Evolution of French and Spanish totalitarianism: the Fascism (V)


V – Evolution of French and Spanish totalitarianism: the Fascism

Iñaki Aginaga and Felipe Campo


In “the rise of the western world” (Douglass North & Robert Thomas; The Rise of the Western World: A New Economic History’), in its development and subsequent transformations, the blocking of the new forms of production-association carried out by the totalitarian system has been the more constantly retarding factor of the whole European history.

Freedom is a productive force and a social structure. In this respect, and since the end of the Middle Ages, the social structures of Spain and of France have unfortunately evolved in a totalitarian sense: from the agricultural absolutism up to the most recent models of totalitarian integration. The adoption by those societies of the new system of production-association, their local reception of the mass of technological innovation carried out and accumulated in the areas of democratic organization of European society, have been as inevitable as incomplete and belated, because they have always remained subordinated to the conditions and objectives established by their totalitarian régimes.

The structural characteristics that have made totalitarianism a detestable form of production-association are today, more than ever, the key of difficulties, shortages and contradictions, which the flight forward and the ideological camouflage inherent in that system cannot but displace and aggravate.

Despite the precocity of its absolutist form, the Spanish totalitarianism in its entirety evolved belatedly and laboriously towards convergence with the totalitarian French model. The former presented for a long time an unfinished character, due to the force of the popular opposition movements; from which there resulted: permanence of economic, ideological and political pockets of resistance, successive insurrectional wars carried out by the Peoples subjugated under Spanish rule, and limitation and division of powers.

Instead, the French model was endowed with a “classical” perfection because it was the historical prototype of modern totalitarianism, based on the Terrorist Dictatorship of the committees of the “New Régime” integrated and developed in Bonapartism and bureaucratism. Which implied: military occupation, widespread prohibition, persecution and repression of the personality and of the evolutionary differentiating process of the subjugated Peoples, entropist resolution of social contradictions, hypertrophy of governmental bureaucracy and of authoritarian regulations, general subservience of all opposition, monopoly of criminal Violence, concentration of power, administrative and uniform absorption of the whole social life, and systematic confiscation and use of the modern monopolistic means of ideological conditioning of masses and of camouflage of the very nature of the political order.

This convergence had already been founded in Spain when it still presented a conflictual form in our Basque Country, where both models were neighbours, rivals and accomplices.

In the “Hispanic-Catholic Monarchy”, the oriental despotism and its subsequent transition to “modern” totalitarianism in French style was spread and consolidated with the ruin of the Comuneros Revolt freedoms, and with the liquidation of the national rights of the surrounding kingdoms. In the “Kingodom of France and of Nabarre” all opposition – in its various forms – to the absolute power disappeared with the French nationalist “revolution”, which suppressed all attempts of resistance – irrelevant though they might be – to governmental acts or dictates. French Nationalism and totalitarianism are the constituents of the Republican Empire. The Government of the so-created and forged Nation-State tends to totalitarian domination both inwards and outwards; even though this costs their own freedom to the same oppressing Peoples at the hands of their own police, militaristic and totalitarian Governments, because “A people that oppresses another People cannot be free”.

The French “revolution” opened the long and rugged continuation-succession of the feudalism and the absolutism of the “Ancien Régime”. As it cannot be otherwise, to the political cycles in which the imperialistic policy is produced and modified there correspond ideological cycles which do serve it, by adapting to it. In this way, the military and bureaucratic “New Régime” resulting from that “revolution” operated its own ideological adaptation, inaugurating Dictatorship and Terrorism with camouflage of freedom, human rights and democracy; French imperialistic Nationalism, under cover and falsification of universalism, equality and free-disposition of Peoples; warmongering, aggression and pillage, under the rhetoric of humanist and pacifist fraternity; ideological fanaticism, under the pretext of science and enlightenment and republican religion; the deification of the State, on the pretext of secularism and civic morality; and French colonialist imperialism, under the disguise of humanitarian civilization and progress.

