Wiles and ideological intoxication: the non-violent imperialism (XXII)


XXII – Wiles and ideological intoxication: the non-violent imperialism

Iñaki Aginaga and Felipe Campo


Propaganda and psychological warfare have always concealed and complemented the criminal Violence and Terrorism that do found the imperialistic domination, establishing instead its justification and basement in theology, nature, morals, reason, common good or social interest, so as to present it as an enterprise of peace, progress, civilization or altruism. All this, according to criteria that exclude either all violence, or – here’s a significant resource – at the very least all fundamental, original and constitutive violence of that domination. In themselves, and following their own postulates, the imperialistic States would not even be States, since they do not know violence but “natural” non-violence and “perpetual peace” reign in them, under the care of venerable, virtuous and clairvoyant civil and ecclesiastical pastors and curators who meekly exert their ministry through wise advice and paternal admonitions.

Unfortunately the Devil does not rest; and, by his instigation, Evil breaks into so paradisiacal society, which ends up being disturbed by aberrant individuals or minorities that seek to impose their dictatorship by means of violence and terror. Once the serpent in the paradise, the apple in the society and the worm in the apple, all goes to the devil; and then, the wise and good men who run the human community are forced to defend it through good violence (i.e. that of themselves), war, repression and Terror. Of course, without thereby giving up proclaiming at the same time the sacred ideals of Good, Peace and Love, nor condemning and pursuing by all means “all violence coming from where it may come”. Seemingly, this huge formal contradiction does not concern them or cause them considerable harm. However, genocide or State terrorism are what they are: criminal Violence in its highest degree and specialization; despite the fact that the monopolies of mass ideological intoxication spread their functional schizophrenia, cut out the ideas, and change the names so as to conceal or justify them.

Today more than ever, due to the own development and implications of its political and ideological line,the official imperialistic power needs to conceal – in the prudent and limited measure that the objective conditions allow it – the reality of criminal Violence of that so-called “peaceful, democratic and non-violent” régime that imperialism has established. And the “moderate, non-violent and institutional opposition” – as well as the “radical, violent, and no less institutional opposition” – do also need to maintain that concealment, since the mere consideration: without reductions or blinders, of the basis of violence of the régime and of the means of Terrorist Violence that the fascist imperialism has, would put into evidence and would remove all credibility to the “elections, persuasion, dialogue, negotiation, consensus, hunger and general strikes, armed struggle and revolutionary war” that such “oppositions” propose as an alternative to the de facto power. Thus, the “Basque moderates and radicals” Pnv-Eta and their satellites strive to confirm the peaceful and non-violent image that the régime tries to give of itself, and do at the most confine themselves to “denouncing” the “excesses” resulting of the “democratic deficit”, and to preventing – by all means that the monopolies of criminal Violence and fascist Propaganda provide them – any criticism and all “revelation” of the true nature of the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime against the Basque People and its State, the Kigdom of Nabarre.

The ones and the others mean to make believe that “policy and violence are incompatible, and that violence cannot be used for political purposes”. But, quite on the contrary, policy not only is“compatible” but does necessarily involveviolence, and is incompatible with non-violence. More precisely, not that violence be incompatible or even compatible with policy: violence is the specific and constitutive means of policy. All policy is and constitutes actual or virtual violence, though not all violence is nor constitutes policy.

Law, State, the national or international political relations (wether they be democratic or totalitarian), the conservation and the strategic modification of the rapport of forces, are the specific realm of violence. To say – as the imperialistic and fascist ideology does it – that “the democrats reject all violence” is a contradiction in terms and an operation of sabotage of the democracy, so as to get its own defencelessness and subsequent domination by totalitarian régimes. To say that violence should not be used for getting political ends is to deny any policy, because policy in itself is not characterized by the ends but by the means, which consist of violence. The ends are political only insofar as they have violence as their means, and they cease to be so if they dispense with the means that constitute them as such political ends. Violence is the specific means of policy, not a simple accessory.

One can stand, without contradiction, “against all violence coming from where it may come”; but one cannot stand at the same timein favour of the political ways: legal, legitimate or democratic though they may be or pretend to be, since all of them involve violence. The non-violent policy is a contradiction in terms, a vacuous attempt against all formal or general logic, and a hypocritical denial of the most evident reality, whose consequences are always suffered by the weak and the helpless. There is no possibility for establishing an opposition between a violent policy and a non-violent policy. A policy can be opposed or not to another one; but it cannot, without formal contradiction, be opposed to violence.

A morality of non-violence is perfectly possible in idea, without implying contradiction. It is also a normative – positive and effective – factor of behaviour; even though its practice has never gone beyond limits other than the individual threshold, the socially marginal or sectarian areas, the approximate reduction, and the adaptive commitments. “The Sermon on the Mount – I understand by that the absolute ethic of the Gospel – is a much more serious matter than those who nowadays gladly quote its commandments believe. This ethic is no joking matter. What has been said of causality in science, also applies to this ethic: it is not a cab, which one can have stopped in order to get on or off at one’s pleasure. It is all or nothing:thisis precisely its meaning, to act otherwise is to trivialize it.” (Max Weber.)

The “Basque moderate and radical” Pnv-Eta: local supporters and apologists of “the democratic path within the most absolute respect for (fascist) institutions and in the absence of any violence” (but only the anti-fascist one), have it very clear that “the solution of the political problems of this Country is in dialogue”; and that, “as in the Basque Country, also in the rest of the world the path and the key of the solution are found in dialogue” with imperialism and from one’s own defencelessness. Something that not only is theoretically absurd and insane but is also belied every day by the reality, which these lunatics and / or agents of imperialism refuse to register.

