Introduction to the imperialistic ideology (3)

Violence and Terrorism.- Their ideological mystification at the service of Imperialism

3 – Introduction to the imperialistic ideology

Iñaki Aginaga and Felipe Campo

All relationship and all enterprise of domination in human society do establish their supremacy by controlling the resources of economy and violence on the patient/dominated subject, and develop an ideology that serves them. The ideology is the determination of social behaviour by means of ideas. “The ideologies do not truly attend to deepen the knowledge but only to determine the will.” Ideology has not as a constitutive objective the strengthening of the knowledge but the determination of the social behaviour by means of ideas, just as the policy has by constitutive objective the determination of the social behaviour by means of violence; he who still has not learned that question, has nothing to do in policy short of being an author, accomplice, agent or administrator of others’ policy.

There can be no place for a political domination without an ideological domination. To the monopolies of violence of the ruling class correspond its monopolies of psychological warfare, propaganda, brainwashing and ideological intoxication of masses. The dominant – moral and legal – ideology is the one that the dominant social group creates and enforces for its convenience, ranked at the service of its general and political interests. The “supreme, transcendent and immutable values” are those which that group does invent, impose, replace or destroy: by social, economic and political pressure, psychological and ideological conditioning, and intimidation and brute force, in order to establish its power. The rules are also made by such group itself; and its propaganda services do legitimize them without limitations so as to increase, strengthen and justify its power, weakening – intellectually and morally – all current or virtual Resistance. It seeks thereby to remedy the inevitable effective limitations in its own criminal Violence. In terms of morality, as in terms of legality, everybody produces what it suits best.

In the history of social conflicts, and from the justification of political power established “by the grace of God”, ideology does initially appear as an invention of the Strong – and dominant – to justify, reinforce and expand their power; an invention later reviewed by the Weak – and dominated – so as to found and comfort their claim to emancipation. The ideology of the dominant Nations and States is the dominant ideology.

The Nationalist-imperialistic ideology: whether National-fascist or National-socialist/communist, does consciously, deliberately and directly serve its social or political objectives; and subordinates all cultural-general contribution to the ideological promotion of imperialistic Nationalism and Fascism. The dominant Nationalist-imperialistic ideology aims to manufacture and impose, exalt and justify the political, moral and religious values of reference that are useful to justify despotism, imperialism and colonialism; and to hide, disguise or falsify what it cannot impose, exalt and justify.

Confusion and destruction of the freedom of thought, of the information and reason; imposition of the own ideas and liquidation of the others’; and recuperation and falsification of the cardinal terms and concepts of democratic sociology and policy, in order to conceal the real content of the imperialistic régime of military occupation: such are the objectives of the dominant ideology imposed in the Country of the Basques by French-Spanish imperialism; objective always subordinated to the general aims of the imperialistic domination of France and Spain. These objectives are also part of the ideological and political liquidation of all strategy of national liberation of the subjugated Peoples.

Imperialism and fascism are only interested in the ideas insofar as they can be used as tools of domination; or, short of using them so, as targets to destroy. The ideologists of the French-Spanish imperialistic Nationalism could not care less about freedom of expression, truth, science or formal or general logic, than what the armed forces themselves which they serve to care about them. The Nationalist-imperialistic ideology and “culture” do not have as a primary or secondary purpose the truth, science, knowledge or information but their destruction or manipulation, at the service of the domination over the Peoples and the disappearance of free persons. To make them all more and more stupid, and therefore increasingly weaker: that is its true function. To turn people into servile, submissive and dependent puppets, with dull and conditioned political reflexes; into social and mental alienated persons with lobotomized, washed, drained, refilled and recycled brains: that is the goal of the imperialistic system of ideological conditioning. It is enough to observe the results achieved on a defenceless public opinion and betrayed by its alleged political class: incompetent and corrupt to boot, to immediately realize the fearsome efficiency with which that system is achieving it.

The freedom of information, expression and criticism is impossible in a régime constituted by the denial of national freedom and, in general, of fundamental human rights of Peoples subjugated under nationalist imperialism. Under this political régime, the imperialistic and fascist monopolies of psychological warfare, propaganda, brainwashing and ideological intoxication of masses are founded on the monopoly of criminal Violence of the ruling classes, agents and beneficiaries of the imperialistic system.

The contemporary totalitarian monopoly of Violence conditions and founds the monopoly of ideas: without a totalitarian monopoly of Violence, there is no monopoly of ideas. The monopoly of criminal Violence, through administrative censorship and repression, imposes the total monopoly of the mass-media of communication: producer, key and prison of the ideology. The absolute monopoly of the mass media of communication: inherent in the absolute monopoly of criminal Violence, gives unprecedented scope and efficiency to the propaganda and ideological intoxication services of imperialism and fascism, dedicated to the suppression of ideas, free expression, and free thought.

Through its monopolies of criminal Violence and propaganda, the imperialistic and totalitarian State produces the public opinion the same as it fabricates the “opposition”. Under these conditions a public opinion different from that of the totalitarian established power is in general an anachronism or an illusion. Imperialism and fascism, on the one hand; and freedom of expression, information and criticism, on the other hand, are incompatible, since there is no place in these systems for freedom, human rights or democracy.

In a system of totalitarian ideological monopoly such as the French and Spanish one: where all formal rationality disappears when it suits to it, where any criticism or merely objective information is effectively and officially proscribed by Violence, fear and corruption, and where the “opposition” is in charge of saying what it is convenient to the established power, the diversity, variability and contradiction of its formally despicable “theoretical” propositions offer unquestionable advantages for that monopolistic régime; provided – of course – that the fascist “theorists” may speak all alone: precisely because of that and for that they are fascists.

As explained in the previous chapter, law is the determination of the condition and behaviour of subjects by means of the monopoly of actual and virtual violence, whether it be legitimate or criminal. If this monopoly cannot be imposed in an unchallenged and effective form, its only alternatives are war or anarchy. Thus, the law is a political order, that is: a social order of violence. This is entirely so regardless of the nature of that social order, that is: whether it defends the observance and respect for fundamental human rights, in which case we are dealing with a legitimate and democratic social order; or on the contrary it is built upon and for the violation of those rights, in which case it is a criminal, despotic, imperialist and totalitarian social order.