As a result of all this, the historical falsification and the ideological mystification: thus implemented to give cover for the continuation and strengthening of French imperialistic Nationalism at the expense of the subjugated Peoples, continue to operate their effects nowadays; and even in our Country, where these thing should be very clear, we have to continue enduring that purported “Basque patriotic historians”, unable to escape the false clichés of that imperialistic ideological garbage, keep repeating to us the same false and disgusting drivel of always: “democracy and human rights [...] as values emerged from the French revolution”.

The Spanish Nationalism exploited the same procedure, which its current Fascism renewed by the intra-totalitarian “transition” to the Second Francoism has developed with unprecedented extension and shamelessness, up to the point of making of General Franco a naive and retarded apprentice of ideological domination. Indeed, his “National-Trade unionist, totalitarian, authoritarian, unitary, imperialistic and ethic-missionary State: an instrument at the service of the unity, integrity and greatness of the Fatherland, towards God through the Empire”, as well as his political instrument srructured in a “National Movement”, in their attempts of adaptation and camouflage, couldn’t go farther than reaching to the establishment of “the Fuero [Charter] of the Spaniards, the participation of the Spanish people in the Organic Democracy, and the self-restraint of the State-leadership in which all powers are concentrated”. As can be seen, nothing in their “honest” propaganda could be compared with the realm of imposture and supreme impudence that their “democratic” successors have fabricated afterward, and that we will discuss later on.

In Spain: where “almost there had not been feudalism” and where the French revolution-invasion was the effective destabilizing factor of its Asian Despotic régime, the crisis of that régime did thus open up; as there had happened in France with its Absolutist “Ancien Régime”. In both cases, the result: typical of politically under-developed Countries, wasn’t the equivalence with the European democratic States historically established but the constitution of their Armies in actual political class, and the construction of military and bureaucratic régimes characteristic of the “modern” totalitarianism, with or without formal disguises and concealments. The Spanish Army was already the real political class and the backbone of Spain since 1812.

And in both cases, the sense – absent – of the authentic democracy, freedom and popular power disappeared, replaced by the peculiar emptiness, falsification and irrationalism of the modern despotisms and their “consensus, Constituent Assemblies and formal Constitutions, elections, bi-partisanship and alternation or power-switching” in Spanish style. It was in reality a string of ideological-political mystifications that were established upon a real power, political structure and constitution pre-determined by war, repression and plunder: both domestic and colonial. The endless procession of wars, Dictatorships, Empires, Restorations, Republics, defeated revolutions and triumphant counter-revolution that ensued the instauration of these “New Régimes”, did but develop and consolidate that real power; with contemporary Fascism as an accomplished result.

A fundamental historical fact, the modern imperialistic Nationalism was born from the Revolution, the Republic and the Empire. The modern Nationalism and Terrorism have not been the work or the result of the traditional despotism and imperialism but of the “liberal and socialist” totalitarianism: much more radical, fanatic and extremist than its predecessor. The synthesis of both is resolved in modern Fascism. Fascism and National-socialism: which have displaced, renovated and transformed the archaic, despotic, military and plutocratic rightist-wing, were born from the Parties and Trade-Unions of the nationalist “left”, once these ones had been defeated, reinvented, colonized, imposed and financed by the official or secret Services of the dominant Powers; and incorporated, framed or replaced by the upstarts of the triumphant reaction, who have recuperated even their faded labels so as to achieve lure and advertising ploy.

The agents of the Spanish imperialistic Nationalism did found their State, their law and their repressive organization in the Asiatic Despotism and the Absolutism, in the obscurantism and the national-catholic fanaticism, in the Roman-Spanish Holy Inquisition, and in the multi-centennial and multi-continental enterprise of war, conquest, genocide, destruction, pillage, murders, torture, occupation, exploitation, oppression and repression they feel so pleased about. All of which made of the Spanish Empire the biggest and most devastating trans-Continental criminal organization of fanatical malefactors, murderers and thieves of the entire History of Humanity.

