The French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism (III)
III –The French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism
Iñaki Aginaga and Felipe Campo
Has Heaven reserv’d, in pity to the Poor,
No pathless Waste or undiscover’d Shore?
No secret Island in the boundless Main?
No peaceful Desert yet unclaim’d by Spain? (Samuel Johnson; ‘London’, 170-3.)
“La volonté du génocide culturel paraît marquer les peuples latins; et parmi ceux-ci, tout en tête, la France.” “La puissance du génocide français repose sur le mythe de l’universalité.” (Yves Person)
(“The will of cultural genocide seems to mark Latin Peoples; and amongst them, completely at the top, France.” “The power of the French genocide rests on the myth of universality.”. Translation: F. C.)
Being violence the constitutive element of policy in general (and of war and law in particular, as we’ll have occasion to expose below), it is even more extended and exacerbated inasmuch as it constitutes the political base of the imperialistic Nationalism. From the preceding Frankish-Visigothic criminal Violence, War, Repression and Terror, did in our Country emerge the criminal Violence and Terror of the present French-Spanish rule, to whose specific conditions should adapt all Resistance in the occupied and colonized Territories of the Basque People.
Yet, the imperialism of France and of Spain cannot show to the world the true nature of this power, nor the origin and foundation of its “legality” and its alleged “legitimacy”. It must conceal and distort the reality, the sources, the “Constitution” (real or primariy, and formal or secondary), and the ends and means of the French-Spanish system of national-imperialistic domination in the occupied and annexed Territories of the Basque People; that is: the bottom of the problems of which that French-Spanish Nationalist imperialism is the cause.
The power established by means of war, terrorism and the law of the mightiest cynically affirmed; by means of criminal Violencie and military occupation, conculcation of the fundamental and historical human rights, contempt for the international right of free-disposition or self-determination of Peoples (first of human rights and precondition of them all), aggression against the integrity and independence of legitimate States, destruction of the national characteristics of the Basque People through violence and displacement of populations; and by means of the seizure on economy and culture: they all are the historical and sociological facts that are the base of the current political system of imperialistic occupation of France and Spain, and that do condition and sort all its forms. They are facts that the national-imperialistic ideology cannot assume and that must necessarily snatch from the consciences.
In their place, the imperialism must make enter and take root in the consciences the idea of the dominant Nation one and unique;the democratic, non-violent and non-nationalist origin and foundation of the colonial occupation; and the legitimacy of the criminal State which is its perpetrator and beneficiary. It must reduce to nothing, even in idea, the subjugated Nation and State; present the democratic resistance of everybody who will not grovel under the imperialistic Nationalism, as fascist, aggressive, violent and “nationalist”; and discredit and defame all that’s left of freedom, dignity and spirit of independence in the oppressed People: A heavy task, even if everything is possible there where the monopoly of criminal Violence establishes and ensures the ideological monopoly!
So as to prevent any Resistance, the civilian, military and ecclesiastical monopolies of propaganda, brainwashing and ideological intoxication of masses do promote increasingly aggressive campaigns of ideological manipulation and dissolution, and of wickedly blaming the victims, defenceless against the criminal Violence and Terrorism of masses of the imperialistic Nationalism.
It is eminently understandable the need that the French-Spanish imperialism has so as to prevent, by all means, the slightest freedom of development and expression of the democratic ideas. In view of the theoretical-formal level of the dominant ideology, no one could believe that such a rubbish can be socially imposed without the repression and fear that the monopolies of State Violence and Terrorism wield against and instil into their victims, without the means of diffusion and intoxication of masses that the corresponding monopolies put to its exclusive service, and without the prefabricated “opposition” of indigenous collaborationists and accomplices, even more unable or more corrupt than their employers. Nobody could believe either that in order to oppose against that stuff, it would be necessary to resort to fear (which the dominator does hypocritically denounce before the eventual Resistance of the dominated subjects), anywhere where there were the most basic freedom of thought, speech, criticism, information and communication; that’s to say: exactly what the dominator prevents to have.
The indoctrination of the society is nowadays much more effective, since knowledge, science, culture, education, information and communication: administratively repressed and oriented, have been merged and make a whole with the propaganda and the psychological conditioning of masses at the service of the interests of the Government; given that the ideologists and official-agents of the latter do harp on about the unique and exclusive thinking whilst any criticism and any objective data are excluded by violence, fear, ignorance and corruption; and because the alleged opposition takes care of saying what the power wants to.
The administrative monopolies strive to occupy and saturate the audio-visual space, and to produce the noise and clouds of smoke that interfere or make it impossible any information likely to facilitate the awareness of the population on the real issues and true responsibilities. The conditioning of the masses must also cloud and stun the consciences, and prevent that any independent and critical thinking may be expressed: so convinced are its proponents of their – theoretical – inability to deal with the most basic historical and political truth. Its action tries to block up the holes through which a rest of information and knowledge could infiltrate, even the most immediate and elementary, on the reality of the power that the French Nationalism, with the invaluable help of its Spanish partner, exerts on the Basque Nation.
“WORCESTER: [...]; For well you know we of the offering side / Must keep aloof from strict arbitrement, / And stop all sight-holes, every loop from whence / The eye of the reason may pry in upon us.” (W. Shakespeare; ‘King Henry IV, Pt. 1’, IV, i, 69-72.)
Propaganda and psychological warfare, ruin of the historical memory and the collective conscience of Peoples, dogmatism and obscurantism, destruction of reason, distortion, confusion and perversion of the language and concepts, annihilation of the critical sense, brain conditioning and washing, indoctrination and cramming of head, and ideological intoxication of masses do form a whole inherent to the imperialistic ideology in which neither element is superfluous. It is the expression of the social domination and of the monopoly of criminal Violence gone onstage.
The nationalist-imperialistic ideology is not aimed towards truth or knowledge but towards domination over Peoples and the disappearance of free persons. The more stupid are its patients, the weaker and more submissive will be. It is enough to verify the extent of the damage caused on a public opinion without defence, to measure the frightful effectiveness of the services of monopolistic conditioning of masses. To transform the persons into servile, submissive and dependent puppets, with blunt and conditioned political reflexes; into social and mental alienated with lobotomized, washed, emptied, refilled and recycled brains, is the goal of the imperialistic system of ideological conditioning.
What they now call France and Spain, Favourite Daughters of the Holy See, was the result of the imperialistic expansion of the Kingdom of the Franks and the Hispanic kingdoms over the bordering Peoples and States, christians and muslims; counting both of them on the constant incitement and the invaluable support – political and ideological – of the Roman Catholic Church to the criminal national-imperialistic joint-enterprise. In an early prefiguring of the future, Pope Innocent III showed the way to-come in the falsification of reality and the perversion of language – as means to achieve justification and camouflage for the imperialistic terrorism – declaring Negotium Pacis et Fidei(that is: The Business of Peace and Faith) his Roman license for the business of occupation and illegal seizure of States through wars of aggression, massacres and looting of entire cities, bonfires and fanaticism, genocide and liquidation of Peoples: criminal procedures constantly encouraged and blessed as a Crusade by the Roman Church. All that, from the beginning, is the foundation and constitution of what is called Spain and France.
The political régime imposed on the Basque People by the Spanish-French imperialistic Nationalism is not founded on a free accession, manifested and developed by constituent processes, transitions, elections and other “democratic” procedures. It is the result of many centuries of criminal Violence, aggression, wars, conquest, occupation, State Terrorism and killings of mass; of pillage, subjugation, dismemberment, separation, annexation, ignominious negation and destruction of the integrity and independence of the Kingdom of Nabarre and of its original statutory (foral) and customary institutions and guarantees; of dictatorships, colonization, exclusion and deportation; of crimes of war, against peace and against humanity; of theoretical and practical violations of the rights of independence and self-defence of all Peoples; and of theoretical and practical denial of their own freedom, dignity and identity.The pursued strategic objective is not merely the domination and exploitation of the People occupied and colonized but its liquidation.
The insatiable appetite of domination over Peoples and lands of the Spanish and French Nationalism obeys to predatory instincts and impulses consolidated and enhanced by many centuries of internal and external despotism, and goes beyond rational or utilitarian considerations. The resulting history, which they feel so proud about, is the history of the greatest continental and trans-continental criminal enterprises and organizations of fanatic malefactors, thieves and murderers in all the History of Humankind.
