The 21st century is the time of globalized imperialism and of universal domination of the financial and State capital. Traditional capitalism has disappeared, and – along with it – liberalism and socialism have also disappeared, which entails the end of illusionism and idealism of whatever stripe; without politics – which is the realm of violence – and monist positive law – which is a political order and therefore of violence – having left the state of nature which Nations and States live in. This determines relationships of antagonistic violence and permanent conflict between them. Nations and States are always in a position or disposition of “war of all against all”.

The large, strong, warlike, rapacious, aggressive, conquering and colonizing Peoples do rule the world and the international relations; they impose their interests and their law; and they ensure their survival in international politics by attacking, dominating, subduing, plundering, exploiting, assimilating and destroying the Weak and Defenceless. Warmongering and militarism are the spontaneous attitude of the dominant Peoples and States (whether these be “capitalist” or “communist”); and under their conditions, pacifism is an ideological resource of them so as to maintain their domination over the Weak whom they keep dominated and therefore deceived. This is often done through the action of “pacifist” agents at their service: alienated and recruited from among the subjugated Peoples themselves, who denounce as “warmongering and terrorism” the legitimate defence of an attacked and subjugated People but not the crimes of its original aggressor.

Aggression, oppression, “rivalry of conquests”, mutual fear, and the destruction of other States and Nations through criminal Violence are the proper and normal things of international relations under the imperialistic system, without a supranational order or power that transcends them. Under such circumstances, the international “natural community” and its international law do not and cannot exist. Imperialism is the extreme, most aggressive and oppressive species of criminal Violence, of war of aggression and domination, of totalitarianism, pillage and exploitation, and of Nationalism, racism and linguistic and cultural oppression.

A People is qualified as a real political agent through “the number, the territory, and the resources”; as a consequence, only the great imperial or hegemonic nations are “fully” independent. In international practice, there are only classified or considered as such Peoples and Nations, and they have rights only those who are capable of imposing or defending themselves against the others; either it be by themselves, or with alien assistance, protection or protectorate, or by occupying the spaces that the great Powers prevent each other from occupying and sharing as a result of their own “antagonisms and frictions”.

As a result, those who do not have the necessary means to resist Imperialism and Colonialism have no right to anything, and do only exist but as objects of criminal Violence, that is to say: of imperialistic politics and “right”. There is no peace, right or earthly or heavenly protectorate to which weak Peoples can avail themselves in order to escape the supreme regulator: the rapport of forces. Under these conditions, the misfortune that entails the fall of these Peoples under the criminal domination of an imperialistic State implies a permanent political conflict that has only two possible solutions: the first one is the liquidation of the occupied and colonized People, which is carried out through extermination, assimilation, repopulation or deportation; and the second one is its survival, achieved ONLY through the restoration – or where appropriate creation – of its own State and its national Independence.

The only alternative to imperialism, and to the social and moral degradation that it entails, lies in the establishment of a social order based on the Peoples’ International Law, which was established after the Second World War on the affirmation and validity of Fundamental Human Rights (HR) and above all on the right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples: the first of human rights and the precondition for the full enjoyment of them all, as recognized by contemporary UN International Law.


The Peoples’ International Law (not its falsification and destruction that is currently spread under the condescending and hypocritical name of “international humanitarian law”): a Law formally recognized – not constituted – by the Charter and Resolutions of the Organization of “We, the Peoples of the United Nations” and by successive Declarations and Conventions on Human Rights, did formally condemn – as international, timeless and imprescriptible crimes of war, against peace and security of Peoples and their legitimate States, and against Humanity – the imperialism and colonialism, the aggression and the threat of aggression, the right of conquest, the annexation and genocide, the violation of the right of all Peoples’ self-determination, the alien subjugation, domination and exploitation of other Nations and their legitimate States, the demographic policy of deportation of indigenous Peoples and the implantation in their territories of colonies of foreign population, and the denial of the identity of the oppressed Peoples. The imperialistic State is a criminal State.

They were thus repeatedly recognized as fundamental, imprescriptible and inalienable the right of self-determination of all Peoples (which is their right to freedom and immediate independence from imperialism), the right of independence and integrity of the Nations and “States that conduct themselves in conformity with the principle of equal rights and Peoples’ self-determination”, and the right of legitimate self-defence of them all against an original aggression; a defence that can be legitimately carried out “by all means at their disposal".

(For further discussion of these issues, see – among others – Chapter XIV – “International Law and Peoples’ Self-Determination”, of our general text ‘Euskal Herria and the Kingdom of Nabarre, or the Basque People and its State, against French-Spanish imperialism.)