Now then, this new “brilliant” contribution of “the moderates and the radicals” is going to be of no use to the problems in question, since these ones will not be healed and solved by denying them or supposing them as resolved: wether this be done with straight or with crooked intention. The fact that the Pnv-Eta propaganda has to resort to pieces of nonsense of this calibre to keep tricking their victims, reveals by itself the degree of mental confusion and political impotence to which they have led the society to which they are pretending to provide solutions and remedies. They can feel satisfied with their service!

Because the fact is that policy: much more so the policy in the face of the imperialistic Nationalism and Fascism, does not begin where do begin freedom, dialogue and peace; it begins where they have ended or where they have never existed. The policy tries to answer, one way or another, to the problems that exist in the world which we live in, not to those that are supposed to exist in the Limbo of the Righteous, or of the fools, or of the lunatics. The escapism towards a world of imaginary beatitude, where “all persons are good”, is the disastrous trickery imagined by “the moderates and the radicals” of the Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy and its satellites in order to disfigure a reality of oppression, criminal Violence and State Terrorism whose description: a previous step for its reversion, they are unable to even raise.

That the non-violence, dialogue, freedom and peace are “contrary” concepts to violence, denial of dialogue, repression of freedom and war, it is a tautology and a truism that Mr. Platitude himself would have not hesitated to ratify. But formulating opposite and correlative concepts is not the same as articulating correlative and opposite political forces; just in the same way as formulating objectives and ends which are to be tended to, is not the same as achieving political solutions, means or remedies. The right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples is the opposite correlative to the imperialistic policy; but to say that “the key”, solution, means and remedy against imperialism is the freedom of Peoples and their right of self-determination is as much as to say that there should not be imperialism; which is a formulation of a target but not the achievement of a solution.

In the same way, to say that the remedy to violence is non-violence is as much as to say that there should not be violence, and it provides a “solution” as effective as saying that the remedy to the enmity between humans is that there should not be enmity but love of the neighbour. It is as much as saying that the solution and remedy to the disease lie in good health, and that the solution and remedy to the problem of evil are in goodness. However, the mere formulation of every “contrary concepts” of metaphysics, sociology, morals and medicine of the world will not change anything in the reality of things.

In a society of violence, political oppression, war, disease and Empire of Evil, remedies such as non-violence, love, peace, good health and Kingdom of Good do not exist and therefore they cannot solve or remedy anything. In a society of love and good health they cannot do it either, since there are no conflicts in it that need to be solved or remedied. A solution and a remedy suppose notthe non-existence but the existence of flawed reality, without which no solutions or remedies would be needed. The first condition to solve the problems is that these ones exist, not that they do not exist. The first condition to cure the disease is that there is a disease, not that there is not any.

Now then, if solutions are intended and remedies are sought, it is because problems and diseases exist and because we start from recognizing that they exist, not that they do not exist; that is: because it is seen that imperialism exists, the humans hate each other, and war, evil and AIDS or Chinese influenza threaten to swallow whole Races and Continents.Instead, the Pnv-Eta liquidationist bureaucracy and its satellitesstart by denying that French-Spanish imperialism exists against the Basque People and its State.

To present, as they do, non-violence, dialogue, peace and freedom as factors of political opposition, remedy and solution to “the Basque political problem”, that is notto resolve it through a political opposition: that is to deny it as existence and – with it – as opposition. It is not to solve it but to take it for solved. It is to pretend that the imperialism and the imperialistic violence of France and Spain do not exist, if they have ever existed; or that French-Spanish imperialism against the Basque People is not really imperialism, that is: that it does not consist structurally of criminal Violence, incompatible with non-violence, dialogue, peace, freedom and fundamental rights of Peoples and above all with their right of self-determination or independence, whose violation is THE ESSENCE of imperialism.

In short, all this is to practice the concealment and apologia of the French-Spanish régime of military occupation, presented as a society of supposedly possible freedom, peace and peaceful coexistence; or, at most, as a “democracy with deficit”: curable in any case by means of “persuasion and dialogue within the Constitution”, that is: dialogue within slavery, dialogue starting from the submission of the Basque People to the Nationalist-Imperialistic domination of FranceSpain, and the acceptance of the destruction of its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre; this is the position of the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta, integrated into the Second Francoism for forty five years now.

However, one of two: either French-Spanish Imperialism exists among us as a de factoreality, and then there exist not – they cannot be realized – freedom, dialogue and Self-Determination of the subjugated Peoples: constitutionally excluded and denied by the Nationalist, Colonialist and Fascist régimes both left-wing and right-wing, monarchical and republican of Spain and of France. Or else there already exist – they are already realized – freedom, dialogue and Self-Determination of Peoples, and then there is no French-Spanish Imperialism among us as a reality; which is, by the way, what the imperialists and their local agents among the subjugated Peoples do preach, either it be because they are conscious and corrupt Renegades or Collaborationists, or unconscious lunatics/cretins.

Yet, the “Basque problem” does certainly exist, and it’s a problem that consists of the French and Spanish Nationalist, Colonialist and Fascist Imperialism on the Basque People, and of the military occupation of its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre: whose fundamental rights of self-determination or independence of all Peoples and of integrity of their States constituted upon the Self-Determination of Peoples, and even their very existence, this Imperialism suppresses and denies. And therefore that Imperialism is: not by accident but by its essence and its existence, incompatible with non-violence, dialogue and freedom, love, peace and harmony that at all hours preach the hypocrites and Pharisees of its propaganda services: the splendidly paid “counsellors and directors of the department of human rights, peace and coexistence of the Basque government”.