The Spanish and French Empires have been founded and preserved by means of criminal Violence, Terror, and violation of all human rights; their institutions drip the blood of their countless victims. The Peoples who endure their multi-centennial imperialistic Nationalism are living witnesses to their monstrous, hideous crimes. Ending with the witnesses is the only way – and a supplementary reason – that they have left so as to dismiss responsibility and culpability; to relegate towards an “irrelevant past” the foundation of contemporary reality; and to erase the most evident traces of the abominable, unforgettable, unforgivable and indelible original sin that their reality has been constituted upon. “Such are the idyllic procedures” that constitute the current régime of France and of Spain, at the service of a deliberate and permanent enterprise of total genocide against the Basque People and of destruction of its historic State.
The content of the imperialistic Nationalism can be seen in the wholeness of social relations. The words give as abstract as poor an idea of the content and horrors of the imperialistic aggression; of the reality and foundations of the régime of occupation, colonization and genocide implemented in our Country by the Spanish-French Nationalism:
• War and military occupation, physical elimination by instant shooting and walks at dawn to be murdered, systematic prison, torture and execution of the democratic opposition; kidnapping, threat, coercion, blackmail and hostage-taking of the Resistance – excellent factors of State terrorism – for the sole crime of incarnating, maintaining or defending the fundamental human rights, the freedom and national identity. Enforced Disappearances of persons, with percentage values that put our Country at the head of the world. Municipal quota of neighbours to be shot because “It is necessary to create an atmosphere of terror”, public and “private”, legal and “illegal”, official and unofficial executions by systematic beheading, hanging or firing squad. Prisons and fields of slavery and forced labour for ex-combatants and non-combatants, denial of the qualification and rights of prisoners of war to those guilty of “taking up arms against the Government”. Destruction, arson, bombing and looting, deportation, hunger, cold and disease breaking down on children, women and men who made up the list of the dead and jailed: innocent victims of the fascist aggression, terrorism and exclusion, of the persecution, revenge, insanity, cruelty and sadism of the winners;
• “Direct” armed genocide or deliberate general destruction of the racial, linguistic and cultural personality of the Country subjugated by the nationalism: objectives inherent in the imperialistic domination that excludes Peoples and Nations. Modification of the demographic base by means of extermination, execution, expulsion, deportation, colonization, plantation, replacement, immersion and assimilation of populations, aimed to complete the final solution for the liquidation of the subjugated People, prefabricating – while they are at it – the import clienteles and “democratic electoral majorities” of the present and future colonial régime;
• Segregation and deportation of populations as an absolute weapon of imperialist implantation; racial, linguistic and cultural discrimination inherent to the nationalist domination; denial, exclusion, contempt and humiliation of the existence, alterity and identity of a People postulated as non-existent so as to better destroy it in fact; destruction of its historically constituted culture and State. Falsification of history, of social and political reality. Destruction, usurpation, recuperation and counterfeiting of its distinctive signs by the colonial Administration. Monopoly, centralization and concentration of violence and power. Imperialistic determination of the international class structure. Organization of a political economy of transfer and dependence, of plundering and under-development, of systematic extortion, embargo, appropriation, looting and exploitation of the natural and productive resources;
• Military service imposed by the violence, with right and obligation to kill and get oneself killed in the service of the dominant nationalism. Division and separation of persons, families and territories by imposed borders, with an internal frontier during long time hermetically sealed, thus intensifying the direct and indirect repression and making impossible the economic, family, sexual, cultural, linguistic, ideological and political relationships. Destruction of the society of proximity, of the family group and the filial relationship: last reserve, space and shelter of the national communication, culture and consciousness, cornered by the totalitarianism. Sexist domination of men upon women, inherent to the imperialistic and colonial order. Deprivation of the freedom of movement and communication of persons and ideas, imposition and denial of intercommunal passports and safe-conducts. “Adherence to the Principles of the Movement” and “Formation of National Spirit” (compulsory and required for everyone who had the aspiration of being able to live and eat in this Country), imposed by those who exercise the monopoly of criminal Violence and Terror established through centuries of wars, conquest, occupation, asiatic despotism, absolutism and fascism. (They have been “replaced” by what is now called “Education for citizenship” and “Education for peace”: new wrapping of the traditional imperialism and fascism.)
• Murder for the robbery and confiscation of properties never returned. Exclusion and forced redistribution of the “vacancy” jobs after the execution, deportation, persecution and dismissal of the defeated “separatists”, replaced by the victors: “gentlemen ex-combatants, mutilated or holders of carnet” of the Requeté and the Falange. Effective régime of unique political Party and Trade Union, fabricated, financed and directed by the totalitarian power, and replaced afterwards by the sham pluralism of organizations fabricated, financed and directed by the real power;
• Persecution, repression and liquidation of the freedom of expression, communication and information, of all freedom of thought, opinion and criticism. Totalitarian subordination and ordination of the knowledge, science, art, culture and beliefs to the supreme authority and to the political and administrative directives and decisions of the State. Apologia, exaltation, exclusion, exhibition and concealment at the same time of the State violence and terrorism by means of the manipulation, reduction and extension of the corresponding terms and concepts. Silence or exaltation of the horrendous crimes of Falangist and Carlist military and clerics against defenceless men, women and children, victims of fascist terrorism. “Condemnation of violence and terrorism coming from anywhere that they may come”, except those coming from them;
• Persecution of the national language, reduced to a shaming jargon. Centennial devaluation, disregard, humiliation, prohibition and persecution of the own language, culture, art and manifestations, and imposition of the aliens at all levels. Imposition of the imported patriotism from the dominant Nation through the monopolies of violence, communication and misinformation. Here is an example of that criminal task:
“In these current times of the new Spain that is being forged at the expense of the generous blood of our heroes and martyrs we the rearguard are forced to defend ourselves from those disastrous, old and bad habits and adopt new ones in accordance with the National-Tradeunionist State which between victories our undefeated Caudillo is taking us to. In order to make us worthy of the Fatherland our first obligation is to educate us in this new Spain that is being created, and to be primarily and above all patriots. We must therefore praise through all fields, not only of our soil but of the orb, our habits, our genuinely Spanish customs, and mainly spread the beauty of our magnificent castillian language. This is for all good Spaniard an easy matter and within reach of he who considers himself truly a patriot. If you’re Spaniard speak Spanish. If you’re Spaniard, your duty as such is to make that all Spaniards do speak it. By God, by Spain and the National-Tradeunionist Revolution. Salute to Franco. Up with Spain! San Sebastian, on 1937 April the 16th. Falange Española Tradicionalista y de las J.O.N.S. (Spanish Phalanx Traditionalist and of the National-TradeUnionist Working Youth)”;
• Confiscation of education by the State; conversion of the kindergartens in administrative centres of ideological intoxication seeking the opposition between parents and children: only this way do fascists and imperialists expect being able to remove the cursed seed of the passion for Freedom and love for Country that moves its natives. Fascist civil, military and ecclesiastical “educators”; import-export of officials, priests, friars and nuns, all of them equally jealous of their mission: “There are girls who speak Basque in this school, what vulgarity!” (The armed forces of occupation prefer the coarse and sincere expression that is more suitable for the direct exercise of State violence and terrorism: “I’m going to mow this fucking race down”; “No need of ceremony here: these ones don’t even know to speak”; “In Spanish, fucking hell!” The Spanish Army giving lessons of democracy in the Middle East – or anywhere – is a surrealist spectacle.);
• Repression, persecution and regression of all forms of knowledge – vulgar, scientific or philosophical – by an authoritarian disposition of a political régime that imposes its interest and its decisions in matters of science, morals, art, culture or religion. Falsification, constructivism and retroyection of reality and history; denial of the more obvious social and political reality. Salute with arm up, nationalist, fascist, militaristic and colonialist parades, marches and hymns, mandatory in camps of forced labour, in civil and religious shows and public events, in “public and private centres of education”, in hospitals, asylums and orphanages. Destruction, falsification and recuperation of the distinctive signs and symbols of national identity, replaced by those of the occupant in the street, Administration, mass-media, schools and places of worship. Xenophobic delirium against every scientific, artistic, advertising, linguistic, onomastic or spelling manifestation strange to the Axis Powers. Isolation from the economic, cultural and scientific life of the Western environment, which has been the cause of material and cultural, individual and collective irretrievable delays and involutions. Ruin, degradation, destruction and replacement of the authentic onomastic and toponymy, and of other elements constitutive of the language, up to make them unrecognizable; administrative imposition to minors and adults of genuinely French and Spanish names;