All the States that applied for and obtained their membership in the United Nations’ Organization, did thereby formally adopt its constitutive and institutional regulations; yet, in practice, neither the Member States nor the Organization itself do comply with it. In this way, international politics continues to be determined by the imperialism of the dominant Powers and their occasional or permanent satellites and protectorates. In fact, the UNO accepts the independence of subjugated Peoples when they have already achieved it, usually against that Organization; and now, the new, millionaire and convict King of the current Orbis Regulator: the Republic of ‘E pluribus unum’, has declared – along with his court of arrogant and pluri-thousand-millionaire ministers-jesters – “a new era of peace, dialogue and democracy” in which they are ready to drag under their anatomical “arch of triumph” the Peoples’ independence and their legitimate States, and all International Law. These are unfortunate issues that have already been set out in our texts of reference:


“For now, the narcissism and primary self-satisfaction of these nouveau-rich and masters of the world, by preventing them from knowing their shortcomings and from suffering in the least as a result of it, do not arouse in them the slightest desire to seek any remedy. It is not that Bush and Trump think they’re very smart; it is that they do not mind about it because they and their team are convinced that the others – and the People of Usonia (United States Of North Independent America) to start with – are still dumber than themselves; what enables the new Administration to handle the whole world on behalf of the Usonian plutocracy of the East. Yet, like it happened to others of their kind, the balloon can burst in their hands when they least expect it.

“The great charismatic leaders of the Usonian democracy, who – supported by the impulse of direct democracy – were capable of modifying the institutional inertias and dependencies, the perverse or inhibitory effects of parliamentary log-rolling, the administrative reductionism, or the judicial ‘stare decisis’, have become a thing of the past. Instead, automatons pre-fabricated and programmed in the administrative assembly lines, and finally criminals, unscrupulous and coarse real-estate and technological tycoons, have taken their place. The mediocrity, the short-sightedness and the short-term opportunist realism: typical of the political-administrative apparatus, are currently incardinated with the power and interests of large national or multi-national corporations, and with the primary and growing nationalism of the popular masses.

“If ‘the U.S.A. defend all around the world the liberty, democracy, justice and the sake of Good against Evil’; if ‘their enemy is Terror, and those who are not with us are with the terrorists’; if invading and dominating Peoples and States by war and terror, and bombing the civilian population is – as it is intended – ‘fighting against terrorism and against the Axis of Evil’, as proclaimed Urbi et Orbi by the Chief Executive of Usonia; and if, furthermore, the strongest Country of all (and also even the largest one), which has accumulated and used the largest arsenal of mass destruction of history, claims and also monopolizes for itself the capacity of supreme executive judgment to a planetary scale, as also its citizens seem to take for granted, then it is needless any other additional consideration and there is no doubt about the line to be followed or pursued: ‘Il suffit de leur rentrer dedans. As they have put it: ‘Some believe that in the world they are in charge but they are wrong: in the world we are in charge’. In short, that the qualification on the validity or not of the fundamental human rights, and in particular of the rights of self-determination and legitimate self-defence of all Peoples, is a monopoly of the imperial Nation and its satellites.


“Now then, how an Institution that began to bear fruits such as Washington, Adams and Jefferson could have ever fallen into the hands of Bush and Trump, this is a question that shows in itself the contingencies of historical evolution and the precariousness of political progress in this world. But everything has its explanation, because when in 1959 General-President Eisenhower did melt into an embrace with General-Dictator Franco: the last survivor of Nazi-Fascism presumedly and officially defeated in 1945 but who was still in full exercise of power, and then rode with him through Madrid amidst acclamations, in an open car and surrounded by the Moorish Guard, he was announcing with these acts of cynical and unutterable obscenity the drift that has now opened the gates to the first registered fascist occupying the White House.

“The crisis of confidence, the desperation and the hostility aroused and spread in the world by the new reality of the hegemonic monopoly of the Republic of Usonia are the result – perhaps deliberately integrated and assumed by the leaders of that Power themselves – of the disappointment and frustration experienced on a world scale by the deluded or forsaken people of all species. Because, for more than a century, a considerable part of Humanity: hungry for bread or for freedom, had tried to join this new promised land, or waited for the North-Americans to come and take them out from their sad plight. Yet, today the leaders of Usonia do already take it for granted that this part of suffering Humanity only expects from them the curtain of bombs on their Countries and the imperialistic depredation of their mineral wealth (and of their Countries as a whole), which do precede or condition the Usonian ‘aid’ for a subsequent mafia reconstruction. That is to say: that after the genocide carried out through the sale of weapons that the former manufacture, these Countries must next endure their urban and mining gangster ‘drink’.

“Archbishop of CanterburyIt must be thought on. If it pass against us, / We lose the better half of our possession; / […]; being valu’d thus: / As much as would maintain, to the king’s honour, [...]; And to the coffers of the king beside, / A thousand pounds by the year. Thus runs the bill.

“Bishop of Ely: This would drink deep.

“Canterbury: ‘Twould drink the cup and all.” (W. Shakespeare; ‘King Henry the Fifth’.)

