Before the 25th anniversary of the so-called “Lizarra-Garazi Agreement”

Before the 25th anniversary of the so-called “Lizarra-Garazi Agreement”


In the permanent campaign of confusion and ideological intoxication of the Basque People, which every day is carried out by the bureaucracy of the so-called “abertzale left” at the service of French-Spanish imperialism (whose criminal, imperialistic, colonialist and fascist régime and State of military occupation they have been accepting as non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate, democratic and “their own States” for almost half a century, while they deny and reject our own State, the Kingdom of Nabarre), today was the turn of the celebration of the 25th anniversary of the so-called “Lizarra-Garazi Agreement”, adopted on September 12, 1998.


Thus, in a meeting between the “general coordinators” of Ehbai (Nikolas Blain) and Ehbildu (Arnaldo Otegi) held in Hiriburu (Laburdi), these agents of collaborationism and betrayal have presented the said “Agreement” as a positive “reference” for the Country, when it is disastrous; and they have proposed recovering “the meaning and orientation” of it, when its true meaning and orientation is the liquidation of any authentic policy of liberation of the Basque People and its State against French-Spanish imperialism.


Those who in the past were “absolutely convinced” of Eta’s individual terrorism as a “correct way to independence”, and despised those who warned of the absolute disaster that this wate-rway was going to bring to the Country's ship, as was the case, remain now just as convinced of this new path towards disaster, as the sub-agents of the PsoE that they are and supporters of their Spanish fascist régime of military occupation that for forty-five years they – together with the liquidationist Pnv bureaucracy – keep calling it “democracy”, while during all this time they have continued to sabotage the only possible way out for our Country.


That is why we once again remember the ‘Declaration for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples’ (versions in Euskara, English, French, and Spanish), where a brief indicative summary of the disastrous characteristics of said “Agreement” is made.

In particular, and in the face of the objectively imperialistic ideologies – although coarsely disguised as false “progressivism – of those who question the right to liberation of the subjugated Peoples: a right that, according to them, is conditioned to the requirement to demostrate its “purity” as regards the alleged and false “Socialism” and other similar “isms” of those “censors” (who, on the contrary, do not put any conditions on the continuity of imperialism), we deem it convenient to emphasize that the Peoples have the right to their national Independence without any conditions. As stated in the above-mentioned Declaration: “We should bear in mind, above all, that all Peoples have a right to their full freedom, for its own sake and without any conditions; and to construct, elect or renew their own States without any kind of hindrance”.

Apart from that, these issues have been clearly exposed in our texts:


“Continuous, empty and repetitive ‘proposals for the construction of Euskal Herria and for the democratic resolution of the conflict' (which they are not even able to formulate correctly): in the Anaitasuna or Anoeta stadiums, in Altsasu or in Lizarra-Garazi etc., try to hide the reality of French-Spanish imperialism: which they conceal behind those exercises of collective suggestion ‘for the resolution of the conflict through the democratic ways’ that according to them subsist within the imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation, and which they do not tire of calling at all times ‘democracy’.


“Because, in the absence of a strategic base: which is what they do not have no matter how much collective suggestion and mirages they develop in those “performances”, the concessions obtained and the feints they can make are of no use to them. And this is so because imperialism: which they have recognized and accepted as democracy with their ‘participation in the democratic institutions’, has them caught by the throat and will not let go of the prey as long as they do not condemn their unique identity reference from the past: the attempts; and as long as they do not unequivocally recognize the legitimacy of the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation of our Country.


“In other words: if the French-Spanish régime of military occupation and its institutions are democratic, as they themselves have recognized, then the attempts against it and its institutions are and have always been criminal; and anything other than recognizing it as such is ruled out. This is the end of the story they themselves have written. The fanatical and dogmatic sectarianism of the Eta group, and its ignorance and absolute theoretical incapacity, together with its arrogance, have resulted in their own acceptance of the qualification of ‘terrorists’ (with which they have also soiled the name of the Basque People, of which they always claimed representatives), the confusion, self-blaming and demoralization of our People, the penetration of Spanish social-imperialism – pseudo-Marxist and pseudo-revolutionary – in our Country through them, and finally their own integration into Spanish – and French – imperialism, recognized by them as ‘democracy and the State’ of their own. The balance of the Eta could not have been more disastrous for the Basque People.” Etc.


(See Chapter XXX – ‘Bureaucratic-activist degeneration of the Pnv-Eta conglomerate, and its strategic-political ruin’, of our general work Euskal Herria y el Reino de Nabarra, o el Pueblo Vasco y su Estado, frente al imperialismo franco-español’ / ‘Euskal Herria and the Kingdom of Nabarre, or the Basque People and its State, against French-Spanish imperialism.)