Now then, the need to strengthen this prosaic normative reality, and at the same time to conceal the fact that its genesis arose through the monopoly of violence, led to its idealistic, transcendent and dualistic ideological objectification – totem and taboo – either it be as divine law, natural law, or categorical imperative. But, from the proto-fascism – openly established with the French “revolution” and then presumably (though only militarily) defeated in 1945 – to the current new worldwide hegemonic order or disorder, diverse and globalized at the same time, the unlimited intensive and extensive use of the ideological – moral and juridical – pressure in the service of the dominant interest (with the elaboration of the juridical norm as a mere cloning of the dominant policy), coupled with the accelerated, continuous and opportunistic variation, adaptation and substitution of this norm in time and space (which have resulted in its application in some cases but not in others), all this are factors that lead to the rapid deterioration of any credibility of fascist propaganda in relation to normative idealism, and that cause the growing discredit of its traditional ideological mystification and justification; which, even so, have survived the historical evolution and the theoretical historicism, criticism, positivism and sociologism.

Likewise, those solvent factors do disclose “the great mystery” of the established morality and law, highlighting the utilitarian and prosaic reality of their production; arouse the corresponding adaptation and proliferation of the opposite ideological weapon; and do consequently bring in their wake the increasing ineffectiveness, obsolescence and ruin of the moral norm itself, the destruction of all normative order, and the paroxysmal increase-exacerbation of the political conflicts and of the terrorist and totalitarian monopoly of criminal Violence, whose reality is revealed more naked to every occasion.

Once thus evacuated – explicitly or implicitly – all transcendence and all otherness: normative, metaphysical, theological, natural, rational, institutional and sociological, the norms of conduct of the moral and law do next appear as a unilateral, immanent, direct and immediate expression of the national or State interest closely considered. Under those conditions, morality and legality are resolved in the behaviourist monism, and are identified with the mere positive ideological and political conditioning of the others (yet not one’s own), carried out through social repression in general and illicit Violence in particular. Now then, a “norm” that does not rule one’s own behaviour but adapts to it, is not a norm of conduct: it’s an ideological accessory of one’s own behaviour thus justified; that is, a simple means of unilateral conditioning of the others’ behaviour by one’s own.

Thus, the norm of conduct is a mere ideological by-product, reproduction and accessory, and a unilateral product of the dominant totalitarian power. Good “is” what it does, and Evil “is” what others do. The dominant power is moral and legal because, by decision-making construction and designation, it is moral and legal what the dominant totalitarian power imposes, regardless of any prior or external normativity, real or supposed. In fact, there is not – that is, it is not recognized – any normative alterity in other actors but only the own normativist monism. There become therefore “evident” – with the un-appealable although vacuous evidence of all truism – the flawless morality and legality of the own ideological and political power; and the correlative immorality and illegality of all opposition. A functional, primary and binary determination of facts and ideas serves thus the needs of the dominant ideology: good and evil are what suits or does not suit to imperialism and fascism, in every place and at every time. The transcendental axiology resolves itself into monistic and immanentist truism.

In this way, the legality of an ideological-political domination is not justified now by reference to a morality that exists in a prior, autonomous and different form than the former (a morality to which the said legality should correspond and adapt, thus achieving its legitimacy) but the alleged “correspondence” between the one and the other becomes identity. That is to say, morality and legality are but the immanent positive normativity of the established ideological-political imperialistic domination. Given the narrowly instrumental nature of such ideology, and in the face of whatever may be the issue raised or to be raised, the corresponding official positions can be known or deducted in advance in a simple, safe, direct and immediate manner; it is enough to answer a simple question: is it convenient or not for the domination-liquidation of the subjected Peoples by the imperialistic Nationalism? This is the only really and cynically fundamental question that decides the line to be followed; the forced contrivance of all behaviour and any propaganda.

Next, any “principle” is abandoned, recovered or replaced by another one if it does not fulfil or does no longer fulfil the only mission that is assigned to it in function to that end. It is enough that there is a political or ideological change of circumstances, and from this point on, publicists, civil servants and “scientists” will immediately and jointly change their norms, method or religion, and they will do so over again as many times as necessary, for they know no rationality or any other axiology than those that serve their function. The imperialistic ideology is a weapon and nothing else than a weapon: when an idea doesn’t work, or doesn’t work anymore, it is thrown away and another one is taken instead. Therefore, any “communication” that comes from such sources must be methodically and systematically treated as a mere vector of ideological penetration and intoxication from imperialism. The theoretical and – above all – practical criticism of the totalitarian ideology is part of the democratic Resistance to imperialism.

Ideologies, like gods, do fight each other; yet, “albeit the philosopher can discern beyond this tumult the fraternity of the gods, the historian notes the fratricidal fury of the churches”. In policy, what is said is not worth but depending on what is done. As there occurs in the case of the law, the ideology – and its manifestation in the form of norms and behaviour of a corresponding moral – is conservative: its capability to influence and react on the policy, law and general rapport of forces is very limited. (The norms of law, imposed by violence, are at the same time an ideological vector of a first order.) They are the purposes and solidarity of the Horde or Nation those which determine their behaviour, not the religious, scientific or partisan associations, communities and affinities; which, even though they produce the ideology, however they always serve and yield to the fundamental political forces, which are integrated, constituted and organized according to primary objective determinations.

The world having been left without any really or apparently supra-State recourse, authority, reference or regulation: from which nobody does expect support anymore and whose coercion no one fears either, the anarchy of violence regains its natural pre-eminence. If God does not exist, and neither does the international community-society, then everything is lawful. Without no norms of law or of morality that bind everyone to a certain extent, in the “chacun pour soi” or “every man for himself” institutionalised, only the individual and case-by-case evaluation of the rapport of forces in conflict decides now on peace and war, unilaterally sustained or undertaken.

The new hegemonic “international order” has thus created such conditions so that the pure and extreme violence does appear as the only way-out worthy of consideration for any Power that deems itself to be in favourable conditions to wield it. Millennia of civilisation have led or returned us: by the hand of the North-American plutocracy, to the primitive and recurrent conclusion that the only way to resolve conflicts consists in hitting hard and as soon as possible by one’s own account; and that delays, transactions and mediations only lead to waste time and make the opponent’s game.

Yet, such an ideology pushed to the limit, evacuated all normative transcendence and alterity, and once the purported correspondence between morality and legality has become identity, starting from all of that, of the old transcendent order there only remains a moral fiction through mere cloning of the dominant behaviour; and the resulting ideological wordplay, fraud and trickery serve so as to conceal and comfort the real order of criminal Violence, perhaps to cultivate the own illusions of the dominant forces, and – in any case – to mislead the most under-developed, unwary or defenceless among their victims.

