism, complicity, betrayal and miserable or delusional ambitions of power have embraced the policy of French-Spanish imperialism and fascism, and accepted the strategic assumptions and ideological principles of the imperialistic and colonial régime, within which there is no place nor salvation for freedom and democracy. They have divided and irreparably confronted their political base, because there is no political unity but within a strategic function. Without it there is not any place for unity, nor any need for it, either. Peoples are not defeated because they are divided; the strategic liquidation precedes the political decomposition.

To end up making a complete disaster, the Pnv-Eta armed and unarmed institutionalists and their satellites have also adapted, falsified, spoofed and recuperated words, concepts, signs and symbols of identity so that they may correspond to those needed by fascism and imperialism. As if with the changing of names the things were to change, they call “Basque populars and socialists” to the self-declared Spaniards from the fascist and terrorist, Spanish Nationalist single Party, that is: the traditional Francoists and their National-socialist puppets. Trying likewise to reduce and falsify fundamental concepts, they call “right to decide” the international, fundamental and inherent right of self-determination of all Peoples; “Euskadi”, the three Spanish vascongadas Provinces; “Basque (or “Navarrese”) Government”, the puppet regional Administration; “Autonomous Police” (what the official euskarologists call “the Ertzaintza”), the auxiliary services of the Civil Guard; “Irrati-telebixta”, the Spanish proximity media of additional propaganda; and – in the end – unionists and unionism, the imperialists and their régime of military occupation, which the collaborationists do not even dare to describe as totalitarian, imperialistic and fascist; not at least without introducing so many precautions and restrictions in language, that in the end the concepts disappear. Ever since, the victors burn, drag or expose the Ensigns of the vanquished: what they call “the ikurrina” is now humbled and incorporated in the domestic service of the piperpoto. The usurpation, counterfeiting and recuperation of the signs of identity of the subjugated People are features of the Second Francoism. The ideological language is the one imposed by the political power; and the institutionalist puppets, having no real power whatsoever, they simply repeat the ideological language of the sole existing power.

Aboriginal collaborationists and accomplices of the imperialism: the Pnv-Eta organizations that form the armed and the unarmed moderates and radicals, are bureaucratized corporations that have as vital purpose their own survival, expansion and reproduction, and are absolutely dependent on the evolution and initiative of the Spanish régime on which they depend and whose consolidation they have been decisively contributing to for almost fifty years. Since then, they have been collaborating with the monopolies of violence and ideological repression, and have falsified and betrayed freedom, democracy and fundamental human rights.

The real role of the “Basque official opposition”: a role at the service of the consolidation of the French-Spanish imperialistic régime of military occupation, is to persecute, fight and reduce the National and Democratic Resistance of the Basque People to a spontaneous and infra-strategic level; to comfort the established criminal power, which does for this purpose use and manipulate it; to hide the fundamental nature of the criminal French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime: established on the monopoly of criminal Violence and hideous, countless and imprescriptible crimes; to keep its most unprotected victims in their vain illusions; to recruit the staff and to administer with it the auxiliary services of corruption, plunder, recuperation, intoxication and repression; to block the way to the production, expression and communication of ideas; to make impossible and absurd at the same time any political unity and association; to create among the National Resistance useless groups: aberrant abscesses destined to exhaust, block and fix it on sterile targets, false expectations, diverse happenings, performances and installations, and on operations of diversion and agitation; to produce the noise, distractions and clouds of smoke necessary in order to lose all notion of the real evolution and situation; to finally make believe that there is nothing to be done here except to accept submission; to prevent the constitution of the dominated People in a real political agent; to prevent any mobilization and strategic integration of the potential resources: both intellectual and material; to limit and reduce the level of Resistance to the so-called institutional path along with the so-called armed struggle: “sole possible and conceivable alternative” according to them (that’s why we’ve been brought to this sad plight); and, in short, to fix targets that ensure the permanent subjection of the Basque People to the French-Spanish régime of military occupation.

The institutional path is not a part or supplement of their policy, it is all their policy. “Legalists and constitutionalists” are not the legal nor illegal opposition tothe imperialistic régime: they are the opposition ofthe imperialistic régime itself. They cannot nor want to face the political existence – they cannot even imagine it – but withinthe régime of occupation in which they have been born and have developed. They depend on the recognition, protection and privileges that gives them the power for their invaluable services in the performance of the function already detailed, in the suppression of freedom of thought and expression, as well as in the constant creation of the illusions of masses and ideological intoxication in general. They do absolutely need those privileges to remain at their post in the structure of the régime in order to protect their individual, bureaucratic and corporate interests, hide that time is passing, and keep making a fool of their stunned followers that, in many cases, visibly do not ask for anything else anymore.

Fortunately for them, the monopolies of propaganda guarantee the official monologue and allow them to still deceive the helpless masses. They value, demand, request or beg, above all and at all costs, the “institutional, democratic, electoral and parliamentary rights” that the occupation régime attributes to them while it needs them,and to which they correspond with their declared loyalty and commitment to “the stability of the institutions”. They need to exist – because it’s the only way they have to exist – insidethe institutional régime that they accept, support and recognize as legitimate, democratic, non-nationalist and non-violent at the same time, thus denying the reality of imperialism, and the national and political entity of the subjugated Nation and State.

