The text that we are publishing below, consisting of a brief Introduction and a Declaration, is part of the documentary funds of Iparla Publications.
As indicated in its Introduction, this Declaration was presented on the occasion of the General Congress that the International League for the Rights and Liberation of the Peoples (LIDLIP) held in Donostia on November 1999, but it was rejected because of the opposition to it from a local member of the League.
Since we believe that the document is of absolute interest and actuality, we consider it appropriate to make it known.
Iñaki Aginaga
The International League for the Rights and Liberation of the Peoples-LIDLIP held its latest General Congress in Donostia, on 1999, November the 21st/22nd. The text given below was produced at that event, since it had been accepted in the previous preparatory meetings; however, it was finally rejected. Instead, its principals set out another one coming from the Lizarra-Garazi Agreement.
Everybody does long ago know the Lizarra-Garazi text, as it has been widely spread by the media. Nevertheless, its main basic points are to be highlighted, because:
1/ It completely falsifies the principles of democracy and liberty of all Peoples, denying and despising their immediate demand and application to the occupied Peoples and States;
2/ It conceals the imperialistic nature of the States and political parties of Spain and of France;
3/ It puts aside the International law, and above all the Resolutions produced by the United Nations;
4/ It ruins any liberty-orientated strategy, proposing instead a path devoid of any sense at all; and
5/ It completely denies the validity and actuality of the State of Nabarre.
Therefore, we hereby put in the readers’ hands the Declaration that was rejected.
The right of freedom, free disposition or self-determination of all Peoples constitutes the essential purpose of our organisation. To get to know and disseminate it, to work in its favour: this is the pith of our task.
One way or another, that right has always been at the heart of international politics. Nowadays we appreciate more than ever its vital importance: as long as it is put aside, there becomes impossible to achieve peace and democracy, welfare and progress of Humanity.
We should bear in mind, above all, that all Peoples have a right to their full freedom, for its own sake and without any conditions; and to construct, elect or renew their own States without any kind of hindrance.
The most important world organisations recognise, with increasing force, that the right of freedom, self-determination or Independence of all Peoples is a fundamental human right and prior condition to all other rights. This is not just any law but a fundamental and not at all alterable one. The United Nations (U.N.) have recognised this as such. All its organs have repeatedly reinforced this law and principle over the last fifty years. Moreover, many regional formations, governments and N.G.O.-s have asserted themselves in the same line.
In order to protect all Peoples from attacks against their right of self-determination or independence and against the security of their States, world-wide institutions have to be established: We have heard the same old song for too long. In any case, given that their presence is lacking, Peoples and States can always resort to their own legitimate self-defence, a right that also has always been affirmed in international law.
Those who oppress Peoples and States are not agents of honourable political enterprises, they are simply criminals; yet, not political but just common delinquents. Nor are they criminals of a particular level either but the perpetrators of the greatest crimes that morality and law can record. If we take International Law as a reference, these terrible offences can be classified into three groups: those committed against the laws of war, against peace, and against humanity. They cannot be forgottenor forgiven, if we are really aiming to finish with them.
If we take a look at the world today, we see no reasons for rejoicing. A large number of Peoples have gained their freedom over the last fifty years; that’s true. But we have observed – and continue to do so – how each new wave of de-colonisation is followed by an increasingly strong undertow: the imperialistic powers work hard at keeping Peoples in chains, even eliminating them if possible. All means are useful to them, starting with the most repugnant forms of violence and Terrorism. They have no difficulty in finding the lackeys and fellow travellers they need. Unfortunately, among these, we quite often find recently liberated Peoples and even those who are still waiting for their freedom.
Within the United Nations, the so-called “soft law” is more often than not ignored. This is not surprising when you realise that the “hard-law” is not applied either, saving exceptions...
The same principle of self-determination of all Peoples, so often affirmed and confirmed, has been denied, pruned, limited and falsified time and time again by the enemies of freedom. We should say that the response has usually been weak and confused, because the claws of Fascism are long and hard when it comes to silence the voice of liberty.
It should also be borne in mind, when reading and examining international law, the enormous and significant change that its terms and their meaning have undergone in recent years. The U.N. Resolutions themselves are incomprehensible through the names and concepts most frequently used in the past. From an ideological point of view, considerable attention needs to be paid in this field, because the enemies of the Peoples take full and unbridled advantage of the resulting confusion in order to conceal international laws and principles, always to the detriment of freedom and democracy.
Furthermore, the situation is even worse in regional and State organisations. This also occurs in Western Europe: a new bunker built around a new Axis to attack and block the freedom of the Peoples. In this sense, one could say that Western Europe is on the fringe of the world, because the enormous movement that has turned half this world upside down does not seem to have affected it at all. Imperialism maintains its domination in this way, trying to hide itself behind the continuous invocation of human rights. The fascists of today and forever thus have all the power they need.
The same thing, therefore, occurs in the historical Territories where the Basque Nation has always been deeply rooted in. Its State, the Kingdom of Pamplona-Nabarre, was established twelve centuries ago, bringing together all surrounding Basque People. This State remains ours, for we Basques have never accepted or recognised any other. Nowadays, and bearing in mind the laws and behaviour of nations, we understand better than ever the need to maintain and renew both our People and our State.
Over the centuries and part to part, the new and neighbouring States have occupied and colonised these lands, scorning the rights of the Basque People and State, and have sought to wipe out our identity and national life. Long since, the terrorism and fascism of those aggressor States are crushing down this peace-loving nation. The abhorrent crimes committed in the process have not been paid for so far. They are clear and alive in our memory and conscience because we have suffered them: in our villages and families, in our streets and mountains. The authors of these crimes would like to sweep them under the carpet as if they had never occurred, so that they could continue their own sweet way. The system so established does shamelessly present itself through official propaganda as “democratic, legal and peaceful”. A farce that will not weaken our struggle for liberty, nor will our scorn and hate for its eternal enemies.
It is clear that there will be no peace or freedom in the world if its Peoples and States do not set up an efficient strategy in the fields of democratic ideology and politics. We have no reason to feel satisfied with ourselves in the occupied Territories of the Basque Country: not even from afar, if we want to stop criminal imperialistic forces. Despite having the ideas and the popular strength needed to present an adapted and efficient response in Western Europe, having in addition the example of other nations, we – on account of stupidity, illusionism and lack of democracy always supported by the imperialistic forces – have shown ourselves for the last forty years to be incapable to lay the foundations for efficient political life. Therefore, we should not hide the fact that if we carry on in this direction we are doomed. If we cannot get out of our difficult situation on our own, nobody else is going to doing it for us.
The purpose of this League does not lie in the realms of science or morals; it is at the service of Peoples’ rights and freedoms. It is clear, then, that we should mobilise ourselves in the ideological and political fields, while always preserving our own identity and functions.
Thank you.
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