Thus, the real problem before us does not consist in solving a conflict – according to then non-existent  in an also non-existent world of non-violence, peace, freedom and dialogue:as the imperialists and their local or foreign agents do pretend. Quite on the contrary, it consists in solving the existent conflict of a world and in a world where such conditions are absent. The remedy to violence, to the denial of dialogue and absence of freedom existing among us cannot therefore be achieved starting from a society of non-violence, dialogue and freedom, since such a society does not exist, but starting from and as a part of a society of violence, denial of dialogue and lack of freedom, which is the only one that exists. The question is to find the solution and remedy for passing or approaching: from the society that exists and starting from it, to that which does not exist and which therefore nothing can solve or remedy. And so as to achieve it, the only reality we have is the political contradictionstrategically raised and developed, between the forces of the imperialistic fascism, on the one hand, and the forces of the freedom and democracy of Peoples, on the other.

With the terms of “policy, law and State”, the same agents of the imperialistic régime of military occupation designate the real structures of power and domination that by means of violence have arranged and arrange the human societies throughout history and prehistory. The authority and function of which those agents avail themselves have not force or existence but by means of those structures and within them; all of which is self-evident. Therefore, were it not for the need to serve the objectives, convention, concertation and complicity maintained by the civil, military or ecclesiastical agents who fabricate information and world opinion (so as to hide and falsify the domination reality of the power to which they serve), nobody would come up with the idea of pretending that the Francoist Army and the Civil Guard are democratic and non-violent armed forces. However and by dint of repeating it, today nobody seems amazed of this assertion; with perhaps the exception of the Spanish armed forces themselves, somewhat surprised and vaguely uncomfortable with the dubious gifts that their own monopolies of propaganda and psychological conditioning of masses attribute to them.

Now then, State repression is violence; therefore, the principle of “combating all violence coming from where it may come” with the repression of the State: as approved, preached and officially practiced the Pnv bureaucracy, is contradictory in terms. Prisoners of their ideological-political prejudices and options, these “Basque” Pnv-Eta bureaucrats: defenders ofthe participation, collaboration and incorporation into the Spanish fascist imperialism that they accept as legitimate and democratic and “the State” of their own, are torn between ravings, contradictions, questions without answer and inexplicable verifications.

To say that one is talking about policy, democracy, right of self-determination (or any other right), and at the same time pretend also that one is “rejecting a single act of violence”, all this is in itself to be in a pure formal nonsense. But, in addition to that, proclaiming it while carrying out, accepting and hiding the criminal Violence of the imperialistic aggression and occupation against the Basque People, is to deceive and make fun of the propitiatory victims of their own Country, whom they have previously conditioned for it. “One can’t” – at the same time – carry weapons, lean on them, and pose as non-violent.

The civilian, military or ecclesiastical spokespersons of the French-Spanish imperialistic régime: actors, collaborators and supporters of its policy of military occupation of Peoples and States and of mass repression, do affirm “life as a supreme, absolute, inviolable and sacred value; and the right to life as first of human rights, without which all the others are impossible”: “That’s where it all begins.” (Arzalluz) There follow the physical integrity and freedom, with their corresponding rights. Theyseem to feel particularly satisfied with so “obvious” precedence of values and human rights. But the trivial and functional confusion of ideas is one thing; and another quite a different one is the scientific, historical and sociological genetic of the political order and disorder and their implications. The only obvious thing occurring here is the “incapability” of the self-appointed professional instructors and rectors of morality and law to understand what’s going on. An incapability that is ideologically profitable between naïve souls, without which it would be useless.

“What is the meaning of the principle of the sacredness of human life in practice, and in what does it differ from the commandment ‘Thou shalt not kill’? Kautsky does not explain. When a murderer raises his knife over a child, may one kill the murderer to save the child? Will not thereby the principle of the ‘sacredness of human life’ be infringed? May one kill the murderer to save oneself? Is an insurrection of oppressed slaves against their masters permissible? Is it permissible to purchase one’s freedom at the cost of the life of one’s jailers?” Etc. (L. Trotsky; Terrorism and Communinsm, 1920.)

Now then, for the false apostles of non-violence “no cause, much righteous though it may be, is worth a drop of blood or a single act of violence”. But the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime that they impose, accept or recognize, that is certainly worth a history of wars and rivers of blood: a whole history of twelve centuries of aggression, occupation, repression and terror. The fact that such nonsense can not only give the results that have been achieved, but even that it can be expressed in the veneer of reasonableness, indicates in itself the mental degeneration of a society, the defenceless victim of the monopolies of mass ideological intoxication.

Visibly, Ibarretxe and his cronies are not entirely in accordance with Jesus Christ. Should they had been able to explain to the Nazarene that human life is the absolute and supreme value and that “that’s where it all begins”; that “no cause, much righteous though it may be, justifies the loss of a single human life or the shedding of a single drop of blood”; and that “at such a price we do not want anything”, the well-intentioned but as it seems poorly informed Crucified could have let that cup pass from him, and many of his disciples too.

If the Church, the Society of Jesus, the Spanish – or any other – Government and in general the ruling classes and the civilian, military or ecclesiastical agents of French-Spanish imperialism and fascism: official apologists of non-violence, believed and above all put into practice for their respective institutions the doctrine of non-violence that they preach where and when it suits them for their customers or victims to believe it, then the religious organizations and the political system that they defend and that in its turn defends them would collapse, and such organizations and system would long ago have disappeared or ceased to be (which is the only fate that awaits this Country in so far as it adopts such fabrications), and would have passed: through internal and triumphant heretical sabotage of their temporal, spiritual, mystical and liturgical institutions, to the retrospective history of the religions and social formations. Of course: such ones are not the assumptions nor the purposes of the ruling classes. The pious souls and sensitive citizens have no cause to be concerned in this regard.

(There would remain, as an unprecedented problem of the new social order, either the difficult restructuring of the non-violent armed forces, to be transformed into productive bodies; or the significant increase in the official unemployment and passive classes, supposing that things like that would still persist.)