Strategically ruined as a whole, and after a whole and exhausting era of submission, collaboration and sterile agitation of the infrastrategic “armed activism” of the Eta during more than fifty years, the various components of the collaborationism do now try in vain to escape from the deadly trap they fell into when they decided to recognize the transitive Francoist régime as democratic, by offering the imperialism repeated and sincere “peace plans ‘without’, namely: ‘without’ exclusions, ‘without’ preconditions, and ‘without’ limits”. That is: withoutthe right of self-determination of all Peoples, withoutrequirement of unconditional and immediate evacuation of all the occupying forces of the imperialism imposed on the subjugated Peoples, andwithoutthe immediate and unconditional independence of their States: rights previously and carefully excluded of these “plans” in a futile attempt to obtain their approval by a fascist régime already quite arrogant and intractable even after (in fact just because of) the capitulation, delivery of weapons and “international mediation”. But, perforce, only the assertion of what they exclude, namely: the denunciation of fascist imperialism and the demand of Self-Determination or Independence of the subjugated Peoples, withall its implications and corollaries, can remove the imperialistic cancer: originally, permanently and irremediably lethal and unlawful. Everything else are but plans that favour its mutation, strengthening and continuity.

After having recognized – not only de factobut also de iure – the Spanish unitary régime: Nationalist-Fascist of military occupation; and having presented it as legitimate, democratic, non-nationalist and non-violent from three fateful moments of our recent history (Pact of Munich-1962, and “general elections” of 1977/1979), the sectarian “moderate and radical” collaborationist Pnv-Eta bureaucracies and their satellites architects of the disaster: which had already collaborated with Fascism – even in the days of General Franco’s personal dictatorship – to attack and slander those who in this Country denounced the trap that was being mounted, and warned of the catastrophe they were going to cause (and that in each and every one of those moments tried to avoid it), did lead to the political demoralization, paralysis and ruin of a defenceless Country bereft of its own institutions and strategy, left in ideological destitution, delivered to a brutal exploitation and terrorist repression at the hands of the “democratic” fascism, and sunken into a black despair by the betrayal and abandonment of its purported ‘intelligentsia’ and political class, whiles this one did thrive in comfortable friendly terms with the Spanish transitive régime.

While “the moderates and the radicals” of the Pnv-Eta bureaucracies play at imaginary democracies: at “models of representation typical of liberal democracies or of self-management” (which is as they call this forgery with which they themselves are hiding the Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation that is subjugating our Country), the French and Spanish nationalist, imperialistic and fascist bulldozer continues day by day its demolition work; and the economic, political, racial, linguistic and cultural roll of their colonial steamroller moves at a giant pace towards the complete destruction of the subjugated People. In the last eighty-five years, the Basque People has suffered more serious wounds than in all its previous and immemorial history. ‘Hola segituz, gureak egin du.’ (If we follow like this, we are doomed.)

There is no doubt that the Basque popular forces have got mired in confusion and impotence; but they are there because the Pnv-Eta group: the supporters of “the institutional path and the armed struggle”, have reduced them to that situation. Their claim that this was the only possible way, arguing on the basis that it is precisely the one that happened, constitutes a coarse and clumsy example of begging the question (‘petitio principii’) behind which that rear-guard formed of liquidationist traitors, tries to hide its responsibility in the disaster. A responsibility that they will only be able to alleviate by putting themselves in the service of a true policy of national liberation based on the national and State affirmation of the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, supported in the imprescriptible international right of self-determination, freedom, free-disposition or independence of all Peoples, and of integrity and continuity of their States legitimately constituted on the Self-Determination or Independence of all Peoples; as well as on the non-recognition, with all their consequences, of the States and régimes of military occupation of France and of Spain: criminal, imperialistic, colonialists and fascist.

Even though the Basque People has still potential resources: both material and moral, for realizing a true democratic policy, its situation is now much worse than thirty or fifty years ago. Its political under-development: resulting from centuries of aggression, domination and colonization under French-Spanish imperialism; and the establishment of a false opposition to it: led by a purported ideological and political class – incapable and corrupt – that was in reallity recuperated by and at the service of the imperialistic domination, are handicaps that our People has never been able to overcome.

Only an opposition capable of mobilizing and structuring its life forces; of creating and restoring its own Stateand national institutions; of re-establishing the internal freedom and democracy; and of developing a National Resistance of a strategic level in the face of the French-Spanish imperialism, could take it out of the totalitarian, imperialistic and fascist trap in which it has let itself to be locked up. The Basque Movement of Resistance and National Salvation has repeatedly and with due detail set forth the fundamental principle of double national and State affirmation of the Basque People, which contains the potential to achieve these objectives, and which we do now repeat in a succinct way:

1/ Affirmation of the righ of self-determination or independence of the Basque Peopli, whose precondition ins the unconditional and immediate evacuation of the occupying forces of French-Spanish imperialism outside the Territories of the Basque People; and

2/ Affirmation of the continuity, validity and actuality of our own State: the Kingdom of Nabarre.

(From Euskal Herria and the Kingdom of Nabarre, or the Basque People and its State, against French-Spanish imperialism.)


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