“Metaphors and allegories” in Spanish politics

“Metaphors and allegories” in Spanish politics


In view of the evident follow-up of our texts and positions that the Spanish fascists are doing: both the official and registered members of the Francoism in its traditional version, as well as those ones of its transitive and National-socialist version camouflaged under the acronym of Falange-PsoE and its social-imperialistic offshoots (which leads them to adorn themselves with our expressions that they then try to recuperate by presenting them as “metaphors” etc.); and in order to facilitate the general knowledge of these original texts of ours, we present below some extracts from them:


The very ministers and creatures of General Franco: accomplices, co-perpetrators, signatories and beneficiaries of all his crimes, and the henchmen and ideological agents who officiated during the war and his personal dictatorship in “the Spanish State, totalitarian instrument at the service of the Homeland through the Empire towards God”, do currently all of them enjoy their crimes in a complete impunity, have occupied a distinguished place among the architects of the intra-totalitarian transition, do found Parties and attend its elections, occupy the “highest” public posts, preserve their site, and exert important functions in the “new” régime as “democrats of always”; which, without further ado, illustrates the nature of the Francoist self-reform, and distinguishes it with respect to any genuine evolution or revolution of the political power.

Those ministers, accomplices and followers of the Dictator’s crimes continue to wield the political and ideological power, in the service of Spanish imperialistic Nationalism; and have at their disposal the monopolies of mass broadcasting to continue to defame with impunity the victims of the Francoism, and to affirm that “the Basque and Catalan nationalists are to be hung by the feet”. They do at all hours call themselves “non-violent democrats”, but they are the same fascists of always: even more hypocritical and dangerous than before, because since the “general elections” of 1977-79 and up to the present day they have the homologation and recognition of the Pnv-Eta bureaucracy as “lifelong democrats”. Their presence in the “institutions” does not pollute them, because the former are as fascist as the latter.

However, the shameless traitors and/or inept lunatics-cretins who form the bureaucratic band Pnv-Eta and its satellites Ea-EhBildu-Sortu-Geroa bai etc.: which for more than forty years have been accepting and calling “that” democracy, and the Spanish imperialism and fascism, “Right-wing” (as if the Spanish “Left-wing” was not equally so), when they see now that the Spanish Francoism of always shows its disgusting and intact face and reality that it has always had but that they have been hiding and collaborating so that the Basque People would not see them, all they do about it is to continue to fake the reality and call it a “democratic involution”. An alleged democratic involution that only could exist if there had previously been a democratic evolution or revolution; which, except in their hallucinations, in their dementia or in their bad faith, has never existed.

“Denouncing” a non-existent democratic involution is the wretched “justification” of those “Basques” auxiliary agents of Spanish imperialism that they have accepted as democracy, in order to evade their responsibility in the current situation that only those aboriginal Collaborationists have made it possible. Meanwhile, they continue to perversely and obscenely accept and collaborate with the Spanish imperialistic, colonialist, plunderer and fascist régime imposed on our People and State: a National-imperialistic and kleptocratic régime of military occupation that they continue to recognize as legitimate, non-violent, non-Nationalist and democratic, and to participate in its totalitarian institutions and “general elections”.

No more or better credit that the holders of the reigning régime do deserve the Spanish “republicans, anarchists, and communists”, as well as the peripheral “nationalists”: the moderate and radical, armed and unarmed institutionalists who make up the multi-format Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy; who, in advance and with ridiculous reserves, do recognize the Francoist criminal State “reformed” by the intra-totalitarian transition as if it were their own State (while absolutely ignoring our current historical State: the Kingdom of Nabarre), and the Francoist “institutions” and armed forces of military occupation over our People and State as if they were democratic and non-violent. All of them struggle to attain their confidence, recognition, grace and benevolence, without which they run out of the party. In return, these native treacherous Collaborationists and Accomplices do only ask to be allowed to collaborate (which is all they know to do), participate, vote, do business (which is not the same as negotiating politically), and receive remunerations and subsidies for them: it’s the very essence of the régime of the Second Francoism that all of them do sustain and which sustains them.

The countless victims who suffered and suffer from their crimes are permanent testimony of this. Ending with the witnesses is a supplementary reason and the only way that the criminals have so as to dismiss responsibility and culpability, while relegating to a purportedly irrelevant past the foundation of the contemporary reality, and deleting the most evident traces of the abominable, unforgettable, unforgivable and indelible original sin upon which that reality was constituted. The People and the persons direct and indirect, mediate and immediate victims of the aggression in 1936 have never been offered apologies or recognized; the daughters and sons, the families of the defeated and humiliated persons continue seeing daily the murderers “walking like real cocky” – the expression is of Aznar and his accomplices – at the scene of their crimes, and in the view of their countless victims. The now adults, who have for eighty years seen their elders murdered, persecuted, mocked and humiliated, did never obtained recognition, rehabilitation or solace but contempt, hatred, discrimination and persecution of the Western “Democracies” and of the Catholic Church.

Murderers, criminals, psychopaths, rogues and scoundrels (which are ordinary appellations in current fascist propaganda against the Peoples that they are subjugating): from Franco’s Ministers downwards, have not purged anything nor asked forgiveness for anything, and continue enjoying the fruit of their crimes in complete impunity, now with the “democratic” blessing of the Pnv and Co. They receive individual and family pensions for the rendered services, continue enjoying their posts, honours and sinecures, and murdering or torturing defenceless and unarmed civilians: now on their own account as they previously did under the orders of the Dictator. The sanctification of Imperialism and Fascism, the exaltation of the murderers and the criminalization of their victims, occupy a preferential place in the structure of the Second Francoism, which has consolidated the work of the First one.

The Spanish fascists: the registered ones and the camouflaged as “socialist/communists”, who do hypocritically and without interruption use the formula “we the Democrats” with the hope that – by dint of repeating it – their victims may believe it (and that even they themselves end up believing it), have turned such a denomination into the driving of psycho-physiological reflexes of disgust and rejection, revulsion, nausea and vomiting that the confusion induced by the monopolistic propaganda makes even more harmful.


 Crimes and criminals (XXI)


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