• Subservience to the propaganda and ideological goals of imperialism and fascism, as a condition of access to life, work, and “culture”. Total absence of theoretical and ideological opposition, censorship and criminalization of all free thinking. Deculturation, acculturation and uprooting, propaganda, psychological warfare, brain washing and ideological intoxication of masses through the monopolies of communication exclusionary of all opposition, replaced by agents, puppets and dummy groups in charge of doing and saying what the power wants to. Indoctrination, forced ideological conditioning and implementation of the nationalist consciousness of the imperialism and fascism from early childhood by the monopolies of communication, information, education, and propaganda. Inculcation of contempt and hatred for the own and native Country and State of the occupied Peoples;
• After the war of conquest of 1936, the monopoly of criminal Violence was accompanied by names, symbols, effigies, plates, tributes and civil and ecclesiastical monuments “To the glorious fallen for God and for Spain, to the martyrs of the Crusade, to the heroes of the battle cruiser Baleares, to the heroic Colonel Beorlegi”, imposed inside and outside the walls of the temples on the Faithful and the Infidels; memorials that next have been advantageously updated with the saturation of multi-commemorative spaces, better adapted to the present time and dedicated to agents of the nationalism and State terrorism, declared “non-violent defenders of freedom and democracy” and victims of the violence of others. March of the Grenadiers and Spanish flag joined to the Elevation of the Host and the Chalice, and pallium shared by the Holy Sacrament of the Eucharist and the bloodthirsty tyrant: added offence, humiliation and provocation to the People which is enduring subjugation and crimes against the fundamental human rights for twelve centuries; and
• Total involvement of the ecclesiastical organization, always in favour of the imperialistic enterprise, through the imposition of ecclesiastical penalties: spiritual or temporal, universal or singular, corporal or degrading de facto or de jure, latae or ferendae, determined or undetermined, preventive or vindictive, exemplary, distressing or medicinal, of individual emendation, social restoration or general terror; excommunication or anathema, deposition or suspension – total or partial – of office or benefits, degradation, local or personal interdict, reduction, fustigation, correction, prison, imprisonment, retention, confinement, relegation, expulsion, exile, fine or confiscation; criminal and penitentiary remedies, delivery to the secular arm-jurisdiction for their torture and/or execution: all of that always at the expense of the weak and vanquished.
They are centuries of criminal Violence, aggression, conquest, Crusades, subjugation, plunder and oppression; of despotism, absolutism, fascism, crimes of war, against peace and against humanity; of liquidation of the fundamental human rights, physical elimination, extermination, colonization, discrimination, expulsion and deportation of masses; and of racial, linguistic, and cultural destruction. They have been the continuation and development of the multi-centennial policy of war and occupation, dismemberment and annexation, destruction, repression, systematic terrorism of mass and genocide that the Spanish and French imperialistic Nationalism: either monarchical and republican, has always practiced in this Country; always with the impulse, stimulus, encouragement, justification, blessings and full involvement of the Catholic Church in the criminal totalitarian enterprise. A support maintained from the times of the Asiatic Despotism and the Absolutism, up to the French “revolutionary” proto-Fascism and the Spanish national Catholicism at the first light of triumphant Fascism, when in Spain it was “beginning to dawn”.
In the end it was about killing everybody who wanted to live, think and speak in freedom; shooting everyone who would not speak and think like them; creating an atmosphere of terror; liquidating every Nation, every Race, every Language and every Culture that were not their own: such is the voice of order of the French-Spanish Nationalism, Imperialism and Fascism. All of it is part of the enterprise that did found the present political régime: the Second Francoism, which has already lasted almost as much as the First one, and has brought the “democracy”, that is, the self-reform of the Francoism under the protectorate of the hegemonic Powers and their accomplices, with the unconditional support of the United Nations and the European Imperialistic Union (EIU), integral members of the system of international terrorist and imperialistic domination that they define as “democracy”.
The French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism has conquered this Country through blood and fire, destroying by force of arms its State historically constituted as Kingdom of Nabarre. It has crushed under Fascist and National-socialist bombs men, women and children. It wields, justifies and blesses a political and ideological power founded and preserved by war, exclusion, repression, terror, mass murders and “the great cemeteries under the moon”. It holds the monopolies of criminal Violence and propaganda and all the powers of the totalitarian régime. It resorts to systematic torture and murder, legal and illegal, official or unofficial, to conserve them. It oppresses and represses, executes, imprisons, silences, humiliates and presents as criminals, malefactors and fugitives all those who refuse to submit to its tyranny and domination, and pursues as crimes and common offences the theoretical or practical legitimate defence of the fundamental human rights and, above all, of the inherent right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples: first of human rights and prior condition of them all. It is the treatment that the domination, hatred, sadism, terrorism and vengeance of the victors impose on the vanquished.
Through eight centuries of dismemberment and occupation, with all its conditions and consequences, the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism has determined, assimilated, separated, deported and exterminated inhabitants, citizens and territories; has imposed borders and fundamental political and moral norms; has caused immense and irreparable damage to the entity and national identity; and has led the Basque People to its current situation. As it has done always and everywhere, pursues the final solution: the total genocide through criminal Violence, Terrorism, colonization, exclusion of populations and the liquidation of the oppressed Nation and of its racial, linguistic and cultural identity, and its replacement by that of the invader. They cannot get it without ruining the dignity, the moral sense, the spirit of freedom and the capacity of ideological resilience of the People who have put in irons and gagged.
“Such are the idyllic proceedings” that have determined, on the historic territory of the Basque People, the infra-structure and supra-structure of contemporary social relations, their material and ideological organization, the agent and patient subjects of violence and their conditions and limits in time and space. Such is the true “constituent process” that has constituted the real and primary constitution of France and Spain, which founds the formal and secondary “Constitution” of these imperialistic States.
It is that way: by means of Terror and over mountains of corpses and rivers of blood, as there has been established the current French-Spanish political régime of military occupation of our Country; the régime that the fascist shamelessness of its agents, beneficiaries, accomplices and servers – the champions of National-socialism and National-Catholicism –presents and describes as a “natural national State, legitimate, non-violent, peaceful and democratic, constitutional and rule of law, established and maintained without violence; spontaneously, peacefully and freely founded on the freedom and human rights, on the supreme value of human life, pluralism and tolerance, on the will of the people and universal suffrage”.This is how they understand peace, coexistence, democracy, freedom, equality, respect for all opinions and all rights, dialogue, negotiation, commitments, consensus, constituent pact and love to God, the direct and indirect champions of the National-Catholicism and National-socialism, merged in the “modern” French-Spanish Nationalism-Totalitarism-Imperialism: accepted as democratic by their indigenous “Basque” collaborators and accomplices of the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy. The countless victims who endured and endure them are permanent testimony of this.
The current French-Spanish political system over the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre: a régime maintained and developed through the monopoly of criminal Violence of its permanent armed forces, is the product of the annexation, partition and repression of the Basque People, whose own and ancestral freedoms have been destroyed by the criminal Violence that founds the current régime, always at the service of a deliberate and planned historical enterprise aimed at its destruction.
Upon such “titles” and powers is founded the “right” that the modern agents of the French-Spanish imperialism do attribute themselves – promoting to this effect huge campaigns of mass alienation and hysteria, characteristic of all totalitarian regimes – so as to decide about good and evil; to dictate the public morality and law; to qualify themselves as “non-violent, righteous, good and decent people”, and those who resist against them, as “malefactors, terrorists, criminals, crooks, scoundrels and violent people”; to impose the rapine of their exactions and conscriptions: both of money and of blood; to attribute homelands, identities, territory, frontiers, inhabitants, rights, duties and responsibilities; and to continue arranging by means of criminal Violence and Terror the whole social, material and cultural life, in the service of a permanent enterprise of total genocide through “the rule of law and the State of law”: the State, the law and the right that they themselves have made for the others to endure.