However, “moral or juridical” norms will not disappear because of this. They are the development and sophisticated elaboration of animal and plant behaviour since the world is world; a behaviour far more fundamental than – and much earlier to – the belated emergence of transcendental normative metaphysics. The plant kingdom and the animal kingdom have survived perfectly well without such inventions and elaborations for many millions of years, and may continue to subsist indefinitely in the same way. In any case, whether in the form of bestial regression or – depending on how you look at it – in a process of ideological demystification, liberation and detoxification, we are witnessing, apparently, a new and final phase: regrettable, pathetic, degraded and debased, of the long and equivocal incursion of “specifically human morality and law” in the history of social formations and conflicts. (This is not a return to Darwin. The only thing that is new is the recuperation of Darwin by the irreducible agents of the imperialistic and fascist backlash.)

All language, every concept and any theory are to a greater or lesser extent ideological; but their systematic manipulation, falsification, confusion, decomposition, inversion, perversion, tricking and recuperation do – logically – reach their maximum in the periods of democratic involution and totalitarian reaction. All theory is ideologically determined or conditioned; but the Nationalist-imperialistic ideology – National-Socialist/Communist or National-Fascist – does consciously, deliberately and directly serve social or political objectives immanent to its own interests.

They are thus made possible semantic manipulation and confusion; ruin of the logical and critical sense; falsification of history and mystification of sociology, policy and law; and prejudices, illusions and dogmas established apart from all reality and all rationality but inherent to the National-imperialistic ideology, and inseparable from the economical-political options and interests of the social layer that has adopted them. They become thus evident the extent of the destruction of reason achieved by the modern totalitarianism, and the almost unlimited range of the monopolies of mass propaganda and ideological intoxication and of psychological warfare; monopolies that in its turn the monopoly of criminal Violence ensures, guarantees and puts at the disposal of the imperialistic totalitarian régime. “The moral violence, whose most repugnant expression is the ‘brain washing’, is a subtle and derived form of violence.”

The dominant imperialistic ideology is increasingly unable to maintain the illusion of presenting a socially acceptable theoretical foundation for the established imperialistic political power. For this reason, its direct agents, incapable of facing reality on their own, must resort to the indigenous puppets of imperialism so that they contribute to the dissemination of such illusions by all the means that the monopolies of propaganda put at their disposal, knowing that the Peoples who do not know about the world in which they are living are defenceless prey of their aggressive predators. A People that allows to be caught in such trickery is doomed.

The dominant imperialistic ideology hides and distorts facts, sociology and history; destroys formal reason and language; and proceeds through semantic and conceptual confusion, and through contradiction in terms and petitio principii, so as to make believe that things are what suits its domination. The imperialistic and fascist ideology knows no rationality or morality other than those that serve it; is a product and instrument inseparable from the effective imperialistic policy and its monopolies of criminal Violence, terrorism and propaganda, which it exalts and sustains. But, with unheard-of impudence, it denies at the same time the more evident reality through the absurd assertion that the criminal Violence of the occupying State, and therefore the State itself, do not exist. Thus, it would be a system that is at the same time political, “natural”, peaceful, non-violent, and based on the elections and votes of the citizens. But such a régime has never existed and will never exist, because absurdity and contradiction in terms do not and never will correspond to any reality.

Cynicism, hypocrisy and irrationality are characteristic features of the imperialistic ideology. They are also a proof of the incapability of the imperialism and fascism to produce a formally consistent propaganda; and of the ruin of the dignity and decency that is inherent in the present stage of totalitarianism in the world.

The great manoeuvres of collective irrationality and hysteria characteristic of totalitarianisms, in their traditional as well as their National-socialist/communist versions, have now reached unprecedented dimensions due to the work of the current monopolies of propaganda and psychological warfare, which for many years have been developing a colossal and increasingly aggressive campaign of ideological confusion, blaming, indoctrination, brainwashing and ideological intoxication of the masses on the central and inseparable issues of criminal Violence and Terrorism, on the one hand; and freedom, democracy, and authentic dialogue, based on the recognition of otherness, the Peoples’ right of self-determination or independence and fundamental human rights, on the other. Terms and concepts have been therefore systematically forged and spoofed so that they correspond to the needs of imperialism and fascism.

It could even be thought, a priori, that it would be an impossible task or mission to convince anyone that the armed forces of imperialism: whose brute force has subjugated Peoples (and that – before the eyes and at the expense of everybody – exert their constituent professional functions of repression and terror), do not exist nor do their State either. But everything is possible in the realm of the supreme imposture and brainwashing imposed by the modern monopolies of mass ideological conditioning and intoxication, established under the protection of the monopoly of criminal Violence. Fascism always said that, conveniently treated, conditioned, uninformed and contra-informed, the Peoples will believe everything and anything. And being this so, the means of ideological intoxication of masses that had at their disposal Mussolini, Hitler and General Franco were only a small foretaste of the weapons of mass destruction of the reason and political consciousness that the modern monopolies of Violence and information put now at the disposal of the current totalitarian régime.

Now then, if formal lying, absurdity and emptiness are the stuff that feeds the dominant propaganda; and if the monopolies of propaganda take the trouble to spread these things, it is no doubt because they have no a better thing and because it works. And if it works, it is undoubtedly because the capacity of information and the rational and critical sense of the defenceless population have already been reduced to levels close to the ones so assiduously and effectively desired and pursued, or because they have already disappeared as a result of the propaganda; finally implementing the social alienation along with mental alienation. All this is an amazing demonstration of the unlimited swindling capacity available for the State monopolies of violence and propaganda, brainwashing and ideological intoxication of masses, over populations reduced to the situation of tele-phagic zombies through the media drug addiction.

However, the destruction of reason achieved by the dominant imperialistic ideology would endanger the system itself if the “active members” of the dominant classes, or the most effective section of them, actually believed what their ideologists invent and their monopolies spread for to make others believe it. The shameless combination of stupidity, cynicism and hypocrisy, which characterizes imperialistic and fascist ideology, makes it possible to modulate and dose adaptations. All this presents some difficulties and cannot be attained without a complex psychological and ideological operation.

The modern despotism filtered, neutralized or recuperated long ago the signs and forms established by the liberal and democratic tradition and revolution; which, if at any time worried the ruling classes, they afterwards ceased to do so. The Governments that are actually in force have no interest in a true democracy, whose inability to work has been constantly exposed. The traditional conflict and the contradiction between “civil society” and Government in modern States was resolved by the victory of the latter already two centuries ago, and now Governments fabricate and involve the functioning of their own “institutional opposition”. For their part, the purported “revolutionary democracies” brought in the new despotism, proto-fascism and contemporary dictatorships. The recent political vicissitudes confirm and emphasize the result.