“The liquidation and abandonment of the principles of International Law recognized not constituted by ‘We, the Peoples of the United Nations’ in the Charter of San Francisco after the end of the Second World War, in particular of the condemnation of aggressive war (an international crime) as well as of the affirmation of the indefeasible and inalienable international right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples, and of integrity and independence of their legitimate Statesconducting themselves in compliance with the principle of equal rights and Peoples’ self-determination [UNGAR 2625 (1970)], is currently the bargaining chip, the trump-card that keeps oiled the solidarity between international imperialism: from Moscow to Beijing passing through Washington. The show of international thuggery of the Trump-Vance tandem in the Oval Office of the White House, trying to get President Zelensky to accept the colonial division of Ukraine between the so-called “Federation of Russia” and Usonia, will remain for posterity as an indelible ignominy of that State.

“The moral depravity to which the hegemonic Power has reached in its norms of international behaviour – verified whether it be in Palestine or Ukraine – at the hands of an Administration led by illuminati fanatics and uninhibited clowns, who do shamelessly exhibit themselves with crosses on their foreheads and gesticulating with ridiculous contortions while cynically lecturing the world – and above all the attacked – about ‘peace, freedom and democracy’ being beside the aggressors, is appalling.


“The new Orbis Regulator does legislate, interpret, judge, condemn and execute by itself. The ‘principle of effectiveness’that is: its capacity to unilaterally impose its own vision of reality (much absurd and radically false though it may be), is its fundamental norm of behaviour and legitimacy; its military and political capacity is virtually unlimited; its responsibility is nil; and no human institution can oppose its discretionary exercise.

“Consequently, dependence towards others – whether it be in matters of decisions, interventions, reprisals or wars – does already result humiliating and unbearable for the hegemonic Power, which has chosen to do everything it wants where, when and the way it wants to. The UN, NATO and their components must understand as soon as possible that to shut up and cooperate is all that is allowed to them in the new hegemonic ‘international law’. The sooner they understand who is in charge here, the better it will be for everyone. After all (as they seem to say), just as ‘what is good for General Motors is good for the USA’, similarly what is good for the USA is good for the world.


“The hegemonic Power and its vassal States do no longer recognize an agent or International Law that can limit or mitigate their own norms, actions or decisions. The new ‘international order’: carefully prepared, has already been effectively implanted as the basis of the political constitution of the contemporary World.

“The international political relations, like the others, had always and up to the present time been ruled by a variable, transitory and recurrent combination of actual or virtual violence, of war or armed peace, and of total or partial, direct or indirect, immediate or deferred, rigid or flexible, authoritarian or transactional confrontation. That is: ‘In times of peace, the States exchange diplomatic notes; in times of war, cannonballs’, but politics continued ‘by different means’. Instead, under this new ‘international order’, the manifestation of both the naked reality of imperialistic oppression and exploitation of small and weak Countries and Peoples at the hands of the ‘big’ and powerful ones, as well as the uninhibited unilateral recourse to criminal Violence so as to achieve this, has been exacerbated in full view of the whole world.


“Yet, the crisis of identity, effectiveness and prestige of the International Law, its abandonment or degradation, and the showing of the crude reality in international relations, do constitute a mechanism of immediate and prolonged action whose material and moral consequences can go much further than what their high-handed causing agents can guess. And this is so because the unilateral ‘liberation’ of the hegemonic Power and its clientele, with respect to the annoying obstacles posed by any international hindrance or procedure, does also, necessarily, lead to the corresponding ‘liberation’ of the others. If the hegemonic Power produces its own ‘international’ rules, the others will try to do the same. (Cf. The return to Nationalism and to warmongering Imperialism of the Nations defeated and forced to pacifism: Germany and Japan.) Because, from the start and as is natural, no one respects a ‘right’ of a part, in whose foundation one appears only as the object of repression.

“Thus, the time of globalization and worldwide network is, in fact, the time of imperialistic Nationalism and Totalitarianism: re-established and deployed without complexes or restrictions. Imperialistic Nationalism and its unavoidable consequence in the form of ruin of Peoples’ right of self-determination, that is: ruin of their right of unconditional and immediate independence both against hegemonic Imperialism as well as against the Imperialisms of the concurrent Powers, have as a consequence insecurity and fear of the worst; which are the social base of the new wave of Nationalism and Reaction that does relentlessly advance on the globalized world, and whose depth and nature the traditional political Parties strive for camouflaging and caricaturing. (See our articles ‘Agudización de la actual crisis geo-política: nueva agresión del Imperialismo Moscoviano contra el Pueblo Ucraniano y su Estado’, and ‘El Imperialismo Chino contra el derecho de autodeterminación de los Pueblos’.)