Such is the régime that the Pnv-Eta group and its satellites: Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroa bai etc. describe as a “democracy with a deficit”. These are the States that claim to be holders of justice, law and democracy, and – as such – worthy of our submission and respect. Yet, the Imperialists, the Fascists and their henchmen are not respectable: they are criminals of international common law; and perpetrators, co-perpetrators, accomplices or beneficiaries of crimes of war, crimes against peace and crimes against humanity, constituent of the political régime that they defend and that in its turn it defends them. As such, they have no rights. There is no possible freedom and democracy that are founded in the validity, ignorance, forgetfulness and forgiveness for the crimes of Imperialism and Fascism.
For the official positions, the national freedom, and the rights of self-determination and of legitimate self-defence of all Peoples belong here only to the Spanish and the French Peoples, which are the only ones that exist. The Basque People and its rights are non-existent for the French-Spanish imperialism, which holds and monopolizes all rights. There only exist Spain and France, which cannot oppress nor “wage war to themselves”. According to the traditional and official version: constantly reiterated by the formal Constitution, the laws, the Administration, the jurisprudence, the monopolistic doctrine and propaganda of the French-Spanish imperialism and of the fascist and imperialistic Parties – the Basque People does not exist; and what does not exist, does not have any rights. It is replaced by “the region, the natural community, the population, the residence, d the citizenry”: territorial and administratively determined and identified as fragments of the Peoples and States of Spain and of France, which are the only ones that exist.
According to French and Spanish positive law, in the territory of its Republic or its Monarchy there are no other People, nor other Nation, nor other State, nor other sovereignty, nor other citizens than the French and the Spanish ones; and the Basque fact is not an active or passive subject of anything. In the French legislation, this sociological fact is not even given a title of region or of another administrative unit: “the Basque Country, that does not exist”. And as it is set forth in the Spanich one, there is one “Basque” autonomous community and another “Navarrese” one; which should not lead us to confusion or deception, which is by the way the objective for which this current nomenclature was made.
Indeed, in Spanish law, either “common” or “autonomous”, they are “Basques or Navarrese” the Spaniards with an administrative neighbourhood according to the Spanish law in the respective “autonomous communities” of Spain, which the European Community legislation calls “regions”. For the Spanish legislation, the “Navarrese of Spain” are not Basques nor are so those of Trevino; no more than the Germans, Moroccans or Yugoslavians who – according to the formulation of the Eta – “are living and working here”. In the same way, for the French legislation those of Nether-Nabarre, Lapurdi and Zuberoa are not Basques either, who are simply French tout court. (Azpilkoeta, Leizarraga, Huarte de San Juan, Atsular, Xalbador or Iñaki Perurena have never been Basques: some “authentic Basques” such as Barreda, Mosquera, Ares, Redondo and Rosa Díez decided it so.)
The ideological aim of these falsifications is to nullify the problem by means of administrative decisions – dependent of the Ministry of Internal Affairs-Police – that exclude all sociology, policy, law and semantics that are not reducible to the former. The shameless confiscation-recuperation of terms like “Basques and Euzkadi”, or of symbols like the flag (all of them historically, sociologically, linguistically and ideologically established before and outside“the Constitution and the Statute”, and which however are now given to an ambivalent, official and unofficial content), has one single object: to confuse and deceive the Basque People, which the genuine and univocal imperialistic terms and concepts could not attain. They betray themselves and thus confess a problem that, if the reality did truly consist of what their administrative declarations establish, then no such a problem would exist and all that ideological manipulation created around it would be unnecessary. But obviously it is necessary, because – despite all its illusionistic propaganda – the problem does unquestionably exist.
Which leaves the problem theoretically without entity nor social base, and makes rigorously impossible any explanation and all sociological and historical understanding. As it has been already said, along with the Basque People there disappear already in idea the international problem, the imperialism, the right of self-determination and all fundamental human rights. But since the problem exists and so do its agents, their prudent negation requires reductions, implies contradictions and brings inevitable theoretical gaps that the imperialistic ideological illusionism does vainly strive to attenuate, evacuate or fill with significantly repetitive contributions, interpretations and auxiliary falsifications: in conformity with the immediate, imaginary, romantic, abstract, mystical, dogmatic, essentialist, constructivist and retro-activated ideological production of its own Nation, where the infamous mingles with the grotesque.
Much of the imperialistic ideological production is applied to fill this vacuum for the purposes and under the conditions of the monopolies of propaganda, without which no one would even think of undertaking a similar “intellectual” enterprise. So, all Basque Resistence is “comfortably” presented as a permanent and irreversible dementia or mafia drift; as fascist, agrarian or bourgeois reaction, petit bourgeois crisis and peripheral imperialism, all at a time, or as a foreign manipulation (this last “explanation” having been now abandoned, because all “foreign” action is supporting them). As a result of the clash of their manufactured and artificial national consciousness with the reality, the own national conscience of French and Spanish imperialism is a sick and miserable consciousness, a combination of ignorance, lies and bad faith. (The negationism does also pervade the position of the UN and the Member States faced to imperialism and colonialism.)
On their part the agents of the social-imperialistic Nationalism: in that same line of forgery and distortion, do present the vindication of national independence of the subjugated Peoples as attempts to obtain right-wing “nationalist privileges, exclusion and discrimination”, what of course they reject. As it is its custom, the national-imperialistic ideology does as a whole use the equivocality in terms and concepts to retrieve positive and negative ideological components, for to transfer them next to different ideas.
Let’s see: every legal or political order or disorder, every formal or real constitution, every Nation and all nationalism are “privilege, exclusion and discrimination”: by their very essence and in their entire extent. Up to the last and most anodyne norm of social relations is privilege, exclusion and discrimination. Without privilege, exclusion and discrimination there would be no law, right, policy or political economy. For instance the property and the marriage – even more so the private property and the monogamous marriage: immovable pillars, as it seems, of Western law and civilization – are institutions of privilege, exclusion and discrimination that regulate the production and reproduction of human society, reserving for some ones and denying for the vast majority of humans the rewarding enjoyment of the corresponding economic and sexual goods.
The law of each State does privilege to its own naturals, and exclude and discriminate all everyone else at a scale of the all mankind, reserving for a few and denying to all the others the corresponding political rights.The only thing that can be questioned in this regard is whether the inevitable privilege, exclusion and discrimination are so or not by reference to a certain fundamental criterion, namely: basically that of fundamental human rights. In short, the question is to see by whom, to whom and in what the privilege, exclusion and discrimination are made.
We thus see that the theoretical and practical affirmation of fundamental human rights and the right of self-determination of Peoples is the democratic species of “nationalism, privilege, exclusion and discrimination”, to the detriment of the imperialist nationalism and its accomplices and collaborators. Whereas the denial of fundamental human rights and the suppression of the right of freedom of the Peoples are the nationalist-imperialistic and fascist species of nationalism, privilege, exclusion and discrimination. Imperialism is the privileged, exclusionary and discriminatory Nationalism, maintained against the freedom, identity and existence of the others’ Peoples and States.
The “nationalism” of self-determination does certainly exclude from one’s own Nation all the other Nations; whereas the imperialistic Nationalism excludes others from the whole World and from the face of the Earth. The imperialistic Nationalism is undoubtedly “inclusive”: it includes the others’ Peoples and Nations as objects of imperialistic and colonialist law; which means that it excludes them as agent subjects of fundamental and inalienable rights. The imperialistic “inclusion” is the exclusion, destruction, incorporation or assimilation of Peoples and States of the others; it is the inclusion of the victim in the power of the executioner, the inclusion of the slave in the power of his master. It is the monopoly of the inclusion of the Spaniards and the French, and the exclusion of all the others.
In England, Germany, the USSR or Yugoslavia the progress or consolidation of internal freedom and democracy was the result of the decolonisation in Europe, Africa or Asia. The English or Dutch Empires were in part due to a utilitarian or practical sense of the national interest and international domination, and their timely abandonment has benefited everyone. But even though Swedes or Anglo-Saxons can – at least out of prudence, political calculation, and practical or utilitarian sense – abandon territories and Peoples that they had obtained and subjugated by means of violence but that exceeded their capacity of management, ingestion and digestion, yet the Spaniards and French are radically unable to do so while they have not exhausted to the full extent their available resorts of violence: “Up to the last man, up to the last peseta”. (Declaration of A. Canovas del Castillo, Prime Minister of the Spanish Government, about maintaining the Spanish domination in Cuba.) These Peoples are specialists, for whom the liquidation of the others is a permanent, priority and indispensable enterprise, coming up even to the point of jeopardizing with it its own well-being, freedom and existence.