In this resulting totalitarian political system, the “civil society”: with its “democratically elected representatives”, has left the “right” to accept, support, consent, agree and endorse what its previously established Government wants to. Even though the parliamentary system and the division of powers are formally proclaimed, nevertheless, what these mechanisms conceal, what there is in reality is the presidential or ministerial régime, the recognition of the failure of democracy, and the restoration of bureaucratic instruments and governmental institutions: military, monarchical or republican (whether traditional or renewed), but in any case dictatorial and totalitarian.

The dominant imperialistic ideology strives to hide or falsify this reality, by referring the alleged democracy to diverse derived foundations and institutions – formal or imaginary. Yet, these “pacts, Constitutions, majorities, elections, consensus, referendum, law” etc. which their purported democratic legitimacy refers to, do imply the prior existence of the State, and therefore cannot found the State or the democracy but by begging the question (petitio principii). Now then, what those formal or imaginary mechanisms try to hide is something essential, namely: democracy and its derived forms of “elections, votes” etc. do not and cannot bring human rights. On the contrary, it is fundamental human rights, and above all the Self-Determination or Independence of all Peoples, that bring and constitute democracy, which does not and cannot exist without them, except as a sham.

Today’s world is ordered or disordered by means of Violence and Terror within the States and among the States; but this is not what the modern official fascist propaganda makes believe, or tries to make believe. The State wields the more or less full monopoly of violence: legitimate or criminal, depending on the treatments it gives to fundamental human rights. All political régime – whether legitimate or criminal – has the need to found and legitimize ideologically its power based on violence (whether it be legitimate or criminal); but, evidently, the interests of imperialism and fascism in today’s world prevent them from presenting themselves as they are. In this sense, the combination of cynicism, hypocrisy and lack of shame that the second-generation fascists – agents of propaganda and psychological warfare of French and Spanish imperialistic Nationalism – have installed in the occupied and colonized territories of the Basque People surpasses everything.

The new French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist ideology tries to hide, disguise and falsify the historical and social reality of its imperialism and colonialism on the occupied State and Territories of the Basque People. Its constant goal is to make believe that imperialism and fascism, like the devil, do not exist. Thus, its monopolistic propaganda replaces the real order of French-Spanish criminal Violence and imperialistic domination with a “non-violent political régime, founded on freedom and law, through the free adhesion of Peoples without violence, without weapons, through words, reason, dialogue, pacts, referendum, consensus, laws, elections, votes, majority, the Law and Constitution” etc. But only the destruction of reason by means of imperialistic ideology makes it possible to “understand” that such factors: which do already presuppose constituted and constituent the previous French-Spanish imperialistic political structure, can found and constitute a democratic State upon the criminal destruction of pre-existing Peoples and States. This is a huge and formally absurd trickery with which totalitarian propaganda and indoctrination try to destroy the political consciousness of the subjugated Peoples.

Ancient imperialism and despotism boasted of their capacity for criminal Violence and Terrorism; and their traditional ideology did always try not to hide but to show and amplify the actual and virtual constituent Violence of its State. In their turn, in a position of “prudence” and tactical withdrawal, the “modern” despotic-imperialistic systems did not exhibit that violence even if they justified it. General Franco and his henchmen, for example, would never present themselves as “contrary to all violence wherever it comes from”, as their successors do now. Instead, the fascist régime of the Second Francoism denies it, pretends to be peaceful and non-violent, and presents the attacked and oppressed Peoples as aggressors and oppressors, and the “great” aggressor and oppressive nations as innocent victims of the violence and terrorism of the attacked and oppressed Peoples. Now then, those who condemn the right of legitimate self-defence of the Peoples against the aggression, do in reality support the hypocritical and fallacious “defence of the Spanish or French Nation” – which is the dominant and oppressive one – against “the peripheral imperialism” of the oppressed Peoples, of which their executioners pretend to be the victims.

The current French-Spanish imperialistic ideology has an inescapable need to disguise – to the possible and prudent extent – the political, historical and social reality of its imperialism; and to conceal the origin, nature and foundation of its régime of military occupation. It hides so eight centuries of violence, war of aggression, conquest, occupation, terrorism, repression, violation of the fundamental human rights, crimes of war, against peace and against humanity, racial, linguistic and cultural genocide, colonization, exclusion, dismemberment, exploitation, sacking and public humiliation of the attacked and occupied Basque Nation: criminal proceedings that constitute the present system of imperialistic domination and that have led to the present régime, the Neo-Francoist régime reformed with the political and financial assistance of the global imperialism, whose Official and Secret Services did guide, finance and impose the Spanish intra-totalitarian “transition”.

The falsification of history and sociology, the perversion, inversion, confusion and subversion of terms and concepts, the semantic counterfeiting and the destruction of reason, characteristic of the totalitarian régime, are the eminently suitable and necessary means available for the task. In particular, “non-violence, freedom and democracy” must appear in all cases as determining and essential factors of the historical and social constitution and legitimacy of the current régime of military occupation and of the French-Spanish totalitarian political power. Thus has been constituted the régime, which the fascist shamelessness of its agents, beneficiaries, accomplices and servers does present as “legitimate, non-violent, peaceful, democratic, and founded on freedom, human rights and the popular will”.

Notation and connotation of terms and ideas are systematically falsified, recuperated, duplicated, reduced or expanded so that they may correspond to the convenience and apology of imperialism and fascism; and to the damage, discredit, guilt and confusion of their adversaries.

So, apparently abandoned the paleo-Francoist propaganda, based on “the State, totalitarian instrument at the service of the Homeland, through the Empire towards God” etc., its imperialistic and fascist successor régime of Second Francoism proclaims itself now as democratic and non-violent at the same time. According to the official populist ideology of the French-Spanish colonialist imperialism, which denies the subjugated Peoples, “democracy is characterized, founded and established by the elections and the majority vote of the citizens”, after they have been attacked, deprived of their national freedom and own State, and forcibly placed in imperialistic and foreign States. It is astonishing that he numerous subjects – whether as adepts or victims – of the dominant ideology: homologated as clinically healthy in spirit and legally liable, see no problem in adopting and enunciating such insanities. Because it is the case that such a political régime: “democratic” imperialism, has never existed and will never exist, neither here nor anywhere, because what is formally absurd, cannot exist. Faced with this, it is necessary to affirm this fundamental principle: “the act by which a People is a People is the true foundation of society.”