“The European imperialistic Nationalism, the Usonian absenteeism, and the imbalance between the old and the new imperialisms, had led to the ruin of the League of Nations. Given that similar causes produce similar effects, fifty years of betrayals, impotence and capitulation in the face of imperialism: driven by all those who could impose it, have also ruined the UNO along with all the advances and illusions that this Organization did arouse or disappoint; until, finally, the new hegemonic Power has decided to openly ignore such an obsolete antique.

“After the Second World War, the balance had been established by means of the Terror of the nuclear duopoly and the Cold or Hot War; and once that balance has been undone, it has gone – from that ‘peace of balance’ – to an attempt of a ‘hegemonic peace’ that sometimes resembles the ‘Pax [peace] of the Empire’, and other times the ‘anarchy’ or the law of the jungle. It is an embryonic world ‘order’ that has now been succeeded by the inevitable rampage of multi-lateral and multi-centred violence. Indeed, the currently demanded ‘multi-lateralism’ is the imperialistic multi-lateralism of the ‘Great’ aggressor nations, and it does simply consist in granting them the guarantee and respect that they demand in order to continue their domination over their ‘traditional hunting grounds’ and their ‘spheres of influence’, which are the Peoples and States they are subjugating and aspire to continue subjugating.

“However, the absolute Terrorism in the hands of the hegemonic Power, presented as a solution of the disputes that imperialism does incessantly give rise to, has shown its limits even at the sight of its own actors. Thus, those pretentious and sufficient sorcerer’s apprentices, those “eminent” re-discoverers of a kindergarten ‘real-politik’, and those sponsors of the new “New-Deal” (that is: the own protectionism through tariffs on a worldwide scale while trying to impose liberalism for all the others), have once more opened Pandora’s Box, which is also the trunk of thunders.

“In the new world order, the human rights, the humanitarian principles, the International Law, or the squalid laws of war, are respected only when and insofar as they are harmless or beneficial to the side that is obliged by those norms. Weakened in their function of guarantee, these principles resist poorly and yield to the demands and consequences of the war of aggression and of the colonization; especially if they involve the loss of the war and the colonies, or if the alternative cost exceeds what was had been foreseen or is bearable.


“The ‘unfailing commitment’ to the sake of ‘peace, freedom, justice and democracy, and of good against evil’: obtained from friends and allies as accredited, steadfast, reliable, unselfish and sincere as the Spanish fascists and their ilk (such as the criminal – internal – dictator and – eternal and external – aggressor Putin) at the expense of the freedom of their victims, offers the Usonian Empire some advantages and provides it with certain guarantees; but it does also arouse resistances – with regard to its objectives, deadlines, means and priorities – that, as a hegemonic Power, it itself should evaluate and gauge.

“Conversely, the ability of the hegemonic Power to turn its former allies into adversaries or to make new ones, is also widely verified. As for its ability to keep friends or to make new ones, that’s a horse of a different colour. After all, perhaps that question lacks – or it is supposed to lack – importance, starting from a sufficient accumulation of weapons of mass destruction and Terrorism. It is thus shaped and built a political and ideological determination that only the facts will be able to weaken or modify, perhaps when it is already too late. Only the results will decide to what an extent and for how long the current hegemonic Power has been wrong about friends, enemies, epoch, or Planet.” Etc. (See the full text in our work: ‘The hegemonic crisis’.)

(The international “norms” for the protection of “minorities” do hypocritically conceal and serve, in reality, the constant determination of imperial States to put an end to those minorities by all means at their disposal, knowing that their victims “thus deceived became more stupid than they had ever been before”.)

In view of all this, we reproduce again a significant paragraph from the Declaration for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples’, published in Basque, English, French and Spanish:

“Those who oppress Peoples and States are not agents of honourable political enterprises, they are simply criminals; yet, not political but just common delinquents. Nor are they criminals of a particular level either but the perpetrators of the greatest crimes that morality and law can record. If we take International Law as a reference, these terrible offences can be classified into three groups: those committed against the laws of war, against peace, and against humanity. They cannot be forgotten or forgiven, if we are really aiming to finish with them.” Etc. (Iñaki Aginaga; from his aforementioned Declaration.)


In a Despotic-Asiatic and Absolutist régime, such as the Spanish and the French ones (imposed on our Country through war of aggression, military dictatorship and Terrorism), the resulting political and ideological power has never been defeated. In fact and ultimately, with the total triumph and maintenance of the fascist dictatorship of General Franco throughout his life, the old Spanish opposition disappeared:

“[T]he opposition is in the catacomb. The classic trade unionism of UGT and CNT and the political parties are dismantled, they have a terrifying fear. What emerges [next] is a new mentality that is no longer going to fight to oust Franco and make the [democratic] revolution.” Etc. (Julián Casanova, interviewed in the newspaper El País’ February 15, 2025 about his recent book Franco; Crítica, 2025.)