If non-violence were essential in Christian morality, Jesus Christ would have been the first heretic of Christianity. “The war will last as long as the world.” “Do not think that I came to bring peace on the earth; I did not come to bring peace, but a sword.” “Not only Christianity tolerates material force but it commands it, demands it. The non-resistance to evil is a Christian heresy, it isn’t Christianity.” The new Montanism will not have its Council of Arles.

Life, physical integrity and freedom are not the object of absolute rights – which would imply a contradiction in terms – but of relative ones, subject to the defence and maintenance of fundamental human rights. In a society where the life, physical integrity and freedom –even those of the criminals and the tyrannical dictators – were absolute, supreme and untouchable values, there would be no right to life nor democratic politicy and rights either, since there would be no way at all to defend them against those who attack them. Instead, the imperialists and the fascists do base their power in a total disregard for fundamental rights. As responsibles and agents for crimes of war, against peace and against humanity, the imperislists and fascists have no rights.

When imperialists and fascists (and their conscious or unconscious agents) “condemn violence and terrorism coming from wherever they come”, actually their “condemnation” is directed and limited to the Resistance against the imperialistic régime; what includes the struggles of national and democratic liberation, the international defence and the legitimate defence inherent in the right to self-determination. Really they refer to the “attempts coming from wherever they come”; attempts that are, by definition, a lesser, lower, marginal or secondary form of violence. But they do never refer to the greater, higher, central and primary form of criminal Violence that constitutes the effective monopolies of the imperialistic Violence, whose existence they deny and legitimate at a time. (Which, as we will explain more widely in our work “Violence and terrorism.– ‘Peace and non-violence’”, is a contradiction in terms, since what is denied does not exist, and therefore what does not exist cannot be legitimated. Conversely, if something is legitimated – the own Violence – it is because it exists, and therefore it cannot be denied.)

The hypocritical sermons of the official propaganda intend to make people believe that the current French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist régime of militaryoccupation on the Basque People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, is a society without violence, only disturbed by the attempts of the Eta. According to them the de facto political régime does not exist, and therefore the apostles of non-violence cannot denounce it. It is no coincidence that the very word “imperialism” has also completely disappeared from their vocabulary.

The “non-violent democrats” advocate both non-violence and democracy at the same time. But democracy is the political power of the People, that’s to say: its violence; without the distinction between democracy and despotism being valid here but qualitatively as to their repective ends, and quantitatively as to their differential doses that occur in both systems, as we have already had occasion to explain. Democracy does not consist of non-violence, it consists of violence, like any political régime.

“The Pnv has never used violence”, says its bureaucracy. Their support to the present Spanish régime does not count, since according to them it is a “non-violent political” régime. The de facto Government of Euzkadi and its armed forces were also so; yet, in the buses of the non-violent Pnv, they are still singing ‘Eusko gudariak gera Euskadi askatzeko; gerturik daukagu odola bere aldez emateko’. [“We are Basque soldiers to free the Basque Country; we have the blood prepared to givi it in its favour”.] According to Ibarretxe, “the war demonstrated that violence does not serve to achieve political objectives”. Amazing demonstration! The war did not serve, certainly, the Pnvand the de facto Government of Euzkadi to achieve their political objectives, but it did perfectly serve the Spanish imperialism and fascism to obtain theirs’, as is evidenced by the consequences that we are still suffering.

When these official and hypocritial non-violents that we have to endure make the observation that “the supporters of the armed struggle do not understand that the pistol is no longer useful”, they are issuing a simple but incomplete truth. It is true that “they do not understand”, and it is true that “the pistol is no longer useful” (it has never been useful, especially to those who do not have it), if it is not as a tactical weapon for services as special as limited. They are cannons, tanks, airborne bombs – preferably nuclear – and the weapons of mass destruction those which “serve” to whom has them in sufficient quantity; that is always he who conceals it by shouting more than anyone else against weapons, violence and terrorism “wherever they may come from”, and whom these “official non-violents” are very careful to denounce.

The Pnv Bureaucracy and the Board of Directors of the Spanish “Basque autonomous Community” – that they and the fascist régime call “Euskadi” – “are not in agreement with the policy of violence” followed by the Spanish Government in Iraq, since “one cannot be against violence here and support it in Iraq”. The truth is that “one cannot” be against violence in Iraq and support it here, as they do. The real object of this “opposition” to the violence in Iraq is once again to hide the the Spanish occupation “here” and to present it as “contrary to violence”; is to once more hide the nature of the Spanish régime imposed against the Basque People and its State, and established and maintained by means of war of aggression, monopoly of criminal Violence, and Terrorism of masses.

“In the Basque society there is no place for violence”, these traitors keep on saying. If this were true we would not be where we are; and above all there would not the agents and beneficiaries of the French-Spanish State monopoly of Violence and Terror, and of its afferent propaganda, be where currently are. If the purported president Ibarretxe has the manifest opportunity to inflict his daily ration of nonsense to hundreds of thousands of tax-payers, it is so because the established Spanish régime of criminal Violence, which he qualifies as “democratic and non-violent”, has an interest for the moment in providing him with such a possibility. And if he can do so by talking alone: which is the only way that he can speak, it is because their embarrassed patients cannot do it neither alone nor accompanied.

This stage of the evolution of mankind by violence and in violence is going to be finally overcome, if we give credit to the statements and official pacts of the Pnv-Eta group. Ibarretxe believes that the human species has reached a moment of history in which it effectively abandons the violence, at least the intra-specific violence. But the local ideologists are not limited to propose and advocate for the abandonment of violence, and they affirm that this objective has been reached already or is in process of being reached in the present reality. Not only in the territory that they are administering, where “there is no more violence than that of Eta”, but also in the rest of the planet: “The current events show that the world is reaching to understand that we are not living in a time where problems are solved by violence. In the world in which we live the problems are resolved without violence, by the political ways, the understanding, persuasion, dialogue and negotiation.”