Intellectual probity and imperialistic Nationalism do mutually exclude. The ideologists of French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist Nationalism are not honourable theorists or men of science, even less good-hearted persons that “defend their ideas – all legitimate and respectable – with pen and word, and oppose culture to the violence”, as their indigenous and “autonomous” services of mass intoxication want to make us believe. Quite on the contrary, as politicians, they are agents, partners, accomplices, accessories after the fact and beneficiaries – notorious and convicted – of the crimes of war, against peace and against humanity that constitute the imperialistic régime that subjugates our Country; and as ideologists, they are liars, slanderers, forgers and impostors, cheats and swindlers, and habitual or professional advantage players.

The discourse-indoctrination of these agents has never been abandoned, because their falsehoods and lies, various dualisms and hypostases – “struggle of classes and national struggle, individual rights and collective rights, violence and force, Law and State, democracy and voting, elections, Constitutions” etc. – contribute to the mental decomposition of the purported opposition. The petition of principle concludes and is locked up in vicious circles, myths and false essentialisms; but the semantic perversion, the manipulation of concepts, the contradiction in terms and other paralogisms are always effective, as long as all criticism or information that is simply objective is effectively and officially proscribed by violence, fear and corruption, and when the auxiliary services of the local “opposition”: filtered, infiltrated, impregnated, controlled and directed by the established power, take it upon themselves to say and oppose what the established power wants them to oppose “against” it. This is how they understand “freedom of expression”.

Even so, such discourse is increasingly more displaced by the “scientific” techniques of degradation, degeneration and destruction of human reason and dignity; of behavioural conditioning; of ideological intoxication, washing and filling of brain; of creation of positive and negative reflexes before pre-determined primary stimuli; of inversion and subversion of values and concepts, and of semantic manipulation characteristic of the totalitarian régime. At this level of intellectual degradation, imperialistic fascism does no longer propose thesis; which without further ado excludes all antithesis. What it seeks as a last resort is the creation of noise and clouds of smoke, the permanent distraction, the simple occupation of visual or auditory space, and the fixation, neutralization or simple attrition of the opponent who is naïve or decreased enough as to enter that trap. These are the valid objectives to be pursued, which do amply justify for imperialistic Nationalism on a world scale the degradation, degeneration and destruction of human reason and dignity; which are the necessary objective and consequence of imperialistic and fascist ideology. The production of zombies is a necessity of a first order for modern totalitarianism.

The theoretical limitations inherent to an imperialistic enterprise are overcome by the almost absolute advantage provided to it by its political, economic and demographic superiority, and the monopoly of the so-called media of “communication-information-education” of masses, actually reduced to the role of simple instruments of propaganda and psychological warfare according to methods elaborated, tested and developed by the totalitarian Powers. Under these conditions, their authors and speakers give lessons of “non-violence, non-Nationalism, peace, tolerance, coexistence and democracy” to Peoples reduced to the helplessness by the political monopoly of criminal Violence.

The imperialistic propaganda does not only falsify history and sociology: it’s also formally irrational, contradictory and absurd. In its theoretical contents, the imperialistic and fascist ideology is false, evanescent and devoid of logical value and meaning; however, this does not cause it considerable prejudice but rather the opposite, and its mental integration among the patients to whom it is addressed is carried out without major difficulties while the monopoly of Violence ensures and guarantees the mass media monopoly. And from the moment that this imperialistic ideology is imposed as the dominant ideology, its material coherence is reinforced by it, because it appears as transfigured by the monopoly of criminal Violence that entails the monopoly of ideas.

“We have been taught to regard some of the persons who have committed these and similar absurdities with respect, even as ‘great’ men; we are wont to yield to the political wisdom of those in charge, and we are all so accustomed to these phenomena that most of us fail to realize how abjectly stupid and undesirable the historical mass behaviour of humanity actually is.” (K. Lorenz; ibid.)

The “superiority” of the imperialistic ideology is not founded in its theoretical quality but, above all, in the overwhelming advantage of quantitative expression that the monopoly of communication and propaganda grants to it. The functional foolishness that the imperialistic and fascist propaganda of masses broadcasts daily among its victims would not have possible validity in a society where the freedom and the capacity of speech, criticism and information had not disappeared, due to the repression of fundamental human rights. The setback of the scientific method, the extension and penetration of irrationality and obscurantism, and the growing gullibility among the masses are not only a consequence but a condition – and above all a cause – of the advance of imperialism and totalitarianism; of the administrative conditioning, intoxication, manipulation and fabrication of the public opinion; and of the decline of freedom and democracy in contemporary societies. They are a significant part – and are shown already with universal scope – in the new terrorist and imperialistic global order that is being installed before our eyes.

In the ideology characteristic of imperialism and fascism, constituted by the integration of the thinking activity in the purposes and means of the totalitarian wholeness, the ideology of reality: for the necessary internal use of the ruling classes, is accompanied with the ideology of illusion, elaborated first of all for the others to believe it. This ideological unfolding is materialized in the division between the spiritual and the material work, in the organic division between the “ideologists of illusion and the ideologists of reality”, and between the monopolies and departments of propaganda and those of violence, respectively.

According to the formulation of Marx-Engels, “The division of labour, in which we have recognized one of the most important and most powerful factors in history, appears also in the ruling class as a division between the spiritual and the material labour. In the inside of this class, one of its parts functions as thinkers of this social class: they are its active and conceptive ideologists, who have the specialty of forging the illusions that this class makes about itself; speciality from which they make their main source of subsistence. The others keep rather a passive and receptive attitude with respect to such ideas and illusions, because in reality they are the active members of this class and have less time to imagine illusions and ideas about themselves. This split may even degenerate into a certain antagonism and hostility between both parts in presence; but, as soon as there occurs a practical collision that endangers the whole class, this opposition disappears by itself”. (Since this specialization is not rigidly corporatized, the theoretical – but ideologically functional – “contradiction” between the two kinds of work does also occur through and within the groups and individuals who perform it.)