In “The half of the world that was of Spain”, they tortured, burned alive or expelled as many Jews, Muslims or Heretics as had the misfortune of falling into their clutches. All of them were the actors of the most aggressive, destructive, racist, xenophobic and imperialistic Nationalism of the whole History; those who proudly gave to imperialism its “universal” dimension in domains “on which the sun never set”; the champions of the spoliation, racist domination and genocide either against the Peoples of Europe or of other Continents; the last wardens and keepers: on a global scale, of the servitude of the glebe (in Spain) and the slavery (in Cuba); the same champions, for centuries, of the Crusade against Freemasonry and international Judaism; and the protagonists, precisely here, of the first continental offensive of the international Nazism. They themselves are the current followers of the Francoist régime and the Spanish imperialistic and fascist Nationalism.

All past and present history of Spain and France is founded in the constant effort to exclude from human community the conquered Peoples, and even the dominated residual minority. Basque, Jewish and Moorish, Guanche, Indians of America, Blacks of Africa, Tagalog, Berber, Arab or Vietnamese know too well of their imperialistic and racist policy of war, discrimination, apartheid and ethnic cleansing. (And of their current imperialistic regulation of immigration: Constitutions and Laws against the others’ immigration, rules of borders, laws about foreigners and their civil capacity, about patriotic humanity and general exclusion, and protectionism through the Civil Guard. The laws and codes of nationality and identity: which they despise when it comes to their dominated Peoples even in the latter’s own Countries, they do claim them for themselves and illustrate them with the expulsion of workers; and the Slaughters in the Alpujarras are nowadays updated with the innumerable victims: men, women and children of the boat-people in the Strait and the Mediterranean; coolly and cynically validated by the “human dimension” of the European Imperialistic Union.)

As it could not be otherwise, the imperialistic enterprise does inevitably bring dire consequences also for the predatory nations, because the Peoples do never accept the “rights” of aggression, conquest and colonization; thus indirectly causing internal despotism over the predatory Peoples themselves at the hands of the armies they need in their enterprise of external oppression and looting. In the European and overseas ill-gained domains of the Empires of Spain and France, and with the support of the national “liberals, socialists and communists”, were tempered the sabres and hardened the Generals and colonial Armies which would afterwards come to submit their own metropolis. In Indochina, Algeria, Morocco, Cuba, Nabarre and Catalonia, the “superior” Peoples forged their own chains of internal despotism. The armies that win or lose the Empires are the decisive factor of metropolitan despotism. Imperialistic Nationalism and colonialism entail internal fascism and totalitarianism: its Sacred Union comes to fruition in the military dictatorship, in the single official or factual Party, and in the end of freedoms both in behaviour as well as in ideas.

In the multi-centennial policy that the Spanish and French imperialistic Nationalism – whether Despotic-Asiatic, Absolutist, Monarchical or Republican – has always practiced in this Country, the war of conquest of 1936 was – after eight centuries of occupation and dismemberment – the greatest effort ever conducted by the Spanish imperialism to finish through the fast-track and once and for all not only with the growing Resistance of the Basque People but with its very existence. The guidelines and prospectives of Cardinal Cisneros and of Lebrija: set in order to widen and homogenize the Spanish nation-State through the liquidation of the subjugated Basque People and its occupied State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, reached a level of unprecedented accomplishment.

The régime so established has continued making that effort since then. In the last eighty years, the Basque People has suffered more important wounds than in all its previous immemorial history: the enterprise of the imperialistic genocide has caused immense damage to its national entity and identity. Subject to the absolute monopoly of criminal Violence; with a purported “Basque political class” incapable of giving strategic structure to its virtual resources and its spontaneous Resistance; ideologically and politically subjugated, the Basque People, defenceless and unarmed, is a propitious victim of its Spanish and French cannibal neighbours: the most aggressive, destructive and bloodthirsty predators that Humanity has ever suffered. Under these conditions, its prospects of getting out of the liquidation process alive only through its spontaneous Resistance and refusing its strategic qualification: as it has been doing for a century and a half, are virtually null, much lower than those of the lamb in the wolf’s den.

It was explainable the euphoria of the conquerors and killers: “The One, Great and Free Spain has triumphed. That horrible, sinister and atrocious nightmare called Euzkadi has fallen defeated, annihilated forever. They could discuss the presumed rights of Biscay to its autonomy or self-government. From now on, there is a reason which is above all the others. The reason for the blood shed for defending the sacrosanct unit of the Homeland. We do not recognize any other right except the right of conquest. We will chase the Basque nationalists through the mountains as wild beasts. Biscay is again a part of Spain by means of pure and simple military conquest. The sword of Franco has definitely solved the dispute. In these tragic hours of national Crusade, the Germany of Hitler, the Italy of Mussolini and the Portugal of Oliveira Salazar stand with us”.