Then, after the dictator’s peaceful natural death in his own bed, a prefabricated representation of that “opposition”: created, colonized and financed by the Francoist régime itself and the Western Secret Services (and with Santiago Carrillo and his PcE at the head), did overnight declare the “democracy” of that dictatorial régime all whose criminal components (a unique case in History), Ministers, Army and Forces of repression, Judiciary etc.: everybody except hardly for the Dictator himself and his family, had apparently always remained “lifelong democrats”. It did also declare the obsolescence of the internal – domestic – class struggle, and of course the non-existence of the external class struggle, which is its own imperialism over the Peoples that France and Spain keep subjugated. It was the intra-totalitarian transition “from law to law” from the First Francoism to the Second one currently reigning, which has already lasted longer than the First oneAs a result, the criminals and thieves of the military coup became democrats and kept the proceeds of their robberies; and those murdered and robbed retained their status as such and the obligation to “forget” what had happened.

So as to ensure its success, this monumental enterprise of falsification of reality – and its replacement with the trickery of “Spanish democracy” – did from the first moment (June-1977) count on the complicity and agreement of the Pnv bureaucracy and its Esb-Esei satellites; and since March 1979, with those of Eta and its “white label” Herri Batasuna. Since then and until today, they are the conglomerate that forms the mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites: currently Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroabai etc., along with the rest of the “Basque trade-unions and social and cultural” associations and foundations that give them cover and that never denounce them as the auxiliary and necessary local agents of imperialism that all they are. It is therefore about “Basque nationalist” bureaucracies that have betrayed our People for half a century now, with their acceptance of French-Spanish imperialism as legitimate, democratic and “the State” of their own, while tenaciously ignoring and denying the right of self-determination or independence of the Basque People, and the continuity and validity of our own historical State, the Kingdom of Nabarre. (See Chapter 18 – ‘The Spanish intra-totalitarian transition: the Second Francoism’, of our of our work ‘Notes on the History of the Basque People/Euskal Herria and its State: The Kingdom of Nabarre’.)

This is the “idyllic democracy” in which this recuperated and corrupt “Basque opposition” has been installed since the intra-totalitarian transition to the Second Francoism currently reigning. Meanwhile, the shameless and/or lunatic members of that “opposition” do not cease to periodically wonder and ask themselves, with disgusting hypocrisy and/or stupidity, how it is that Francoism is still present, and that the monuments that glorify its crimes and genocide – far from being demolished – must be maintained and “re-signified”; all this with the collaboration of the so-called “Basque nationalist left”. Not even language can stand the obscene contortions they make so as to “normalize” their miserable corruption and betrayal.

The gloomy shadow of General Franco, father of today’s Spain, is cast over all its institutions, subject to the master guides imposed by its founder; and this is so even if, now, the Constitution of the Second Francoism is called “democratic”. As for the French State, all opposition to its absolute power in its various variants disappeared with the French nationalist revolution; and with it did also disappear any whims of Resistance – irrelevant though they may be – to the governmental acts or dictates. Nationalism and totalitarianism are the constituents of the French republican empire. The government of the State-nation tends towards totalitarian domination both internally and externally.

“The centralized power of the government, with its organs present everywhere: standing army, police, bureaucracy, clergy, and magistracy,” is the machinery and supreme determining factor of the modern state. As K. Marx wrote, “All the political upheavals have only perfected this machine instead of breaking it”. “Their forces are superior to any other.” As indicated from the beginning, in this time of globalized imperialism, the domination of the large financial monopolies determines the inter-penetration of the State and banking powers, that is, of the monopolies of criminal Violence and finance, in a single system.

The participating “powers”: executive and judicial, ministries, judges, central and local administrations, parties, trade-unions, banks, real estate companies and municipalities equally “inter-penetrated”, fight or associate with each other by all legal and – formally – illegal means; which allows them to use or circumvent the law as the case may be. Corruption, nepotism, intimidation, bribery, incompetence, ignorance and prevarication of officials, judges and assistants, uses and abuses, and corporate and extra-corporate complicities are not accidents or infractions of the system, they are its normal and necessary mode of operation.

Contrary to what the filthy propaganda of the colonialist monopolies makes or tries to make us believe, the political régime imposed by French-Spanish imperialism and fascism on the Basque People is not based on the free adhesion manifested and developed by elections, transitions, constituent processes and other “democratic” procedures. It is the result of many centuries of criminal Violence, repression and State Terrorism; mass murders and crimes of war, against peace and against humanity; wars of aggression, conquest, pillage, occupation, subjugation, dismemberment, annexation and ignominious denial and destruction of the integrity and independence of its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre and of its foral and customary institutions (all of it against contemporary and current national and international law); demographic and territorial separatism of our People; summary and mass shootings of the armed or unarmed opposition as a means of resolving political conflicts; theoretical and practical violation of the fundamental, imprescriptible, inherent and indefeasible rights of self-determination and legitimate self-defence of the Basque People; theoretical and practical denial of its own freedom, dignity and identity; deportation of native populations and implantation of a foreign colonization; ideological indoctrination and deprivation of all freedom of expression and information; and persecution of the own Basque national identity and personality, through the individual and collective imposition of an alien identity and the postponement and criminalisation of the native language and culture. This is the political order of the criminal French-Spanish State of military occupation of our Country; an order that the “Basque” indigenous institutionalist-collaborationists who constitute the mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites – Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroabai etc. – have been accepting and qualifying for almost half a century now as legitimate, democratic, peaceful, non-Nationalist, non-violent, and “the State” of their own.