However, the “idealists, utopians, humanists, pacifists and non-violent” who fill their mouth talking about the “supreme and absolute value of a single drop of blood”, and who – in the world of war and mass crimes which we live in – reject “all violence coming from where it may come”, without denouncing first (and as a basis for any ideological and political consideration) the State, imperialistic and fascist monopoly of criminal Violence, are ideologically either imbeciles, dreamers and illusionists, or hypocrites, psychopaths or phoneys, and in all cases they are agents of the imperialism and fascism.

The “régime without violence” that they present is, in fact, the monopoly of criminalViolence at the hands of imperialism and fascism. To present it as non-violent, to propose dialogue with someone who has not the slightest intention of dialoguing with anyone nor understands any other reason than the cannons, to talk of democracy and freely expressed will in the conditions of military occupation of the established régime of criminal Violence, to talk of negotiation aside from its necessary conditions of force and starting from the monopoly of criminal Violence and Terrorism of State, all this is to hide the true nature of the imperialistic and totalitarian Nationalism; it is to conceal the reality of the imperialistic and fascist régime of military occupation in the occupied Territories of the Basque People, and above all of the monopoly of criminal Violence on which it is founded.

It is not another one the actual content of the pretentious verbosity: full of misunderstandings, voidnesses, falsehoods, contradictions and absurdities that, wrapped up to the cloying in shoddy good feelings, occupies a privileged place in the great media of mass intoxication. Behind the hypocritical mask of non-violence are hidden the agents of the unreserved cooperation in the denial of all fundamental rights by the French-Spanish régime of military occupation that they do nevertheless qualify as non-violent and democratic. Beatific discourses of love, dialogue and non-violence conceal so the support to the repression against any form of ideological and political Resistance against imperialism and fascism, as well as the active and unreserved participation of those local auxiliary services in themonopolies of propaganda and violence, repression and terrorism of masses. Their aim is to hide the reality of the imperialistic and fascist Violence, ant to leave ideologically and politically defenceless the People that endures it.

What really intend the hypocrites defenders of the “non-violence” is the denial of the democratic power, of the human rights in general, of the rights of self-determination and legitimate self-defence of Peoples in particular; or, what is the same thing, the affirmation of the totalitarian and imperialistic monopoly of criminal Violence, and of the impunity for the crimes against humanity, the crimes of war, and the crimes against peace of which the imperialists are authors and beneficiaries.

These such that “condemn all violence, even though the cause is righteous, and do not accept any result that comes from it”, what they do actually condemn is the “illegal”, marginal and additional forms of violence “of opposition or of State”; but they hide the political monopolies of violence and propaganda, and actively participate in the repressive, administrative, economic and ideological apparatus that depends on them. They recognize, serve and make profitable without scruples of conscience the French-Spanish imperialistic régime, established and maintained as a result of crimes, wars of aggression, terrorism, occupation, plunder, persecution, repression and tyranny for centuries.

Those who refuse to collaborate with “the violents” (as they designate the perpetrators of attempts), do unreservedly participate in the imperialistic and fascist monopoly of violence; and support, recognize and hide the French-Spanish imperialistic régime born form war of aggression and military occupation, and maintained by repression and mass Terrorism. It is not, therefore, about non-violence or incapability to see the evident but about hypocrisy at the service of criminal Violence. Those opportunist phoneys and conceited charlatans are not as dumb as they seem: they know well the mark that must not be overstepped and that, in fact, they do never overstep.

On their part, the sanctimonious hypocrites and Pharisees that integrate the clerical services and hierarchies preach “non-violence”, and condemn “violence and terrorism coming from wherever it comes” in churches crammed with military in uniform. They affirm the obligation to support the measures of repressive violence of the “legitimate authorities”, established through criminal Violence, massacres and terror of masses in the Crusades that they did promote and bless. They promote, conceal and legitimize the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism, inseparable from Violence of aggression, which they do not find violent but quite the opposite; however, they reject as violent nationalism the right of self-determination of Peoples and the right of resistance to the invader. They assist “spiritually” the armed forces of the imperialistic and fascist French-Spanish Nationalism, but deny absolution to anyone who do not shout “long live Spain” before being shot, or Communion to children who speak Breton. They preach to the oppressed persons and Peoples of the world the submission and “non-violence” but always in a single sense: from them towards their aggressors. They condemn the attempts as an “intrinsically perverse terrorism and that nothing can justify”, but do not find an intrinsic nor even extrinsic trace of perverse terrorism in the monopolies of criminal Violence, wars of aggression and mass Terrorism of the Crusades, the conquests and tortures carried out to expand what they call “the Kingdom of God” not through Chistian Love or Charity but through hatred and terror. They qualify as “criminals” the resistance fighters against the oppression, but don’t find any indication of crime in the authors of the greatest crimes of war, against peace and against humanity. They pretend to be advocates of the human rights, but promote, encourage, hide and comfort the aggression, war and State terrorism, the repression and torture, and abandon and condemn without consideration or pity their innocent victims. They hide the truth and spread the slander by means and under cover of the fascist monopolies of violence and propaganda.

The “moral and religious authorities”have not obtained their moral or juridical pre-eminence by non-violence, preaching, prayer, and penance. Quite on the contrary, they have participated at all levels in the chain of aggressions, wars of conquest, holy wars, persecutions, terrorism, torture, massacres and permanent repression of all rights: “beatific” means that founded and do found the imperialistic and despotic systems that Peoples have suffered and suffer. They have raised, promoted, supported, integrated, stimulated and blessed the last Crusade and the régime established by it against the Basque People and our Country, and have condemned the Resistance and the struggle for freedom. “For the Empire towards God”, and “Blessed be the cannons if in the gaps they open the Gospel blossoms”, they have said; however, nothing of this prevents them from continuing to proclaim their divine mission of teaching, peace, love and non-violence at the expense of their countless victims.