Spaniards and French can eventually confront among them for various reasons but they are all Nationalists, in the worst sense of the word; and this decisive condition determines their behaviour. The rare exceptions are individual. This fundamental community among them has been the foundation and the cement of national reconciliation, spirit of the “transition”. Given the total victory of the Francoist rebellion, the “historical synthesis of the opponents” could only consist in the destruction of the model of imperialistic Nationalism of the vanquished, and its incorporation into the victors’ imperialistic Nationalism. Thanks to it, the diverse Spanish Republicans: who – like the French ones – did always hold military occupation as foundation of their Empire on the subjugated Peoples, have joined the Francoism in power, and in their turn the official Francoists boast of “lifelong democrats”; without their shamelessness having negative consequences for any of them.

The Spanish traditional Francoists and the social-imperialists: National-socialists and National-communists “converted” to the bourgeois, capitalist, monarchical etc. Nationalism, do – jointly and patriotically – commemorate and celebrate the “liberal”, monarchist, nationalist, colonialist, racist and slavist Spanish formal Constitution of 1812, mother and model of the ones that did follow it; in its turn, an imitation of the “liberal”, monarchist, nationalist, colonialist, racist and slavist French formal Constitution of 1791. And the ministers, ideological henchmen and agents who officiated during the war and the dictatorship of General Franco, enjoy their crimes in complete impunity, do found political Parties, and hold the “highest” public posts.

Wiped out of the current ideological and political reality the traditional Liberalism, Anarchism, Socialism and Communism: transient products of a historical optimism, there remain nowadays as masters of the situation the Fascism, Nationalism and Imperialism, which have recuperated, assimilated and finally reinvented without difficulty their former adversaries. Once the traditional references and differences of those ideologies of liberation have been abandoned, there is no other way out left to their postulated or applicant heirs but to convert and fully join themselves to the established power, without which they cannot survive, by showing themselves more capable, reliable, effective and zealous in serving its interests than the official Rightwing’s own agents. It’s only this way how these “progresist” agents do subsist and participate: as servile, shameful, submissive, hypocritical and corrupt puppets and covers, when the real power needs them as a political and ideological complement in order to do – or do “better” – the delegated work, particularly dirty and shameful, that the traditional rightwig cannot or prefer not to do openly by itself.

In the Western political scene, the extreme right has disappeared as such; it is more than anything the ideological accessory that references and accredits the centrist moderation of the unique real right. (For more details about this drift, see below Chapter XXXII: ‘The new wave of totalitarian reaction’.)

The left too, does not exist otherwise than as left wing of the right. The traditional “bi-partisanship” is a vehicle of interests and tactics not contradictory but complementary, secondary or circumstantial; and strategic approach and final goal are the same for them all: the preservation, maintenance and enhancement of their imperialism over the subjugated Peoples. The administrative alternation is the fair compensation that opens the way and the access towards the perks of the political power and the institutionalized corruption, which has always been the naturally privileged – albeit not exclusive – ground of the traditional left-wing, and whichhas been amplified with its return to business after the Francoist monarchical Restoration.

The most absolute lack of shame is not a privilege of the traditional right; it is rather a prominent gift of the “socialist and communist left”. The communist Parties have used and exalted Violence and Terrorism at all costs (with which they have caused, among other things, a hundred million dead), to finally join the institutional Violence and Terrorism of the Nationalist Fascism in power. However, the communist Party of Spain (PcE) expels now “those who do not condemn the violence” as that party defines it; and “the French communist Party endeavours to reaffirm its opposition to all forms of violence and terrorism”, provided that they are not those of the French régime. (See also the text ‘Nationalism and National-socialism’.)