From Oriental Despotism to Feudalism, from Absolutism to proto-Fascist “Liberalism”, from military dictatorships to contemporary totalitarianism, considered the cases of England, Germany, Japan or Russia, comparative history shows the evolutionary diversity of imperialisms; but it confirms that, in general, imperialism does never retreat in a voluntary, spontaneous, rational or reasonable way. Its remission or limitation does only occur when it encounters resistances that it cannot overcome.
As long as imperialism and colonialism appear to be benefited and triumphant, they find the commitment and support of almost all material and spiritual forces of the occupying States. Solidarity, resolution and sacred union of the imperialistic Nationalism only do dissipate or weaken before the growing or exorbitant cost of the conflict with the national Resistance of the subjugated Peoples. Only when imperialistic and colonial policy does bill a cost in lives and estates, when the national interest appears increasingly jeopardized, when the “pacification” turns out increasingly expensive, and when the colonial dairy cow does not cover the costs of milking it, it is only then that some signs of discontent there appear among the imperialists.
In a global perspective of the biological, economic and cultural evolution, diversity and development of the human species, one might think that the fundamental xenophobia that constitutes the imperialistic Nationalism could be replaced to everybody’s advantage with the xenophilia and the internationalism; the freedom and diversity of each person and every Nation being a factor – and not an obstacle – for the security, creativity and development of others. In this way, the national freedom could be for everybody the basis of stable and peaceful interior and exterior relations, of welfare and economic progress. Whereas “the unique Nation and State”: out of destruction of the others, is – in a reasonable consideration – a sinister avatar even for the dominant People itself.
In any case, even leaving aside any consideration of moral, humanist, altruistic or internationalist order (out of place and scope, in view of the human cattle which it is to be practiced with); simply based on the most selfish, narrow and utilitarian vision of their “national interest” in the present political, social, economic and cultural reality, one would expect that, from a discernible level of economic, political and cultural qualification, it would be more useful, cheap, productive, profitable, rewarding and interesting for the Spanish and the French Nationalism to devote their resources and efforts for their own development: inseparable from the coexistence and real internal and external democratization, rather than making their own existence unpleasant – if not ruined “up to the last peseta” – for themselves, by endeavouring in dedicating those resources to armies of occupation, forces of repression and imprescriptible crimes for to deny and destroy that of others.
In the present state of their social, economic and cultural development, the abandonment of the conquests that – like a remnant of their past of great Powers – had been brought to them by the criminal Violence and Terrorism of masses, would be for Spaniards and French an unprecedented and decisive factor of freedom, democracy and stable and peaceful internal and external relations; of welfare and economic and cultural progress; of reconciliation and reintegration of their true identity and their own national and historical consciousness: now guilty, sick and miserable; and of restoration of their human dignity degraded by imperialism.
Undoubtedly, Imperialism, Aggression, Violence and Terror among humans do also degrade, along with the dominated, the dominant Nation which wield them, though do not threaten its survival. Of course, the existence of the dominant People is not jeopardized; but feigning that it is so: while waving some false “existential threat” (Putin dixit) to justify its criminal aggressions against the Peoples and States that it plans to subjugate, is part of its internal and external propaganda. When the Nations are identified with their Empires, and as long as they do not accept, assume or digest their deprivation, they bestow on these ones their own same existential value. The ultra-nationalist layer: the more motivated, demanding and aggressive of the imperialistic régime of military occupation, is therefore found among the indigenous Renegades and the metropolitan Colonists; who, lacking a place where to retreat to if the Colony regains its independence, are extremist instruments and vanguard of the dominant Nation among the subjugated Peoples and States.
The modern compared experience has shown that the own freedom, dignity, identity and well-being of the dominant People do well out of the freedom of all Peoples, and badly out of the inevitable putrefaction of the imperialistic, colonialist and fascist system of oppression. But, in our case, waiting in such an eventuality is illusory. French and Spanish imperialism has been created by a long history of ignorance and contempt of the other Peoples; of permanent belief in the own linguistic, cultural and racial superiority; and of crimes, conquest, domination and genocide. Its agents and beneficiaries are unable to understand the diversity of the others if it is not as despicable and abominable inferiority; or to consider the relations with them otherwise than as a work of assimilation or annihilation: always at the service of the despotism, of the love of God, of the civilization and progress, of the revolution or the counter-revolution, according to times and the own convenience. To expect otherwise would be as much as ignoring the particularly primitive, instinctive, emotional, passionate and irrational base of the Spanish and French imperialistic Nationalism: consolidated and enhanced by many centuries of internal and external despotism, and framed by an immovable financial, clerical and bureaucratic-military political “class” that does always resist and make the best out of “revolutions and transitions”.
According to times and their needs, the fanatical identification of Spain with the Counter-Reformation (without prejudice to becoming Protestants if necessary, as they said they would); with the absolutist reaction or the “socialist revolution” (that is, the National-socialist counter-revolution: “Spain purple or red rather than broken”); with the Hitlerite Nazi-Fascist Empire or with the Yankee one (even just as a lackey in its “axis of the Good against Evil”, from the Azores meeting), all its historical vicissitudes are ideological and political alibis always subject to the permanent maintenance of its nationalist imperialism with all their consequences. France and Spain are imperial Nations that have come down in the world. They already can only exercise as such against helpless or weak and unarmed Nations and States; but anyway they have not lost arrogance, aggressiveness and rapacity towards the remainders of their Empires. They will never accept in their ill-gained domains a People, a Nation, and an active subject of policy and law that are other different than themselves.
The ideologists of the imperialism have always agreed with the same general ideas, typical of Nationalism, Racism and Fanaticism. “There is no doubt that the men of this country are, physically and morally, inferior to the rest of Spain. The proportion of deaf people is much higher, due to consanguinity. The terrorist murderers can be recognized, and foreseen the murders that they will commit and commit again, noting the bumps in the skull, because the shape of the skull does not change. Science has proved that the Basque is a language of a lower type, which must be replaced as soon as possible by a language of culture. Its grammar is more complex, more tangled and difficult than that of other languages. The Basque language cannot be vehicle of culture because it has a very poor verb. The Basque language cannot express abstract ideas nor subtle mental processes. No need of ceremony here: these ones don’t even know to speak.” Etc. etc. These statements are mostly the product of the “cultured and progressive left-wing”, rather than the traditional right. The logical result of this ideological preparation is the war at all costs in order to liquidate this reactionary and degenerate reserve of Resistance to the material and moral progress of Humanity, which they present as being identical of Spanish and French Imperialism.
The procedures that the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism has implemented or envisioned for the achievement of its objectives are as effective as unoriginal: kill them all, deport them and transplant then to Andalusia and The Landes, fill the Country with Spaniards and French, take away the industry to Madrid, end with all sign of cultural identity, and suppress with the hardest punishments all attempts of Resistance. All of this was already conducted insofar as possible since the early days of the conquest until today. Cardinal Cisneros, Colonel Villalba, the Society of the Friends of the Constitution (or Society of the Jacobins, Friends of Freedom and Equality), General Franco and many others were expert in the matter, and had it as clear as their current successors.
The desire, the urgency, the rush to put an end to such insufferable Resistance lead sometimes the imperialistic dictatorship to make mistakes that would be serious, if an effective Resistance was able to take advantage of them; which unfortunately still does not happen between us. There is no doubt that the tactic – even though not the strategy – of the régime of military occupation would be susceptible of considerable “improvements”; but this would require knowledge of the reality of the situation and of the occupied People that are incompatible with certain fundamental principles, of which its ruling classes and its intelligence services cannot do without. It cannot be fought without shortcomings and malfunctions an enemy whose existence is a priori refused and unknown. Thus, the means of propaganda and those of repression cannot eschew their irremediable concurrence, precisely in an issue where it “should” be required an effective functional separation between the ideology of the illusion and the ideology of the reality. Fortunately they don’t know, cannot do anything else. As to the content of such mistakes and the precise means to carry out such “improvements”, naturally we don’t have the slightest intention of communicating them. After all, nobody has been able here to instil common sense to the democratic Resistance, all the more needed of it since its strategic mistakes are incomparably more serious than those of its opponents. The strategy of the imperialism is, sometimes, wrong; that of the oppressed People is non-existent.