The Basque People: demographically and territorially reduced, linguistically cornered, primitive, culturally backward, and ideologically credulous and manipulated, has gone from precarious freedom to absolute political dependence under French-Spanish imperialism. What is worse and decisive: the decimated, occupied and colonized People, which has not yet recovered either materially or morally from the hecatomb of its last war against Spanish and German-Italian Nazi-Fascism (1936-37), has been misled and betrayed by an incompetent, complexed, frightened and finally corrupt and collaborationist ‘intelligentsia’ and purported “Basque nationalist political class” Pnv-Eta, and does not recognize itself in the only strategy of Resistance and National Salvation that it has and that we propose, nor in its current State institutions of the Kingdom of Nabarre; which does fatally deprive it of having the ideological and political consciousness that would allow it to weigh in international politics, and to oppose or resist the reigning imperialism and totalitarianism. In such conditions, and in spite of the pathetic and useless infra-political agitation to which this false “Basque nationalist political class” is dragging it (precisely in order to exhaust it), the Basque People is a mere passive and defenceless object in the face of the French-Spanish imperialistic régime of military occupation, which does ceaselessly increase its political, economic, demographic, linguistic and ideological domination of our Country.

French-Spanish imperialism denies the existence of the Basque People. A denial repeatedly endorsed by the “Basque” bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites, accomplices of submission and collaboration; thereby it is superfluous talking about right of self-determination and legitimate defence of all Peoples, since for them the Basque People do not exist and what does not exist has no rights. French-Spanish Nationalism does not reject, persecute or try to reform some characteristics of our occupied Nation but it denies it as such, so as to better put an end to it once and for all. Its strategic aim is not only the domination and exploitation of the occupied and colonized People but also its liquidation; therefore, neither partial concessions nor occasional appeasements will change anything, they will only lead to new and greater demands until the complete destruction of the Basque People and its State; which has always been the fundamental and invariable political objective of that imperialistic Nationalism.

If anyone does really believe that, in the absence of any Resistance of strategic level (which is the situation in which the current purported “Basque nationalist and patriotic political class” has been maintaining our Country for almost half a century), the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism is going to abandon this objective, then he is more stupid or crazier than he appears or wants to appear. But it is long time now that betrayal and corruption have been openly assumed in the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites; and no one among them is so foolish as to really believe anything that they feign to defend, solely for the purpose of deceiving our People. Only the monopoly of disinformation, ideological intoxication, indoctrination and mass propaganda: from which they benefit and which under the fascist régime is inherent in the monopoly of criminal Violence and Terror, allows such lies to achieve some credit in part of the oppressed People.

To ask that “the States [i.e., the occupying States] and the Church should get involved” even more! in resolving “peacefully and democratically” the conflict that they have produced through war of aggression, crimes and oppression against the Basque People and its State, is like asking the wolf to get involved in the protection of the sheep. The occupying States of our Country and the Church are fully involved in the final solution: the liquidation of the subjugated States and Nations.


The French and the Spaniards are imperial nations come to less, which can only act as such against defenceless or weak and unarmed Nations and States; but this does not mean that they have lost their arrogance, aggressiveness and rapacity with regard to the remnants of their empire, since they have unreservedly their mutual support and that of the entire world reaction. These imperial nations have demonstrated in every way that they are radically incapable of admitting and recognizing the reality, existence and rights of the Peoples they have occupied, annexed and colonized. The infamous colonial wars of Cuba, The Philippines, Algeria and Morocco are the last overseas experiences that leave no room for doubt about the permanent idiosyncrasy of the Spanish and French Nationalism that leads them, which does never and nowhere abandon its domination until it has exhausted to the last extreme all the resources of criminal Violence and Terrorism at its disposal, and even much later. Its supporters have no major cause for political concern as long as they retain the essentials, namely: the monopoly of criminal Violence and Terror, which allows them to solve any situation with cannon fire. Which, by the way, they have never shied away from doing, even if it costs the freedom of the oppressor peoples themselves at the hands of their police, military and totalitarian governments; because as the Indian Dionisio Inca Yupanqui, deputy elected in the constitution of the Cortes of Cádiz warned them, “A People that oppresses another People cannot be free”.