(The five victims of Jack the Ripper waited a century with the hope that the archives of Scotland Yard disclosed the identities and the mystery of White Chapel. The innumerable victims of the Francoist Crusade can expect sitting, or buried, that the archives of the Vatican and a few others are opened.)

“In a world to be built fraternally, the use of violence is an inconsistency, the abandonment of violence” is its condition. But the “fraternal and non-violent construction” which our “pacifists” speak about has as a condition the acceptance of the total monopoly of criminal Violence, without their appreciating any inconsistency in it. It’s this way as the actors of the French-Spanish totalitarian imperialism on the Basque People and its State have imposed the real and fundamental constitution of their political régime: determining their inhabitants, citizens, territory, borders and fundamental legal and moral norms through criminal Violence. The “human rights” that they recognize are those of accepting the thus imposed conditions. Once such political régime has been imposed and accepted, the freedom is complete for submitting to it and even for dealing and talking freely above all the rest.

The Nationalist-imperialistic propaganda tries to hide that the existence of a Country in freedom does not produce any Resistance: neither violent nor non-violent. There is no defence without attack, nor defensive nationalism without aggressor Nationalism, nor oppressed People without oppressive People, nor anti-monopolistic violence without prior monopolist Violence. On the contrary, the aggressor’s Violence is original, unconditional and unilateral: it depends solely on its free and voluntary decision. The imperialistic aggression, actual or virtual, original and permanent, is eminent Violence: first condition and cause of all international violence.

“The war rather has raison d’être for the defender than for the conqueror, because war does not begin before the invasion has given rise to the defence.” “The war is not the action of a live force over a dead mass but, since the absolute non-resistance would be the denial of war, it is always the collision of two living forces.” “Politically speaking, one of the two fields will necessarily be the aggressor, since defensive intentions on both sides never can lead to war.” “A conqueror is always a peace-loving (as Bonaparte constantly stated it about himself): he would gladly accept entering our State without opposition.” All the conquerors of the world have declared and declare themselves peace-loving: they prefer to take hold of all the plunder amicably and with the consent of the others, and condemn as enemies of peace all those who refuse to accept the version and conditions of “peace” that are imposed upon them, as a last resort by total war.

According to the ideology of the imperialists, the enemy of peace is not the aggressor State but the Nation or State that defend itself against them: it is not the aggressor who is the enemy of peace but the attacked person, who does not resign himself to the fate that the aggressor wants to imposed on him; it is not legitimate the defence but the aggression. According to their ideologists, the agents of the imperialistic Nationalism and of the armed subjugation of the Peoples are non-violent and non-nationalist defenders of freedom and coexistence; instead, those who defend the freedom of their Country from alien domination are “nationalist” enemies of peace and freedom. “The small homicidal Peoples” of the Nazi-Francoist propaganda: who have never waged war but in legitimate self-defence, serve as an excuse, justification and cover for the great genocidal Peoples, destroyers of races and civilizations. The confusion and falsification of the cardinal terms and concepts allow to ideologically recuperate them at the service of the imperialism, against the peace of Peoples and States.

The registered “pacifists” want to make believe that their priority objective is the cessation of violence. (The idea of such priority is formally absurd.) But their true aim – neither priority nor non-priority – is not the cessation of violence. Their true aim is not the liquidation of the imperialistic aggression and occupation: in themselves an original, unilateral and unconditional violence, and permanent cause of the conflicts. Their true aim is the ideal – full and flawless – functioning of the imperialistic monopoly of criminal Violence: the result of the wars of conquest and the foundation of the totalitarian-imperialistic régime. Their true aim is the suppression of the right of self-determination of Peoples and of the inherent legitimate defence against aggression, according to International Law. Their true aim is the reduction of the democratic Resistance, the ruin of fundamental human rights, and the liquidation of the Peoples that, with “unusual and incomprehensible” stubbornness, do resist allowing to be swallowed by their voracious neighbours. Totalitarianism is, by nature, imperfect but perfectionist, especially when it comes to Violence: it cannot endure the others’, politically marginal though it may be.

They want to make believe that “peace” is their priority objective. But their true objective – neither priority nor non-priority – is not peace. Their true objective is the establishment and consolidation: without limits or opposition, of the imperialistic domination. “The peace” which they speak about is the imposition, acceptance and recognition of the aims and achievements of the totalitarianism and imperialism; and the resignation and renunciation of all forms of Resistance and struggle for freedom. Once thus established, the imperialists are the most ardent supporters of “peace”; otherwise, they are of war.

They discover that the true responsible for the violence is, in definitive and final analysis, the subjugated People; because “it is quite clear” that if this did not exist, in the absence of any form of Resistance there would not be Violence of the occupying State. It is quite clear, indeed, that all resistance has a sociological base, and that the only form that the imperialism has to end up with the former is to finish with the latter. (Nation, nationalism and national Resistance cannot exist each one without the others. The Nation is the agent subject of nationalism and national resistance. The nationalism is the way of being of the Nation.)

The problem of international violence disappears when – and only when – there is not left a People passive subject of repression nor active subject of resistance, nor therefore aggressive and repressive agent; that is: when the genocide has reached all its objectives. There is no oppressive nor repressive violence, and not even military occupation, if there’s nothing left to oppress, suppress or occupy. To discover such a thing, there was no need to await the contribution of the contemporary despotism. Colonel Villalba and Cardinal Cisneros had it as clear as General Mola, Cardinal Gomá, Governor Villar, Colonel Galindo, Archbishop Sebastian or Delegate Urquijo, along with all their Papal instigators, allies or spokespersons: from Lothair to Wojtyla.