The Basque People’s stubbornness in maintaining both the defence of its national freedom and personality as well as the integrity and independence of its State the Kingdom of Nabarre: “the Kingdom of the Basques”, does exceed the capacity of explanation or comprehension of the French-Spanish imperialists and their political-religious henchmen. Yet, in reality, in view of the strong identity and permanence of our People throughout so extended historic and prehistoric periods, and of its absolute differential fact: racial, linguistic and cultural, if in this regard there is something surprising for a sound and impartial mind, not disturbed by the nationalist fanaticism and extremism of Spaniards and French, this is not the permanence of the Basque People’s Resistence against its dominators but the moderation and insufficiency of its contemporary political expression aimed at preserving its aforementioned national identity.
Naturally, this is something that we are committed to radically change it for the future. But even without it, the Spanish and French imperialists do know very wellthat the Basque People will inexorably recover the freedom that they snatched from it, and its national and State independence, if the forces of oppression do not hasten to take advantage of the dominant position that they have acquired in order to put an end to its very existence as a People.In short, they will need to continuecommitting even more imprescriptible crimes.
Asiatic Despotism, Feudalism and Absolutism did not exclude more or less precarious and transient political compromises, of which the Foral régimes were an exponent; but it was not a solution but an intermission in the process of the imperialism. In fact all fundamental division – constitutive and effective – of the political power is incompatible with the modern totalitarian systems, which hold for themselves the exclusivity of criminal Violence. In fact, since 1789 and 1839, the “modern” Nationalism in France and Spain does absolutely deny the territorial division of powers. Since then, any change in the organization of the State is absolutely subordinated to the preservation and consolidation of the imperialistic monopoly of criminal Violence, incompatible with the respect of fundamental human rights.
The absolute monopoly of criminal Violence is, in the absence of an opposition of effective strategic level, an irreversible political achievement and assumption of the structure of domination of the French-Spanish unitary imperialistic State: a State built and guaranteed by the armed forces of occupation, which are the foundation of the real political power.The imperialism and the fascism have no special reason for political concern while they can retain the essential: the monopoly of criminal Violence and Terror, which lets them resolve any situation with gunfire; what they have never forgone from doing.
The formal modifications and adaptations of a régime of imperialistic political domination are designed only for the sake of its own preservation and reinforcement: not to yield an inch of real political power is the aim that constitutes them. The imperialism and fascism can eventually undertake or accept tactical, formal or administrative reforms, adaptations and concessions; but their nature obeys the iron – or marble – law that establishes the impassable strategic limits: it will never proceed to any “devolution” or redistribution – neither total nor partial – of the political power that the war, repression and terror allowed them to monopolize. Only accomplices and local collaborators of the imperialism and their victims can ignore it or hold illusions in this regard.
The imperialistic Nationalism is cause and effect of the dominant Country’s internal régime; it is also a concomitant cause of its own political under-development: it is the price to pay for “the glory and the greatness” of “Universal Empires” of the past, residual though they nowadays may be. The inner despotism in “Francespain” is historically inseparable from their imperialistic Nationalism. The poisoning of the own Spanish and French internal policy by the imperialistic Nationalism is apparent at all times, reaching up to the rotten present we suffer. Their incapacity to accept the right of freedom of all Peoples, and their incessant wars of conquest, plunder and extermination, have condemned the same oppressing peoples – gladly, as it seems – to also incessant despotic, asiatic, absolutist or military and bureaucratic forms of self-Government.
Even if it was about colonies outside Europe, infamous colonial wars as those of Cuba, Morocco or Algeria showed still that, no matter the manifest uselessness of the enterprise, their own – congenital or acquired – nature prevents the Spanish and French imperialists from any consideration, transaction, concession, reform or negotiation that might jeopardize the monopoly of criminal Violence and Terror in which they do found their domination. For them, their imperialism is always absolute: whether it is about America, Asia or the islet of Perejil, their behaviour continues being always the same.
The financial capital “tends generally to seize the greatest possible amount of lands, whichever they be, in the hope of discovering raw materials and for fear that it should be left behind in the fierce struggle for the carving of the last pieces of the world not yet shared, or for the new carving of the pieces formerly shared”. (The “Hobbesian” fear of the imperialism of others: which afflicts also the greatest Powers, is paradoxically the unwavering engine of the most irreducible imperialism of all those who deem that can impose their own.) However, the insatiable appetite of domination over Peoples and lands of the Spanish and French imperialistic Nationalism did not wait for the financial capital to seize everything it could.
Spaniards and French feel insulted because of the fact that, in States that they are keeping militarily and illegally occupied, and that even so they do senselessly regard as their own domains just because of an imperialistic and null and void “right of conquest” (as it occurs for example with the Kingdom of Nabarre and the Principality of Catalonia), there are still Peoples who are not, nor want to be, nor shall they ever be Spaniards or French.
“A People does not reach the consciousness of itself without over-estimating itself”, that’s true; yet, if Spaniards and French had put not their vanity but the national pride – that they both so much boast about – in the defence of human rights and democracy, and not in Nationalism and Imperialism, they would have not endured Franco and his fellows for forty years, nor their predecessors and successors for one thousand and two hundred. Neither would they endeavour in maintaining any longer a shameful situation in which the Peoples that they have attacked and subjugated have the impertinence – as the former do deem – of rejecting the phagocyting generosity of their fascist, imperialistic and colonialist “benefactors”.
Yet, quite on the contrary, they find satisfaction in keeping under their yoke Peoples which would not even wish to see them. Like the dominant males: that fight by means of Violence and Terror the independence of the woman whom they appropriated but who wouldn’t see them not even in painting, and only thus do they recover their virile honour and dignity, so too the French and Spanish Nationalists do put their honour and glory of “great” Powers that have come down in the world in the maintaining of their oppression on the last Peoples that they continue to dominate through the same criminal Violence and Terrorism with which they constituted their Empire.
During the War and the First Francoism there were not belligerents, nor insurgents, and strictly speaking there was not even war: the enemies of the insurgent new “Totalitarian State in the service of the Fatherland” were described as communists, anarchists, atheists, without-God, jews, freemasons, and red-separatists or just plain separatists, which were the worst of all: “It is true that there also were the anarchists and the communists; but the enemy, the true enemy, was the Basque”. (J.L. de Vilallonga.) It was the absolute conflict with the absolute enemy in an absolute war.
In constrast, after the intra-totalitarian transition, the Second Francoism of the fascists of always has sorted, on one side, themselves: the righteous, the decent and good people; that is, the non-violent democrats. And, on the other, the violent terrorists and fascists, who are qualified now – replacing the political insults by the “common” ones – as “wrongdoers, delinquents, bandits and criminals, hominids, violent psychopaths and terrorists phrenologically determined for the murder, thugs, cocky scoundrels, rogues, swine, cowards, hermaphrodites, paedophiles and rapists, disgusting rabble, sneaky bitches and rats of sewer, filthy bastards sons of bitch, killers that walk among us, in the face of the widows and orphans of their victims, as real cocky”, according to Aznar and his supporters. They are common, universal, identical and reversible qualifications, applicable to anyone that one wants to. They can be indiscriminately applied to any policy, and do produce and reproduce the same retorsions. In contrast to the denial that French and Spanish National-imperialists and fascists do maintain of the Existence and Resistance of the Peoples that they are subduing, these insults of them translate the Second Francoism’s frustration and exasperation against those Peoples, and are an involuntary recognition of them.
The exasperation, attacks, insults and xenophobic and racist hatred against the dominated Peoples: perceived as a hindrance to the assertion of their own distorted and perverted national consciousness (thus becoming a miserable one), are involuntary but revealing forms of recognition. In fact, Spaniards and French do know perfectly well that the Basques are not Spaniards or French, without which they would not try by all means to finish with them. This conviction does poke and intensify their hatred and rage against the occupied Nation, whose permanent rejection of the Spanish-French domination is for them an unbearable fact, only explainable – in their disgusting blindness and arrogance – as the illness of an entire People.