Permanent military occupation, and criminal Violence and mass Terror impose the marble law of the imperialistic strategic and tactical device against the subjugated Peoples; a device that sets the insurmountable limits of the eventual reforms and adaptations that imperialism can undertake or grant. Consequently, the imperialistic Nationalism of the French and Spaniards will never accept in its domains a People, a Nation and ultimately an active subject of politics and law other than their own. To expect otherwise would be to ignore the particularly primitive, irrational, instinctive, affective and passionate basis of Spanish and French Nationalism, framed by an immovable political, financial, clerical and bureaucratic-military “class” that does always resist and take advantage of “revolutions and transitions”. Thus, that imperialistic Nationalism will never agree to a total or partial “devolution” of the political power that its agents managed to monopolize in our Country by means of war of aggression, repression and terror between 1833 and 1937.

French-Spanish imperialism is not going to give in, return or negotiate anything in the face of a strategically non-existent “Basque” opposition; and its collaborators and local accomplices Pnv-Eta and its satellites: armed and unarmed, are not going to do anything to alter this situation. The first concern of these local “Basque” accomplices of that imperialism is to prevent and avoid any contamination by external influences, so that the initiative and example of other countries that have freed themselves from the clutches of oppression cannot give rise here to movements that endanger what for them is so idyllic, captivating and profitable submission. They do thus guarantee the governments of Spain and France, and for half a century now, that thanks to the well-paid collaborationism of the “Basque” Pmv-Eta bureaucratic branch-system, no one is going to stir here; neither before nor after all the other oppressed Peoples of Europe and the whole world regain their national freedom.

This armed and unarmed “Basque opposition” is exercised with strict and subsidized respect for the established order and its monopolies of criminal Violence and communication through “elections and consultations, deepening of democracy, progress little by little, persuasion, dialogue and imaginary negotiations, gentlemen's agreements and peaceful coexistence” (all this with the imperialism and fascism); and through strikes and demonstrations as repetitive as they are empty and useless, and civil or uncivil attempts that are the negation of all strategic Resistance. But, of course, counting on the “right to decide” under imperialism and its conditions, and on the “right to trust” in the promises of its allies, in order to deny, destroy and replace with them the international rights of self-determination and legitimate self-defence of all Peoples. All this is the concealment and apology of the current French-Spanish imperialistic, colonialist and fascist régime of military occupation of our Country; and, consequently, it is the denial of the Basque Nation, of its State and its rights. A denial made by those who claim to defend them, while they do directly or indirectly maintain in the ideological darkness and the political inactivity the supposed social base of the National Liberation Movement; a social base so many times frustrated and deceived that it no longer has the strength for anything else.

The euphoria and illusions of election periods alternate with the depression and disillusionment that are their consequence; and the electoral celebrations and dances give way sooner or later to the sad reality. But the financing of the “Basque” parties and trade-unions from the budgets of the Spanish State is nevertheless very real: it is the salary of betrayal, submission, clientelism and corruption; and their participation in the fascist monopolies of ideological intoxication and propaganda allows them to continue deceiving the unwary of our Country. There is no doubt that those beneficiaries will not give up a collaborationism that provides them with such compensation and gratification. “Call blockhead whoever advocates the boycott of the elections” of fascism, was the slogan of a “leader” of “abertzale” collaborationism. As is evident, the real blockheads and scoundrels of Basque collaborationism do reserve and have always for themselves a scale and a margin of priorities that, once the “electoral period” has passed, allow them to do nothing “for the next three years” extendable for eternity. “But” – as Lenin wrote – “to divide up the spoils, to settle in the lucrative posts and to take over for administrative sinecures, etc., etc.” they do not have to wait that long, not even until “the next legislature”.


One-way solidarity, servility and humiliation have never brought People the consideration of anyone but the contempt and added hostility of others. Suchpatterns of behaviour are consequence of the political nullity of Nations that are too weak to proclaim or restore their own State. However, Peoples as disadvantaged or more disadvantaged than ours have been able to show capacity to perceive political reality, strategic lucidity, speed of adaptation, reaction andinitiative (whether spontaneous or mediated), and operational articulation of their associative virtuality; all of which has enabled them to compensate for an often-overwhelming initial inferiority, and to resist the aggression and colonization of imperialism with considerable success. But no Power, great or small, will ever support,protect or recognize People, Nation and State that do not recognize themselves.

In the last ninety years: since the heroic, tragic and catastrophic war against the Axis Powers that from 1936 determined our present, the Basque People has demonstrated its inability to return or access the strategic level, outside of which it is also outside of reality and History. If the reality of French-Spanish imperialism that keeps us subjugated is not known or recognized, even less can we intervene against it. Whether we are facing here or not a congenital incapacity for politics and, therefore, to face the real world in which we live, this is something that no one but the People itself can demonstrate. But if it really wants to do so, and after half a century of collaborationist rubbish with “the Spanish democracy” of the intra totalitarian transition to the Second Francoism currently reigning, it has better hurry.