The mutual implication between external fascism and internal fascism the is more interactive than what some seem to believe. The “western democracies”: which do with their complacency and cooperation promote, lead, feed, cover, protect and comfort fascism, imperialism, terrorism and torture in the land and at the expense of the others, as is the case of the subjugated Basque People and its occupied State, the Kingdom of Nabarre, encounter – more each day – with the domestic consequences of that “realistic”-nationalist policy that inspires and directs them. The Peoples that fight for their national independence against Imperialism do condition the internal and external political life of their oppressors. They do reveal the true nature of States and political Parties that pretend to be democratic, merely as a trick to be able to hide: under these faked labels and thanks to the monopolies of criminal Violence and propaganda, the modern Fascism, Terrorism and Imperialism.

This falsification and the consequent ideological-political penetration of Spanish imperialism as “democracy”·: implanted in our Country since the Spanish “democratic general elections” of 1977-79 until today, has been possible thanks to the obstinate and perverse complicity and collaborationism that the fascist régime has obtained from its local agents, that is, the liquidationist bureaucracy PNV-Eta and its satellites.

(From ‘Euskal Herria and the Kingdom of Nabarre, or the Basque People and its State, against French-Spanish imperialism.)

In these circumstances it is necessary to denouncewith all forcefulnessthe mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites Ea-Eh bildu-Sortu-Geroa bai etc., as well as its auxiliaries: the Basque or “Basque-Navarrese” trade union and socio-cultural associations. Thesebehind falseillusory and non-altruistic work of “training/formation step by step up to freedom”: whose purpose is to divert, deceive, anesthetizeexhaust and exploit their victims with the sale of their by-productsgive cover and do above all avoid denouncing this bureaucracy and its policy of collaborationism/betrayalavoiding any fundamental theoretical criticism and – much more – any practical criticism against them, something that they never doAll of them are purportedly and falsely abertzale’ (patriots) that for more than forty years are recognizing the occupying Statesthe “Kingdom of Spain” and the “French Republic”, and their criminalimperialisticcolonialist and fascist totalitarian régimes of military occupation on the Basque People and its Stateas their own, non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic régimes and States.

The Basque People is doomed if it is not able to understand that these indigenous bureaucracies and their auxiliaries have been death trap for almost half century until presentsince they are the local disguise and support that make possible the continuity of the criminal French-Spanish régime of military occupation that they all call democracy” etc.; and that, therefore, the first task for its own liberation is to get rid of these bureaucracies.

In view of all thisthe Basque Movement of Resistance and National Salvation calls on the Basque People to denounceunmask and repudiate these Pnv-Eta bureaucracies of traitorous and impostor “politicians”. They all are agents of the French-Spanish régime of military occupationwhose life is dedicated, as their only professionqualification and aspiration, to get being paid from the general budgets of the occupying States – therefore with our taxes – in exchange for betraying our People and integrating it into those totalitarian States of Spain and of France; and whopresenting themselves as “patriots Basques, do recognize as democratic and their own the fascist régime and States of Spain and of France on our People and its State, the Kingdom of Nabarre.

In order to face this task of liberation, we invite our People to join the Resistance around two fundamental strategic principles, which are THE ONLY ones that allow and make possible our national unity aimed at freeing ourselves from the domination of French-Spanish imperialism and fascism. In brief, these principles are:

1/ Affirmation of the right of freedom, FREE disposition, national independence or self-determination of the Basque People/Euskal Herria.

“Cornerstone of democracy”, the international right of self-determination or independence of all Peoples is a right that is original, fundamental, inherent, customary, immediate, unconditional, continuous, permanent, inalienable, indefeasible and imprescriptible for all Peoples subjugated under an imperialistic and foreign régime; that is the same thing as their unconditional and immediate independence in the face of/against any foreign domination or interference contrary to their national freedom; and that has been recognized – not constituted – by the contemporary International Law of the United Nations: from the First Article of its foundational Charter of San Francisco as well as by constant and relevant Resolutions of its General Assembly, as THE FIRST OF FUNDAMENTAL HUMAN RIGHTS AND THE PRECONDITION FOR THE FULL ENJOYMENT OF THEM ALL.