(The analysis of the “bad conscience” – miserable or painful – inherent to the bad faith of the imperialism of Spaniards and French; that is: of the consequences of the clash between their authentic national consciousness, and the artificial one as “Imperial nation” that constitutes a fiction ideologically created and functionally distorted, cannot be shown in this moment except as a mere heading. This will be more widely expounded in the chapter “The imperialistic ‘nation’ and ‘national consciousness’”.)
Never ever did the Spanish and French imperialistic Nationalism know or recognize the legitimacy and the well-founded position of the Peoples’ Resistance, nor their existence as such Peoples: in none of the Countries that Spain and France decided to conquer, submit and destroy. These predatory nations and States: constituted for centuries in Asiatic-despotic, absolutist, totalitarian and finally fascist internal régimes; which due to demographics, geography, resources and other factors have also sought for centuries a universal domination as a “national design”; and which were especially gifted for banditry, looting, murder and mass Terrorism, do still remain particularly addicts to criminal Violence as unique, immediate and definitive treatment and solution for the international problems that they themselves do cause.
French and Spanish Nationalists are unable to see the subjugated Peoples as anything different but material destined to be assimilated by their imperialistic Nationalism. Even after their respective defeats, after centuries of wars, occupation, plundering, persecution, murder and genocide, France has taken fifty years to admit that there was a war in Algeria (and even more inconceivable, that it was a colonial war of France against an independence movement!); and Spain took seventy-five to recognize the independence of its colonists in Peru, just as the Netherlands succeeded in winning their independence from Spain after the so-called Eighty Years’ War. Both of them are nations that need to deny the rights, the independence, the dignity and finally the very existence of the People they seek to annihilate, as a means of actually ending with it.
The imperialistic competition between Spain and France for the annexation of the Kingdom of Nabarre became solidarity against the Resistance. Spaniards and French do cordially, deeply and mutually loathe and despise each other; but the “Basque problem” forces them to hypocritical statements and retrosculating homages of eternal friendship and mutual admiration. They now count unreservedly on the mutual complicity and on the support of all the global reactionary backlash. The Basque People indirectly determines the policy of the EIU and its Member States, in any place where a conflict between the Peoples and the Imperial States there appears.
The States – in fact the Governments – had reserved for themselves the right to determine the concept of legal nationality of an individual: being this concept administratively established at their remarkable ease even though the official, constitutional, civil or special formulas of nationality were to incur in revealing hesitations, contradictions and begging the question. The international institutions and the “generally followed practice” were going in the same direction, with some limitations from customary international law etc. In this context, the precise fixing of this concept ended up establishing that “nationality is a legal bond of attachment having by basis a social fact of relationship, a genuine effective connection of existence, interests and sentiments, together with a real reciprocity of rights and duties”. “Nationality constitutes the juridical expression of the fact that an individual is more closely connected with the population of the particular State” conferring it, than with any other State.
In this sense, the dual nationality does not exist and cannot be recognized. As already said, against the propensity of “States” to subsume the Peoples, and the tendency of “Governments” to deputize for the “States”, the recognition of international right of self-determination of Peoples by the UN implies and recognizes that the Peoples do politically precede and legally constitute the States and the Governments. The determination of nationality belongs to the Peoples, and secondarily to States and Governments built by those Peoples themselves in the exercise of the right of self-determination of all Peoples. [Decrees of nationality in Tunisia and Morocco, and the opinion of the Permanent Court of International Justice, 1923; Convention of The Hague, on Certain Questions Relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws, 1930; Universal Declaration of Human Rights, 1948; Nottebohm case and the opinion of the International Court of Justice at the Hague, 1955; International Covenants on Human Rights, 1966.]
Between the One – Red or Fascist – Spain and the “broken” Spain, the Nationalists always choose the first of them. With regards to the national question, Spanish and French Right and “Left” wings are and have always been in agreement up to 99%, and the remaining differential is not antagonistic but complementary, simultaneously or in succession: at all times, the ideological and political liquidation of the subjugated Peoples’ National Resistance is the priority objective expressly or tacitly agreed between them. Even the disputes that arise between them, are aimed at the mutual enhancement of the “antagonists”. Thus, the “Right” accuses its “Left” for not being sufficiently resolute in the maintenance of their Empire despite knowing that it is so (a feigned accusation so as to strengthen it before the eyes of the subjugated Peoples’ Resistance, and facilitdate its task of recuperating and blocking it); while the latter accuses the former for not being moderate enough for that common purpose and for the same reasons. The whole history of this Country for centuries has been the repetitive demonstration of this.
The evaluation of the internal contradictions of the imperialism, insofar that they exist, is a task that goes without saying; but the search for “partners” according to those contradictions is another more nonsense. “French against Spaniards, Carlists against Liberals, National-Socialists and Communists against Capitalists, (imperialistic) policy against (imperialistic) law, Judges against Governments” etc., are “oppositions” that stimulate the illusions of the weak and oppressed, and hide the fundamental solidarity of the strong and oppressors.
The national class struggle was formally “abolished” by the modern international National-socialism, thus finishing, incidentally, with the purported social-national “dualism”: an inevitable resource of the traditional social-imperialism, maintained for two centuries so as to confuse and weaken the subjugated Peoples’ National Resistance.
The ideological “dualism” class-nation/social-national/class struggle-national struggle was the favourite ideological weapon of the imperialism, which rendered continuous and important services to the political and ideological struggle of the imperialistic reaction, and wreaked havoc among the helpless defenders of the national freedom, given the fragile ideology and feeble political integration of the subjugated Countries. It counted, while it did last, on the use and flawless complicity of the indigenous auxiliary services of the Pnv-Eta unarmed and armed collaborationists and accomplices, who in their turn have proclaimed it always – with close-minded or perverse stubbornness – even after the abandonment of the internal class struggle by the social-imperialism, due to the requirement of the renewed Francoism and their Western mentors.
(The reactionary dogma of “the problem unsolvable in our time: the double national and social alienation”, proclaimed by the armed or unarmed collaborationists, showed that, indeed, the issue was unsolvable for them. The incapability – presented as universal impossibility – of the self-proclaimed ideological and political vanguard Pnv-Eta did also verify that there is no more harmful a dogmatism than the obscurantist dogmatism, inseparable from the suppression of the ideas and of the freedom of speech.)
With the disappearance or the abandonment of internal class struggle for the benefit of the [national] reconciliation, the [national] front, the Sacred [national] Union and the restructuring of the traditional Right and Fascism, there become fortified the solidarity and resolution of all the imperialistic Nationalism in the international class struggle. The so called “leftist” Nationalism does not lessen in strength compared to the “rightist” Nationalism; in fact it’s all on the contrary. The imperialistic and colonial Nationalism so-called “of Left, liberal, socialist, communist or anarchist”: in its various – either vibrant or residuary – forms, does in no way yield to the Nationalism of the most conservative sectors from the mainstream Right. Quite on the contrary the former depends on the latter; it does complement, guide, conceal, stimulate, develop, fester, reinforce, adapt and modernize it; it seeks its ideological justification and legitimacy; it integrates its fifth column; it infiltrates, provokes and weakens the Resistance. The official social-imperialism leaves evidence of this.
“Consequently, if we want to grasp the meaning of self-determination of nations: not by juggling with legal definitions, or ‘inventing’ abstract definitions, but by examining the historico-economic conditions of the national movements, we must inevitably reach the conclusion that the self-determination of nations means the political separation of these nations from alien national bodies, and the formation of an independent national state. Later on we shall see still other reasons why it would be wrong to interpret the right to self-determination as meaning anything but the right to existence as a separate state. [...].
“If, in our political agitation, we fail to advance and advocate the slogan of the right to secession, we shall play into the hands not only of the bourgeoisie but also of the feudal landlords and the absolutism of the oppressor nation. Kautsky long ago used this argument against Rosa Luxemburg, and the argument is indisputable. When, in her anxiety not to ‘assist’ the nationalist bourgeoisie of Poland, Rosa Luxemburg rejects the right to secession in the programme of the Marxists in Russia, she is in fact assisting the Great-Russian Black Hundreds. She is in fact assisting opportunist tolerance of the privileges (and worse than privileges) of the Great Russians.