The flagrant strategic incapacity of the alleged “Basque nationalist intelligentsia and political class”, that is: its inability to understand what real politics is about in today’s world, has meant that, in a short time, the value of our People in the international agencies of political evaluation and forecasting has collapsed. They have all understood that “these guys will never learn” and that they are not a cause for concern to anyone. They only hope that Spanish and French Nationalism will put an end to them that is to us as soon as possible. “Thanks” to the incapacity, corruption, fanaticism, arrogance and betrayal of the “Basque” political bureaucracies Pnv-Eta and their satellites: which for fifty years in a row have idiotized, stupefied and mentally alienated our Country, the People our People who some believed to be surely the head of the list of the independence movement in Europe, has quickly retreated in the classification until it has disappeared from the list, from the strategic atlas, and from the booking of international bets for liberation against imperialism.

In a reality like the one we are suffering, there is no other national and democratic policy than the civil strategic and institutional Resistance against Oppression and State Terrorism, the boycott of its ideological and political operations of repression, intoxication and recuperation, and the restoration of its own State. In view of all this, we reaffirm once again the fundamental principle of double national and State affirmation of the Basque People/Euskal Herria, as set out in the Manifesto of the Basque Movement of Resistance and National Salvation’, published in English, EuskaraFrench, and Spanish:

1/ Affirmation of the right of freedom, FREE disposition, national independence or self-determination of the Basque People/Euskal Herria.

“Cornerstone of democracy”, the international right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples is a right that is original, fundamental, inherent, customary, immediate, unconditional, continuous, permanent, inalienable, indefeasible and imprescriptible for all Peoples subjugated under an imperialistic and foreign régime; that is the same thing as their unconditional and immediate independence in the face of / against any foreign domination or interference contrary to their national freedom; and that has been recognized – not constituted – by the contemporary International Law of the United Nations: from the First Article of its foundational Charter of San Francisco as well as by numerous and relevant Resolutions of its General Assembly, as THE FIRST OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE PRECONDITION FOR THE FULL ENJOYMENT OF THEM ALL.

In our Country, its corollary and practical application consists, as an inescapable requirement for its realization, in the DEMAND FOR THE UNCONDITIONAL AND IMMEDIATE EVACUATION of all the occupying forces and of the entire apparatus of imperial-colonialist subjugation of the occupying Powers: Spain and France, OUTSIDE the historical Territories of the Basque People/Euskal Herria and its State. And

2/ Affirmation of the continuity, validity and actuality of our own State: the Kingdom of Nabarre, successor of the Kingdom of Pamplona – “the Kingdom of the Basques” – constituted by a confederation of Vasconic Republics, Counties and Lordships historically and freely gathered around it. Internationally recognized for a thousand years, the Kingdom of Nabarre remains the sole State of the Basque Nation, which it has never renounced to nor has ever admitted or recognized any other.

Its necessary consequence implies the constant and incessant NON-RECOGNITION AND DENUNCIATION of the occupying States: the “Kingdom of Spain” and the “French Republic”, and of their totalitarian régimes of military occupation, as criminal, terrorist, imperialistic, colonialist and fascist, and not as their own, non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic, as the purported “official Basque political class” – formed by the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroabai etc. – is doing to this day.

At the same time, as long as French-Spanish imperialism does not withdraw from our Country its forces of military occupation (given that they CONSTITUTE the essential and fundamental element of its strategic apparatus of domination, without which its entire system collapses), and since evidently it is not possible to carry out an anti-imperialistic policy with the help of imperialists and fascists, that is: the fifth-columnist agents at the service of that imperialism infiltrated among the subjugated Basque People (who, while refusing to openly assume the principle of double national and State affirmation of the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, do on the contrary affirm as legitimate and democratic the “right of imperialism and military occupation” of Spain and France over our People and State); as long as all this continues like this, we say, the corollary and practical application of that principle implies maintaining a TOTAL BOYCOTT:

– to any collaboration with any individual or collective person which, by rejecting – or refusing to publicly assume – either in whole or in part, in theory or in practice one or both fundamental affirmations mentioned above, does objectively – some of them even in an open and confessed way – form part of French-Spanish imperialism; and

– to any participation both in the institutions of the French-Spanish imperialistic, colonialist and fascist régime of military occupation of our Country, and especially in their imperialistic juridical monopolies or “parliaments”: Spanish Cortes Generales and French Parliament (established over the centuries by means of their real and primary constitution, that is: military occupation, Monopoly of criminal Violence and Terrorism of war and State, and countless and imprescriptible constitutive crimes against the Basque People and its State); as well as in their totalitarian “general elections” that “legitimize” all this.



Army of occupation not even with music!

Spain not even with a republic! France not even with a monarchy!




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