In principle, the ideological deceptions for fools of the imperialistic and fascist propaganda are reserved to the weak and dominated classes, whose capacity of criticism and spirit of resistance disappeared long ago by effect of the terrorist repression and mass psychological conditioning. But the result of the bad faith extends also increasingly to the same ruling classes that wield the monopolies of criminal Violence and propaganda, whose leaders and propagandists: betrayed by their mental weakness, can end up believing themselves the nonsense that they say so as to befuddle the others, since it is impossible to clearly separate their own ideas from those that they have invented for to make others believe them.

The rulers, ideologists and official agents of the imperial-totalitarian régime are certainly liars, forgers and slanderers: cynical, hypocritical or in bad-faith; but they do not always feign to believe the reactionary drivel they utter, since to some extent they end up believing it themselves, and seem not to have a full or clear awareness of the functional nonsense they daily utter in this regard. Which rather increases their performance and makes them even more dangerous, for believing those nonsense is the best way they have to make others believe them, since no one gets to deceive others better than he who deludes himself. Paradoxically, it is also another more obstacle for the rational and democratic criticism, since this is much easier to perform against “pure” cheats and criminals: aware that they are so, than against those who are already stultified by their own propaganda; which puts them out of reach of that rational criticism.

The imperialistic and fascist ideological illusion is produced or consumed according to two psychological modalities: the conscious and deliberate lie and falsification of reality, on the one hand; and the spontaneous or hetero-induced ignorance and error, on the other. They are the pure forms of the ideology of illusion. They both dissolve and fade on the vast beaches of the bad faith, a consequence of the “bad, miserable or painful conscience” that leads to their agent and patient subjects to ignore what they do not want to know, calculatedly and cautiously avoiding on that purpose the appropriate means and sources of information and interpretation, which could disturb their social adaptation and their individual and collective “good”  conscience.

In the ideologically dominant social group the ideology of the illusion is always subordinate, controlled and kept at bay by the ideology of the reality, because its reckless distribution “for the own consumption” would endanger the political régime. No modern totalitarian order could survive if its leaders and “active members” would truly believe and – above all – put into practice what their ideologists do invent and preach for others to believe. In reality, these are ideas in which the propagandists of imperialism do not believe themselves, as it is evidenced by their own political reality: maintained by means of criminal Violence (inwardly but fundamentally and above all outwardly) without the slightest scruple. The romantic fables and functional lies about the non-violent nature of the established imperialistic régime have their limits in the general structure of domination and production/exploitation of class, whose international species is the colonialist imperialism.

The ideology of illusion and the ideology of reality are produced and located also unevenly, whether it is a question of the dominated classes, or of the political organs of the ruling classes and the apparatus of the State. Its bureaucracy itself does not escape the ideological trickery. “The bureaucracy is a circle from which nobody can escape. Its hierarchy is a hierarchy of knowledge. The head refers to the lower circles for the knowledge of the details, and the lower circles refer to head for the general knowledge, and thus they deceive each other.” “The bureaucracy is the imaginary State beside the actual State; the spiritualism of the State.” “It has in its possession the essence of the State, the spiritual essence of the society, it is its private property. The general spirit of bureaucracy is secrecy, mystery, kept within its own bosom by the hierarchy, and towards the outside by its nature of a closed corporation. So, to reveal the political spirit, as well as the political mentality, appear to the bureaucracy as a betrayal to its mystery. The authority is consequently the principle of its knowledge, and the idolatry of the authority is its mentality.” “If the conscious expression of the real conditions of these individuals is illusory; if, in their representations, they put the reality upside down, this is once more the result of their mode of limited activity and of the limited social situation coming from it.”

More than ever before, “at the very heart of the bureaucracy, the spiritualism becomes a sordid materialism, the materialism of a passive obedience, of the cult to the authority, of the mechanism of an ossified social practice, of fixed ideas and traditions. As for the bureaucrat taken individually, the goals of the State become its private purposes: it is the tally-ho to the higher posts, it is the careerism”.

“Illusions do us the service of sparing us painful feelings, and allow us to enjoy satisfying feelings instead. We must however foresee that one day the latter might arrive to collide with the reality, and then the best thing we can do is to accept their destruction without regret and without recriminations.” It is the case of the belief in pacifism, solidarity and rationality of the civilization and the scientific community, in so far as such belief is used as a way to gainsay or camouflage the imperialistic reality. In this matter the disappointment “is not justified, because it boils down to the destruction of an illusion”. But, inevitably, the splitting of the political consciousness so as to adapt oneself to reality: with escapism towards a distorted consciousness as a resource of self-delusion, is a syndrome of structural and permanent social-mental contradiction. The variants of the corresponding distortion of reality are also located asymmetrically, depending on the position that the subject occupies in the established social complex, either as dominant or as dominated.

The ideology of illusion: relevant in the services of propaganda and in the apparent “supreme instances”, general assemblies and administrative or judicial bureaucracy, does rarefy – up to disappear – in the “lower” bodies of the apparatus of criminal Violence, which are the real foundation of the imperialistic-totalitarian political régime. Certainly (even taking into account the ideology of the illusion and “the division of material and spiritual work”) there is little, scarce or no margin left for “sparing us painful feelings and enjoying satisfying feelings” in an “intervention” of the armed forces, or when someone takes an active part in a torture chamber or at a firing squad.

The truth and the reality of a political régime are not founded or manifested in the “upper echelons” of the administrative bureaucracy and its protocolary ceremonies, nor in the parliamentary speeches, nor in the ministerial declarations or the contributions of the “cultural” services, and of the officially recognized Parties and Trade-Unions. They are founded and exposed in the composition and material activity of the repressive bodies, and in the “edifying”, unequivocal and aggressive declarations of principles that accompany them. “In Spanish, ****ing hell!”; “I’m going to wipe out this ****ing race!”; or “¡Let’s come for them!”: exclamations heard from members of those bodies (to give only these examples of a constant manifestation of hatred, aggression and contempt towards the subjected Peoples, thus recognized as different and not as Spaniards), are the banal, honest, lucid and sincere expression-confession of a genuine and effective national and political conscience of the French-Spanish imperialism; and they leave little room to the illusionist and spiritualist ideological intoxication of its military, civil, or ecclesiastical propaganda services.

With the development of modern totalitarianism, the domestic consumption of the ideological opium of the illusion is even more reduced among the ruling classes, which are fully aware and un-deceived in everything that refers to the alleged religious and moral values, human rights, freedom and democracy which they attribute themselves. Such consumption is already limited to the inert areas of their social base, and to the professional deformation of the specialized services of propaganda. “The bad faith and the bad, miserable or painful conscience” are part of the modern imperialistic and totalitarian ideology; but they do not affect its beneficiaries, who can afford an authentic first-quality conscience and have no difficulty in finding the justifications, approvals and blessings that the civil and ecclesiastical moralists manufacture for them.