“Carried away by the struggle against nationalism in Poland, she has forgotten the nationalism of the Great Russians; although it is this nationalism that is the most formidable at the present time. It is a nationalism that is more feudal than bourgeois, and is the principal obstacle to democracy and to the proletarian struggle. The bourgeois nationalism of any oppressed nation has a general democratic content that is directed against oppression, and it is this content that we unconditionallysupport.” Etc. (V. Lenin; ‘The Right of Nations to Self-Determination’, 1914.)
“It is ridiculous to foster the illusion that those who do not defend the right of self-determination of the oppressed Nations, while being themselves part of the oppressor Nations, will be able to lead a socialist policy. Precisely because in fact they are imperialists and not socialists, and only for this reason.” They are socialists and internationalists only in name but “social-patriots, chauvinists and annexationists” in fact: “Socialists must explain to the masses that a socialist and an internationalist only in name, but a chauvinist and an annexationist in fact, is the English socialist who fails at once to struggle for the freedom to secede for Ireland, India” etc. (V. Lenin.)
“It goes without saying that this distortion of Marxism is of vast advantage to those philistines, who have reduced socialism to the unheard-of disgrace of justifying and prettifying the imperialistic war by applying to it the concept of ‘defence of the fatherland’; but it is unquestionably a distortion, nevertheless.” (V. Lenin; ‘The State and Revolution’, 1917.)
The diverse Spanish republicans have become “converts” to the nationalist and royalist extreme right-wing. In fact, and as there occurs with their admired model: the French republican “revolutionaries”, the Spanish “National-liberals, republicans, socialists, communists, anarchists” etc. did never stay behind in matter of imperialistic Nationalism, quite on the contrary. In both Countries, they all appear and manifest themselves ever more openly as tout court and plain Nationalists, and indeed they are nothing else. They only exist because the traditional Right needs them as political and ideological complement in order to do the dirty work that it cannot do by itself. These fugitives: spoils and transvestites of the revolutionary transformism, do thus find moral satisfaction and material compensation. The easiness and speed with which the most radical self-proclaimed adversaries of the traditional despotic Governments (and of the “aristocracy” and the “bourgeois nationalism” of the others) do become convert to the official Nationalism and to Fascism, casts a revealing – retrospective and prospective – light on the reality and fundamentals of their present and past activity. So obvious is their absence as an opposition, that they do not even manage to define the advertising façade that may allow them to continue keeping up appearances.
The repression of the national liberation movements by the “Leftist” chauvinism is the most vibrant of all, because it counts not only on the solidarity of the traditional reactionary backlash and conservative Right-wing, but also with the complicity and support of “liberals, socialists and communists” from all around the world. In the occupied and colonized Territories of the subjugated Peoples, the so-called “liberals and socialists” etc. of the imperial-colonialist metropolises have been, since their inception and fundamentally, defenders and bearers of the most declared imperialistic Nationalism, and an instrument of the ideological and political struggle against the Peoples’ freedom; with the auxiliary support – either blind or deliberate – of the indigenous collaborationists and accomplices of the subjugated Peoples. Their organizations are simple colonial extension of those of the Metropolis, in which rely on for everything. In all colonial systems, such organizations have for their local specific basis the colonial Nationalists and the indigenous Renegades, it is: the social components more naturally aggressive, motivated, demanding and resistant of the imperialistic régime.
Their manoeuvres to camouflage as “opposition” and ingratiate themselves with the National Resistance Movement, do correspond with the utmost repression when they reach the Government have it at their disposal. The agreement between them all on the denial and liquidation of the oppressed Peoples, as a final solution to the national problem, is complete. Similarly as in Algeria and elsewhere, they closely depend on the goodwill of factual or real power and on the military and bureaucratic political class, whose mistrusts they are obliged to dissipate by eminent services that can outdo the procedures of the traditional Right; which don’t need to prove anything to anybody, even less to itself.
Nationalism, same as corruption, are “values of the Left” rather than of the Right-wing. With regard to imperialistic and colonialist Nationalism, the same as to corruption, the official “Liberal, Republican or Socialist Left” has usually gone farther and is more doctrinaire, radical, destructive and innovative than the traditional Right, to which it serves of help, resource, alibi and substitute for to remedy its own deficiencies and limitations. For the “conservatives” the history, the sociological constants, the previous law, the founding pacts, and the holy tradition: adequately falsified, constitute or are said to be fundamental ideological and political values. For its part, the constructivism “of the Left” makes tabula rasa of the others’ Peoples, Nations and States; and invents and imposes by means of criminal Violence and Terrorism the own Nation-State or State-Nation.
The Spanish imperialistic Nationalism is not a product of the Francoism; the Francoism is a product of the Spanish imperialistic Nationalism. On the national question, the Republicans opponents of the Francoism were basically in agreement with it:
“An acquaintance of mine states that it’s a constant in Spain’s history the need to bomb Barcelona every fifty years. The system of Philip V was unfair and hard, but solid and comfortable. It has been useful for two centuries.” “With the collapse of the Basque front we’ve got rid of that problem for tomorrow.” (Manuel Azaña; from a speech in Alicante, end of 1937.)
“We have to thank Franco because of having resolved for us the Basque problem, which is now a thing of the past. In matter of regionalism, we understand between ourselves sooner and better with Falangists than with separatists.” “I have never been what they call pro-Spanish or jingoistic. But I am outraged at these things. And if these people are going to dismember Spain, I prefer Franco. With Franco we could understand ourselves, or our sons or whoever. But those men are unbearable.” (Manuel Azaña; President of the second Spanish Republic.)
“The Decree of Franco, abolishing the autonomy of Catalonia, had passionate adherents among the Republicans. I’m not waging war against Franco in order that a stupid and provincial separatism may sprout us in Barcelona. In no way. I’m waging war by Spain and for Spain. By its greatness and for its greatness. They are wrong those who otherwise do presume. There is only but one nation: Spain! Before allowing nationalist campaigns, which lead us to dismemberments that I in no way accept, I would as lief give way to Franco without any other condition except that of his getting rid of Germans and Italians.” Etc. etc. (J. Negrin; Prime Minister of the Government in the II Spanish Republic and member of the PsoE.)
If these and other similar things were said by the Spaniards “of Left-wing” when they practiced the class struggle and the civil and international war in 1936, it can be deduced what they think, say and practice now, when all political contradiction has disappeared and the internal class struggle has been “abolished” by the architects and the newcomers of the “transition”, achieved for the benefit of the nationalist reconciliation and sacred union, and of the common National-imperialistic front:
“[...] President Puigdemont and Vice-President Junqueras, today more than ever, become the main cause of the fracture and tearing of the whole Catalan society. And all that for nothing, because nothing is to embark on a path that leads to a dead end; that is sowing division and social and political fracture; and that is violating the principles upon which sits the social and democratic State of [Spanish] law and the rule of the [Spanish] law. [...]; yet, before any questioning of the territorial integrity of Spain there is no nuance: the mere idea of a Spain without Catalonia, and vice-versa, is that of one maimed Spain and Catalonia”. Etc. (From the speech of P. Sanchez, Secretary General of Falange-PsoE, in support of the abolition of the “autonomy” of Catalonia decreed by the traditional Francoist Party; 27-X-2017.)
The troops of the insurgents Generals who established “the rule of the Spansh law” called themselves “nationals”, although the whole world called them nationalists. It had not yet been invented by the “Basque nationalist Party” (Pnv) the ineffable euphemism of “non-nationalists”, which had an immediate and significant adoption by all services of propaganda of Spanish imperialistic Nationalism.
The Nationalist passion and the imperialistic Racism do blind their own agents. Result of centuries of Despotism, the totalitarian idolatry towards the immovable and all-powerful State: beginning and end of all moral, of all policy and of all law, condemns and blocks all progress, and puts oppressors and oppressed in tow or behind history’s back. The narrow-minded obstinacy of French and Spaniards in order to retain, by means of criminal Violence and Terrorism at any cost, the Empires that Violence and Terrorism at all costs allowed them to establish, has brought also for themselves fatal consequences that only the nationalist fanaticism can allow to ignore. Neither they nor anyone will lose time in the regret or the imagination of futile alternatives. Everyone does what they can, and – in the case that concerns us – imperialists and colonialists do the only thing they know to do: repress and violate the fundamental human rights.
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