Its corollary and practical application consists, as an inescapable requirement for its realization, in the DEMAND FOR THE UNCONDITIONAL AND IMMEDIATE EVACUATION of all the occupying forces and of the entire apparatus of imperial-colonialist subjugation of the occupying Powers: Spain and France, OUTSIDE the historical Territories of the Basque People and its State. And

2/ Affirmation of the continuity, validity and continuity of our own State: the Kingdom of Nabarre, successor of the Kingdom of Pamplona – “the Kingdom of the Basques” – constituted by a confederation of Vasconic Republics, Counties and Lordships historically and freely gathered around it, and internationally recognized for a thousand years; which remains the sole State of the Basque Nation, and which it has never renounced to nor has ever admitted or recognized any other.

Its necessary consequence implies the constant and incessant NON-RECOGNITION AND DENUNCIATION of the occupying States: the “Kingdom of Spain” and the “French Republic”, and of their totalitarian régimes of military occupation, as criminal, imperialistic, colonialist and fascist, and not as their own, non-Nationalist, non-violent, legitimate and democratic, as the purported “official Basque political class” formed by the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites is doing to this day.

They are States that carried Terror and Oppression all over the world: history which they are so proud of; and that, with the support of the indigenous Renegades and "Basque" Traitors Pnv-Eta etc., continue to maintain their claws of Terror and Oppression on the Basque People through the appearance and falsification of “democracy”.

At the same time, it is necessary to maintain a TOTAL BOYCOTT to any collaboration with those who, because of their rejecting in theory or practice one or both fundamental principles mentioned above, do objectively form part of the imperialism; especially the social-imperialists of sundry feathers who, disguised as “progressives, socialists, communists” etc. (in any of their splits or fashions), exhibit “arguments” with these false “progressive” etc. labels as pretexts to refuse to immediately denounce the French-Spanish fascist régime of military occupation of our Country; which is tantamount to supporting it.

As is unquestionable, those among us – whatever their origin, surnames or alleged ideology can be – who refuse to assume all or part of these principles that establish our national rights, and who do instead affirm the “right of imperialism” and of military occupation on our People and State, are absolutely unmasked as the imperialists and fascists they are: supporters of the continuation of the imperialistic military occupation of our Country and our State by the “Kingdom of Spain” and the “French Republic”. Now then, what collaboration can there be with these agents? Can anyone honestly and sanely believe – leaving therefore aside insane hallucinations or unavowable interests – that it is possible to make an anti-imperialistic policy with the help of imperialists and fascists? Clearly not.

Therefore, as long as the French-Spanish imperialism does not withdraw from our Country its occupying forces (since they CONSTITUTE the essential and fundamental element of its strategic device of domination, without which its entire system collapses), and since it is not possible to carry out an anti-imperialistic policy together with the fifth-columnists and agents in the service of the French-Spanish imperialism infiltrated among the subjugated People, the corollary and practical application of these principles implies maintaining a TOTAL BOYCOTT:

– to any collaboration with any individual or collective person that in whole or in part, in theory or in practice, does expressly reject – or refuses to publicly assume – one or both fundamental principles mentioned above, because that person does objectively – some of them even in an open and confessed way – form part of imperialism; and

– to any participation, both in the institutions of the French-Spanish imperialistic, colonialist and fascist régimes and especially in their juridical monopolies or “parliaments” (French Parliament and Spanish ‘Cortes Generales’, established over the centuries through military occupation and the Monopoly of criminal Violence and Terror of war and of State, and countless and imprescriptible constitutive crimes), which criminally violate these principles since their real and primary constitution, and which do expressly and constitutionally – forgive the repetition – deny them by their formal and secondary “Constitution”; as well as in their totalitarian “general elections” that “legitimize” all this.

In the face of the totalitarian imperialism of Spain and France, and in the face of its criminals, terrorists, colonialists and fascist regimes of military occupation aided by indigenous groups of Agents Provocateurs, Renegades, Traitors and Collaborators, the Basque People/Euskal Herria will always affirm in an unwavering way the democracy of its national independence, and the continuity and integrity of its State: the Kingdom of Nabarre, currently represented by its National Council of the Resistance.



Army of occupation not even with music!

Spain not even with a republic! France not even with a monarchy!




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