Against what the romantic ideology of morality aims to make people believe, they are not the powerful and the oppressors who suffer guilt and remorse regarding their social behaviour: they do not suffer from things like that and do not need to put them a remedy. Also the forces that monopolize the French-Spanish imperialistic and fascist power in our Country are satisfied with their authentic consciousness, and they do not need to have any illusions. They do not suffer from a guilty conscience and enjoy the good conscience of the righteous: not because they think they are democrats but because they know that they are imperialists and fascists, and they love this materially and morally. If they produce and distribute – when it suits them – the fabrications of the “democratic” illusion, they make it for the delusion and use of others. But the identification of those who deceive and who are deceived does only relatively correspond to that of the dominant and the dominated. As has already been pointed out, believing their own fabrications is, for the former, the best way for getting the others to believe them. They would not be able to fully attain their objective without, to some extent, deceiving themselves as well, or without obtaining the discrete “consensus” of the dominated ones; which in addition helps so that the latter can be self-deceived themselves, in order to bear their own plight of dominated people that they do not want to recognize.

The external conditioning of the opposition is the main goal of the ideology of illusion. The dominated classes are, by their own plight, more likely to agree to swallow anything. It is the weak and the oppressed, defenceless and without ideology and strategy of their own, who, not being able to invent or buy for themselves a genuine good conscience, seek help and refuge in self-incrimination so as to relieve the artificial, miserable and painful poor conscience with which they have been encumbered by the ideological alienation of imperialism. In an ideologically dominated social group, the ideology of the illusion does virtually lack any limitation. The more dominated it is, the much more it strays away from the ideology of the reality to take refuge in the artificial paradises that it itself demands, and that its internal and external suppliers provide for it. Among the Basque People, this is – along with corruption – the fundamental function of the liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites: Ea-Ehbildu-Sortu-Geroa bai etc. during the régime of the Second Francoism.

General Franco: the criminal, cruel, bloody and vengeful tyrant, did effectively correspond to the conditions of the Spanish people after the victory of the international Fascism, and to the need to block the way for all economic and cultural capacity, and for all critical and creative force capable of generating political and ideological resistances: mainly in the Peoples and States subjugated by the Spanish imperialism. Without which his régime: established through his military victory with the decisive help of the Axis Powers, would not have been able to remain, last and adapt itself, as it has done, once the winning Allies took over from the defeated and “enemy Nations”. However, the Allies, in view of the social-political Spanish reality, decided to keep it, thus betraying all the principles that they had put forward to justify their own war and victory.

The Francoism has never been defeated by anyone; the Francoist régime has never undergone collapse, demolition, rupture, substitution or succession, and it remains to this day after the operation of its intra-totalitarian transition to the Second Francoism, consisting in the continuity of the régime through the intact maintenance of its institutions and above all of its unitary State of imperialistic domination over the subjugated Peoples, established as a consequence of its victory in the war and never called into questioned since then. As a consequence of this operation of ideological-political fraud, and of recuperation-corruption of the bureaucracies of the non-existent Spanish National-Socialist and National-Communist “opposition”, the Francoist régime became “democratic” overnight, counting on the complicity and integration of that National-imperialistic “opposition” into the régime of Second Francoism. The operation would not have been possible without the betrayal of the alleged “official Basque political class”, formed by the mafia-liquidationist bureaucracy Pnv-Eta and its satellites, which did openly and officially support that hoax as “democracy” from 1977-79, and continues to sustain it up to the present day.

(See Chapter VII: ‘Consolidation of the Francoism: the Spanish intra-totalitarian transition, of our general text ‘EUSKAL HERRIA AND THE KINGDOM OF NABARRE, AGAINST FRENCH-SPANISH IMPERIALISM.)

The traditional secretiveness of the despotic Governments – and of their indigenous collaborators and accomplices – is being but reinforced in a world in which the political functions are being increasingly performed bysecret procedures and Services, and where the formal policy does more and more conceal the real policy. In matters of information secretiveness, secret diplomacy and bureaucratic degeneration, what is true when is said referred to despotism in general, is true even to a greater degree when referred to the Basque bureaucratism of the exile and to its subsequent armed and unarmed institutionalism, due to their own distancing of the real power; which does on the contrary put always conditions and limits to the ruling political class. What they call “discretion” is vital to them, because the mere public information about their imaginary “peace negotiations” etc. would immediately put on public evidence that there are no such negotiations.

The French-Spanish totalitarian régime is at the same time too strong and too weak to withstand the contradiction from anyone. Because of that, knowledge, science, culture, education, information and communication: administratively directed and repressed, are resolved and dissolved into ideological conditioning, propaganda and psychological intoxication, at the service of the purposes of the de facto power. All of its “cultural” contribution is subordinated to the ideological promotion of Fascism and imperialistic Nationalism of Francespain. They are thus made possible: annihilation of the logical and critical sense, ruin of the historical memory and of the collective conscience of Peoples, dogmatism and obscurantism, recuperation, confusion and perversion of language and ideas, brainwashing and indoctrination of masses, falsification of history and mystification of sociology, policy and las, prejudices, myths, illusions and dogmas established apart from all reality and all rationality, but inherent to the French-Spanish imperialistic ideology and inseparable from the economic-political relationships, options and interests that underpin it.

The ideological and political totalitarianism does necessarily produce generalized under-development, paralysis and reaction. Where the freedom of thought, criticism and communication does not exist for the political issues, it cannot be developed for the whole of the economic or cultural production either. Consubstantial with all tyranny: from Asiatic despotism up to modern totalitarianism, the diverse procedures and mechanisms of repression, censorship, submission, obscurantism, dirigisme, academism, formalism, intellectual imposture, fraud and falsification in general, do block the way to the creation, evolution and diffusion of progressive ideas. General underdevelopment entails, in its turn, ideological and political backlash.

In fact all branches of knowledge – whether vulgar, scientific or philosophical – in human or natural sciences, applied rules, political and juridical theory, sociology, history, economics, anthropology, ethnology, linguistics, biology, medicine, physics, chemistry, astronomy, general and formal logic, or exact sciences, suffer the consequences of the totalitarian pressure and repression. In the very diverse form and measure that the said branches of knowledge suffer those consequences, they have the same reliability than the official doctrine and propaganda that inform them. Only the tough demands imposed by production or confrontation – whether commercial or armed, cold or hot – put limits to the “scientific” drift of the totalitarianism. The performance of the “Aryan mathematics”, the “socialist biology”, or the “proletarian linguistics” is deficient enough as to claim that the ideological inconsistencies and concessions – painful and forced as they are – present in such totalitarian systems can be justified.