Faced with these lethal mirages and daydreams of the past, which are maintained and constantly “revived” by the liquidationist bureaucracies Pnv-Eta and their current satellites: Ea-EhBildu-Sortu-Geroa bai and the rest of the trade-unions and social and cultural associations that give them cover and support, we do once again propose the only option with real strategic content that the Basque People can oppose against imperialism and fascism of Francespain, namely: the constitution of a non-partisan National Pact for Independence, based on the universal acceptance of a fundamental strategic principle of double National-State affirmation that is common to all the Basque People, and the only one that allows the unity of all its sectors for the liberation of that imperialism.

These minimum strategic affirmations, which the Basque Movement of Resistance and National Salvation (BMRNS) is based upon, have been formulated and exposed with total clarity in its Manifesto, published in EnglishEuskaraFrench, and Spanishas well as in the texts published on this page, and every authentically patriotic and democratic group admits them naturally and spontaneously (in the same way that they are rejected by French-Spanish fascist imperialism). These affirmations are:

1/ Affirmation of the right of freedom, FREE disposition, national independence or self-determination of the Basque People/Euskal Herria.

“Cornerstone of democracy”, the international right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples is a right that is original, fundamental, inherent, customary, immediate, unconditional, continuous, permanent, inalienable, indefeasible and imprescriptible for all Peoples subjugated under an imperialistic and foreign régime; that is the same thing as their unconditional and immediate independence in the face of / against any foreign domination or interference contrary to their national freedom; and that has been recognized – not constituted – by the contemporary International Law of the United Nations: from the First Article of its foundational Charter of San Francisco as well as by numerous and relevant Resolutions of its General Assembly, as THE FIRST OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE PRECONDITION FOR THE FULL ENJOYMENT OF THEM ALL.

In our Country, its corollary and practical application consists, as an inescapable requirement for its realization, in the DEMAND FOR THE UNCONDITIONAL AND IMMEDIATE EVACUATION of all the occupying forces and of the entire apparatus of imperial-colonialist subjugation of the occupying Powers: Spain and France, OUTSIDE the historical Territories of the Basque People/Euskal Herria and its State. And


2/ Affirmation of the continuity, validity and actuality of our own State: the Kingdom of Nabarre, successor of the Kingdom of Pamplona – “the Kingdom of the Basques” – constituted by a confederation of Vasconic Republics, Counties and Lordships historically and freely gathered around it. Internationally recognized for a thousand years, the Kingdom of Nabarre remains the sole State of the Basque Nation, which it has never renounced to nor has ever admitted or recognized any other.

Its necessary consequence implies the constant and incessant NON-RECOGNITION AND DENUNCIATION of the occupying States: the “Kingdom of Spain” and the “French Republic”, and of their totalitarian régimes of military occupation, as criminal, imperialistic, colonialist and fascist,and not as their own, non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic, as the purported “official Basque political class” ” – formed by the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroabai etc. – is doing to this day.

Naturally, given that French-Spanish fascist imperialism will not agree to voluntarily withdraw its occupying forces outside our Country, the only coherent action that we have left in our hands and that is perfectly achievable with the minimum of socialcost and the maximum of revolutionary effectiveness, is – as it has been explained and proposed by the BMRNS – the TOTAL BOYCOTT of the imperialists and the institutions of French-Spanish imperialism.

At the same time, as long as French-Spanish imperialism does not withdraw from our Country its forces of military occupation (given that they CONSTITUTE the essential and fundamental element of its strategic apparatus of domination, without which its entire system collapses), and since evidently it is not possible to carry out an anti-imperialistic policy with the help of the imperialists and fascists, that is: the fifth-columnist agents at the service of that imperialism infiltrated among the subjugated Basque People (who, while refusing to openly assume the principle of double national and State affirmation of the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, do on the contrary affirm as legitimate and democratic the “right of imperialism and military occupation” of Spain and France over our People and State); as long as all this continues like this, we say, the corollary and practical application of that principle implies maintaining a TOTAL BOYCOTT:


– to any collaboration with any individual or collective person which, by rejecting – or refusing to publicly assume – either in whole or in part, in theory or in practice one or both fundamental affirmations mentioned above, does objectively – some of them even in an open and confessed way – form part of French-Spanish imperialism; and


– to any participation both in the institutions of the French-Spanish imperialistic, colonialist and fascist régimes of military occupation of our Country, and especially in their imperialistic juridical monopolies or “parliaments”: Spanish Cortes Generales and French Parliament (established over the centuries by means of their real and primary constitution, that is: military occupation, Monopoly of criminal Violence and Terrorism of war and State, and countless and imprescriptible constitutive crimes against the Basque People and its State); as well as in their totalitarian “general elections” that “legitimize” all this.




Army of occupation not even with music!

Spain not even with a republic! France not even with a monarchy!




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