In “absolute” international conflicts, genocide is not a simple means of repression against national Resistance. The repression against the national Resistance arises from the genocide insofar as this is the ultimate goal of imperialistic Violence, and of all the means that serve it. The imperialistic and fascist final solution of the “national question” is diametrically opposed to the democratic solution, which consists in the respect for the right of freedom, self-determination or free disposition of all Peoples.

Faced with this we have apologia and camouflage of imperialistic Nationalism, and of aggression and monopoly of criminal Violence of the oppressive Nation, on the one hand; and condemnation of “nationalism” and the right of self-determination of the oppressed Nation, on the other: such is the doctrine of non-violence that the imperialistic ideology defends and advocates for. The fascists of always: who exert the monopoly of Terror and criminal Violence obtained by means of war of aggression and the multi-centennial violation of all human rights, qualify as violent and terrorist the People who is enduring it.

Then, when the so-called representatives of the conquered and oppressed People – which the fascist propaganda presents as a bloodthirsty homicidal wild beast – try to “rehabilitate” it before the representatives of the imperialistic fascism in power, to whom the former recognize as “peaceful and democratic” leaders and representatives of the occupying State (established and maintained by the war of conquest to blood and fire, and that holds all the means of violence and repression of masses); when they try to “persuade” the usurpers Monarchs about the “peaceful and hardworking” character of the conquered and occupied Basque People, which has been receiving the blows of the French-Spanish despotic-imperialistic terrorism for many centuries; when they beg for forgiveness on behalf of our People to the agents of the criminal institutional Violence of the multi-centennial régime of military occupation, to whom they describe as victims; after having done all this as they have done it, there only remains to record how far submission, collaboration and abjection can go in the conditions of imperialism and fascism. In spite of all, those Pnv-Eta bureaucrats have not obtained the long-awaited political benevolence of the imperialistic régime of military occupation; yet, the comforting and rewarding access to the charges, sinecures and lucrative and honorary functions of the apparatus of administrative corruption that they call “Basque government” has been their well-deserved reward.

They want to make believe that their first objective and their “first priority” is to put an end to terrorism. (The very idea of such “priority” is formally absurd). But their true objective – neither priority nor non-priority – is not to put an end to terrorism. Their true objective is the development and consolidation of State Terrorism: inevitable component of the system of imperialistic occupation where submission is incomplete and Resistance endemic. The multi-centennial Resistance of the Basque People against Terrorism: inseparable from the nationalist-imperialistic domination, from Fascism and Nazism, is that of all the Peoples subjected to foreign domination. All of them denounce the terrorist repression of which they are the victims, and affirm their right of legitimate self-defence against it. The International Law, formulated by numerous and explicit Conventions and Resolutions of the UN, implies the unequivocal condemnation of Terrorism: a concept expressly linked, circumscribed and determined by the fundamental right of self-determination and the consequent right of legitimate self-defence that are inherent in all Peoples.

They want to make believe that their priority objective is the cessation of the attempts, to which they reduce the “terrorism”. (Apart from the formally absurdity of the idea of such priority, it would be enough for them to abolish their political régime and the attempts would turn impossible.) But their true objective – neither priority nor non-priority – is not the cessation of the attempts. When the “experts in violence” – brought from around the world on account of the Basque taxpayer – deplete all the surprising capacity for blather that they have at their disposal, the official ideologists of imperialism “discover” the inanity of the pedantic “explanations” bio-socio-psychological-psychiatric offered. In the end, they do gravely declare that the attempts have “deep social causes” that need to be eradicated; but those who describe the French-Spanish imperialistic régime of military occupation on the Basque People and its State as legitimate and democratic cannot and do not want to even formulate the real background of the conflict: much less the ensuing democratic solution.

They pretend that the attempts – which, according to them, constitute “the terrorism” – are here the basis of a “totalitarian régime”. But such a claim is contradictory in terms: the attempts do never found a totalitarian régime, otherwise they would not be attempts. Correlatively: a totalitarian régime does not commit attempts, otherwise it would not be established totalitarian régime. Of course, a totalitarian régime is always and necessarily terrorist, since never has a total power been able to establish or maintain itself without the recourse to Terrorism: not of attempts but of masses. Those who wield the institutional totalitarian Violence and exercise the total political power do face attempts, that is: occasional mishaps and individual difficulties, because no total power is “perfect”. Instead, those who fight the total political power only avoid repression, exile, prison, torture or murder insofar as they waive, abandon or cautiously hide any idea or behaviour and any activity or enterprise of ideological and political opposition: actions that bring fascist repression. Those who denounce the violence in the form of attempts, pretend to ignore the monopoly of criminal Violence that constitutes the established political régime. And yet it is clear that the Violence of State, of any de factoState, is always greater than the violence of opposition, of any opposition; otherwise the State would be the opposition, and the opposition would be the State.

They affirm that the “terrorism”, this is: the attempts, is “the main violence” that is exercised in this Country; but such a proposition is a contradiction in terms. Main violence and attempts are correlative and contrary concepts: if the violence is the main one, it does not consist of attempts; and if the violence consists of attempts, then it is not main violence. The attempts suppose a prior régime of monopolistic Violence against which to attempt: if this one does not exist, there are no attempts because there is nothing against which to attempt. Those who denounce the violence in the form of attempts try to hide the Monopoly of Violence that constitutes a de facto political régime, whose violence is always incomparably greater than the violence of opposition, of any opposition; otherwise the de facto Government would be the opposition, and the opposition would be the de facto Government.

The imperialistic Nationalism knows very well the causes and limitations of the attempts, and the advantage that can take from them in order to provoke and “justify” the suppression of the fundamental freedoms; to divert, consume and exhaust the popular forces; and to prevent and make impossible the effective development of the democratic Institutions and Resistance. The attempts are implication and correlation of the fascist system of domination. They are by-product and marginal and secondary consequence of the imperialistic system of criminal Violence, which is their first efficient cause; of the defencelessness, exasperation and despair of the popular masses in the occupied State; of their incapability to develop an opposition of strategic level; and of the contradiction between spontaneous resistance and political qualification. And they are corollary and supplement of the ideological and political reductionism and of the strategic liquidation that have been secured by “the moderate and non-violent democratic opposition, and the radical and violent opposition” of the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites.