The concealment and falsification of sociological and historical data is the basis of the totalitarian ideology. The fascist propaganda denies, modifies or falsifies all the principles and all the formal concepts that do not fit with the interests of imperialism. These ones are adopted or rejected according to whether they correspond or not to the permanent or cyclical interest of the imperialistic Nationalism.

“A man who tries to adapt the science to a position not derived from its self – albeit incorrect – interest but to external, foreign and strange interests, I call him miserable.” “Science itself has lost its serene impartiality; its servers, exasperated to the highest degree, take from it its weapons in order to be able to contribute, in their turn, to crush the enemy. The anthropologist tries to prove that the opponent belongs to an inferior and degenerate race; the psychiatrist diagnoses psychological and psychic disturbances in him.”

Because if it is accepted that aggression and conquest are and create the law, then it’s quite logical to make derive also from them the right to cheat, deceive and intoxicate the persons and Peoples dominated by imperialism, about the dire and odious origin and consequences of such procedures. As will be shown in the next chapter, in every totalitarian system (inherent in imperialism and fascism), the social sciences and even the morality are subordinated to the dominant ideology, established by the political power by means of its monopolies of criminal Violence and propaganda. The modern monopoly of ideological conditioning of masses, an annex to the monopoly of Violence, allows to conceal what the slightest freedom of criticism would put in evidence. Indeed, the shameless combination of stupidity, cynicism and hypocrisy, which characterizes the imperialistic and fascist ideology, does allow all adaptations.

Nothing can do the truth, the common sense, the rationality and the scientific spirit in totalitarian States where the Governments do overtly attribute themselves supreme and reserved competencies that are alien to them. A political régime that aims to decide and impose its decisions in matters of science, morals, art, culture or religion, is already a totalitarian régime. (The political power: whatever it may be, is not competent in scientific matters as well as in questions of morality, art, culture or religion. Its only competence lies on its own and specific means of action, that is: violence. However, once this undisputed competence has been established, this allows next a totalitarian régime to attribute itself all competencies: an attribution implied in the actually or virtually unlimited extension of its area of domination, as so many examples of totalitarianism have revealed throughout history.)

In imperialistic and totalitarian States such as the Spanish or the French one: where ministries of culture and constitutional and supreme judges “elucidate”, decide, rule, finance and impose “the truth” in cultural and scientific issues; and where the history, sociology, economics or linguistics are authoritatively established, the populations that endure them cannot be under any illusions about the results of all this.

For the subjugated persons and Peoples, the truth is the way: long, hazardous and full of risks, that does – sometimes – lead to freedom and that equally does come from it. Yet, in a world like ours, telling the truth is an inadvisable activity that exposes its reckless or unconscious actors to the worst reactions of the “public” opinion and powers. As far as truth is concerned, he who here wants to “live well”, or at least to live in peace, has every reason in learning to keep one’s trap shut. Most of the population has long ago understood it so. “The truth shall set you free”, said the Nazarene; but the lie and the destruction of reason do also “free” their own servants: agents of the established totalitarian, imperialistic and fascist power, whom it offers the rich diversity of its all-powerful will.

Insofar as democracy implies freedom of thought, of criticism and research, the logical coherence, the terminological and conceptual univocity, the semantic parity and methodological stability are conditions for the access to truth and knowledge. Instead, for imperialism and fascism they are insurmountable obstacles to be destroyed, because their agents cannot dominate ideologically the Peoples without falsifying, recuperating and confusing the concepts and terms. That form of ideology needs the prior stultification of its patients by means of the modern propaganda monopolies; now then, if this condition is missing, the reaction can be dangerous for the pretentious fascist agents.

Defamation and lying, as means of discrediting, dishonouring and delegitimizing the political enemy, do not characterize modern imperialism and fascism, and are as old as despotism, war and oppression among humans. The Ancient Empires, the Crusades, the Spanish Asiatic Despotism, the French Imperialism and Absolutism, the Communism and the Fascism sought by all means the ideological ruin of their adversaries. The enemy was always the “evil”; but even so, the evil and its agents were recognized with relatively distinct and stable characteristics, identity and determinations. Carthaginians and Romans, Christians and Muslims, Catholics and Heretics, colonizers and colonized, democrats and fascists, capitalists, anarchists and communists did fight each other while mutually recognizing themselves at least as such, and without trying to falsify their reality. What in this connection makes different the modern despotism and totalitarianism from their illustrious predecessors is the functionality – increasingly more direct and arbitrary – of its deceitful ideological conditioning; the unprecedented inversion, falsification, irrationality, confusion and accumulation of accusations, concepts and terms.

For the new dominant imperialistic-totalitarian ideology, the terms, concepts and qualifications do not mean or imply anything precise, fixed or determined, and may thereby be applied to everything that is the best for its interests. The most virulent strength-ideas of the new hegemonic world “order”, namely: “violence” and “terrorism”, are currently as formally undefined and undefinable as ideologically profitable; and their career is as unpredictable as the political reality that has rigged them. Any destruction of the theoretical field, which makes it possible to prevent the stable and totalizing perception of social relations under imperialism: imposed and maintained by its criminal Violence, is the proper objective of the enterprise of totalitarian ideological-political conditioning; is a constant in imperialistic and fascist propaganda.

Insidious perversion, equivocity, ambiguity, distortion, confusion, substitution, decomposition, falsification and recuperation of the cardinal terms and concepts of sociology and policy, are constantly and systematically cultivated and exploited by the ideologists of imperialism and fascism, in order to achieve the ideological intoxication of the subjugated Peoples. Those tricks: equipped with even more devastating effects than the mere destruction of those terms and concepts, seek to isolate, preserve and recuperate the ideological, affective and emotional content – whether positive or negative, as the case may be – of them; which, transferred to ideas and meanings that are partially or totally different and even contrary, allows those ideologists to deceive, disorient, condition and mislead the weakest social groups. Such deceptions are designed so as to cover, justify and enhance the ends and means of imperialism and fascism; and to confuse, disqualify and destroy all rational ideology and all democratic opposition.

(From: ‘Violence and Terrorism.- Their ideological mystification at the service of Imperialism’.)


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