The monopolistic-fascist propaganda: which incites to “civil disobedience and rebellion against the dictatorship of fear” that is being exercised “in favour of the (Basque) ‘nationalists’ and at the expense of the ‘non-nationalists’ (that is, the Spanish Nationalists) by means of attempts”, but that does not incite to disobencience and rebellion against the State criminal Violence and Terrorism, is a theoretical stupidity. The fact that this propaganda has some ideological virtuality among the dominated People is yet another example of the destruction of reason by imperialism and fascism.

Indeed, such an “incitement” is based on a formulation, namely: “the dictatorship exerted by means of attempts”, which is contradictory in the terms. Let’s have a look at the true reality: those who wield a dictatorship do not carry out attempts, and those who carry out attempts do not wield the dictatorship nor any form of political domination; this is a tautological proposition. (Let it be allowed to us clarify, in case anyone needs it, that the provocations carried out “clandestinely” by the Special Services of the established imperialistic and fascist power are exactly that: provocations of the established power camouflaged with the appearance of “attempts”, and therefore they do not invalidate the above proposition.) The attempts suppose a previously established monopolistic political power, against which the attempt try to hit. Therefore and by definition, those who exert totalitarian power do not organize attempts, rebellions nor civil disobedience or resistance: they only repress them; and those who carry out attempts do not exert totalitarian power.

The attempts do not found a political power but do manifest the lack of it; of which they are a consequence. The “thesis” in question does also contain, in addition, an apologia, an exaltation and an amplification – barely camouflaged but totally misleading– of the attempts as a decisive political factor: false qualifications that are always present or latent in the monopolistic propaganda, so as to mislead in that path the subjugated and under-developped Peoples that, like certain sectors of ours, have embraced the ruinous path of attempts that they call “armed struggle”.

As to “the dictatorship of fear”... It is indisputable that the policy and law of this Country (and of the others), throughout its historic and prehistoric life, are constituted by fear or terror, in proportion and relationship with the specific conditions of each case under consideration, since there are no laws or political order without threat, fear or terror; according to the nature of the established political order in each case. The actual and virtual violence, and the fear of violence, do precede and constitute the political order and disorder. This being so, the ideologists of imperialism seek once again, of course, to conceal the role of the criminalTerror and Violence – as well as the nature – of the régime to which they serve. But the People has long ago learned – or it should have done it – in which side is the Dictatorship and in which side is Terror in the territories of the Basque People occupied by French-Spanish imperialism; and this not even because of the action of democratic propaganda but because of the hard school and experience of war of aggression, repression, bombings of masses, deportation, prison, torture and executions.

These ideologists do finally discover that the base of the attempts is in the Movement of Resistance and National Liberation, and the base of this one, in the very existence of the oppressed People, since “it is an undeniable fact that its actors have Basque names, speak the Basque Language, and learn the violence in Basque schools”. So sincere, manifest and explicit justification-instigation of the genocide, as an “anti-terrorist” solution, discloses the background and the roads of the plan of repression, which the unbearable permanence and prospects of the national problem make possible and necessary. The very existence of the subjugated People is already “terrorism”. Genocide, as a means of combating the attempts, becomes thus confused with genocide as the final goal of the terrorist-imperialistic policy, and of all the means that serve it.

Now then, if the true objective of the official pacifists and of the rectors of the dominant Nation is peace; if what they are really looking for is to put an end to all violence coming from where it may come (starting with their own), to all terrorism, to all Resistance and to the attempts, then they have it really very easy. It is enough for them to unilaterally, unconditionally and immediately renounce the constituent criminal Violence of the régime of conquest and occupation. It is enough for them to renounce the régime of imperialistic domination: in itself Violence, cause and condition of Violence; and to respect the fundamental right of self-determination of the Peoples: condition and base of the peace and harmony among Nations. It is enough for them to condemn the multi-centennial and multi-continental enterprise of war of aggression, conquest, genocide, destruction, looting, murders, torture, occupation, exploitation, oppression and repression that so much pleased they feel about, which made of the Spanish Empire the biggest and most devastating transcontinental criminal organization of fanatical criminals, murderers and thieves of the entire History of Humanity. It is enough for them to proceed to the immediate disarmament and dissolution of their armed forces and of the entire political, economic and ideological apparatus inseparable from them, and that without them has no reality nor meaning. It is enough for them to – more radically – wipe out the aggressor Nation and State: agent, cause and condition of the criminal Violence; since it is an indisputable fact that the agents of the Monopoly of criminal Violence have Spanish names, speak Spanish, and learn, teach and justify the imperialistic Violence in the civil, military and ecclesiastical Spanish schools, and preach and spread it through the Spanish monopoly of propaganda, indoctrination and ideological intoxication of masses.

It is quite clear that there is no imperialism without its corresponding sociological base. If the sociological base of the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism did not exist, there would neither be imperialism, nor offensive Violence, nor a defensive one, and not even attempts.

The alliance between the Spanish Administration and the “parties with parliamentary representation” against the freedom of formulation and dissemination of the democratic ideology as regards violence and attempts became complete in the phase of intra-totalitarian transition, and has not ceased since then. All of them: “the moderates and the radicals” of the mafia-liquidationist Pnv-Eta and its satellites, preferred the continuation of both Spanish fascism and “Basque” attempts, rather than a democratic ideology and policy that endangered the interests of the de factopower and of its miserable accomplices.

(From ‘Euskal Herria and the Kingdom of Nabarre, or the Basque People and its State, against French-Spanish imperialism’.)


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